
Self-motivation is a great way for doing things better in life. Exercising not only helps you to stay fit, but also freshens up your body from within. Despite being aware of the benefits of exercise, people fail to put it in their lives, because their motivation is very limited.

An optimistic attitude will not only help you to try continuously, but also make sure you fight all possible difficulties easily. On the other hand, a pessimistic attitude will show you only the bad in what you want to do, stopping your will to try at the very beginning.

To be determined about something takes a lot of courage. It’s very easy to give up and everyone can do it. To continuously keep at it, putting in the same efforts all the time, takes courage. Be determined to lose weight. Tell yourself you have to do it.

If your role model has been in your mind, then you are very likely to follow him or her. So why not follow the path by which they have got an envious figure?

Always feel good about where you work out. This way you will be regular with your workout schedule, gradually noticing the positive effects it has on you. This makes sure that you think your surroundings positively in your mind and that your probability of visiting it increases.

Every time you lose a decided number of pounds, congratulate yourself, relax your muscles or shop for relaxation.

If you have a fast-paced lifestyle, you won’t even realize when time flies by. By exercising regularly, you’re adding more years to your life. A long life is the best motivation, isn’t it?

Apart from all these things, you must set a goal and encourage all your energy towards achieving it. Last but not least, it’s very important that you enjoy what you are doing, whether it’s working out at the gym, or practicing yoga at home.

Title: How to motivate yourself to 【1】_______


People can’t insist on exercising in their lives because they don’t have _【2】______ motivation.


●When you have an optimistic attitude, you can try continuously and have no difficulty 【3】____ all possible difficulties.

●To lose weight, you should put in the same efforts all the time and _【4】____ at it with courage.

●Choose a person who has got a perfect figure as your 【5】_____ and follow their path to exercise.

●Feeling good about where you work out has some 【6】_____ effects on you.

●Once you have _【7】____ a certain number of pounds, you’d better congratulate yourself.

●For a long term, exercising regularly 【8】______ that you’re adding more years to your life.

● _【9】___ a goal is helpful for encouraging all your energy towards achieving it.


Since exercise has so many _【10】___, you’d better enjoy what you are doing, whether it’s working out at the gym, or practicing yoga at home.


Green: More Than Just a Color

Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. 【1】

Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished.

2 A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. 3 The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

4 The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play “Othello”.

In most places in the world, a green light is a sign to move ahead. 5 In everyday speech, a green light means approval to continue with a project. We want you to know we have a green light to continue this series next week.

A. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation.

B. Green is also the color used to describe the powerful emotion, jealousy.

C. Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb.

D. A green light o a traffic signal means your car can continue on.

E. The new plants produced much larger crops.

F. It is also the color of most growing plants.

G.About one hundred years ago, having a green thumb was a popular expression in the American west.

【题目】 Alzheimer's disease(老年痴呆症)affects millions of people around the world. American researchers say the disease will affect more than one hundred million people worldwide by the year twenty fifty. That would be four times the current number. Researchers and doctors have been studying Alzheimer's patients for a century. Yet the cause and the cure for the mental sickness are still unknown. However, some researchers have made important steps towards understanding it.

Several early signs of the disease involve memory and thought processes. At first, patients have trouble remembering little things. Later, they have trouble remembering more important things, such as the names of their children.

There are also some physical tests that might show who is at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The tests look for proteins in brain and spinal cord(脊髓) fluid. The proteins appear to be found only in people with the disease. The protein tests correctly identify the presence of the disease in about ninety percent of patients.

Now, a much simpler physical test to predict Alzheimer's risk has been developed. Researchers found that trouble with the sense of smell can be one of the first signs of Alzheimer's. Using this information, they developed a test in which people were asked to identify twelve familiar smells. These smells included cinnamon, black pepper, chocolate, paint thinner, and smoke.

The study continued for five years. During this period, the same people were asked to take several tests measuring their memory and thought abilities. Fifty percent of those who could not identify at least four of the smells in the first test had trouble with their memory and thinking in the next five years.

Another study has shown a possible way to reduce a person's chances of developing Alzheimer's disease in old age. Researchers in Chicago found that people who use their brains more often are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Those who read a newspaper, or play chess or word games are about three times less likely to develop the condition.

Researchers say they still do not know what causes Alzheimer's disease. But they say these findings might help prevent the disease in the future.

【1】 Whats the main idea of the passage?

A. Some early signs of the Alzheimer's disease.

B. Some physical tests about Alzheimer's disease.

C. The research about Alzheimer's disease.

D. The patients of Alzheimer's disease.

【2】Whats the current number of Alzheimers patients?

A. 100 million B. 25 million

C. 400 million D. 2050 million

【3】What is not the early signs of the Alzheimer's disease according to the passage?

A. Poor memory

B. Proteins exist in the brain.

C. Trouble with the sense of smell.

D. Less use of the brain.

【4】What does the underlined word it in paragraph 1 refer to?

A. Alzheimer's disease. B. Alzheimer's patients.

C. The cause and the cure. D. The research.

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