
A. It’s good to wear a smile often.

B. It’s not wise to try too hard.

C. You should have faith in yourself.

D. You should develop other interests.

E. You’d better know your own character first.

F. You may not know that boys are just people too.

How to Stop Being Boy Shy

Shyness and feelings of insecurity towards the opposite sex are normal. It is part of growing up. Sometimes, adults even experience the same issues. If you’re a young girl and you find that you’re shy around boys, you’re not alone. However, it doesn’t mean that you always have to be that way.

There are things you can do to start overcoming your shyness. Here are approaches you can take to stop being boy shy.

1】_______________You need to develop your self-confidence and self-respect. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself every morning that you’re a good person and you have a lot of great qualities. Give yourself a mental pep talk (鼓舞士气的讲话) so you can start believing that boys and other girls will like you for who you are. It doesn’t matter if you are not beautiful, have low grades or still have baby fat. If you want other people to start liking you, you need to like and accept yourself first.

2】_______________ Boys of your age are going through the same thing you are, so they also have feelings of insecurity and uncertainty. The boy may be shy too! The difference is that boys tend to cover up their shyness and insecurity by being more loud or lively. If you start thinking that you’re all really the same at heart, you’ll find that boys will be much more approachable.

3】_______________If you would like to start winning friends and make an impression that you are approachable, smile when you make eye contact with someone. It’s a signal to the world that you are friendly and are open. When you smile at someone, the boy know that you are accepting him.

4】_______________ When you’re trying to get over your shyness around boys, don’t go the other extreme and behave shamelessly. Just be yourself and don’t be something or someone you’re not. Don’t agree to things in the conversation just to make him like you. Express your own opinions. Be original. You also don’t need to dress in a strange manner to attract their attention.

5】_______________ There are many things to develop your self-respect and make you feel good about yourself. If you want to stop being boy shy or get over your shyness in general, then you need to develop yourself. Find things that interest you and explore it. If you love music, take singing classes or join the choir (合唱队). If you love art, start painting. Don’t make your life move around boys because there are so many other things you should be focusing on. It’s OK to work on your shyness, but it’s shouldn’t be your goal in life to get a boyfriend.

It’s up to you to get over your shyness around boys. Relax and take a deep breath so you know you look your best. Smile and be approachable so you don’t have to be boy shy anymore.

【题目】When my friends went to college in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life.My spirit sank.Surrounded by strange classmates, I felt like I was in a maze and was sorry about myself.There were some complex feelings in my minds.I was frightened, nervous and lonely.

To make matters worse, I recalled my failure again and again, which put more pressure on me than I could bear.As a result, I was always feeling down during class time.

My teacher found me spiritless.One day he asked me to come to his office and told me about his attitude towards life: we might suffer from mistakes, but it’s important to learn lessons from them.All the pains and the embarrassing things we experience are part of the process.So keep up your spirit! At last, he added, “If you are optimistic, things you want may happen to you!”

Warmth rushed through my soul.I suddenly found the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office.

With the teacher’s help, I eventually got over my depression.From then on, I no longer bowed my head and began smiling to my classmates.I would put up my hand confidently in class and play with my new friends in my spare time.Meanwhile, I was gradually embraced by my classmates.

Now faced with fierce competition, we all study hard because we know that every second counts.Moreover, there is an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between us.I love my class; I love my classmates!

To be frank, I still have a thirst for my dream university, but I’m not afraid of failure because I can profit by it.With parents and teachers’ encouragement, I’m quite certain of my success and I’m sure I can fly high.

【1】 Why was the writer in low spirits at the beginning? (No more than 10 words)


【2】What did the teacher expect the writer to do? (No more than 10 words)


【3】What is the main idea of Paragraph 5? (No more than 15 words)


【4】 The underlined word “embraced” in paragraph 5 means ______.(No more than 5 words)


【5】 What does the writer think of failure now? (No more than 10 words)


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