
【题目】______, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

A. However the novel is amusing

B No matter amusing the novel is

C. However amusing the novel is

D. No matter how the novel is amusing



试题分析:考查状语从句。本句考查however引导的让步性定语从句,however或no matter how后需直接接形容词或副词,故选择C。句意为:虽然这本小说很有意思,但这周我不得不把它放在一边,专注于学习。


【题目】Teenagers at one German school are learning how to achieve happiness alongside subjects like maths and languages.

The class sit in a circle with their eyes shut and count from one to ten: one begins, the next voice comes from the far right, a third from the other side. The aim is to listen for an opportunity to shout the number without clashing(冲突) with another voice or leaving a pause. On the first try, most of the young Germans try to be first, while a few are too shy to join in. But by the fifth round, they develop a rhythm.

The message: giving other people space but also confidently claiming your own space is a requirement for social well-being.

While the game suggests a soft course for the less bright, the school says it is trying to make it affect even clever pupils. The Willy Hellpach School is the first in the nation to develop a happiness course, intended for 17-19-year-olds preparing for university-entrance exams. “The course isn’t there to make you happy,” Ernst Fritz-Schubert, the school principal, warned the pupils who were taking the course, “but rather to help you discover the ways to become happy.” Cooking a meal together will be one of the class exercises, along with improving body language under the guidance of two professional actresses.

“In the first period, we had to each say something positive about another member of the class and about ourselves. No laughing at people or teasing,” said Fanny, 17.

The message: self-esteem(自尊) improves happiness too.

The course is taught for three periods a week and will be graded as a part of overall assessment. Despite the happy subject, the pupils themselves insist it is no laughing matter. Max, 18, says he is happy when he finds people who share his interests. Janina, 18, says she needs to be fit to feel happy.

“We want to show how proper food or exercise can help in becoming happy,” the principal said. He hopes other schools in Germany will copy the idea. The school has attracted national interest since it announced its new course.

【1】What would be the best title of this passage?

A. Basic Things for Happiness.

B. Tips to Be Happy.

C. Learning How to Be Happy.

D. Laughing a Lot at School.

2Why is the happiness course compared with maths and languages?

A. It has been developed as a school subject.

B. It is more important than traditional courses.

C. It is part of the research.

D. It arouses the students’ interest.

3Who are expected to take the course at the school?

A. First year students.

B. All the students.

C. Students with mental problems.

D. Students who are going to graduate.

4Which of the following is NOT true about the happiness classes?

A. Students learn through playing games.

B. Cooking a meal together is a class activity.

C. Students are only made to be happy.

D. Students say positive things about each other.

【题目】Blood is important to support our lives. But for now, the only way we can get more of it is through donation. And donated blood has its own problems. First of all, certain blood types are extremely rare. Type O negative blood (O-), for example, only 【1】(exist) in 7 percent of people, according to Sunday Times. There are fewer 【2】(donate) and therefore there isn’t enough of this type of blood for everybody who needs it. In addition, donated blood comes from various people, which means that it has to 【3】 (examine) carefully for diseases such as HIV to make sure that it’s safe for transfusion(输血).

This is__【4】 scientists all over the world have been trying to make blood in labs. And now, someone finally succeeded—Marc Turner at the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service has produced blood fit for transfusion, reported Forbes. Different from many ____【5】 scientists, who have tried to make blood by mixing up different ingredients together, Turner chose to grow blood 【6】(direct) from human stem cells. He developed 【7】 special technique to create a chemical environment similar to that in our bone marrow (骨髓). This environment encourages stem cells to develop fully 【8】 red blood cell.

According to Turner, his artificial blood is 【9】 (likely) to contain disease viruses or produce side effects. And the best part is that 【10】 he managed to produce was type O- blood. Not only is it a rare blood type, it’s also a universal type, which means it can be transfused into any patient.

【题目】The chimp didn’t feel well. She fell over, ignoring the other wild chimps. Finally, the sick chimp crawled over to a bush, picked some leaves and swallowed them. By the next afternoon, the chimp was as good as new!

Biologists watching the chimp were surprised. Somehow, the plant had cured the chimp! Did the chimp know the plant would make her feel better? Or was it just a lucky accident?

Many scientists don’t think it has anything to do with luck. They’re discovering that some animals seem to use plants to cure themselves. And these animals are leading scientists to new plants that could cure humans!

Dr. Richard Wrangham, an anthropologist at Harvard University, agrees that animals may know something we don’t know about forest plants.

Wrangham got to know chimps and their diets while studying them for three years in Tanzania. “You must know a lot about an animal’s feeding habits to know what it doesn’t consider food,” Wrangham explains. Every morning, he saw that most chimps ate fruit near their nests. Later on, they ate on leaves.

When he noticed chimps eating the leaves of a plant they usually ignored, Wrangham thought something interesting was going on---especially when he saw that they’d sometimes walk for 20 minutes to find the plant. Another strange thing that caught his eye was how they ate the bitter leaves.

“They swallowed the leaves whole,” explains Wrangham, noting that chimps usually chew their food well. “They seemed to rub(摩擦)the leaves around the roofs of their mouths. They closed their eyes, wrinkled their noses and swallowed slowly.

Wrangham wondered what could be so good about something tasting so bad. He had a chemist analyze the leaves. He discovered that the leaves contain a red oil that kills different viruses(病毒). Later tests showed that the oil might even fight cancer and the AIDS virus!

Why don’t the chimps chew the leaves? “Rubbing the leaves between the tongue and the inside of the mouth might allow the chemicals to enter the bloodstream directly,” he suggests, “instead of going to the stomach, where they might get destroyed by acids. The chimps seem to know what they’re doing.”

【1We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. chemicals in plants help cure animals

B. chimps cure themselves by chewing plants

C. scientists live with chimps to study their diets

D. Dr. Wrangham knows a lot about forest plants

2How can Dr. Wrangham tell which plants are medicine for chimps?

A. By talking with the biologists.

B. By analyzing the chimps’ favorite food.

C. By studying the chimps’ feeding habits.

D. By comparing other scientists’ discoveries.

3The author wrote the passage to ___________.

A. present a finding B. test a theory

C. provide a solution D. describe an experiment

4What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Forest plants. B. Animal doctors.

C. Chimp’s diets. D. A cure for cancer.


How early must a student begin preparing for an international education? Lisa Jain, the representative of The College Board in India showed her idea here clearly.

Many students who want to study abroad believe they need to start planning for it only in Grade12. What they don’t realize is the amount of time, thought, and effort it requires. That is why a student should begin the ground work in Grade 10 in order to gain a clear understanding of what the college application process requires and to be prepared to deal with the pressures that will follow.

Focus on school grades and marks. It is important to try your best to perform well in academics throughout high school and not just in Grade 12.

Start gaining experience. Get involved in a small number of activities over a long period of time, such as a sport, the arts, writing, research, community work, etc, through which you create impact in the activity, climb to a leadership position, grow as a person and develop skills. Picking something in Grade 12 and claiming it’s your passion won’t work.

Begin research. Which country do you want to apply to colleges in? What do you want to study at college? Researching early and start reflecting on what you’d enjoy learning will make the college and major selection process less overwhelming in Grade 12.

All your efforts in Grade 10-11 will help ease your burden in Grade 12. If you do everything at the right time, you will find the process enjoyable and realize there is hardly a reason to stress. Just remember: The early birds catch the worms!


1. 用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 用约120个词就“The early birds catch the worms.”谈谈你的想法,内容包括:

(1)你如何理解“The early birds catch the worms.”这一谚语?


(3)如何才能成为“the early birds”?


1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。

2. 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。



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