【题目】 Most American students go to traditional public schools. There are about 88,000 public schools all over the US. Some students attend about 3,000 independent public schools called charter schools.

Charter schools are self-governing. Private companies operate some charter schools. They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools. They receive tax just as other public schools do. Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning. These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.

Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public schools. Local,state or federal governments cannot tell them what to teach. Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them. Class size is usually smaller than in traditional public schools.

Governments strongly support charter schools as a way to reorganize public schools that are failing to educate students. But some education agencies and unions oppose charter schools. One teachers' union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of students in traditional schools and charter schools.

The American Federation of Teachers criticized the government's delay in releasing the results of the study,which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Union education experts say the study shows that charter school students performed worse in math and reading tests than students in regular public schools.

Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because students in those schools have more problems than students in traditional schools. Other education experts say the study results should make charter school officials demand more student progress.

【1】If a private company wants to operate a charter school,it must ________.

A.try new methods of teaching

B.prove its management ability

C.obey all local and state laws

D.get the government's permission

【2】Charter schools are independent because ________.

A.they make greater progress

B.their class size is smaller

C.they enjoy more freedom

D.they oppose traditional ways

【3】What's the governments' attitude toward charter schools?





【4】What can we learn from the text?

A.More students choose to attend charter schools.

B.Charter schools are better than traditional schools.

C.Students in charter schools are well educated.

D.People have different opinions about charter schools.

【5】It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A.charter schools are part of the public education system

B.one-on-one attention should be paid to students

C.the number of charter schools will be limited

D.charter schools are all privately financed

【题目】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

【1】 Half a minute? A few seconds?

Google engineers have discovered that even 400 milliseconds-as short as the blink of an eye-is too long for most Internet users.

A millisecond is one thousandth of a second. People hardly notice such a small time difference, but it does cause them to stop searching, reported The New York Times.

Nowadays, millions of smart-phones and computers are constantly gathering and sending out information. 2 you can get digital "traffic jams". Meanwhile, users are expecting faster and faster service.

Google found that if one website is 250 milliseconds slower than another website ,then people will visit it less often. 3 Google said people do expect different things from different websites because they realize not all loading times are the same. For example ,a person will be more patient waiting for a video clip to load than for a search result.

Even so, four out of five online users will click away if a video takes too long to load. This makes “difficult for video websites to choose between the quality of pictures and fast loading times.

Pursuing a higher speed has always been part of the history of the Internet.

In the 1990s,when the World Wide Web first started to become popular, 4 people called it the "World Wide Wait". But engineers managed to fight the problem with new inventions. They laid a lot of fiber optic cables for high-speed transmissions , they improved software so it would work more smoothly; they placed computer servers all around the world to be nearer to users; all this increased speed.

Nowadays we can enjoy much faster Internet ._ 5 But they will need to keep fighting to keep up with the developing demands of internet users.

A. internet is becoming faster and faster.

B. With so many people downloading maps, sports videos, news and restaurant recommendations,

C. Major search engines such as Google and Microsoft's Bing usually find search results in less than a second.

D. We can not expect a faster speed about the internet.

E. This is why technology companies are now competing to be the fastest.

F. How long are you willing to wait for a webpage to open before you start to lose your patience?

G it was very crowded and slow;

【题目】 Just 25 years ago,the top three career hopes for young people in Britain were teacher,banker and doctor. Now,they want to be sports star,pop star and actor,according to a survey by the Guardian newspaper.

Rachel,a character in the popular TV show Glee,may be said to speak for British teenagers. “Nowadays being nobody is worse than being poor,” he said.

Emma Brockes,a reporter from Guardian,believes it is “the bad influence of celebrity(名人) culture” that is to blame. “When children wanted to be doctor,it wasn't because they were really more interested in the functions of human organs than they are now;you go where the respect is,”she wrote.

It could explain why there has been such an increase in levels of anxiety and depression. Dr. Carlo Strenger,of Tel Aviv University,studied the sense of self for his new book The Fear of Insignificance:Searching for Meaning in the 21st Century. He told Daily Mail that young people now are affected by the close connection to the global entertainment network,which has turned ranking and rating people according to wealth and celebrity into an obsession(痴迷).

“As humans,we naturally measure ourselves against those around us,but now we live in a global village. We are comparing ourselves with the most ‘important’ people in the world and finding ourselves wanting,” he said. Today,even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media.

The way out?Simply stop measuring your achievements through a fantasy of wealth and celebrity. Dr. Strenger said that it is a process called “active self-acceptance through a constant search for self-knowledge through life”.

“The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievements,” he said.

【1】Nowadays,young people in Britain want to ________.

A.choose jobs based on interests

B.become famous

C.be teacher,banker or doctor

D.earn more money

【2】According to Emma Brockes,what causes the increasing level of anxiety?

A.The choice of future career.

B.The access to the global network.

C.The bad influence of celebrities.

D.The endless comparison with others.

【3】Which of the following is true of Dr. Carlo Strenger?

A.He is a newspaper reporter.

B.He is a spokesman of teenagers.

C.He tells success stories on TV.

D.He is against ranking people by wealth.

【4】Dr. Carlo Strenger suggests that young people should ______.

A.seek active self-acceptance

B.stick to their own dreams

C.make great achievements

D.search for the secret of wealth

【5】The text is mainly written to ________.

A.talk about job choices

B.analyze a social phenomenon

C.encourage celebrity culture

D.introduce three famous people


When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter,he did not expect much. Yet right from the start,eight years ago,there was an uncommon connection between him and the small black cat. He ____her Inky.

“I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats ____ playmates,” Kruger,the seventy-year-old man,says. “My hearing was damaged by the ____ of farm equipment,so I learned to connect with ____.They react to what they see and what you do.”

Inky was a gentle cat,___ the house with five other cats. But on a January night in 2009,Inky did ____ that would set her apart from ____ cats forever.

Kruger had gone down to the basement to ____ the wood stove for the night. When he was finished,he ____ to the top of the stairs and reached to turn off the lights. In doing so,he slipped and ____ his back against an old shelf. The heavy shelf came crashing down and sent Kruger down the stairs.

____ in a pool of blood on the basement floor,Kruger felt ____ going into shock(休克).He shouted for help,___ his wife,Brenda,was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house.____ Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs.

“Go get Brenda,” Kruger said to Inky.

Inky ____ to the bedroom door and scratched ____ until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the ____.Brenda found her husband ____ the stairs and called 911.Kruger was rushed to the hospital. “I spent six months ___ there,” says Kruger. “Although I became lame,I was blessed.” Since the accident,Inky has ____ left Kruger's side.

【1】A. gave B.chose C.named D.remembered

【2】A. like B.as C.except D.among

【3】A. sound B.alarm C.noise D.voice

【4】A. animals B.friends C.farmers D.neighbors

【5】A. sharing B.visiting C. dividing D.discovering

【6】A. anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

【7】A. familiar B.lovely C.ordinary D.outstanding

【8】A. shut out B.shut off C.shut down D.shut up

【9】A. marched B.flew C.struggled D.climbed

【10】A. bent B.hit C.shook D.pulled

【11】A. Falling B.Lying C.Appearing D.Thinking

【12】A. it B.itself C.him D.himself

【13】A. and B.but C.or D.so

【14】A. Thus B.Otherwise C.Then D.Rather

【15】A. walked B.ran C.returned D.withdrew

【16】A. rapidly B.suddenly C.madly D.urgently

【17】A. bedroom B.basement C.yard D.house

【18】A. at the bottom of B.in the middle of

C.at the top of D.in the front of

【19】A. regretting B.resting C.relaxing D.recovering

【20】A. never B.ever C.still D.already

【题目】Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend. 【1】. But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

1. Associate with others.

The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

2. Start a conversation.

Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. 2 . You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.

3. 3 .

Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

4. Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. 4 . The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

5. Enjoy your friendship.

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. 5 Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A. Be cheerful.

B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

E. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.

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