3.AIDS researchers say they still have much work to do on a vaccine (疫苗)against HIV.But the first reports of some success have raised hopes.(33)C 
The study was designed to test for two abilities.One was the ability of the vaccine to prevent HIV infections.The other was its ability to reduce the amount of virus in the blood of people who became infected during the study.
Volunteers received vaccinations over a period of six months and were tested for HIV for an additional three years.The study began in 2003.It was the largest AIDS vaccine trial yet.(34)F    Half received the vaccine.The other half received a placeho,an inactive substance (物质).The volunteers did not know which they were getting.
Seventy-four people in the placeho group became infected during the study.(35)D  Doctor Supachai Rerks-Ngarm,who led the study for the Thai Ministry of Public Health,called it a scientific breakthrough.
The National Institutes of Health also took part.Doctor Anthony Fauci at NIH called the findings an important step forward.(36)G But he also said additional research was needed to better understand how the vaccine reduced the risk in those individuals.
The vaccine did not lower the amount of virus in the blood of volunteers who became infected during the study.The study was based on versions of HIV commonly found in Thailand.The volunteers received a combination of two vaccines.(37)A  The second,or booster,vaccine was developed by VaxGen.The nonprofit group Global Solution for Infectious Diseases now has rights to it.
Neither vaccine had been successful by itself when tested earlier.More detailed results of the study are expected to be presented at an AIDS vaccine conference in Paris next month.

A.The first,or prime,vaccine came from the Sanofi Pasteur company.
B.The AIDS vaccine raises hopes for those who get infected and will defeat the disease thoroughly.
C.Scientists say an experimental vaccine reduced the risk of infection in humans by thirsty-one percent and was safe.
D.The researchers say that was compared with only fifty-one of those who received the vaccine.
E.AIDS is a very serious phenomenon in Thailand.
F.It involved more than sixteen thousand adults in Thailand.
G.He said it represented the first time an investigational HIV vaccine had shown some ability to prevent infection.
2.Our nonprofit organization had just received a large donation of clothing.As three of us walked home for dinner,we saw a woman begging by the bridge.She was old and had no legs.She shivered in her thin sari(纱巾),which offered little protection from the cold wind.Her hunger forced her to beg.My friends and I looked at each other:here was a perfect opportunity,but first it was necessary to do a little bit of research.
We went up to the woman to hear her story.She spoke very little due to her poor health and fear,but we learned enough.She lived alone in her small home.She had no one to look after her and ate whatever people gave her.The desire to help her grew stronger.After speaking to her,we headed back to get something to keep her warm.Finding the perfect sweater,we set out again to see the woman.This time,the fear was replaced by distrust as we presented her with the sweater.
"Are you robbers?"she asked."You came here before and are back so suddenly with clothes."I was surprised by her principles.Even in her state,she did not want to wear anything that was stolen and gained through ill means.
"No,we are out doing service work."Her shoulders relaxed a bit.I then helped her put the sweater on and said,"Please don't sell the sweater.""I swear,I won't,"she said.
A week later,I was out walking with my mother to get some food when I saw the woman again.This time the picture was a little different.She was still begging,but with the gray sweater wrapped around her body and a smile on her face when she saw us.I guarantee that the smile on my face was bigger.

28.What can we learn from the first paragraph?D
A.The organization had too many clothes.
B.The writer offered help without hesitation.
C.The woman wanted to make a fortune by begging.
D.The writer was careful before offering help to the beggar.
29.What do the underlined words"her principles"in the third paragraph refer to?C
A.She never trusted strangers.
B.She never accepted donations from the poor.
C.She wouldn't accept anything gained illegally.
D.She wouldn't take advantage of others'kindness.
30.What contributed to their smiles at last?A
A.Kindness and trust.
B.Caution and fear.
C.Doubt and distrust.
D.Optimism and generosity.
31.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.Trusting the Beggars
B.A Beggar's Morality
C.The Sweater to a Beggar
D.Learning to Judge a Real Beggar.
1.On August 16,1977,Elvis Presley saved me.
The previous afternoon,I played with my six-year-old peers in Heather Peters'backyard.I was enjoying my cake,when Heather asked me where my sleeping bag was.Only then did I know this party was a sleepover.The word"sleep-over"to a six-year-old bed-wetter is like what"cancer"means to an adult.But what if I told them I was a bed-wetter?At least with cancer,people gather at your bedside instead of running from it.
I thought of a way to escape.I would explain that I needed my mother's permission to spend the nights.But as I called my Mom,Heather stood beside me to listen.She granted permission!Then I would be sleeping in the same living room as the other girls.I didn't bring my own pajamas (睡衣),so Mrs.Peters offered me Heather's pajamas.
As the other girls drifted into their sweet dreams,I tried to stay awake."Do I need to go again?I'll stay up to go one more time."Of course,I finally fell asleep.
The next morning,I was the first to wake up.I was warm!I lay in panic for what seemed like hours before the other girls started to wake up.I did the only thing I could do---I pretended that the bed-wetting didn't happen.I got up,took off Heather's pajamas and changed into my clothes like the other girls.
Mrs.Peters walked into the room,and before she could say anything,she stepped right onto the pile of my wet pajamas.My heart stopped as I watched her face burn red."WHO DID THIS?"She screamed,with a look so frightening.Should I answer?And that was when it happened-Mr.Peters came in and grabbed his wife,"Elvis Presley died!"
The news of the King's death overtook Mrs.Peters,and I,was spared.I got home without the other girls knowing what had happened.

24.The author had to spend the night at Peters'becauseB.
A.she enjoyed her cake there
B.it was a routine of the party
C.her mother allowed her to do so
D.the famous singer Elvis Presley died that night
25.Mrs.Peters got angry becauseC.
A.her husband was rude to her
B.Elvis Presley passed away
C.she found the wet pajamas
D.all the girls slept at her house
26.From the story,we know Mrs.Peters wasB.
A.a bad-tempered woman
B.a fan of Elvis Presley
C.a woman for perfection
D.a woman who hated to wash pajamas
27.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.an unfriendly hostess
B.a fan-purchasing experience
C.the shocking death of a famous singer
D.an embarrassing childhood incident.
19.Yesterday after school I took my boys through the drive way at McDonald's.It was a hot day and they wanted a nice cool treat.So I said yes.Plus the McSpiders are amazing for only $2!
So off we went.As I ordered I remembered a commitment I made to myself a year ago.
The commitment that every time I drive through the drive way I pay for the car behind me.I made this commitment because I go through the drive way about 4 times a year.So it's an easy one to keep.
As I drove around to pay the cashier the $6 for our order I really did not want to do this.I didn't want to pay or offer to pay for the car pulling up behind me.
In my head I begun to talk myself out of it."It's OK Nicole,you don't have to"."You haven't much money or work this week"."And what if it's a $40 order or more!"That's when the other voice stepped in.It said,"This is exactly the time you need to do it!When you don't"WANT"to.It's easy and good when your'in the mood',happy and full of cash.But love and kindness doesn't work that way.It isn't conditional and only given when it suits you!"
So I did it.I paid for the car behind.
I asked the cashier to add the car behinds order to my card.Which thankfully was only 2.95.Canyoubelieveit.2.95!!!
Anyway.That isn't the point.The point is that I did it.And doing it I completely made someone's day,and reminded them that there is love and kindness in this world.And to think…I almost didn't.I almost kept that $2.95 to myself!

32.What does the word"McSpiders"in paragraph 1 probably refer to?D
A.A kind of small animals that can run quickly.
B.A kind of service provided by restaurant.
C.A kind of small insects that can fly.
D.A kind of food offered in fast food restaurant.
33.From the passage,we can know the authorB.
A.is a wealthy man with enough money
B.is a man who is true to his word
C.likes to help others willingly
D.often visits McDonald's and passes through the drive way
34.Paragraph 5 is used toA.
A.describe the conflicting mood of the author
B.stress that the author likes saving money
C.emphasis the importance of wealth to author
D.make us guess what he will do next
35.From the passage,we can know the author feltB finally.
18.Four Wild Animal Species Were Endangered
Maybe you can still see them at the zoo.But that doesn't mean they're doing alright in the wild.
All six tiger species are endangered,with Suatran tigers and South China tigers at a seriously endangered status.The main reasons for their population decline are illegal hunting and destroyed habitats,as humans clear forests to gather timber and build roadways.Only about 3890tigers presently live in the wild.
Ground squirrels
That's right,even squirrels are endangered,specifically the San Joaquin ground squirrel.Native to California,USA,these guys have been disappearing since 1979on account of the construction and human developments going through their habitat.Their total population is unknown,but it could be anywhere between 124000 and 4130000.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently put giraffes at a vulnerable status,the level just before endangered.The giraffe population has declined 40percent in the last 30years,primarily due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting.Some giraffes are killed just for their tails,which are considered status symbols in Africa.
Asian elephants
The main threat to Asian elephants,one of the most intelligent animals,is their shrinking habitat.As the human population grows,people invade their land to build roads and railway tracks.Elephants in Myanmar are at an especially high risk for being captured and traded or used illegally in the tourist industry.Fewer than 50000 are left on the entire continent.
21.What is the total population of tigers living in the wild?B
A.50000.B.Around 3890.C.124000.D.413000.
22.Which of the following is considered one of the most intelligent animals?D
A.Tigers.B.Giraffes.C.Ground squirrels.D.Asian elephants.
23.What is the common threat to the four wild animals?B
A.Illegal hunting.
B.Disturbed habitat.
C.Developing tourism.
D.Unnecessary construction.
24.Which word can best describe the present situation for protecting wild animals?A
16.Most people prefer to stay indoors during a snowstorm,but Kenneth Libbrecht is different from most people.When snow starts falling down from the winter sky,the scientists work begins.Taking a magnifying glass (放大镜),a paintbrush,and a camera with him,he heads out into the cold.
Outside,Libbrecht waits for snowflakes(雪花) that are just right.Sometimes he waits for hours.Finally,he sees the snowflakes he   has been waiting for.As the snowflakes fall,Libbrecht carefully catches them on his paintbrush.Then he points his camera and shoots.
The scientists shiny pictures recently earned him a prize,which is given to top science photographers around the world.
Libbrecht takes pictures of snowflakes to learn more about their shapes.The snowflakes form when water steam in a cloud freezes.Every snowflake grows into a hexagon.That is a six-sided shape.However,no two snowflakes look the same.Experts are not sure why.
To find the answer,Libbrecht has traveled to snowy places around the world.He has taken pictures of snowflakes in Canada,Alaska,and Vermont.The work takes patience,Libbrecht explained."It doesn′t snow all the time,and when it does,the snowflakes aren′t always good,"he said.Once he has collected enough pictures,he returns to his science lab in California to do research.
Since developing his interest in snowflakes,Libbrecht has collected nearly 10,000snowflake pictures.He will spend most of his winter studying them.The scientists outdoor work is far from over,though.Libbrecht plans to one day go to other snowy places to take more photos.
"I really enjoy watching the snow fall and trying to see what I can find,"he said."There is a lot of fun."
Kenneth Libbrecht also gave some good advice to kids who want to study snowflakes."You don′t need a lot of things.With a simple magnifying glass on a snowy day,you can really see quite a bit of them if you just stop and look."

56.Paragraph 2 is mainly aboutC.
A.how snow forms
B.what snowflakes look like
C.how Libbrecht takes pictures of snow
D.what Libbrecht plans to do next
57.Why does Libbrecht take pictures of snowflakes?A
A.To study their shapes.
B.To enjoy the snow.
C.To find pleasure.
D.To win a prize.
58.Libbrecht thinks his workA.
A.interesting B.simple C.creative D.difficult
59.Libbrecht advised kids who want to study snowflakes toA.
A.stop and watch
B.buy a good camera
C.be patient
D.spend much time.
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