
3.AIDS researchers say they still have much work to do on a vaccine (疫苗)against HIV.But the first reports of some success have raised hopes.(33)C 
The study was designed to test for two abilities.One was the ability of the vaccine to prevent HIV infections.The other was its ability to reduce the amount of virus in the blood of people who became infected during the study.
Volunteers received vaccinations over a period of six months and were tested for HIV for an additional three years.The study began in 2003.It was the largest AIDS vaccine trial yet.(34)F    Half received the vaccine.The other half received a placeho,an inactive substance (物质).The volunteers did not know which they were getting.
Seventy-four people in the placeho group became infected during the study.(35)D  Doctor Supachai Rerks-Ngarm,who led the study for the Thai Ministry of Public Health,called it a scientific breakthrough.
The National Institutes of Health also took part.Doctor Anthony Fauci at NIH called the findings an important step forward.(36)G But he also said additional research was needed to better understand how the vaccine reduced the risk in those individuals.
The vaccine did not lower the amount of virus in the blood of volunteers who became infected during the study.The study was based on versions of HIV commonly found in Thailand.The volunteers received a combination of two vaccines.(37)A  The second,or booster,vaccine was developed by VaxGen.The nonprofit group Global Solution for Infectious Diseases now has rights to it.
Neither vaccine had been successful by itself when tested earlier.More detailed results of the study are expected to be presented at an AIDS vaccine conference in Paris next month.

A.The first,or prime,vaccine came from the Sanofi Pasteur company.
B.The AIDS vaccine raises hopes for those who get infected and will defeat the disease thoroughly.
C.Scientists say an experimental vaccine reduced the risk of infection in humans by thirsty-one percent and was safe.
D.The researchers say that was compared with only fifty-one of those who received the vaccine.
E.AIDS is a very serious phenomenon in Thailand.
F.It involved more than sixteen thousand adults in Thailand.
G.He said it represented the first time an investigational HIV vaccine had shown some ability to prevent infection.

分析 本文讲到艾滋病研究人员认为,关于对抗HIV的疫苗,他们仍然有许多工作要做.科学家说一种实验性疫苗降低了人类感染的风险,是很安全的.之后对该疫苗进行了研究.

33.C联系下文题.根据后文The study was designed to test for two abilities.提到了一个实验研究.C项:Scientists say an experimental vaccine reduced the risk of infection in humans by thirsty-one percent and was safe.科学家说一种实验性疫苗降低了人类感染的风险,是很安全的.符合文意,故选C.
34.F语境辨析题.根据上文It was the largest AIDS vaccine trial yet.可知这是迄今为止规模最大的艾滋病疫苗试验.F项:It involved more than sixteen thousand adults in Thailand.泰国有一万六千多名成年人参与其中.符合文意,故选F.
35.D文章衔接题.根据上文Seventy-four people in the placeho group became infected during the study.可知研究期间,有74%的人被感染.D项:The researchers say that was compared with only fifty-one of those who received the vaccine.研究人员说,这是与接受疫苗的51%的人相比.符合文意,故选D.
36.G联系下文题.根据下文But he also said additional research was needed to better understand how the vaccine reduced the risk in those individuals.可知但是他也说需要更多的研究来更好地了解疫苗是如何降低这些人的风险的.G项:He said it represented the first time an investigational HIV vaccine had shown some ability to prevent infection.他说,这是首次研究性HIV疫苗显示了某种预防感染的能力.符合文意,故选G.
37.A文章衔接题.根据后文The second(第二种),or booster,…可知A项:The first,or prime,vaccine came from the Sanofi Pasteur company.第一种疫苗,或者是最早的疫苗来自赛诺菲-巴斯德公司.符合文意,故选A.

点评 在答题中,应首先略读各小题,了解一下大致意思,然后把几个选项含义理解透,尤其注意意思相近,表达有交叉的选项之间的区别.特别注意文章上下文的串联结构.然后再细读题目,选出正确答案.答题时可以把含义相近的几个选项轮流填入同一处位置,反复阅读,反复体会,找出最佳选项,对于实在没有把握的小题可以留待最后完成.

13.What should you think about when trying to find your career?You are probably better at some school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work.A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career.A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work.So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school.On the other hand,you may not have any specially strong subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard.Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job,they may have indirect value.The knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details.This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.
Your school may have taught you skills,such as typing or technical drawing,which you can use in your work.You may be good at metalwork or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer,think what you gained from it.If nothing else,you may have learned how to get to work on time,to follow instructions and to get on with older workers.You may have learned to give correct change in a shop,for example.Just as important,you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job.
Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself.You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures.It is better to face any weakness than to pretend they do not exist.Your school record,for instance,may not be too good,yet it is an important part of your background.You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.

11.We can infer from the first paragraph thatB.
A.learning better at school shows power in your job
B.the better you are at school subjects,the more helpful they are in your career.
C.learning each subject well is an ability in many jobs.
D.we should think about how to find our career
12.From the passage we learn that if a student's school performance is not good,he willD.
A.have no hope in his future work
B.be hopeful to find a suitable job
C.regret not having worked harder at school
D.have an opportunity of a new beginning in his future work
13.All the subjects may have direct value for job hunting exceptC.
A.mathematics B.English C.history D.technical drawing
14.The underlined phrase"be all thumbs"(in Paragraph 3)probably means"C".
A.important B.the best C.heavy-handed D.skilled
15.The passage mainly discussesC.
A.How to show strengths in your work
B.how to get a job
C.The relationship between school performance and career
D.working experience and knowledge at school.
18.Four Wild Animal Species Were Endangered
Maybe you can still see them at the zoo.But that doesn't mean they're doing alright in the wild.
All six tiger species are endangered,with Suatran tigers and South China tigers at a seriously endangered status.The main reasons for their population decline are illegal hunting and destroyed habitats,as humans clear forests to gather timber and build roadways.Only about 3890tigers presently live in the wild.
Ground squirrels
That's right,even squirrels are endangered,specifically the San Joaquin ground squirrel.Native to California,USA,these guys have been disappearing since 1979on account of the construction and human developments going through their habitat.Their total population is unknown,but it could be anywhere between 124000 and 4130000.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently put giraffes at a vulnerable status,the level just before endangered.The giraffe population has declined 40percent in the last 30years,primarily due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting.Some giraffes are killed just for their tails,which are considered status symbols in Africa.
Asian elephants
The main threat to Asian elephants,one of the most intelligent animals,is their shrinking habitat.As the human population grows,people invade their land to build roads and railway tracks.Elephants in Myanmar are at an especially high risk for being captured and traded or used illegally in the tourist industry.Fewer than 50000 are left on the entire continent.
21.What is the total population of tigers living in the wild?B
A.50000.B.Around 3890.C.124000.D.413000.
22.Which of the following is considered one of the most intelligent animals?D
A.Tigers.B.Giraffes.C.Ground squirrels.D.Asian elephants.
23.What is the common threat to the four wild animals?B
A.Illegal hunting.
B.Disturbed habitat.
C.Developing tourism.
D.Unnecessary construction.
24.Which word can best describe the present situation for protecting wild animals?A
8.I was having a great morning until I sat down in front of my office computer."Your password has expired(失效),"a server message flashed on my (41)C,with instructions for changing it.(42)B a new code doesn't seem like a big deal,(43)Dyou work at my company,where we have to change it monthly with no less than eight characters.
Suddenly I was angry.What didn't make it any (44)A  was that I was deeply depressed after my recent (45)D.Of course,that didn't mean (46)Bto the empty input field waiting for me to (47)A a password.I remembered a(n) (48)A  from my former boss.He'd said,"I'm going to use a password to change my life."It (49)C me,reminding me that I shouldn't let myself be a(n) (50)B of my recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it.
I made my password Forgive@h3r.I had to type this (51)Cseveral times a day for the next
30days.The simple action changed the way I looked at my ex-wife.That (52)A reminder led me to accept the way things had happened and(53)C a new way of dealing with my depression.As the month wore on,I felt a slow recovery begin to (54)B.By the time my server reminded me of my password the following month,I felt (55)C.
One month later,when I was asked again to (56)D  my password,it became Quit@smoking4ever.I quit smoking (57)D.….
Seeing how these (58)C helped to materialize my goals kept me excited and (59)A to follow my monthly goal.While it's sometimes difficult to come up with your next goal,(60)D at it brings great results.
42.A.Putting up withB.Coming up withC.ChangingD.Deleting
54.A.set apartB.take placeC.slip awayD.get across

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