
4.Please note that food and fruit are forbiddenin the library,but you are allowed to have drinks with you.

分析 请注意在图书馆里是禁止携带食物和水果的,但是你可以带饮料进来.

解答 答案:forbidden.
根据but后面的句子可知,前面应该是表示图书馆的限制性的规定,即不允许学生带的物品,所以用be forbidden  …被禁止;故答案为forbidden.

点评 首字母填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.同时还要注意提示字母.

15.It may seem strange that ice itself sometimes can protect crops from frost (霜冻)!Some growers actually spray their crops with water on a freezing night.Water freezes quickly on the plants and then a strange thing happens.As long as ice stays wet,it can't get colder than 0℃,a temperature many plants can stand.If the ice ever became entirely frozen and dry,it might drop many degrees lower,ruining (毁坏) the plants.But continually spraying water on the ice,the growers keep it from going below 0°C even if the air is much colder.This may be unbelievable but it saves the plants.
This strange kind of"ice blanket"works only on plants that are strong enough to stand the weight of frozen spray.The system is used even to protect banana plants on some Central American plantations.

36.As used in this passage,"ice blanket"meansC
A.a cold blanket       B.a spray of frost
C.a covering of ice    D.a warm blanket
37.This passage is intendedD.
A.to explain why some plants can withstand (耐) ice
B.to show how ice forms
C.to show that frost can be prevented
D.to give tips(窍门) on preserving (保护) crops
38.It can be concluded from the passage that ice would not protectC  from frost.
A.banana trees
B.pine trees
C.tender rose bushes
D.apple orchards (果园)
39.The best title would beB.
A.Frost Triumphs Again
B.Ice Can be Nice
C.Battle of the Farmer
D.The Helpless Plant.
19.Yesterday after school I took my boys through the drive way at McDonald's.It was a hot day and they wanted a nice cool treat.So I said yes.Plus the McSpiders are amazing for only $2!
So off we went.As I ordered I remembered a commitment I made to myself a year ago.
The commitment that every time I drive through the drive way I pay for the car behind me.I made this commitment because I go through the drive way about 4 times a year.So it's an easy one to keep.
As I drove around to pay the cashier the $6 for our order I really did not want to do this.I didn't want to pay or offer to pay for the car pulling up behind me.
In my head I begun to talk myself out of it."It's OK Nicole,you don't have to"."You haven't much money or work this week"."And what if it's a $40 order or more!"That's when the other voice stepped in.It said,"This is exactly the time you need to do it!When you don't"WANT"to.It's easy and good when your'in the mood',happy and full of cash.But love and kindness doesn't work that way.It isn't conditional and only given when it suits you!"
So I did it.I paid for the car behind.
I asked the cashier to add the car behinds order to my card.Which thankfully was only 2.95.Canyoubelieveit.2.95!!!
Anyway.That isn't the point.The point is that I did it.And doing it I completely made someone's day,and reminded them that there is love and kindness in this world.And to think…I almost didn't.I almost kept that $2.95 to myself!

32.What does the word"McSpiders"in paragraph 1 probably refer to?D
A.A kind of small animals that can run quickly.
B.A kind of service provided by restaurant.
C.A kind of small insects that can fly.
D.A kind of food offered in fast food restaurant.
33.From the passage,we can know the authorB.
A.is a wealthy man with enough money
B.is a man who is true to his word
C.likes to help others willingly
D.often visits McDonald's and passes through the drive way
34.Paragraph 5 is used toA.
A.describe the conflicting mood of the author
B.stress that the author likes saving money
C.emphasis the importance of wealth to author
D.make us guess what he will do next
35.From the passage,we can know the author feltB finally.

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