5.One day a man was walking in the street when he met a penguin (企鹅).It was a handsome and very brave bird. It seemed to take an immediate liking to the man,because it walked up to him and then followed him wherever he went.This was funny for a while but in the end became rather embarrassing(尴尬的).
"Go away,you silly bird,''the man said to the penguin,but the bird ignored him.It simply would not leave him alone.Wherever he went,the bird went too.At last,in desperation (绝望) the man walked into a police station."Excuse me,officer."he said."I need some advice.I met this penguin in the street and I don't know what to do with it."
A bored policeman looked up from what he was writing and said,"Just take it to the zoo,sir.''
"Oh,all right.''said the man.
The next day the man was walking along the street,still accompanied (陪伴) by the penguin,when he met the policeman he'd spoken to the day before.The policeman was not pleased to see them."I thought I advised you to take that animal to the zoo,"he said.
"Well,yes,officer,you did.And I did take him to the zoo,"the man explained."And we had a great time. But we can't go to the zoo every day.I thought today I'd take him to the movies.''
21.Which of the following expressions can be used to describe the penguin?D
A.Ugly looking.  
B.Beautiful in heart.
C.Silly in look. 
D.Friendly to human.
22.The man went into the police station toC.
A.sell the bird to the police
B.get something to feed the bird
C.ask for advice about what to do with the penguin
D.ask the police to kill the bird
23.Which statement is true?C
A.The penguin received a nice treat at the police station.
B.The policeman took the bird to the zoo.
C.The policeman who received the man was not patient with him.
D.The policeman felt sorry for not giving any help.
19.Who made your T-shirt?"A Geowetown University student raised that question.Pietra Rivoli,a professor of business,wanted to find the answer.A few weeks later,she bought a T-shirt and began to follow its path from Texas cotton form to Chinese factory to charity bin (箱).The result is an interesting new book,The Travels of a T-shirt in the Global Economy.
Following a T-shirt around the world in a way to make her point more interesting,but it also frees Rivoli from the usual arguments over global trade.She goes wherever the T-shirt goes,and there are surprises around every corner.In China,Rivoli shows why a clothing factory,even with its poor conditions,means a step toward a better life for the people who work there.In the colorful used-clothing markets of Tanzania,she realizes this,"it is only in this final stage of life that the T-shirt will meet a real market,"where the price of a shirt changes by the hour and is different by its size and even color.Rivoli's book is full of memerable people and scenes,like the noise,the bad air and the"muddy-sweet smell of the cotton."She says,"Here in the factory,Shanghai smells like Shallowater Texas."
Rivoli is at her best when making those sorts of unexpected connections.She even finds one between the free traders and those who are against globalization.The chances opened up by trade are vast,she argues,but free markets need the correcting force of politics to keep them in check.True economic progress needs them both.

28.What do we learn about Professor Rivoli?B
A.She used to work on a cotton farm.
B.She wrote a book about world trade.
C.She wants to give up her teaching job.
D.She wears a T-shirt wherever she goes.
29.By saying T-shirt"meet a real market",Rivoli means in TanzaniaC.
A.cheaper T-shirts are needed.
B.used T-shirts are hard to sell
C.prices of T-shirt rise and fall frequently
D.prices of T-shirt are usually reasonable
30.What does the word"them"underlined in the last paragraph refer to?A
B.Price changes.
C.Unexpected connection.
D.Chances opened up by trade.
31.What would be the best title for the text?D
A.What T-shirt Can Do to Help Cotton Farms
B.How T-shirt Are Made in Shanghai
C.How T-shirt Are Sold in Tanzania
D.What T-shirt Can Teach Us.
2:30AMSave My Planet (Repeat)
Learn how to keep electronics out of rubbish; a man that changes old shipping containers into homes; a community in Costa Rica that does well in eco-tourism.
3:00AMMary Talks Money (Repeat,TVPG)
Tips on lending money to family and friends.
4:00AMMirror Mirror Thrift
How to find the best deals in thrift stores (二手店); commonly asked beauty questions,breaking fashion rules.
4:30AMHome with Lisa Quinn
Mixing traditional and modern design elements (元素); how to style impressive food; creating a comfortable home.
5:00AMSay Ahh (Repeat)
The hosts discuss the causes of heart disease,its diagnosis,and the treatments for those with the disease.
6:30AMEveryday Living
Quick beauty tips; protect yourself from money problems; the four most common parenting mistakes.
7:00AMMy Green House
Jesse looks into global warming; Andy talks about sustainable (可持续的) cleaning; an eco-friendly supply store.
7:30AMAdvice for Life (Repeat)
Cap you save your father from himself?Starting over at 60?Laughter really is the best medicine.
*TVPG:Programs for children with parents'guidance
25.According to the text,Save My Planet is mainly aboutC.
A.science development
B.international tourism
C.environmental protection 
D.ways to build homes
26.Which of the following content can't children watch alone?A
A.Tips on lending money to family and friends.
B.The four most common parenting mistakes.
C.Commonly asked beauty questions.
D.Creating a comfortable home.
27.Which of the following programs may help you deal with money problems?D
A.Advice for Life.
B.Home with Lisa Quinn.
C.Say Ahh.
D.Everyday Living.
17.When Paul was a boy growing up in Utah,he happened to live near a copper smelter(炼铜厂),and the chemicals that poured out had made a wasteland out of what used to be a beautiful forest.One day a young visitor looked at this wasteland and called it an awful area.Paul knocked him down.From then on,something happened inside him.
Years later Paul was back in the area,and he went to the smelter office.He asked if they had any plans or if they would let him try to bring the trees back.The answer from that big industry was"No."
Paul then went to college to study the science of plants.Unfortunately,his teachers said there weren't any birds or squirrels to spread the seeds.It would be a waste of his life to try to do it.Everyone knew that,he was told.Even if he was knowledgeable as he had expected,he wouldn't get his idea accepted.
Paul later got married and had some kids.But his dream would not die.And then one night he did what he could with what he had.As Samuel Johnson wrote,"It is common to overlook what is near by keeping the eye fixed on something remote.Attainable good is often ignored by minds busied in wide ranges."Under the cover of darkness,he went secretly into the wasteland and started planting.
And every week,he made his secret journey into the wasteland and planted trees and grass.For fifteen years he did this against the plain common sense.Slowly rabbits appeared.Later,as there was legal(法律上的) pressure to clean up the environment,the company actually hired Paul to do what he was already doing.Now the place is fourteen thousand acres of trees and grass and bushes,and Paul has received almost every environmental award Utah has.It took him until his hair turned white,but he managed to keep that impossible vow he made to himself as a child.

21.When Paul was a boy,D.
A.he had decided never to leave his hometown
B.the economy of Utah depended wholly on the copper smelter
C.no laws were made to protect the environment against pollution
D.he had determined to stop the copper smelter polluting the area
22.What does the underlined phrase"the plain common sense"probably refer to?A
A.That it was impossible for trees to grow on the wasteland.
B.That his normal work and life would be greatly affected.
C.That no one would like to join him in the efforts.
D.That he had to keep everything he did secret.
23.Why did Paul go to college to study the science of plants?D
A.He wanted to find out the best way to save the area himself.
B.He was interested in planting trees since he was young.
C.He wanted to get more knowledgeable people to help him.
D.He thought his knowledge would make his advice more persuasive.
24.The message of the passage is thatA
A.action speaks louder than words
B.perseverance(坚持不懈) will work wonders
C.God helps those who help themselves
D.many hands make light work.
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