
20."Have you taken part in either of my last twocampaigns(战役)?"The officer asked the soldier.

分析 "你有没有参加我最近的两次战役中的一场?"这名军官问士兵.

解答 答案是 campaigns.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语; campaign n.运动;战役;two后面需要复数,故答案是 campaigns.

点评 翻译填空要在理解句子的结构和含义的基础上根据汉语意思选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意所选词的形式变化.

11.Our teacher asks us to keep a diary in English.I enjoy doing so because I (36)Akeeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to(37)Cour English writing ability.
Compared with(38)Aforms of writing,it is shorter and(39)Bless time.It can help us to(40)Dthe habit of thinking in English.(41)Bwe persist in (坚持) this practice,gradually we'll learn how to express ourselves in English.In keeping a diary in English,(42)Dcan use the important phrases and sentences we've(43)Ain or out of English classes to describe our(44)B,and this way we can master and use freely(45)Cwe've learned,which will do good(46)Aus in English learning.But(47)Dwe certainly run up against many difficulties.In the first place,it often happens that we have(48)Cfinding proper words and phrases to give expression to our mind.Secondly,there(49)Cmany idiomatic(惯用的) ways of saying things in Chinese.And it is extremely hard for us to put them(50)B English properly.
As far as I am concerned,my suggestion is that we (51)C always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.Whenever (52)Dbeats (难倒)us,we can first put it down in our notebook and then look it up in our dictionary.We can also turn to our English teacher for (53)D,if necessary.
In short,I believe that it is of(54)A use to keep a diary in English for the development of our(55)B skills.

38.A.otherB.the othersC.anotherD.others
47.A.at a timeB.at onetimeC.all the timeD.at times
8.A team led by a nurseryman (花圃工人) and his sons has raced against time for 20years,using branches from some of the world's biggest and most long-lasting trees to produce clones that could restore ancient forests and help fight climate change.
Now comes the most ambitious step of the project:getting the new trees into the ground.Plantings of two dozen clones from California's huge coastal redwoods will take place Monday in seven nations:Australia,New Zealand,Great Britain,Ireland,Canada,Germany and the U.S.
The lab-produced trees are genetic copies of three huge trees that were cut down in northern California more than a century ago.Remarkably,new branches still grow from the stumps (树桩),including one known as the Fieldbrook Stump,which measures 35feet in diameter (直径).It's believed to be about 4,000years old.
"We need to reforest the planet.To do that,it just makes sense to use the largest,oldest trees that ever lived,"said David Milarch,co-founder of the non-profit Archangel Ancient Tree Archive.
Milarch and his sons Jared and Jake,who have a family-owned nursery,became concerned about the condition of the world's forests in the 1990s.They began traveling across the U.S.in search of"champion"trees that have lived hundreds or even thousands of years,believing that better genes make it possible for them to outlive others of their species.Scientific opinion varies on whether that's true,with skeptics saying the survivors may simply have been lucky.
The Archangel team says they've developed several methods of producing genetic copies.They focus on towering sequoias (高耸的水杉)and redwoods,considering them best suited to absorb great amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2),the greenhouse gas primarily responsible for climate change.
The challenge is to find places to put the trees,people to look after them and money to continue the project,Jared Milarch said.The group is funded through donations and doesn't charge for its clones.
"A lot of trees will be planted by a lot of groups on Arbor Day,but 90percent of them will die,"David Milarch said."You can't plant trees and walk away and expect them to take care of themselves."Those receiving Archangel redwoods have promised to care for them properly.

28.According to the text,the clonesC.
A.are rather expensive
B.are based on dead ancient trees
C.have been experimented for 20years
D.have been widely grown across the U.S.
29.To reforest the planet,David Milarch chooses the largest,oldest trees becauseB.
A.they are lucky treesB.they have better genes
C.they are easier to plantD.they look more beautiful.
30.David Milarch's team believes that genetic copies from sequoias and redwoodsA.
A.can take in more greenhouse gases
B.are hard to survive for a long time
C.are likely to cause climate change
D.may be a threat to existing plants
31.What is stressed by David Milarch in the last paragraph?C
A.The need of financial support.
B.The difficulty of finding places.
C.The importance of caring for trees.
D.The challenge of running his group.
15.Unless you think you're the smartest,who doesn't want to be smarter?Of course I want to be smarter too,so I try to find out who's the real smart guy that maybe I can learn from.(36)D.Here are the signs of smart people:
They don't talk as much as you,because they know they got smart by listening.
They probably do social media.Not always,but probably.(37)A They also use this to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise won't have come across.
(38)F They never bother their head about the problem of"work-life balance"and somehow manage to seem 100% employed in what they're doing,even though you know they're taking proper steps behind the scenes to make sure their lives are well balanced.
They know they are the smartest person in the room,but they don't spend their time talking about that.
(39)B That is,they challenge themselves to see if they can make everyone else the smartest person in the room,too.
They never,ever,under any circumstances,make you look stupid,even though it would be easy to do so.They've learned through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is that you look bad yourself.
If they are managers,they will make every effort to get their people smarter,more connected and more popular than them in their teams.They're not threatened because they know that smartness is synergistic (相互促进的).(40)G

A.It is not only another chance to listen.
B.Instead,they take it as a personal challenge.
C.They know it is an advantage to them.
D.Now I have got an answer about whether someone's smart or not.
E.They'll be smiling even when things go very badly wrong.
F.They deal with home,work and personal interests perfectly.
G.They will also make sure their smart people look smarter than them for the same reason.
5.One day a man was walking in the street when he met a penguin (企鹅).It was a handsome and very brave bird. It seemed to take an immediate liking to the man,because it walked up to him and then followed him wherever he went.This was funny for a while but in the end became rather embarrassing(尴尬的).
"Go away,you silly bird,''the man said to the penguin,but the bird ignored him.It simply would not leave him alone.Wherever he went,the bird went too.At last,in desperation (绝望) the man walked into a police station."Excuse me,officer."he said."I need some advice.I met this penguin in the street and I don't know what to do with it."
A bored policeman looked up from what he was writing and said,"Just take it to the zoo,sir.''
"Oh,all right.''said the man.
The next day the man was walking along the street,still accompanied (陪伴) by the penguin,when he met the policeman he'd spoken to the day before.The policeman was not pleased to see them."I thought I advised you to take that animal to the zoo,"he said.
"Well,yes,officer,you did.And I did take him to the zoo,"the man explained."And we had a great time. But we can't go to the zoo every day.I thought today I'd take him to the movies.''
21.Which of the following expressions can be used to describe the penguin?D
A.Ugly looking.  
B.Beautiful in heart.
C.Silly in look. 
D.Friendly to human.
22.The man went into the police station toC.
A.sell the bird to the police
B.get something to feed the bird
C.ask for advice about what to do with the penguin
D.ask the police to kill the bird
23.Which statement is true?C
A.The penguin received a nice treat at the police station.
B.The policeman took the bird to the zoo.
C.The policeman who received the man was not patient with him.
D.The policeman felt sorry for not giving any help.
12.The dark chocolate is one of the favorite food choices by many people because it has a lot of benefits (61)whenit comes to your health.Here is a list of the effects of dark chocolate on health.
First of all,it contains different kinds of antioxidants(抗氧化剂) which (62)are  (be) good for heart.Besides,the dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol (胆固醇),lowering the risks of stroke and taking away the risk of blood vessels which may (63)harden  (hard) for too much cholesterol in them.
Lastly,do you know the feeling of being overjoyed after (64)jogging(jog)?This feeling is like extreme happiness.The dark chocolate will give you the feeling of (65)pleasure (please) and happiness.If you are feeling that the world has turned  against you,then dark chocolate can be (66)a  mood  lifter.
These are commonly the effects of chocolate on health.It can benefit you especially if  (67)taken(take) with the right amount.(68)Approximately  (approximate),100grams of chocolate  (69)orless a day is already enough according to studies.If you have taken too much,try to lessen your other meals for the day.It is all about nutrition and taking the right amount of food in order to get the health benefit that it can provide (70)for you.
10.A.Plan and prepare
B.Strive for the perfection
C.Forget what others think
D.Prepare for the second time
E.Abandon the pursuit of perfection
F.The time you spend doesn't matter

You'll never be fully prepared for the first time at everything,but if you use the tips below the next time you face something new,you'll have a much better chance to enjoy the experience.
On very rare occasions can you manage to do something perfectly the first time you do it,so when you do something for the first time,it is time to ditch the notion of perfection.
I remember the first time I drove a car in traffic after getting my driver's license.I was very nervous and I was overwhelmed by the traffic.Now I'm much more experienced as a driver.In general,it is useless to strive for perfection when you do something for the first time.You are setting the bar too high and you just feel bad when you are not able to meet the level you have set.
In order to decrease the stress you feel about your first time,just ignore what others are thinking of you.First,many people don't really care that much if you happen to fail at something.If you are open about your inexperience,they are most likely to forgive your inability to perform well.Second,remember that others have also started from"zero"as well.
One common characteristic of doing something for the first time is that it is most likely to be more time-consuming than subsequent times.If you are inexperienced,the first few times you are just going to be learning anyway-and hopefully getting better in the process.Just take your time and try to learn as much as possible as you go.You will realize that the second time is much easier,since you already have some experience in your pocket.
If possible,try to make a plan before doing something new and get fully prepared.This way you will gain more self-confidence,and have a bit more control of things.But you don't always have that sense of control.For instance,if you are going out on a first date,you cannot plan every possible topic to talk about in advance-nor is it reasonable to do that.On the other hand,if you are going to take a certification test related to your profession,you can study and prepare so that you can reach a whole different level when you take the exam.
Once you have gone through your"first time experience",you'll have broken the biggest barrier of all.To make the next time even a smoother experience,do these two things during your first time:
Take notes.It never hurts to write things down as you go.These notes can help you to feel more confident and you can go them through when preparing for the second time
Run through a checklist.Create a checklist,so that you can prepare even better for the next time.For example,to prepare yourself to give a presentation,write down a checklist to go through before the actual event.This way you can make sure that all the necessary requirements are met before the presentation begins.

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