9.For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at music students,(21)Dacross the campus with their heavy instrument cases,(22)Dat school for practice hours (23)A anyone else had to be there.He swore to himself to(24)Cmusic,as he hated getting to school extra early.
(25)B,one day,in the music class that was (26)Aof his school's standard curriculum,he was playing idly (随意地)on the piano and found it (27)Dto pick out tunes.With a sinking feeling,he realized that he actually (28)Cdoing it.He tried to hide his (29)Bpleasure from the music teacher,who had (30)Dover to listen.He might not have done this particularly well,(31)Athe teacher told Gabriel that he had a good(32)Aand suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there (33)Chim.There he decided to give the cello(大提琴) a(34)B.When he began practicing,he took it very (35)C.But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument,and was (36)Ato practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.
This(37)D,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning,(38)Bhis heavy instrument case across the campus to the(39)Blooks of the non-musicians he had left(40)C.

22.A.rising upB.coming upC.driving upD.turning up
33.A.occurred toB.took toC.appealed toD.held to
8.It's generally believed that people act the way they do because of their personalities and attitudes.They recycle their garbage because they care about the environment.They pay $5 for a caramel brulée latte because they like expensive coffee drinks.
It's undeniable that behavior comes from our inner dispositions(性情),but in many instances we also draw inferences about who we are,as suggested by the social psychologist Daryl Bern,by observing our own behavior.We can be strangers to ourselves.If we knew our own minds,why would we need to guess what our preferences are from our behavior?If our minds were an open book,we would know exactly how much we care about the environment or like lattes.Actually,we often need to look to our behavior to figure out who we are.
Moreover,we don't just use our behavior to learn about our particular types of character-we infer characters that weren't there before.Our behavior is often shaped by little pressures around us,which we fail to recognize.Maybe we recycle because our wives and neighbors would disapprove if we didn't.Maybe we buy lattes in order to impress the people around us.We should not believe that we always behave as a result of some inner disposition.
Whatever pressures there can be or inferences one can make,people become what they do,though it may not be in compliance(符合)with their true desires.Therefore,we should all bear in mind Kurt Vonnegut's advice:"We are what we pretend to be,so we must be careful about what we pretend to be."

12.According to the passage,personalities and attitudes are commonly believed toA
A.determine one's behavior
B.reflect one's taste
C.influence one's surroundings
D.result from one's habits
13.Which of the following would Daryl Bern most probably agree with?D
A.A kind person will offer his seat to the old.
B.One buys latte out of true love of coffee.
C.One recycles plastics to protect the environment.
D.The return of a wallet can indicate one's honesty.
14.What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in the passage?B
A.We fail to realize our inner dispositions.
B.We can be influenced by outside pressures.
C.Our behavior is the result of our true desires.
D.Our characters can shape our social relationships.
15.What does the author mainly discuss in the passage?C
A.Personalities and attitudes.
B.Preferences and habits.
C.Behavior and personalities.
D.Attitudes and preferences.
7.The African elephant,which is the largest land animal remaining on earth,is of great importance to African ecosystem.Unlike other animals,the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment.As a big plant-eater,it largely shapes the-forest-and-savanna (大草原) surroundings in which it lives,therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat.
It is the elephant's great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat.In its continuous search for the 300pounds of plants it must have every day,it kills small trees and under-bushes,and pulls branches off big trees.This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas.In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters.
Take the rain forests for example.In their natural state,the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor.By pulling down trees and eating plants,elephants make open spaces,allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor.In such situations,the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well.
What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species.If the elephant disappears,scientists say,many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna,greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.

8.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.Disappearance of African elephants.
B.The effect of African elephants'search for food.
C.Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.
D.The eating habit of African elephants.
9.What does the underlined phrase"setting the terms"most probably mean?B
A.Fixing the time.B.Deciding the conditions.
C.Improving the quality.D.Worsening the state.
10.What do we know about the open spaces in the passage?C
A.They result from the destruction of rain forests.
B.They provide food mainly for African elephants.
C.They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds.
D.They are home to many endangered animals.
11.The passage is developed mainly byD
A.giving examples
B.pointing out similarities and differences
C.describing the changes in space order
D.showing the effect and then explaining the causes.
6.In the dead of winter,we don't typically think about spending time outdoors,but according to many physicians we should.The sun is our greatest source of a vitamin that is essential for good health-Vitamin D.
This important vitamin strengthens bones and teeth and is linked to the prevention of heart disease,cancer and many other life-threatening diseases.The recommended daily requirement is 400-600 International Units (IU).In summer,people with dark brown eyes and darker skin turn sunlight from just 15 minutes outside without sunscreen into adequate amounts of Vitamin D.
Even during winter,just a 10-minute walk midday can keep the body's Vitamin D at healthy levels.During brief winter walks,we receive the greatest benefits when we wear no sunscreen and expose as much skin to the sun as possible.
Vitamin D can also be obtained from foods.Salmon is one of the best sources of the Vitamin.Egg yolks(蛋黄),cheese,mushrooms and some animals organs contain smaller quantities of it.
To attract consumers,food companies add Vitamin D to some of their milk products.The practice of putting the Vitamin into milk began in the 1930s.At that time,many children were suffering from rickets,an illness that is caused by a Vitamin D deficiency(不足).It made the children's bones soft and weak.Adding Vitamin D to milk helped to solve the problem,and it has been available ever since.
For people who still need more Vitamin D,there is another option:take Vitamin D supplements(补充).These products are widely sold in stores.However,anyone considering taking supplements should consult a physician first.

4.During the winter months,peopleC.
A.aren't able to meet their deadlines
B.often don't dress warmly enough
C.generally like to remain indoors
D.leave lots of work for others to do
5.According to the text,Vitamin DA.
A.can be obtained by being exposed to the sun
B.can be used to cure life-threatening diseases
C.can be mainly found in some milk products
D.can make the children's bones soft and weak
6.Why is salmon mentioned in this article?B
A.It's seldom prepared in the correct way.
B.It's a useful addition to a person's diet.
C.It has a huge impact on the environment.
D.Its advantages have been exaggerated.
7.The main purpose of this article isA.
A.to introduce a valuable nutrient
B.to advertise Vitamin D supplements
C.to note risks associated with a nutrient
D.to explain how a nutrient was discovered.
Opening week specials at Munchies Food Hall
At the corner of Green and Brown Streets in the city
       Monday,7th of January until Sunday 13rd of January 200
Feast until you're full!Come down to Monetizes this week to enjoy the special dishes on offer at all of our food outlets.Order from the following:
●Succulent chicken rice●Spicy satay beef
●Delicious noodle dishes●Plump pork chops
●Seafood specialties●Crunchy vegetables
●Sweet tropical fruit
Halal food is available at the stall Malay Mood Heaven
 10% discount on all orders above $20.00
Win Prizes and Gifts!
•Spend $20.00 or more and win instant prizes from our lucky draw box.
•Collect a free party balloon and whistle for each young diner.
•Enjoy a free meal if you are the first customer of the day at any of our stalls.
•Win a holiday to Western Australia.A free raffle ticket is given with every receipt.Just fill in your information and place your entry in the box provided.
Winner to be announced in The strait Times on the 15th of January.Join in the Fun!
Between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm each evening until the 15th of January,your favorite Channel 3 television actors and singers will entertain you:
●May Lee●Jackie Chen
●Kim Yap●Kamal
Autograph sessions will follow each performance!And who will be our extra special mystery star?
Come down on Saturday at noon to find out.
1.Munchies Food Hall does NOT sellA
A.lamb            B.beef              C.pork  D.chicken
2.The prices at Munchies areD
A.lower than usual
B.bargain prices for the opening
C.lower for two people
D.lower if you spend $21.00
3.I will find out who has won the trip to Western Australia when IB
A.come down to Munchies at noon
B.read The Straits Times on the 15th of January
C.watch Channel 3 television
D.attend the lucky draw at Munchies Food Hall.
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