Bike-sharing has taken off in China far faster than in any other market.The market has become flooded with new companies in recent months.The bike-sharing companies operate in a similar way.They use apps that allow users,after paying a deposit,to unlock the wheels with their smartphones.After the journey,users can leave bikes anywhere in public and pay a little money for the use.The service is very popular as it provides an effective solution to"the last kilometer"problem.

The promoting of the bike-sharing service is also raising questions about profitability,wide-spread bike vandalism (破坏) and theft,and growing government regulation.A Hong Kong man who was arrested for throwing several shared bikes into rivers said he had no regret destroying them because"the GPS devices in the bikes give away users'personal information,such as their locations."
The passage conveys to us the bike-sharing boom across the country,with more companies springing up in the market.The service not only brings great convenience to people,but causes some problems as well.
From my standpoint,bike-sharing system has become an essential part of public transportation in cities and should be actively promoted.Firstly,with an increasing number of people choosing the service to get around,the number of cars on the roads will decrease dramatically,which really helps the environment and reduces traffic jams.Furthermore,this service also benefits individuals in various ways.For example,it provides locals and tourists with a convenient,cheap and healthy means of transport.Those who would otherwise use their own bicycles don't need to be concerned about such problems as theft,storage and maintenance.
In a word,bike sharing is an innovative service,which relieves urban traffic pressure and brings citizens enormous benefits.And more shared bikes should be launched into the market..
16.假如你叫李华,今年18岁,是光明中学的一名高二学生.你所在的城市明年要举办国际旅游节(tourism festival),现向全市招募志愿者,请你根据以下要点向组委会写一封申请信,应征旅游节志愿者的工作.
Dear committee,
Thank you for taking your time to read my letter.I really hope to be a volunteer for the International Tourism Festival in our city.
I am Li Hua,an outgoing boy of 18 years old in Senior 2 of Guangming Middle School.I'm interested in travelling and have visited many places of interest.I have a good knowledge of our city's history,so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier of our splendid culture.(高分句型)What's more,English is my favourite and best subject.(高分句型)Last year I won the first prize in the oral English contest for high school students in our city.I think it easy for me to communicate well with the foreigners.Above all,I have experienced the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games and I have been a successful stadium volunteer.(高分句型)
I'll be too glad to work for our city if I am given the opportunity.I'll be surely devoted to the job,making the foreigners more familiar with our city.(高分句型)
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua.
15.某英语杂志社正在举行征稿活动,主题为"梦想点亮人生(Dreams Lighten Life)".请你用英语写一篇小短文,向该杂志社投稿,要点如下:
Dreams Lighten LifeDreams can make us powerful and different.It is good to make an effort to make our dreams come true.(总述梦想的作用与意义)
I have been dreaming of becoming a doctor since childhood.(点出自己的梦想)Each time I see someone suffering from a disease,I feel sympathy for them.Also,I really admire doctors,for they can help patients by using their professional knowledge.(说明具有该梦想的原因)I know if I want to become a doctor.I need to master the essential medical knowledge and accumulate a great deal of experience.Keeping this dream in mind,I need to take action to realize it.【高分句型一】As a middle school student,I know I should work hard right now to master some basic knowledge and try my best to enter a good medical university.(为实现梦想,所要付出的努力)This is how my dream can lighten my life.Now I have a goal to fight for!My life has become completely different.(拥有梦想,会使自己的生活变得不同)
Admittedly,it is not easy to realize our dreams.I think the most important thing is that we should stick to them and never give up,we should also use the right method.【高分句型二】(说明实现梦想的方法).
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