17.A woman was caught trying to get her boyfriend out of Puente Ayala prison by packing him in a large suitcase.They almost got away with it,but guards became suspicious after seeing the woman struggling with the suitcase.
5-yearold Souda arrived at the Puente Ayala prison in Barcelona,Venezuela,last week,to visit her boyfriend,Jose Antonio,who was serving a sentence of 9 years and 8months for stealing cars.She had brought their six-year-old daughter and a large pink suitcase,which is common for an overnight stay by family members in South American prison.Little did the guards know that Souda and Jose Antonio were planning to leave the prison together the next day,as a big happy family.
Their plan seemed to go smoothly as the woman carrying the bright pink baggage didn't attract the guards'attention,but it failed when they finally noticed the short woman struggling to pull the seemingly light suitcase out of the door.They stopped Souda and asked her to open the suitcase so they could check its items.Left with no choice but to meet the guards'demand,the woman opened the suitcase to show young Jose Antonio looking like a professional contortionist(专业柔术演员)and covered with different clothing items.
Puente Ayala guards sent the car thief back to the prison.Souda has been caught by guards and is waiting for official charges,and the couple's six-year-old daughter,Mary,has been placed in the care of social services.
If only Souda had gone to the gym to improve her strength before going through escaping from prison with her lover,things might have gone differently.

25.The underlined word"suspicious"in Paragraph 1 can be best replaced byB.
A.pleased      B.doubtful         C.worried         D.violent
26.Where did Souda put her husband while leaving the prison?A
A.In a suitcase.B.In a box.C.In a car.D.In a bag.
27.Mary lives in the care of social services becauseC.
A.she broke the law
B.her parents'marriage has ended
C.her parents are both caught by guards
D.her mother is busy building up her body
28.What can we learn from the text?A
A.Souda and her daughter stayed in the prison for a night.
B.Jose Antonio made a living by selling cars once.
C.Souda has escaped from punishment by law.
D.Jose Antonio was a professional contortionist.
16.Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that in order to achieve contentment,one should"cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you,and to give thanks continuously."It turns out Emerson-who explored the meaning of a good life in much of his work-wasn't far off when it comes to What we now know about counting one's blessings.Research is continually finding that expressing thanks can lead to a healthier,happier and less-stressed lifestyle.
How can we,as Emerson advised,be thankful for each thing that contributes to our lives?Below are four habits that could help you cultivate gratitude on a daily basis.
Keep a journal.-Research has shown that writing down what you're thankful for can lead to a range of wellness benefits.Keeping a gratitude journal can reinforce positive thoughts-something particularly helpful as the brain tends to naturally focus on what goes wrong.Putting pen to paper can also help you make more progress as you work toward personal goals.In order to reap the full benefits of keeping a journal,Dr Robert Emmons,gratitude researcher and psychology professor at the University of California,Davis,recommends writing for five to 10 minutes every other day."You really need to commit to doing it,and if you write it down eventually it will become more automatic,"Emmons says."It's like exercise-you're not just going to get up one morning and go running,you need to have a plan.
Don't avoid the negative.-Expressing gratitude has been proven to generate more optimism,but thankful people also don't shy away from the negative.Emmons says that while we often associate gratitude with focusing on the good and avoiding the bad,the key to leading a thankful life is embracing setbacks as part of your overall journey.Emmons suggests recalling a hard time you once experienced-chances are,you'll start to feel grateful for your current state and for overcoming former challenges.
Spend time with loved ones.-Thankful people know they didn't get to where they are by themselves-and they make it a habit to spend time with those people who matter most."Gratitude really helps us connect to other people,"Emmons says."It actually strengthens relationships and relationships are the strongest predictors of happiness and coping with stress."Expressing appreciation for loved ones can also help create closeness by allowing others to see how you look at them.According to Dr.Michael E.McCullough,a University of Miami researcher,your feelings of gratitude benefit more than just yourself."More than other emotion,gratitude is the emotion of friendship,"McCullough told the New York Times in 2011."It is part of a psychological system that causes people to raise their estimates of how much value they hold in the eyes of another person."
Volunteer.-Everyone needs a little help sometimes-and grateful people know there's no other way to acknowledge this than by paying it forward.In his book"Thanks!,"Emmons notes that those who volunteer often feel grateful for the experience to give back."Since service to others helped them to find their own inner spirituality,they were grateful for the opportunity to serve,"he wrote.As recent research published in BMC Public Health points out,volunteering can result in fewer feelings of depression and increased overall well-being.Emmons suggests examining your own talents and use them to help others,noting that people become more grateful as givers rather than receivers.

65.According to the research,is an important factor in having a healthy lifestyle.A
A.expressing gratitude
B.cultivating good living habits
C.achieving contentment
D.exploring the meaning of life
66.According to Dr.Robert Emmons and Davis,what's important in keeping a gratitude journal?D
A.reinforcing positive thoughts.
B.reaping full benefits.
C.doing exercises regularly.
D.committing to writing.
67.What can we learn form paragraph 4?B
A.We should learn to hide from negative things.
B.The hard times we have experienced may be valuable to us.
C.It is easy to have a thankful life as long as have confidence.
D.Sometimes thankful people are negative when facing hardships.
68.Emmon's words on paragraph 5 suggest that.A
A.gratitude enhances relationships between people
B.a feeling of gratitude generates appreciation for loved ones
C.thankful people like to spend time with others
D.people should make a habit of being with others
69.What does the last paragraph implyB?
A.Those who receive help will feel a bit depressed.
B.Those who volunteer to help others will show more gratitude.
C.When offered help,you'll feel grateful to the service.
D.When offering help,you will feel grateful for your inner spirituality.
70.What would be the best title for the passage?C
A.Gratitude for achieving contentment
B.Ways of Having a Healthier Lifestyle
C.Four Habits to Make You a Grateful person
D.Gratitude Contributing to Success.
15.In Hollywood,as in war,truth is often the first casualty.Stories told on screen demand heroes,devils and a clear plot line.Real life,on the other hand,tends to get messy-the lines between good and bad often cross.Two years ago,director Oliver Stone was severely criticized in the press for playing fast and loose with certain facts in JFK.Jim Sheridan's In the Name of the Father has largely escaped such criticism in the U.S.,but only because Americans are unfamiliar with the story it is based on.In Britain,where people have lived with the case of the Guildford Four for 20 years,the film's reception has been considerably stormier.
The movie tells the tale of Gerry Conlon,who along with three other youths was falsely accused of killing five people in a 1974 I.R.A.bombing of two pubs in Guildford,England.The four-three men and a woman-served 14 years in prison before their convictions(定罪)were overturned.Seven friends and relatives of Conlon's (the Maguire Seven),including his father,also served many years on false charges of having made the bombs.
Though Sheridan never set out to make a documentary,he has been attacked for needlessly twisting the facts of the case.The film,for instance,shows the Maguire Seven on trial with the Guildford Four,though the cases were tried separately.In some of its most affecting scenes,it shows Conlon,played by Daniel Day-Lewis,sharing a jail cell with his father,though the two were often not even in the same prison.A grand and heroic part is carved for actress Emma Thompson,playing Conlon's lawyer,Gareth Peirce,but in reality Peirce was a minor figure and another lawyer,Alastair Logan,deserves most of the credit for freeing the Four.An important scene in which Peirce steals a crucial piece of evidence from a police file was fabricated for the film;it was a police investigation that uncovered the buried evidence of Conlon's innocence.
Sheridan insists that he was seeking an"emotional honesty"and that the real subject of his film was a son's changing relationship with his father.But if that was his intended subject,say some close to the case,the director should have used someone else's story."The truth is that Gerry Conlon had very little time for his father,"says Sean Smyth,an uncle."It's a good film,well acted and everything,"admits Conlon's aunt,Anne Maguire."But I think if they'd put more of the true facts in,it would have been a much more powerful film."

58.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that.C
A.films made in Hollywood are often the reflection of real life
B.Oliver Stone,a well-known director,deserved high praise for his work in JFK
C.the film In the Name of the Father is based on the case of Guildford Four
D.Unlike Americans,British people think highly of the film In the Name of the Father
59.According to the context,the underlined word"fabricated"(Para 3,) means"B"
A.remarked             B.invented       C.convinced             D.inspired
60.Which of the following statements is the truth about the case Guildford Four?A
A.It was the police that finally proved Colon's innocence.
B.In all,seven people,including Conlon's father,were put into prison.
C.Colon and his father were tried together at the court.
D.Emma Thompson,Colon's lawyer,played a key role in freeing him.
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