
11.This type of machine is on                way out,so what on             earth shall I buy it for?(  )
A./;/B.a; theC.the;/D.the; the

分析 这种类型的机器渐渐过时,所以我到底为什么要买它呢?

解答 答案是C.本题考查短语中的冠词;on the way out正在离开; 渐渐过时;on earth到底,究竟;故选C.

点评 掌握冠词要关注两大方面:一是积累有关不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的相关的规则;二是积累特掌殊的短语.

1.Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days.Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day's work.This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the International Space Station(ISS).ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year.They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible.Weekends give the crew valuable.Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.They can communicate with family and friends by email,internet phone and through private video conferences.
While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit,there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy.Before a mission.The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos,messages,videos and reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating 370kilometers above the Earth.During their mission,the crew also receives care packages with CDs,books,magazines,photos and letters.And as from early 2010,the internet became available on the ISS,giving astronauts the chance to do some"web surfing(冲浪)"in their personal time.Besides relaxing with these more common entertainments,astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.
Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth's vast land mass and oceans.

29.What does the word"mimic"in Paragraph 1 probably mean?B
A.Find B.Copy C.Change D.Lose
30.Which of the following best describes the families of the astronauts on the ISS?A
A.The are caring and thoughtful
B.The are worried and upset
C.The are impatient and annoyed.
D.The are excited and curious.
31.The passage mainly discusses how astronautsD.
A.work for longer missions in space
B.connect with people on the Earth
C.observe the Earth from space
D.spend their free time in space.
2.Weekend Photography Workshop(研讨班):Seattle Aims
Learn new techniques from a great photographer
Take photos of Pike Place Market,Bainbridge Island,and more
Activity Details
Seattle is a fantastic place to photograph.Spend the weekend taking photos of the historic Pike Place Market,get a new angle on the Space Needle,and photograph harbor views on Bainbridge Island.
This workshop is led by a great photographer and a professional instructor and is designed for people who are interested in improving their digital photography.All participants must bring a digital SLR camera(单反相机),a laptop,and the software for organizing and presenting images.The workshop is limited to 25 participants.
Plan-3 Days
Day 1-Thursday:Seattle
Settle into our hotel or stay in accommodations of your choice.Gather tonight at a restaurant in town for a welcome dinner.
Day 2-Friday:Pike Place Market & Pioneer Square
Start the day in the classroom with an instructive talk by our photographer.Our first task this afternoon takes us to the oldest running farmers'market in the country,Pike Place Market.Work on portraits,street scenes,and food photographing.Then photograph the stately 19th century brick buildings of Pioneer Square,Seattle's historic center.End the day with an edit-and-critic meeting.
Day 3-Saturday:Olympic Sculpture Park & Space Needle
Head out to the Olympic Sculpture Park.Then go to the streets of the downtown area to get a unique view of the Space Needle,and photograph city life against a background of diverse architectural styles.Tonight,we'll present our best images to the group,enjoy dinner at a local restaurant and end our journey.
With hotelWithout hotel
Meals noted in the plan are included in both options(with and without hotel)
Jul 11-14,2013     Aug 08-11,2013       Sep 26-29,2013
Contact Information
For questions about this workshop,please call 1-886-797-4686.Or you can visit the website:http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com.
36.The purpose in joining the workshop is toB. 
   A.make friends with those who are good at photographing
   B.learn new techniques and photograph tourist attractions in Seattle
   C.have a romantic and meaningful weekend
   D.pay a short visit to Seattle
37.What should you bring with you during the workshop?A
   A.A digital SLR camera,a laptop and the software that can organize and present images.
   B.A digital camera and a computer that can organize and present images.
   C.A digital camera and a guide to photography.
   D.A digital SLR camera and a guide to photography.
38.You will do the following on Friday EXCEPTA.
   A.photographing diverse architectural styles in Seattle
   B.communicating photography techniques with others
   C.photographing Seattle's historic center---Pioneer Square
   D.visiting the oldest running farmers'market in the country
39.What can you learn from the passage?C
   A.The workshop is led by a teacher who is interested in photography.
   B.You need to pay for the meals mentioned in the plan.
   C.You have three chances to join the workshop.
   D.Only 20 people can participate in the workshop.
40.If you are willing to join the workshop,you canD.
   A.go to Seattle directly               B.contact the photographer
   C.call a travel agency in Seattle   D.call 1-866-797-4686 for more details.
6.One October morning,I got off the all-night train in Mandalay,a city in Myanmar.A rough man came up and offered to show me around.The price he asked was less than I would pay for a bar of chocolate at home.So I climbed into his trishaw(三轮车).
As he was showing me around,he told me how he had come to the city from his village.He'd earned a degree in mathematics.His dream was to be a teacher.But of course,life is hard here,and so for now,this was the only way he could make a living.Many nights,he told me,he actually slept in his trishaw so he could catch the first visitors off the all-night train.
And very soon,we found that in certain ways,we had so much in common---we were both in our 20s,we were both fascinated by foreign cultures----that he invited me home.
So we turned off the wide,crowded streets,and came to rough,wild alleyways(小巷).I really lost my sense of where I was,and realized that I could easily get cheated or something even worse.
Finally,he stopped and led me into a hut.And then he reached under his bed.Something in me froze.I waited to see what he would pull out.And finally he took out a box.Inside it was every single letter he had ever received from visitors from abroad.
So when we said goodbye that night,I realized he had also shown me the secret point of travel,which is to go inwardly(向内心)as well as outwardly to places you would never go otherwise,to go into uncertainty,even fear.
At home,its dangerously easy to think we're on top of things.Out in the world,you are reminded every moment that you're not,and you can't get to the bottom of things,either.

32.What do we know about the trishaw puller?B
A.He used to be a teacher
B.He works very hard
C.He is a foreigner in Myanmar
D.He received little education
33.Why did the author freeze in front of the bed?D
A.He was feeling very cold
B.He didn't expect to see the letters
C.He was shocked by the room's bad condition
D.He thought the young man was going to hurt him
34.What is the author's opinion on travel?D
A.Fear nothing
B.Follow your heart
C.Enjoy the beauty of life
D.Be prepared for the unexpected
35.What does the phrase"get to the bottom of things"mean in the last paragraph?B
A.Solve the problems
B.Find out the truth
C.Get to know the place really
D.Learn about the bottom of society.
16.Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that in order to achieve contentment,one should"cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you,and to give thanks continuously."It turns out Emerson-who explored the meaning of a good life in much of his work-wasn't far off when it comes to What we now know about counting one's blessings.Research is continually finding that expressing thanks can lead to a healthier,happier and less-stressed lifestyle.
How can we,as Emerson advised,be thankful for each thing that contributes to our lives?Below are four habits that could help you cultivate gratitude on a daily basis.
Keep a journal.-Research has shown that writing down what you're thankful for can lead to a range of wellness benefits.Keeping a gratitude journal can reinforce positive thoughts-something particularly helpful as the brain tends to naturally focus on what goes wrong.Putting pen to paper can also help you make more progress as you work toward personal goals.In order to reap the full benefits of keeping a journal,Dr Robert Emmons,gratitude researcher and psychology professor at the University of California,Davis,recommends writing for five to 10 minutes every other day."You really need to commit to doing it,and if you write it down eventually it will become more automatic,"Emmons says."It's like exercise-you're not just going to get up one morning and go running,you need to have a plan.
Don't avoid the negative.-Expressing gratitude has been proven to generate more optimism,but thankful people also don't shy away from the negative.Emmons says that while we often associate gratitude with focusing on the good and avoiding the bad,the key to leading a thankful life is embracing setbacks as part of your overall journey.Emmons suggests recalling a hard time you once experienced-chances are,you'll start to feel grateful for your current state and for overcoming former challenges.
Spend time with loved ones.-Thankful people know they didn't get to where they are by themselves-and they make it a habit to spend time with those people who matter most."Gratitude really helps us connect to other people,"Emmons says."It actually strengthens relationships and relationships are the strongest predictors of happiness and coping with stress."Expressing appreciation for loved ones can also help create closeness by allowing others to see how you look at them.According to Dr.Michael E.McCullough,a University of Miami researcher,your feelings of gratitude benefit more than just yourself."More than other emotion,gratitude is the emotion of friendship,"McCullough told the New York Times in 2011."It is part of a psychological system that causes people to raise their estimates of how much value they hold in the eyes of another person."
Volunteer.-Everyone needs a little help sometimes-and grateful people know there's no other way to acknowledge this than by paying it forward.In his book"Thanks!,"Emmons notes that those who volunteer often feel grateful for the experience to give back."Since service to others helped them to find their own inner spirituality,they were grateful for the opportunity to serve,"he wrote.As recent research published in BMC Public Health points out,volunteering can result in fewer feelings of depression and increased overall well-being.Emmons suggests examining your own talents and use them to help others,noting that people become more grateful as givers rather than receivers.

65.According to the research,is an important factor in having a healthy lifestyle.A
A.expressing gratitude
B.cultivating good living habits
C.achieving contentment
D.exploring the meaning of life
66.According to Dr.Robert Emmons and Davis,what's important in keeping a gratitude journal?D
A.reinforcing positive thoughts.
B.reaping full benefits.
C.doing exercises regularly.
D.committing to writing.
67.What can we learn form paragraph 4?B
A.We should learn to hide from negative things.
B.The hard times we have experienced may be valuable to us.
C.It is easy to have a thankful life as long as have confidence.
D.Sometimes thankful people are negative when facing hardships.
68.Emmon's words on paragraph 5 suggest that.A
A.gratitude enhances relationships between people
B.a feeling of gratitude generates appreciation for loved ones
C.thankful people like to spend time with others
D.people should make a habit of being with others
69.What does the last paragraph implyB?
A.Those who receive help will feel a bit depressed.
B.Those who volunteer to help others will show more gratitude.
C.When offered help,you'll feel grateful to the service.
D.When offering help,you will feel grateful for your inner spirituality.
70.What would be the best title for the passage?C
A.Gratitude for achieving contentment
B.Ways of Having a Healthier Lifestyle
C.Four Habits to Make You a Grateful person
D.Gratitude Contributing to Success.
3.Nearly every driver has experienced that feeling of great tiredness,where it becomes almost impossible to stay awake at the wheel.14-year-old Katherine Wu is too young to have experienced this situation firsthand.However,she noticed how difficult it was for her dad to remain awake while driving back from their family vacations in Florida to their home in Maryland.Her mom had to talk to her dad all the way.
"So I created a tool that can be used instead of my mum talking to my dad to make sure he stays awake and is safe,"she says.
Her invention,"Drivers'Companion",can notice driver sleepiness and warn the driver if he or she is too tired to be on the road.
The user wears a headset,which sends information about the driver's brain waves to a tiny computer.The computer can be placed in front of the driver.The system then gives warnings,if needed.As the driver becomes sleepier,red color will be shown to warn him or her.The driver will also hear messages warning him to get off the road.The machine can say,"You're tired.Please take a break."
After sending her invention to the 2016Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge,Wu was chosen as a finalist and was able to work with Dr.Jess Miller,who is a product development specialist.
"He helped me understand how important it is to make sure that my invention worked for the people who were using it and that it was user-friendly,"Wu says.
As a young scientist,Wu has some advice for other students of her age:I would like to tell them that they should choose something they're interested in.So they will be willing to spend more time on it and enjoy working on it more.Also,when there's difficulty,they should just continue working hard because they'll get over it"

25.What is the purpose of"Driver's Companion"?.C
A.To show drivers the way
B.To prevent drunk driving
C.To improve driving skills
D.To help drivers stay awake
26.Wich of the following shows how Driver's Companion works?C.
27.Dr.Miller lets Wu know the importance ofA..
A.satisfying users
B.working together
C.makng discoveries
D.helping otherstudents
28.Wu advises other young studentsD.
A.to enjoy their lives
B.to learn to love science
C.not to do dangerous jobs
D.not to give up what they love.

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