4.Bangkok(曼谷),Thailand,is known for having some of the best street food in the world.But officials have announced plans to ban food vendors(摊贩)in an effort to clean up the city.An assistant to Bangkok's governor told The Nation newspaper the move is meant to improve the appearance,walkability and safety of city streets.
"The street vendors have seized the pavement space for too long and we already provide them space to sell food and other products legally in the market,"the assistant said."So there will be no let-up in this operation-every street vendor will have to move out."
Bangkok was recently named the world's finest street food location for the second year by Cable News Network (CNN).
Vendors can be found in all of Bangkok's busiest areas.They serve everyone from business people to tourists to local citizens.The chairs and tables are basic.Customers have to deal with Bangkok's extreme heat and polluted air while they eat.But the tasty food keeps people coming back again and again.
Nont Nontskiul is a financial worker in Bangkok.He lives in a part of the city where street vendors will be some of the first to be removed.He told the Associated Press that,"Even people who eat at pricey restaurants every day can't avoid street food.It's faster,tastes better,and costs less than half the price."
Critics of the street food clean-up campaign say low-income people-including food vendors and their customers-will be most affected by the ban.They have called on the government to do more to help the vendors keep their businesses going in a legal way.
Ubolwattana Mingkwan is a coffee vendor in Bangkok.She charges 85cents for a cup of coffee.She says she cannot afford the cost of rent required to do business in a government-approved area."I've asked city officials for help and understanding,"she told the Associated Press,"All they say now is"no,no,no."They've already received their orders."

24.Why do the officials want to Forbid street traders?C
A.To force them to leave.
B.To remove street food.
C.To keep the city in order.
D.To offer convenience to residents.
25.How does the author think of the street traders in Bangkok?D
A.They pollute the air in the city.
B.They usually sell unhealthy foods.
C.They work in too hot surroundings.
D.They play an important rule in daily life.
26.What's the problem with government-approved areas for street traders?A
A.Their rents are too high for them.
B.They will make food hard to sell.
C.They are controlled by the government.
D.No one will go there for food.
27.What is the author's attitude toward the ban?B
3.Education Does Count
----Bill GatesHundreds of students send me e-mail each year asking for advice about education.They want to know what to study,or whether it's OK to drop out of college since that's what I did.
My basic advice is simple and heartfelt."Get the best education you can.Take advantage of high school and college.Learn how to learn."
It's true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft,but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping out--and I'd love to have the time to go back.As I've said before,nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime.And even then they should reconsider.
In my company's early years we had a bright part-time programmer who threatened to drop out of high school to work full-time.We told him no.
Quite a few of our people didn't finish college,but we discourage dropping out.
Having a diploma certainly helps someone who is looking to us for a job.
There's not a perfect correlation(相连关系) between attitudes in high school and success in later life,of course.But it's a real mistake not to take the opportunity to learn a huge range of subjects,to learn to work with people in high school,and to get the grades that will help you get into a good college.
The Author/Bill Gates is often asked to give advice about education due to his successful experience.He thinks it is unwise to drop out and that learning is sure to be beneficial
Some students want to drop out of school,believing schooling has nothing to do witha successful career,because there are many cases where people who don't finish their schooling are successful,such as Bill Gates.Besides,the high tuition of college educationis too much for ordinary families.Dropping out to find a job helps them to lighten the heavy financial burden on theirparents.Furthermore,experience counts most for a career and no wonder some would like to accumulate experience by takinga job at an early age.
"Knowledgeis power."Without knowledge,by no means canwe achieve our life goal.Schools are where people become knowledgeable.As for me,it is a wise option to concentrate on study from now on.I will make full use of time to complete my schooling and realize my dream..
2.Green is not always referring to the color.In some cases,it is the term used for being environmentally friendly.If you've been looking to replace your furniture,consider going green because environmentally friendly furniture offers many benefits.Here are a few tips to get you started on your hunt for the perfect eco-friendly furniture.
First,environmentally friendly furniture isn't harmful to your health.Also its manufacturing process doesn't cause damage to the environment in any way.Besides,by purchasing eco-friendly products,you prevent deforestation and global warming to some extent in your own way.You do your part in protecting the environment.Environmentally friendly furniture is cost-effective as well.
The materials that are used in furniture are what make them green.Materials can be good for the environment either because they are materials that are considered renewable resources or they are all natural.A lack of chemicals and toxins(毒素) in green furniture also means it is a better choice for the environment.It may be hard to imagine that a sofa or a table could actually be a green product but they really can be depending on what they're made of.
There are a lot of renewable sources that manufacturers could use when building the furniture,so you should be keeping an eye out for them.Bamboo can be an excellent replacement for wood and can also replace plastics and metals in some furnishing.Cotton is a soft fabric that is safe for the environment and it can be replenished(补充) often.Hemp is also a renewable source that can be used for fabric and twine.
Recycled materials also can be made into green furniture.Metals can be recovered and remade into new things such as frames and foundations for sofas.Recycled plastic can also be made into furniture such as tables and chairs.Touching up old furniture instead of buying new items is a very cheap way to be green.Yard sales and second-hand stores sell furniture too and buying the used means new things won't be made,so no more damage has to happen to the earth.
Therefore,when you want to hunt for the perfect environmentally friendly furniture,you should try to know the type of materials which are used in building the furniture.
Environmentally friendly furniture
(71)Benefits/Advantages●It is (72)harmlessto your health
●Its manufacturing process (73)avoidsdamaging the environment in any way
●It prevents deforestation and global warming to some extent
●It helps you(74)savesome money as well
Requirements of the materials●The materials should be renewable and natural
●The materials (75)containfewer chemicals and toxins
Materials often used in green furnitureRenewable materials●Bamboo can be used to(76)replacewoods,plastics and metals
●Cotton is a soft fabric which can be often replenished
●Hemp is also a good material
Recycled materials●Metals can be recovered and (77)reusedto make new things(78)like frames and foundations for sofas
●Recycled plastics can be made into tables and chairs
●Purchasing(79)second-hand/used/oldfurniture is also a good idea
ConclusionIt is(80)important/necessary/betterto know the type of materials used in the furniture while you're hunting for the perfect eco-friendly furniture.
1.The man beside her looked familiar.She felt like she knew him.Then when he opened the book on his knees,she at once knew who he was.
"Now,if anyone ever has a doubt regarding factorization (因式分解),just once,read page number thirteen in your textbook.There would be no more doubt."
She smiled at the memory,remembering his patient,cool face.She recalled one by one,all the memories of her middle school Math teacher.
He was a widower(寡夫),always looking sad.He looked tailor-made for a librarian,silent as his books,or a romantic poet,but a mathematics teacher was the last guess anyone could make about him.
Oh,how they used to make fun of him,play tricks on him and laugh behind his back!He never laughed but smiled politely at everybody.Sometimes he would make silly mistakes on the blackboard,and then apologize as he erased it out.He always gave in to the girls'demands of shortening his class.His correction was always careless and merciful,and the middle school girls relied on this fact to pass through the hardest of mathematics exam papers.
But she didn't remember him for this.
Long shiny hair and soulful big eyes.A tall,slim frame.His daughter.They had been best friends and always hung about together.She recalled eagerly all the fun they had in middle school,wild and carefree…until his daughter went down with pneumonia(肺炎).She could never forget the suddenness and the meaninglessness of it,the feeling of emptiness.
After that,he looked even sadder.But,life went on.
Now,after almost 25years,sitting beside him,with a dirty city bus aisle between them,she gathered her courage and said,"Mr.Rao?I'm an old student of yours.You taught me in middle school."
He looked at her for a while."I do not even seem to remember any student."
She knew he was lying."I am sorry about your daughter."
There was a pause in their conversation,and it was filled with all kinds of noises.Then he spoke,looking away."I do not need any sympathy.In fact,all my new students think I never had any kids."He had a smile,but his eyes were sad.
"Where do you work now?"she asked.
"Future Generation High School."
She swallowed,in excitement.The school where her daughter studied.
"Do you happen to know Jaya Kumari?"
Something flashed across his face.Anyone else would consider the expression as recalling something.But she knew it was pain.Then his face was calm again.
"No."His answer was short.
"Well,she is my daughter."
Her daughter was a topper,a gold medalist in the Math State Competitions.He was pretending.
The bus stopped.She stood up and looked down at him."I was your daughter's best friend.You must surely remember me…"
"Excuse me,"he said,looking nervous."I do not want this conversation.Someday,you'll see that it is easier to bury the past."He said,and went back to his graph.
"Her loss was hard on me too,"she continued calmly."I named my daughter after her."

63.What does the underlined part mean?C
A.His dream was to be a poet.
B.He wasn't equal to teaching math.
C.He didn't look like a math teacher.
D.He was silent and used to be a librarian.
64.According to the passage,when the woman was in middle school,Mr.Rao was probablyA.
A.soft-hearted        B.irresponsible       C.indifferent        D.strict
65.The woman remembered his math teacher probably becauseB.
A.he was often made fun of by his students
B.they both suffered the loss of loved ones
C.he was handsome but always looked sad
D.he taught well and was kind to girl students
66.The man refused to admit knowing the woman's daughter becauseA.
A.he never recovered from his daughter's death.
B.he hated discussing about his job after work.
C.her daughter was not clever enough to stand out.
D.the name of her daughter was not familiar to him.
18.With limited space for parks and gardens,architects and city planners often find it challenging to include greenery in neighborhoods in cities.One creative solution is to grow plants on unused areas like walls and rooftops.It's a popular idea,and now rooftop gardens and green walls have been sprouting up(大量冒出)in cities around the world.
There are many benefits of having green spaces to the urban landscape.Adding gardens to rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment--what was once a gray cement(水泥)wall can become a colorful,blooming garden.The CaxiaForum art gallery in Madrid,Spain,is a famous example--one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species.In other cities,green walls are being used more functionally,to cover up construction sites and empty buildings and to decorate the lobbies of office buildings.
Using plants to cover walls and rooftops can also keep cities cooler in the summer.Buildings and roads absorb the sun's heat and hold it,causing a building or neighborhood to stay warmer longer.Plants,on the other hand,provide an enormous amount of shade.There is evidence that growing a roof or wall garden can lower a building's energy costs.
In New York City,public schools plant rooftop gardens that can reduce heating and cooling costs.In addition to saving the school money,teachers and parents love the gardens because of their educational value--it's a fun and healthy way for their kids to investigate the world around them."For the children,it's exciting when you grow something edible(可食用的),"said Lauren Fontana,principal of a New York public school.
Rooftop gardens and green walls may require a bit more effort to grow and maintain.However,hard work always brings rewards,and with green spaces,the rewards are plentiful.
Due to the limited space in cities,rooftop gardens and green walls have emerged.(要点1)One benefit of adding green to rooftops and walls is to offer an agreeable surroundings.(要点2)Besides,shade can be created to make cities stay cooler longer,thus reducing the costs in energy.(要点3)What's more,green gardens in school bear educational value of children's exploring the world.(要点4)Though hard to maintain,green spaces in cities ensure abundant rewards.(要点5)
(71 words).
17.I worked from the time when I was four and raised seven children,all of them college graduates.It seemed I'd done everything I'd ever wanted to do in my life,but I had one regret.I was born in 1898,the oldest of five kids.Papa couldn't spare me to go to school,so I worked in the fields with him till l was 21 years old.
Everywhere I went,I learned some hard lessons about what happens to a man who even can't read the alphabet.People cheat you out of wages.They sell you a ticket to one city,take your money and hand you a ticket to somewhere else.By 1928,I'd been wandering for nine years.I met a woman named Elzenia.We fell in love,married and moved to D allas,where I got work fixing roads for the city.WhenA melia,the oldest of our seven children,first went to school,I took my wife aside."Elzenia,"I said."I don't want the kids to know I can't read or write."
In 1938,one day my boss called me in."George,"he said."No one knows those machines like you do.I'd like to promote you."But my thrill and surprise were cut short when he said,"Fill out this application and we'll get you a raise."I couldn't admit the truth.I thanked him and walked out of his office.I did stay right where I was,until I turned 65 and my boss made me retire.But I didn't stop working.For the next 25years,I lived a happy life,but it still seemed to me like something was missing.A young fellow handed me a piece of paper.It's information about adult education classes.People can learn to read and write.Now I'm 98.I thought of my friends and neighbours and what they might think if they found out I couldn't read.After all these years,my secret would be out.But all my life I've wanted to read.It was high time for action.
Paragraph 1:
The young man drove me to…The young man drove me to a huge building and led me into a spacious classroom,which was crowded with elderly people like me.Through chatting,I learned that they had all been longing to read and write out never had the chance to go to school.As the bell rang,in came the teacher,a woman well past forty.After a warm and brief greeting,we started our lesson.First we learned to read the alphabet and though I made mistakes at times,no one laughed at me.Everyone helped each other with open-hearted enjoyment.
Paragraph 2:
I'm still going to school.I'm still going to school.Though faced with the most challenging event of my life,I'm full of courage and confidence.With the generous help of my teacher,friends and my children,I have made huge progress in study.Now I'm never shy about admitting the truth that once I was not able to read and write at all.Besides,I'm eager to encourage more elderly people to attend the adult education classes,because it's never too late to learn..
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