9.It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents.
(36)A They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways,that they are too serious and too strict with their children,and that they seldom give their children a free hand.
It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children's trust and they always forget how they themselves felt when young.
(37)D I is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation.Adults worry more easily.Most of them plan things ahead.
Young people make their parents angry with their choices in clothes,in entertainment and in music.But they do not mean to cause any trouble:It is just that they feel cut off from the adult's world,and they have not yet been accepted into their world.(38)FAnd if their parents do not like thir music or entertainment or clothes or their way of speech,this will make the young people very happy.
Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say"yes"to what you do.(39)C It is natural enough,after being a child for so many years,when you were completely under your parents'control.
(40)E If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility,they will give you the right to do what you want to do.

A.They say that their parents don't understand them.
B.Young people like to live with their parents.
C.All you want is to be left alone and do what you like.
D.Young people like to act without much thinking.
E.If you plan to control your life,you'd better win your parents.
F.That's why young people want to make a new culture of their own.
G.Parents should understand young people.
People who are your age,like your classmates,are called peers.When they try to influence how you act,to get you to do something,it's called peer pressure.Your peers influence your life,even if you don't realize it,just by spending time with you.It's only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.
Peers can have a positive influence on you.Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system.You might admire a friend who is always good at sports and try to be more like her or him.
Sometimes,your peers can influence you in negative ways.For example,a few kids in school might try to get you to skip class with them; your soccer friend might try to convince you to be mean to another player and never pass him the ball.
Teenagers are the most likely to fall prey to peer pressure.So,their parents and teachers should make sure they don't submit to it.And the solution is not in isolating them from their peers.It's in teaching them to make good choices in life.
The passage explains what peer pressure is.This pressure has positive and negative on our lives.Teenagers give in to peer pressure quite easily,so they should be taught to make good choice.
This reminds me of my classmate,Landa,who is the top student in our class.She has a positive influence on me.Once she noticed that I was about to give up halfway after spending ages struggling with my maths homework,so she offered to help me with it.Unfortunately,she couldn't solve the maths problem straight away.But she kept trying,and worked on the problem for several hours,I was very moved.I was very moved.Since then,her firm determination to overcome difficulties has inspired me whenever I has been in a tricky situation.
From my perspective,since peer pressure is very important,we should get closer to those who have a positive influence on us,and keep away from those who do not..
7.Last summer,I spent an afternoon with my daughter,Ava Scarlett.As her mother,I know about her true nature,but you can always learn new things about your child through how she makes the tough 
I asked,"Which would you rather have?All the Barbies (toys girls like much) or all the cake?Ava had a wrinkle formed on her nose.It wasn't a fair question,of course,but I was curious.
My daughter is seven years old,and like many kids her age,she has a red-hot love of barbies.I sometimes worry about what Mattel's plastic princess and her straight,blond hair and unrealistic measurements will don to my daughter's developing psyche.
My daughter,like many kids her age,is fascinated with cakes of all kinds.But it's not about eating them-or not solely(单独地).She wants to be the person baking amazing shapes and colors.Unblinking,her eyes shine as show watches chocolate.
Ava Scarlett turned,staring at me with her answer in mind.And it was good."Why can't we have both and share with everyone who wants?"
My daughter always splits her cookie in two so her brother can have some.She offers me her last bite of cucumber,even though it's her favorite vegetable.She wants us to know how much she cares for us-each of us.and she even makes the list of loved ones who will get to have her dream cakes.
Truth to be told,we don't bake a whole lot in our house.But given the opportunity,Ava Scarlett is satisfied with baking cakes for the family.Today,it's dinner:she has declared herself in charge of beating the egg for dinner.
Carefully,she carries her little white chair over to the fridge.The chair isn't heavy,and she's now big enough to lift it easily-no more dragging it across the floor.Looking into the wire basket of brown and white eggs we keep in the fridge,Ava Scarlett has a question of her own.
"Can I choose any egg I want?"
"Of course."
She takes a long moment."I think I'll choose a brown one,because I love my mother."I blink----Ava Scarlett often doesn't realize that she is also brown.I remember wanting to be a standard Barbie when I was seven,too,which is really just a way of saying,"I don't want to feel different."
I give my daughter a quick smile.She does her best and then reaches in to pick one out.I know she did so to express her love for me and our family.At this moment,I choose to accept her comment as a generous one.Ava Scarlett's desire is for people around her to be as happy as possible.She wants things to be smooth.These days,though she'd rather be Barbie than a brown egg,she'd never want me to feel abandoned by her.This little apple hasn't fallen very far from my tree.It's amazing what your children mirror back.
I hand Ava Scarlett a fork."Did you know that eggs come in all kinds of colors and shapes?They're all exactly the same on the inside,though.Just like people."
"I know."She said.
I can almost hear the gears in her head turning my words over and around.Of course,eggs are the same on the inside,just like people,she's thinking.I know she understands this.
66.What made the author so worried?B
A.That her daughter loves only Barbies and ignores other toys.
B.That Barbies would have a negative effect on her daughter.
C.That she was too busy to be there for her daughter
D.That her daughter doesn't know how to share
67.How does the author's express love to her?A
A.By selecting a brown egg
B.By sharing her cookie with her
C.By giving up her favorite Barbies
D.By giving good comments to please her
68.How does the author feel about her daughter's egg-choosing answer?A
A.It's surprising but comforting
B.It's painful but understandable
C.It's bitter and disappointing
D.It's worrying and annoying
69.What does"She'd rather be a Barbie than a brown egg"mean?C
A.She'd rather play toys than make the dinner.
B.She's rather abandon her desire for beauty.
C.She'd rather change her identity as a brown girl.
D.She'd rather make others happy than satisfy her own needs.
70.What would be the most appropriate title for this selection?B
A.Mother knows best
B.My daughter's choice
C.Sharing makes a better world
D.Following your heart rather than your head.
5.It's often heard that love is sharp and hate is sharper,but jealousy(妒忌)is the sharpest as it's love and hate at the same time.It's an emotion which creates negativity,and feelings of fear,anxiety,and insecurity.Jealousy is an ugly green monster which preys on each one of us at different points of our lives.Jealousy is defined as a protective reaction to an imagined threat to a valued relationship,arising from a situation in which the partner's involvement in an activity of with another person is contrary to the jealous person's definition of their relationship.
Jealousy is an imperfect blend of sadness,anger,disgust,and resentment.It has destroyed many perfect relationships and caused huge emotional distress to the jealous person as well as his family or friends.Extreme cases of jealousy have even been a cause for murders and suicides.Jealousy is one of the most common human emotions and is experienced by either gender.It is not culture specific and shows its presence from the age of 6months onward.
There are several main common types of jealousy.One of them is workplace jealousy,which is a commonly observed jealousy occurring between colleagues in a workplace.It's often known to turn up when there is a lack of appreciation for the work and efforts made by an employee.Often,there is a general feeling of jealousy between colleagues with similar job profiles,when only one of them gets promoted,or gets a pay raise.This creates a feeling of disappointment and jealousy in the heart of an employee.
Another common type is platonic jealousy.This type of jealousy is often mistaken as romantic,but one must remember that there is a thin line of difference between the two.This jealousy can most commonly be seen in friendships,when one fears losing a friend to a more interesting or friendly person.The emotional attachment with your own friend is so much that you can't imagine them with someone else.Platonic jealousy was aptly shown in the popular comic books called Archie where both Betty and Veronica try to vie Archie.
Sibling(兄弟姐妹)jealousy,commonly seen in families across the world,is also one common type of jealousy.
There is a general sense of competition amongst children to be their parent's favorite child.There is a display of jealousy on arrival of a new sibling,on being made to share favorite toys,clothes,or other facilities,on being showered lesser attention,and experiencing lesser love than siblings,on experiencing a negative comparison made between siblings by parents or even when a sibling is smarter or more talented that another.
Jealousy isn't a good thing; fortunately,it's possible to gradually deal with it.This requires initiative(主动性)and full support from the person facing the problem as well as his loved ones.The person himself shouldn't deny the existence of such a problem.As to siblingjealousy,Parents are advised to deal with this problem in a positive way as soon as it is detected,else sibling rivalry can have some serious effects and cause a lifelong rift and tension between siblings.When dealing with workplace jealousy,you should be professional,approach your seniors and demand a recheck of your assessment.Nowadays,organizations are being forced to apply scientific methods of evaluation systems so as to create faimess in assessment.The methods applied have helped justify the assessment results and reduce jealousy between colleagues.
So why get annoyed about your fate and get jealous of others?Love yourself and be assured about your capabilities.Give life your best shot and before your know it,things will start falling in place.
General(71)introduction◆Jealousy refers to mixed emotions of anxiety and insecurity.
◆People feel jealous with the purpose of (72)protectingthemselves when they feel(73)threatenedby another person.
◆Jealousy can get a perfect relationship (74)destroyedand result in negative emotions.
Common types of jealousyWorkplace jealousyWorkplace jealousy occurs when colleagues get (75)differentlevels of appreciation for their work and efforts.
Platonic jealousyA person is jealous of another person who will(76)replacehim/her as a friend of his emotionally attached one.
Sibling jealousySibling jealousy occurs when you share your things with your siblings(77)unwillingly/reluctantly/passively,receive lesser attention than them or are compared negatively with them.
Tips on(78)handing/tackling/approachingjealousy◆(79)Admitthe jealousy and then take action to control it.
◆Make (80)fair/justassessment to reduce jealousy between colleagues.
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