8."Depend on yourself"is what nature says to everyone.Parents can help you.Teachers can help you.Others can still help you.But all these only help you to help yourself.
There have been many great men in history.But many of them were very poor in childhood,and had no uncles,aunts or friends to help them.Schools were few and not very good.They could not depend upon them for an education.They saw how it was,and set to work with all their strength to know something.They worked their own way up to fame.
One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils,"I cannot make verity men of you,but I can help you make men of yourselves."
Some young men have no idea to be the top one in anything; and they are t o be pitied.They can never achieve much unless they see their weak points and change their courage.They are nothing now,and will be nothing as long as they live,unless they accept the advice of their parent and teachers,and depend on their own honest efforts.

22."Depend on yourself"in this passage meansC.
A.rely on nature                       B.wait for others to help
C.rely on your own efforts             D.count on your parents'help
23.Many of the great men in history succeed becauseC.
A.they were very poor in childhood
B.they wanted very much to become famous
C.they made great efforts to learn and work
D.they could not depend on schools for an education
24.According to the famous teacher in England,a teacher canC.
A.make his pupils worthy men
B.help his pupils find a way to fame
C.help his pupils make themselves useful men
D.make his pupils men of strength and courage
25.If young people depend on their own efforts,D.
A.they are to be pitied                B.they can be ambitious
C.they are nothing forever             D.they can be successful in their careers
26.The best title for this passage isC.
A.How to Be Famous                     B.What Nature Says to Every Man
C.Depend on Yourself                   D.Depend on Others.
7.Many people hurt their backs when they try to lift heavy things from the floor.It is easy to hurt your back muscles when you pick up a heavy object.However,there is a correct way to lift things from the floor if you pick up or lift heavy objects correctly,you probably will not hurt your back.
To lift something from the floor correctly,first bend your knees and squatdown.Keep your back straight.Do not bend over from your waist; keep your back and hips and waist in a line.If you bend over,the muscles in your lower back can become wounded very easily.If you keep your back and hips stronger,they have much more support.The other muscles can then help the lower back muscles.
As you squat down,try to get as close to the object as possible.For example,if you are going to pick up a heavy box,squat down directly in front of it.Maybe you will have to spread your knees and legs.Put one knee on each side of the box.Remember at all times to keep your back straight.
Put your hands under the objects that is in front of you,between your knees.
To lift objects,you should stand up slowly.Use your leg muscles in order to stand up.In other words,lift with your legs,not with your back.

16.If you try to lift heavy things from the floor,B.
A.you will hurt your back                  B.you may hurt your back
C.you must hurt your back                  D.you never hurt your back
17.According to the passage,how can you avoid hurting yourself while lifting things from the floor?C
A.To get yourself insured.
B.Never to lift heavy things.
C.To use the correct way to lift things.
D.To do body exercises to have more strength.
18 To lift a heavy object mainly depends on yourA.
A.legs          B.back         C.knees         D.hands
19.To lift a heavy box,the most important thing you should do isD
A.to put your hands under the box       B.to bend your knees and squat down
C.to put one knee on each side of it    D.to keep your back straight at all times
20.When you lift a heavy thing,which of the following is NOT true?B
A.Keeping your back and hips and waist in a line.
B.Putting one knee in front of the thing.
C.Standing up slowly.
D.Putting your hands under the thing between your knees.
21.What does the underlined word"squat"mean in the passage?B
A.站            B.蹲            C.爬             D.糖.
4.Hobbies are an important part of life.A great hobby will allow you to learn more about yourself,and will help you to develop life skills.(16)B If you're choosing a new hobby,the following tips can help you:
(17)A When looking for a new hobby,you can think about the subjects you like to learn about,or the things you enjoy doing.For example,if you're a woman,you can take up hobbies such as cooking and gardening.If you're a man,you can consider hobbies like hunting and fishing.
Know your skills.(18)G Think hard about it by going over this question.This will guide you to choose a hobby that suits you.For example,if you have a good hand at drawing,then painting could be a great hobby for you.
Decide the time you can give.If you don't have much free time,pick one that doesn't take much time.If you have more free time,then you can take up hobbies to which more time can be given.So look at your schedule and how much time you might have for your chosen hobby.(19)F
Pay attention to your talks.What do you enjoy talking about?(20)D Your conversations can show a lot about your likes which can be developed into a hobby.Now,think hard and determine what you enjoy and how it can be turned into a hobby.

A.Focus on what interests you
B.There are an endless number of hobbies you can choose from.
C.Decide what you want----time alone or social interaction?
D.You must ask others about the topics you talk about the most.
E.Figure out how much time you have to work on your hobby.
F.This will help you take things not suitable for you off the list.
G.Are you a good writer,speaker,painter,or an expert in something else?
3.When Jack was a small boy,he was once asked to give a speech about"A Big Challenge(挑战) in My Life".To talk before the whole class,he was(61)terribly (terrible) shy as soon as he thought of so many eyes (62)staring(stare) at him.He had no other(63)choice (choose),though.First Jack was to draft(打草稿) the speech,which was just a piece of cake for him because he was a good writer,But the hard part(64)lay (lie) in his oral presentation(展示),for it was not allowed to read from the paper.He had to give the speech (65)from his memory and in front of such a big audience(观众)!
A real trial(考验) began when Jack stood on the platform with his legs (66)trembling(tremble颤抖) and his mind blank(空白).How much time had passed by,he didn't know.His listeners were still waiting patiently and without any signs of laughing.Gradually he found(67)himself (him) back,giving out his speech without much difficulty.After what seemed to be a hundred years,he found the audience applauding.He made(68)it!From then on,his fear of talking before an audience disappeared.Actually with his confidence built up,Jack now turns out to be a great speaker.As we know,the greater difficulty we meet on our way to (69)success(succeed),the(70)morelikely we will be to achieve(实现) our goals.
2.Weight loss is a hard topic.Lots of people aren't satisfied with their present weight,but most people aren't sure how to change it.You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines or on TV,but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you.(36)D So what should you do about your weight control?
(37)F The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or a dietitian(营养学家).(38)G If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss,then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.(39)B People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all of the pounds they lost,because they haven't permanently(永久地) changed their habits.Therefore,the best weight management ways are those that you can maintain(保持)for a lifetime.
Small changes are a lot easier to stick with(坚持) than large ones.Try reducing the size of what you eat.(40)A Once you have that done,start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.
It's a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it's just that:healthy.

A.Try giving up regular soda for a week.
B.Weight management is about long-term success.
C.Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you're full.
D.Besides,no magical diet will make you look like someone else.
E.Changing from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.
F.Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you.
1.If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life,new research may come as a shock.According to a recent scientific study,people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.
Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000joggers(慢跑者) and non-joggers for 12years.The death rates(率) from the sample group suggest that people who jog at a moderate(适合的) pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die.
The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5miles per hour.The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7mph die at the same rate as non-joggers.The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉).Over time,this can cause serious injuries.
Peter Schnohr,a researcher in Copenhagen,said,"If your goal is to decrease(减少) risk of death and improve life expectancy,jogging a few times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy(策略).Anything more is not just unnecessary,and it may be harmful."
The implications(含义) of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi,yoga and brisk walking may be better for us than"iron man"events,triathlons(三项全能) and long-distance running and cycling.According to Jacob Louis Marott,another researcher in the study,"You don't actually have to do that much to have a good impact(影响) on your health.And perhaps you shouldn't actually do too much".

32.The underlined word"strenuous"in Paragraph l is closest in meaning to"A".
A.hard             B.regular          C.practical        D.flexible(灵活的)
33.The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2toC.
A.suggest giving up jogging                 
B.show risks of doing sports
C.provide supportive evidence(证据)       
D.introduce the research process(过程)
34.According to the scientists,why is too much exercise harmful?A
A.It may injure the heart and arteries.     
B.It can make the body tired out.
C.It will bring much pressure.           
D.It consumes too much energy.
35.What can be inferred from the text?D
A.No exercise at all is the best choice.     
B.More exercise means a healthier life.
C.Marathons runners are least likely to die.  
D.Proper exercise contributes to good health.
20.One day when I was 12,my mother gave me an order:I was to walk to the public library,and borrow at least one book for the summer.This was one more weapon(武器) for her to defeat my strange problem-inability to read.
In the library,I found my way into the"Children's Room."I sat down on the floor and pulled a few books off the shelf at random(随便地).The cover of a book caught my eye.It presented a picture of a beagle(小猎犬).I had recently had a beagle,the first and only animal companion(朋友) I ever had as a child.He was my secret sharer,but one morning,he was gone,given away to someone who had the space and the money to care for him.I never forgot my beagle.
There on the book's cover was a beagle which looked similar to my dog.I ran my fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover.My eyes ran across the title,Amos,the Beagle with a Plan.Unknowingly,I had read the title.Without opening the book,I borrowed it from the library for the summer.
Under the shade(树荫) of a bush,I started to read about Amos.I read very,very slowly with difficulty.Though pages were turned slowly,I got the main idea of the story about a dog who,like mine,had been separated from his family and who finally found his way back home.That dog was my dog,and I was the little boy in the book.At the end of the story,my mind continued the final scene of reunion(重聚),on and on,until my own lost dog and I were,in my mind,running together.
My mother's call returned me to the real world.I suddenly realized something:I had read a book,and I had loved reading that book.Everyone knew I could not read.But I had read it.Books could be unbelievably wonderful and I was going to read them.
I never told my mother about my"miraculous"(奇迹般地) experience that summer,but she saw a slow but great improvement in my classroom performance during the next year.And years later,she was proud that her son had read thousands of books,was awarded(授予) a PhD in literature(文学),and authored(创作) his own books,articles,poetry and fiction.The power of the words has held.

28.The author's mother told him to borrow a book in order toC.
A.encourage him to do more walking    
B.let him spend a meaningful summer
C.help cure him of his reading problem   
D.make him learn more about weapons
29.The book caught the author's eye becauseB.
A.it contained pretty pictures of animals 
B.it reminded him of his own dog
C.he found its title easy to understand  
D.he liked children's stories very much
30.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A
A.The author's mother read the same book.
C.The author's mother rewarded him with books.
D.The author has become a successful writer.
B.The author has had happy summers ever since.
31.Which one could be the best title of the passage?D
A.My Passion(激情) for Reading   
B.Mum's Strict Order
C.Reunion with My Beagle   
D.The Charm(魅力)of a Book.
19.The Boy Made It!
One Sunday,Nicholas,a teenager,went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine.In the early afternoon,when he was planning to go home,a fierce snowstorm swept into the area.Unable to see far,he accidentally turned off the path.Before he knew it,Nicholas was lost,all alone!He didn't have food,water,a phone,or other supplies.He was getting colder by the minute.
Nicholas had no idea where he was.He tried not to panic(惊慌).He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV.It was time to put the tips(advice) he had learned to use.
He decided to stop skiing.There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed where he was.The first thing he did was to find shelter(遮盖物) form the freezing wind and snow.If he didn't,his body temperature would get very low,which could quickly kill him.Using his skis,Nicholas built a snow cave.He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle.Then he piled branches on top of himself,like a blanket,to stay as warm as he could.
By that evening,Nicholas was really hungry.He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldn't lose too much water.Not knowing how much longer he could last,Nicholas did the only thing he could-he huddled (蜷缩) in his cave and slept.
The next day,Nicholas went out to look for help,but he couldn't find anyone.He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave,because without shelter,he could die that night.On Tuesday,Nicholas went out again to find help.He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him.After two days stuck in the snow,Nicholas was saved.
Nicholas might have survived this snowstorm only because of TV shows.He had often watched Grylls'survival show Man vs.Wild.That's where he learned the tips that saved his life.In each episode(一期节目) of Man vs.Wild,Grylls is abandoned(遗弃) in a wild area and has to find his way out.When Grylls heard about Nicholas'amazing deeds,he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.

24.What happened to Nicholas one Sunday afternoon?A
A.He got lost.
B.He broke his skis.
C.He hurt his eyes.
D.He caught a cold.
25.How did Nicholas keep himself warm?D
A.He found a shelter.
B.He lighted some branches.
C.He kept on skiing.
D.He built a snow cave.
26.On Tuesday,NicholasB.
A.returned to his shelter safely.
B.was saved by a searcher.
C.got stuck in the snow
D.stayed where he was
27.Nicholas left Grylls a very deep impression because heA.
A.did the right things in the dangerous situation.
B.watched Grylls'TV program regularly
C.created some tips for survival
D.was very hard-working.
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