18.It was Sunday yesterday and my son and I walked a couple of miles in the morning.We got hungry so we decided to stop for a meal in a restaurant.While we were waiting in a line,a woman came in.She was very angry and talking about a beggar who had asked her for money.In her opinion,those people had the ability to earn their bread and butter.
I was feeling uncomfortable with the situation and wondering what I should say to my son later.I had told him that we should help those who were in need of help.At that time the lady said,"Today is my birthday,and nobody can bother me."
I knew this was my chance to help her change her thinking and to help her feel cared for on her birthday.I asked the waitress for help,telling her I wanted to pay for the woman's meal.
The waitress looked at me in surprise.I paid for our meal and that of the woman.When the woman finished eating her food,the waitress told her that it was I who had paid for her meal.Then the woman came to our table and tried to force her money on us.She even said,"I can't take your money,because I didn't help the person who asked me for money for food!"
I just smiled and said,"I just hope you have a very nice birthday."
She ended up sitting near us and talked with us.It turned out that she was crazy about animals.Hearing our stories of pet adoptions really cheered her up."You are a nice father,"she said.
She left,seeming to be happier and more thoughtful about all that had happened.I'd say it was worth the price.

1.The author and his son stopped walking that morning becauseC.
A.they were too tired to walk any farther     
B.the author felt sick and had to return home
C.they were hungry and needed to eat something
D.a woman stopped them and asked for some money
2.What did the author do to show his care for the woman?A
A.He paid for the woman's meal.
B.He gave the woman some money.
C.He bought a birthday gift for the woman.
D.He talked with the woman about pet adoptions.
3.By"I'd say it was worth the price",the author meantB.
A.the restaurant gave him a big discount          
B.what he did for the woman was meaningful
C.one should be generous with his money           
D.the price he paid for the meal was reasonable.
16.The hottest TV drama in China-"Nirvana in Fire"or"Langya Bang"has just ended.Millions of people waited every day after midnight for the latest (two) episodes (集).Are you one of them?What is the story about?Why the show is so popular?
"Nirvana in Fire"is based on an Internet novel by author Hai Yan,who was invited to pen the screenplay for the television adaptation.The 55-episode series,set in a fictionalized kingdom,has two storylines-one about a betrayed general's revenge (复仇) and the other about princes fighting for the throne.
The series was put on screen on Sep.19th,and the number of Internet views was more than 140million times the next day.Only during the week of National holiday,the number increased by 1.6billion.
It's now the hottest Chinese TV show with a very high score of 9.3on Douban.(The classical TV drama,Journey to the West,produced in 1986is with the same score).Previous and recent dramas such as"The Journey of Flower"and"Yun Zhong Ge"only scored 6.4and 3.5.
"Nirvana in Fire"centers around a gifted young man named Lin Shu,whose father serves as a general (将军).Already a high-ranking military officer by his teenager years,Lin Shu enjoyed a close friendship with Prince Xiao Jingyan and was even engaged to Princess Nihuang.
At age 17,however,Lin Shu's life turned upside down when his father's army was framed and destroyed by a foxy political rival.Lin Shu escaped death,but due to the poisoning,his body became weak,and he lost his Kongfu.From then on,his face was pale and his fingers always ice-cold.
After twelve years,Lin Shu returned to his country's capital with a new name,Mei Changsu,and a new identity,the leader of the Jiang Zuo Alliance.He then became the adviser for his friend,Prince Jingyan,who had been exiled(流放) by the king.Despite the efforts of Prince Xiao Jingheng and the crown prince to win the throne for themselves,Mei Changsu succeeds in paving the road for his friend to take over as king,as well as the avenging the injustices dealt to his troops many years before.

25.Which of the following is true?D
A.Lin Shu changed his face and name in order to take revenge.
B.Lin Shu and the crown prince were childhood friends and Lin helped him to be the king.
C.Nirvana in Fire was set in a real kingdom in history.
D.Nirvana in Fire shares the same score with Journey to the West on Douban.
26.What is the underlined word mean?A
A.made a false charge      B.instructed   C.explored     D.got ride of
27.What is more likely to talk about in the following paragraph?C
A.How did the prince fight for the throne?
B.Where was Nirvana in Fire shot?
C.Why did Nirvana in Fire enjoy such popularity?
D.What happened to Mei Changshu after he succeeded in taking the revenge?
13.Why do girls have to play sports?You might say"to get exercise"and you'd be right.To have fun?1(36)ABut there's more.In fact,there are at least four more reasons.According to the Women's Sports Foundation,girls who play sports get a lot more than just health.
Girls who play sports do better in school.(37)EBut research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don't.Exercise improves learning,memory and concentration,which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.
Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills.When working with coaches,trainers and teammates to win games and achieve goals,you're learning how to be successful.(38)CPlaying sports builds up self-confidence. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves.Why?(39)GSports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape,keep a healthy weight,and make new friends.
Exercise cuts the pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help girls feel a little happier.How?(40)FFriends are another mood-lifter.And being on a team creates tight bonds between friends.It's good to know your teammates will support you-both on and off the field!

A.That's true,too.
B.What do you picture when you think of girls playing sports?
C.Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life.
D.An energetic girl can bring more fun to the people around her.
E.You might think that sports will take up some of your study time.
F.The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person's mood.
G.It builds confidence when you know you can practice,improve and achieve your goals.
11.When he was driving home one evening on a country road,he saw an old lady,stranded(抛锚的) on the side of the road.He stopped in front of her car and got out.Even with the smile on his face,she was worried.He looked poor and hungry.He knew how she felt.He said'"I am here to help you,madam.Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm?By the way,my name is Joe."
She had a flat tire(轮胎).Joe crawled under the car,changed the tire.But he got dirty and his hands hurt.She could not thank him enough and asked him how much she owed him.He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back,the next time she saw someone who needed help,she could give that person the help they needed,and Joe added,"And think of me."
She drove off.A few miles down the road the lady saw a small restaurant.She went in.The waitress had a sweet smile,and was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕) The old lady wondered how someone like her who seemed poor could be so kind to a stranger.Then she remembered Joe.After the lady finished her meal,the waitress went to get her change from a hundred-dollar bill.But she stepped right out the door.
When the waitress came back,she noticed something written on a napkin(餐巾),"I am helping you because someone once helped me.If you really want to pay me back,here‘s what you do--Do not let the chain of love end with you."
That night when she got home,she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written.She and her husband needed money with the baby due (预产期)next month.She knew how worried her husband was,and as he lay sleeping next to her,she whispered,"Everything's going to be all right.I love you,Joe."

29.When Joe stopped to help the lady,sheB.
A.became excited       
B.was afraid to be hurt
C.refused his offer              
D.thanked him
30.Why did the lady leave the restaurant without getting her change?D
A.She forgot it.
B.She wanted to help Joe.
C.She would get it later.
D.She wanted to give the waitress some help.
31.We can learn from the text thatC.
A.Joe's boss fired him.
B.Joe worked as a driver.
C.Joe's wife was the waitress.
D.Joe had an unhappy marriage.
32.By telling the story,the writer tries to show thatB.
A.helping others made oneself happy.
B.kindness can be spread
C.poverty is not a threat to a happy marriage.
D.a happy family depends on a happy marriage.
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