13.This is a story told or read to children of young ages.The heroine(女主人公),Cinderella,treated cruelly by her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters,is helpless until the right magic comes along.She meets her prince and they live together happily.
  Just a sweet,pretty tale?Not in the view of Ellen Macintosh,who has written much about fairy tales.Ellen's main concern is with what the story implies.
"Instead of standing up to her cruel stepmother and stepsisters,Cinderella just waits for a fairy godmother to appear and solve her problem.But wouldn't you want a daughter of yours to show more spirit?"
  The story is long-lasting,whatever its shortcomings,and it does't take much to see its influence on a number of recent Hollywood productions.In these versions for the silver screen,the Cinderella character no longer has to clean the house and has no sisters to make her life terrible,though she keeps the way of not showing much courage.The character of the rich and handsome stranger,however,is kept,and in some cases really is a prince.The role of the fairy godmother is often played by luck; we live in a civilized age when even very young children might reject the idea of fairies.In the majority of film versions,the heroine has a profession and is even permitted to continue working after marrying her prince-this is the twenty first century,after all.
  Doesn't the success of these films indicate that the story has relevance to children even today?"Yes,admits Ellen,who sees its message as being rooted in a fundamental childhood desire for love and attention."Most children experience a sense of inner loneliness as they are growing up and empathize with (与…共鸣)the character who faces some sort of challenge.This can be seen in the original story of Cinderella,where the fairy godmother tells the heroine that she must learn to be gracious and confident if she is to go to the ball.She has to grow spiritually,and by maturing,she becomes attractive to the prince,thus ensuring that the ending of the story will be happy.""In the later versions,thus element(因素)is missing,"says Ellen,"and the theme of the story is simply that a girl's role in life is to be more beautiful than other girls so that she can carry off the prize:the handsome prince.Is this really what we want girls to grow up believing?"

43.Why does Ellen disapprove of the Cinderella story?C
A.The plot is too simple.
B.The description is not vivid.
C.The heroine is not brave enough.
D.The story is unfit for the children today.
44.In the film versions of the Cinderella story,A.
A.luck plays an important role in the heroine's happy life
B.Cinderella's family background remains unchanged
C.the heroine becomes a successful career woman
D.the character of the prerace is removed.
45.According to Even,the film versions of the storyC  
A.succeed because of the happy ending
B.ignore the children's psychological need'
C.deliver a mistaken message that beauty is everything
D.reflect modem people's attitude towards challenges in life
46.What is the purpose of the passage?D
A.To analyze the characters of the Cinderella story.
B.To introduce different versions of the Cinderella story.
C.To explain the changes of the Cinderella story over time.
D.To present a different understanding of the Cinderella story.
12.I've always felt a bit sad for weekend fathers,who are divorced and must maintain a bond with their children through visits on the weekend.Not having the opportunity for a lot of quality time,they go in for quantity-giving lots of gifts and taking the children on non-stop outings.
  But now I can understand.I'm a weekend mom.My child,Henry,is a dog.
  Henry just returned to his father,Jack,after a happy stay with me.For ten days,I fed him the best food,canceled plans to stay home with him and let him sleep on the bed every night.
  Jack and I broke up a year ago.But neither of us wanted to part with Henry,so we share him.Not surprisingly,Henry is a willing participant in our contest for his love.
  Jack doesn't let Henry sleep on his bed,so that's where I can always gain big points.I feed Henry higher-quality food.I am always replacing his expensive"thingy",a cotton knot he likes chewing on.It's his favorite toy,and the only one he has is at my house.Score another one for me.
  Jack now has a girlfriend,Lucy.At first she was afraid-of dogs,which secretly delighted me.But that Henry,just trying to be polite(the way I taught him to be),won her over.
  If truth be told,as time passes,there has been a slight change in Henry's behavior toward me.The worst was one day when Jack dropped him off for a two-week stay.Henry and I were in the backyard playing as Jack was driving off.When he heard Jack's truck,he ran after it for two blocks until Jack had to stop and bring him back.
  That hurt,especially since I had friends over at the time.In a rare conciliatory (安抚的) mood,Jack said to me,"You know,I'm his best friend,but you'll always be his mom."
  Whatever it takes,I plan to make sure it stays that way.

39.At the writer's home,HenryB.
A.does a lot of running
B.enjoys high-quality food
C.has many expensive toys
D.is not allowed to sleep on her bed
40.The writer feels hurt becauseD.
A.Jack has got a girlfriend
B.Lucy doesn't like Henry at all
C.Jack doesn't treat Henry as well as before
D.Henry's attitude to her has changed slightly
41.This article is mainly aboutC.
A.the tips on keeping dogs
B.the writer's happy life with a dog
C.the writer's efforts to win a dog's love
D.the relationship between the writer and Jack
42.The writer wrote the passage in a/anAway.
11."Cooking With Kids creates fun and food for the family.Kate Heyhoe gives simple practical tips on how to bring the family together for mealtime magic."
-Linda Gassenheimer,award-winning author of Dinner in Minutes
"I have just helped my four year old granddaughter Jessica to make stuffed eggs.What fun it is to cook with a new generation and what a joy now to have a brilliant new book like Cooking With Kids to pass on a passion for life and its healthy pleasures to a child!"
-Graham Kerr,International Culinary Consultant
"Like millions of moms,I want to prepare delicious,nutritious meals for my family,and after working all day in the restaurant,I also want to spend quality time with my sons.Cooking together is the natural solution.But in the kitchen,you need the proper tools to do the job well; Cooking With Kids is just the tool to get you started."
-Chef Mary Sue Milliken,TV hostess,cookbook author
"In Cooking With Kids,Kate Heyhoe brings kids into the kitchen and teaches them not only great tasting recipes but cooking fundamentals such as how to hold a knife,set a table and how to survive in a supermarket.With families'busy schedules,this book is a wonderful sourcebook for family interaction."
-Emily Luchetti,executive pastry chef
"Seize the moment,and a copy of this delightful cooking guide,then call the children to the kitchen to experience the joy of an often neglected pleasure of family life---cooking food together."
-Marcel Desaulniers,author of Death by Chocolate 
"In Cooking with Kids,Kate Heyhoe takes your hand and leads you through the kitchen on a most delightful tour.The book is packed with easy-to-understand guidance and simple,tasty recipes that will delight kids of any age,and that includes every inner child who never learned the secrets of the kitchen."
-Michele Anna Jordan,author of Home Cooking    
56.Who is the author of Cooking with Kids?A
A.Kate Heyhoe
B.Emily Luchetti.
C.Graham Kerr
D.Marcel Desaulniers.
57.What do we learn about Cooking with Kids?D
A.It is an award-winning book.
B.It is very popular among chefs.
C.It is written for kids with talents for cooking.
D.It helps develop cooking skills and family relationship.
58.What's the main purpose of the passage?C
A.To share opinions on cooking.
B.To teach children how to cook.
C.To recommend a cooking book.
D.To introduce some famous chefs.
10.On 2September,1666,the citizens of London woke to see the city's crowded wooden houses on fire.The fire started in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane in the early hours of the morning. By the time it burned Alit Otis 5September around 13,000buildings had been destroyed,including the original St Paul's Cathedral,87churches and 52company halls.Between 65,000and 80,000people lost their homes,although thankfully only a handful wcrc recorded as having been killed. The estimated cost of the fire was around 10million pounds.
Soon after the fire,several designs work put forward for the redevelopment of London,among them once from Wren,a favorite or King Charles TI.A common theme was streets spreading out from the river and crossing with others running parallel to it.However,a lack of money to buy the land and the need to rebuild the city quickly ruined all his grand ideas.
Instead,nearly 3,000houses were built within the first three years,mostly back on the original layout.
The task of getting London rebuilt was given to a commits of six men,including Wren.Their role was to manage surveys of ruined properties and consider the fun and scald of new buildings,and any adjustments to the streets.
The major roads were widened to reduce the risk of fires spreading in futile.For the same reason,buildings were constructed largely from brick and stunk instead of wood.Guidelines were also made for the height of houses and about how much woo could be used on the outside. There was even a new rule insisting on the use of downpipes,to stop problems with rainwater flowing down from gutters(拌水沟).
Although others designed and rebuilt many properties in Lincoln after the Great Fir,Wren was the most product.vie architect.In total,he designed and supervised the construction of 52churches,36company halls,two great hospitals and St Paul's Cathedral,aim or which took 35years to complete. Many of'these still stand today. Wren was also one of the architects of the 62meter-tall Monument,a memorial to the Great Fir which stands close to the sit where it started.

31.According to the passage,the fire in LondonA
A. lasted four days before it was out
B. started in the wealthy neighborhood
C. broke out in the afternoon
D. caused thousands deaths
32. Wren's grand ideas to rebuild the city were ruined partly becauseD.
A. King Charles II didn't approve obit
B. they were short of money to pay workers
C. houses should be rebuilt in their fencer place
D. his design required more time than needled
33. Which of the following measures helped prevent fires?C
A. All newly-built roads were widened.
B. All new buildings were of the same height.
C. A limited amount of wood was used.
D. A large number of downpipes were used.
34. What can be learned from the last paragraph?C
A. Wren designed most of the new buildings.
B. It took 35years to build St Paul's Cathedral.
C. Today we can see some buildings lessened by Wren.
D. Two architects designed the 62-metcr tall Monument.
35.Which is the best title for the passage?B
A. Works oaf Great Architect
C. The Great Fire of London
B. Reconstruction of London
D. Measures against Great Fir.
9.When my daughter Sally was five,I bought Grimm's Fairy Tales and read Snow White to her one night.At the end of the original Grimm tale,Snow White's stepmother is made to put on red-hot iron shoes and dance until she falls down dead.
This came as something of a shock.I always thought fairytales had happy endings.And I didn't want my five-year-old daughter going to sleep thinking:"Thank goodness they tortured(折磨)that old woman to death."That's when I decided to write fairy tales.
In the years that followed,I wrote tales non-stop and read them to Sally at bedtime.The Corn Dolly was based on a child who was always complaining;The Silly King was just a silly story Sally loved;1wrote The Witch and the Rainbow Cat for Sally because of her enormous  appetite  for  stories  about  witches  while Dr Bonocolus's Devil is a new version of the Faust legend.
Nifobobinus,however,was different.I wrote this book when Sally was older and engaged with all things girls have to do-who's friends with who,who stuck a sticker on the back of whose boyfriend,or whatever thing she felt funny.
Nicobobinus,the boy who could do anything,came out of my desire for a more innocent world.He lived a 1ong time ago,in a city called Venice.Only his best friend,Rosie,knew he could,and nobody took any notice of anything Rosie said,because she was always having wild ideas anyway.
Nicobobinus was so different that it turned out to be an instant hit.The Times called me"an author setting out to rival the classic fairytales".I asked Sally what she thought of Nicobobinus.She said it was her favourite.

21.What led the writer to start writing fairy tales for her daughter?B
A.His daughter's strong interest in fairy tales.
B.The frightening ends of past fairy tales.
C.His desire to let his daughter know more stories.
D.His attempt to fill his daughter's bedtime with something.
22.We can infer from the third paragraph that the writerA.
A.was a very productive fairy tale writer
B.created his stories out of his own interest
C.based all his stories on some old legends
D.never described witches in his fairy tales
23.When creating Nicobobinus,the first thing the writer considered wasD.
A.what story the publisher wanted to get
B.the difference of the story from other stories
C.proper ways to keep his daughter Sally innocent
D.the shifts of his daughter's interests
24.The underlined word"rival"in the last paragraph can be replaced byC.
A.follow    B.explore
C.challenge D.recommend.
8.Characters in novels don't always do what the writer wants them to do.Sometimes they cause trouble,take on lives of their own,or even work against the writer.It's not just a problem for inexperienced authors:famed children's novelist Roald Dahl said he got the main character in his book Matilda so"wrong"that when he'd finished his first version,he threw it away and started again.
Of course it's not the characters'fault.The problem lies with the author.Take Stephen King,who admitted that writing working-class characters is more difficult nowadays because his own circumstances have changed."It is definitely harder,"King said."When I wrote Carrie many years ago,I was one step away from physical labour."
This is also true for characters'ages,added King."When you have small children,it is easy to write young characters because you observe them and you have them in your life all the time.But your kids grow up.It's been harder for me to write about this little 12-year-old girl in my new book because my models are gone."
For other authors,such as Karen Fowler,there's one quality that can stop a character in its tracks:boredom."I had particular problems with the main character in my historical novel Sister Noon,"she says."She had attitudes about race and religion that seemed appropriate to me for her time and class,but they were not attitudes I liked.Eventually I grew quite bored with her.You can write a book about a character you dislike or a character you disagree with,but I don't think you can write a book about a character who bores you."
According to Neel Mukherjee,it was Adinath,a character in The Lives of Others,who made him work the hardest."I think I struggled because it's difficult to write a character whose most prominent personal feature is weakness,as Adinath's is,without making that feature define him,"Mukherjee says.But a troublesome character is far from an unwelcome guest,he continues,arguing that"when characters work against the author they come alive and become unpredictable".
"That is a fantastic thing to happen,"Mukherjee says,"I celebrate it.It is one of the great,lucky gifts given to a writer."

41.What can we infer about Steven King's book Carrie?C
A.It was his most difficult book to write.
B.It was the first successful novel King wrote.
C.There were few children featured in the story.
D.Some of its main characters were working class.
42.Why did Karen Fowler have trouble writing the main character in her novel Sister Noon?D
A.She disagreed with the character's attitudes.
B.The age difference between the two was too large.
C.She found the character very uninteresting.
D.The historical setting made accuracy difficult.
43.Neel Mukherjee believes that his difficult-to-write charactersB.
A.are a sign that the story is not realistic
B.are often the most interesting
C.should be praised by all authors
D.need to be researched more thoroughly
44.The authors who were interviewed for the passage are probablyA.
A.famous and successful         
B.unknown to the readers
C.all from the same country      
D.just starting their writing careers
45.In which part of the newspaper would you expect to find the passage?B
C.Advice column.
7.It was my first day back home since starting college.A lot had changed in the last year.Not with my hometown but with me.I had left as a 17-year-old boy and had now returned as an 18-year-old man.In the city,I was living on my own,had a part-time job and was studying.Even the government recognized I was an adult; I had a driver's license.So here I was,on my summer vacation,walking down the main street with my father,desperate for him to acknowledge how mature I was.When his recognition failed to appear,I took matters into my own hands."Dad,"I said casually,"I'm thirsty.Let's go for a beer."It was the first time I'd ever mentioned beer in front of my father,let alone ask him to drink one with me.
He turned to me with a curious expression on his face."A beer?Well I guess you're old enough now.Let's go to Sailors'Bar.It's where my cousin Tom,your uncle,used to drink.You remember him,right?"
I had only some vague recollection of my uncle.He was the black sheep of the family---always in trouble.We didn't talk about him much."What ever happened to Uncle Tom,Dad?I haven't seen him in years,"I said as we continued towards the bar.
"Neither have I,unfortunately.He was a good kid once.But things changed,"my father said mournfully.As a boy,he explained,there had been no better-behaved boy than Tom.But after leaving school,he moved to the city and fell in with bad company.He started going out every night,drinking in nightclubs and playing cards.Soon he lost everything and had to beg his mum to pay his debts.She agreed on the condition he returned home.
My dad took a deep breath and continued his tale."Things settled down for a while.He married a lovely woman,gave up his bad habits.But it didn't last.He was soon back to his old ways.He couldn't resist.He was at Sailors'Bar almost every night.His poor mother died of grief and shame.His wife followed her soon after.
"What ruined him was alcohol.He told me once,when a man begins drinking,he never knows where it'll end.‘So',Tom warned me,‘beware of your first drink!'
"He went from bad to worse.Last year Tom sent me a letter saying he had been found guilty of stealing,and sent to prison for ten years."
Dad finished talking just as we reached the front of Sailors'Bar."Anyway,here we are.Let's go in,"he said.But I understood.I put my arm around my father and said,"I'm not thirsty anymore,Dad.Let's go home."

26.Why did the young man invite his father to drink a beer?C
A.Because he was thirsty.
B.Because he missed his father.
C.Because he wanted to show he was an adult.
D.Because he wanted to discuss his Uncle Tom.
27.What was the main source of Uncle Tom's problems?D
A.His overly-strict family.
B.His addiction to card games.
C.The deaths of his mother and wife.
D.His inability to control his drinking.
28.Where is Uncle Tom now?B
A.In a bar.
B.In prison.
C.In the city.
D.In his hometown.
29.In the story,the father told his son about Tom in order toD.
A.warn the son to keep away from Tom
B.entertain the son while they walked to the bar
C.recall an interesting period in the father's life
D.convince the son of the harm caused by drinking
30.What is the correct order of the following events from Uncle Tom's life?C
a).His mother died.
b).He married a lovely girl.
c).He started going to nightclubs.
d).He was caught stealing.
e).He went back home to live with his mother.
f).He left school.
6.Mrs Bennet,Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen described Mrs Bennet as"a woman of mean understanding,little information,and uncertain temper(脾气)":she topped your list of the least favorite female family heads.With her single-minded devotion to marrying off her daughters,she is one of literature's parents involving themselves in their sons'or daughters'private lives.And at least she pays attention to her daughters.Whatever one might lay at her daughters'door,she defends them.
Helen Graham,The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
The second and final novel by Anne Bront was so shocking that after Anne's death,her sister Charlotte prevented its re-publication.Published for the first time in 1848,it told the story of a woman who escapes her alcoholic husband to protect her young son.In fleeing her husband,Helen was not just challenging social structures,she was breaking the law:at the time,a married woman had no independent legal existence,and by taking her child with her she was likely to be punished for kidnapping(诱拐).Helen's actions didn't just establish her as a good mother; they helped to cause a movement.
Marilla Cuthbert,Anne of Green Gables
The adoptive mother of orphan Anne makes herself known as a softy through the course of the 1908novel:so much so that Margaret Attwood has claimed that Marilla is the true central character:"Her growing love for Anne,and her growing ability to express that love-not Anne's duckling-to-swan act-is the real magic transformation.Anne is the catalyst(催化剂) who allows the strict Marilla to finally express her long-buried softer human emotions."
Mrs Waterbury,The Railway Children
The Railway Children's female family head is"a very real mother,strong but also easily hurt."Presenting an idealized(理想化) vision of childhood,yet the novel contains a tension between appearance and reality-which some have said reflects its author E Nesbit's personal life.Her husband had an ongoing affair with her best friend,who bore him two children that Nesbit raised as her own.Jenny Agutter has said:"Nesbit's life was always unstable.What saved her was her belief that things would work out in the end …Against the background of her own tense and complex family life,she wrote stories about families that were joined perfectly together."

65.The passage mainly discussesB in literature.
C.emotional life                           
D.parent-child communication
66.Which of the following is TRUE about the four characters in the novels mentioned in the passage?A
A.Mrs Bennet is a most controlling person.
B.Helen Graham is a person to give up easily.
C.Marilla Cuthbert is hard to get along with.
D.Mrs Waterbury is poor at holding together a family
67.According to the writers mentioned in the passage,we can infer thatC.
A.Jane Austen was good at writing detective stories
B.Anne Bront wrote three novels altogether all her life
C.E Nesbit was looking forward to having one harmonious family
D.Margaret Attwood was very popular with readers of the early 20th century
68.Which of the following can we recommend if anyone wants to read a novel about the sweetest expression of family love.C
A.Pride and Prejudice.
B.The Railway Children.
C.Anne of Green Gables.
D.The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
A.Strong Is Your Hold
This book was written by Galway Kinnell,who spent many years in finishing the book.Kinnell's first collection of new poems in more than a decade revisits themes of marriage,friendship and death,with long,loose lines reminiscent of Whitman.It is popular with the people who are interested in literature.
B.The Letter
The murder of a television star appears to be the work of thieves who are quickly caught.But they escape from prison and a young lawyer says she knows who the real criminals are.Written with intelligence,this story is so fast-moving that it demands the reader's complete attention.
C.London Alive
This author of many famous novels has now turned to writing short stories with great success.The stories tell of Londoners'daily lives and happen in eighteen different places--for example,one story takes place at a table in a cafe,another in the back of a taxi and another in a hospital.
D.Gone West
A serious look at one of the least-known regions of the United States.The author describes the empty villages which thousands left when they were persuaded by the railway companies to go west in search of new lives.The author manages to provide many interesting details about their history.
E.Cutting for Stone
This book was written by Abraham Verghese.It is a powerful story about twin brothers born in a Catholic hospital in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.Their mother,an Indian nurse at the hospital,dies in childbirth.The brothers are raised by two Indian doctors who live at the hospital.One brother later moves to the United States.This is a story about the extremes of love,family,and medicine.
F.Jane Eyre
There is great kindness and warmth in this love story.Poor and plain as Jane Eyre is,she has a strong will,sharp wisdom and great courage.She is forced to battle against a harsh employer and a rigid social order.Yet she is never defeated.Standing on her feet,she gains her own happiness in the end.

46.Takumi doesn't have much free time so he reads short stories which he can finish quickly.He likes reading stories about ordinary people and the things that happen to them in today's world.C
47.Terresha Houghs has read widely since she was in university.She can recite most of essays and poems she has read,especially poems from Leaves of Grass.She is fond of traditional themes in poetry and still keeps her habits of reciting poems.A
48.Ali enjoys reading crime stories which are carefully written so that they hold his interest right to the end.He enjoys trying to guess who the criminal really is while he's reading.B
49.Lucy is a quiet girl who likes to read in a quiet corner in the library.Her favorite stories are those with characters brave enough to face and overcome difficulties in life.F
50.Charlie,who attends college in the Midwest,majors in medicine.He is fond of reading stories about family and love,especially those related to his future career.E.
4.A paperclip,made of steel wire bent into a looped(环形的)shape,is an instrument used to hold sheets of paper together.This common device is a wonder of simplicity and function.But where did this simple,cheap,and practical invention come from?
In the late 19th century,the most common way to hold papers together was by using a pin.Although the pin was an inexpensive tool and was easily removable,it would 1eave holes in the paper.Later,as steel wire became more common,inventors began to notice its elastic(有弹性的)feature.With this feature,it could be stretched and twisted into various clip-like objects.In the years just before 1900,quite a few paperclip designs appeared.The name most frequently associated with the paperclip invention is Johan Vaaler,a Norwegian inventor.However,Vaaler's clips were not the same as the paperclips currently in use.Specifically,they did not have the inside loop we see today.The familiar looped design was invented by Gem Manufacturing Ltd.in England.This clip is therefore sometimes known as the Gem clip.
Because of Vaaler,the paperclip played an important historical role in Norway.During World War II,Norway was occupied by the Nazis.Norwegians were prohibited from wearing any symbol of their national unity(团结),such as buttons with the initials of their king.Thus,in protest,they started wearing paperclips to show their unity.The reason for doing this was simple:Paperclips were a Norwegian invention whose original function was to bind together.After the war,a giant paperclip statue was put up in Oslo to honour Vaaler-even though his design was never actually produced.
25.According to the first paragraph,the paperclip isD.
A.made of paper    
B.for holding clothes together
C.shaped like a pin 
D.inexpensive and useful
26.One way the paperclip is better than the pin is thatC
A.it is cheaper    
B.it is simpler
C.it doesn't damage the paper
D.it can be removed more easily
27.Which of the following best shows what the Gem clip looks like?A

28.The last paragraph is mainly aboutB.
A.how widely used Vaaler's clip is
B.how Vaaler's clip became a national symbol
C.how the Nazis ruled the Norwegian people
D.why Norwegians had the initials of their king on their buttons.
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