
11."Cooking With Kids creates fun and food for the family.Kate Heyhoe gives simple practical tips on how to bring the family together for mealtime magic."
-Linda Gassenheimer,award-winning author of Dinner in Minutes
"I have just helped my four year old granddaughter Jessica to make stuffed eggs.What fun it is to cook with a new generation and what a joy now to have a brilliant new book like Cooking With Kids to pass on a passion for life and its healthy pleasures to a child!"
-Graham Kerr,International Culinary Consultant
"Like millions of moms,I want to prepare delicious,nutritious meals for my family,and after working all day in the restaurant,I also want to spend quality time with my sons.Cooking together is the natural solution.But in the kitchen,you need the proper tools to do the job well; Cooking With Kids is just the tool to get you started."
-Chef Mary Sue Milliken,TV hostess,cookbook author
"In Cooking With Kids,Kate Heyhoe brings kids into the kitchen and teaches them not only great tasting recipes but cooking fundamentals such as how to hold a knife,set a table and how to survive in a supermarket.With families'busy schedules,this book is a wonderful sourcebook for family interaction."
-Emily Luchetti,executive pastry chef
"Seize the moment,and a copy of this delightful cooking guide,then call the children to the kitchen to experience the joy of an often neglected pleasure of family life---cooking food together."
-Marcel Desaulniers,author of Death by Chocolate 
"In Cooking with Kids,Kate Heyhoe takes your hand and leads you through the kitchen on a most delightful tour.The book is packed with easy-to-understand guidance and simple,tasty recipes that will delight kids of any age,and that includes every inner child who never learned the secrets of the kitchen."
-Michele Anna Jordan,author of Home Cooking    
56.Who is the author of Cooking with Kids?A
A.Kate Heyhoe
B.Emily Luchetti.
C.Graham Kerr
D.Marcel Desaulniers.
57.What do we learn about Cooking with Kids?D
A.It is an award-winning book.
B.It is very popular among chefs.
C.It is written for kids with talents for cooking.
D.It helps develop cooking skills and family relationship.
58.What's the main purpose of the passage?C
A.To share opinions on cooking.
B.To teach children how to cook.
C.To recommend a cooking book.
D.To introduce some famous chefs.

分析 本文通过几位美食顾问或者作者来评论《和孩子们一起烹饪》(Cooking With Kids)这本书,进而介绍这本烹饪书.这本烹饪书不仅可以指导烹饪,更重要的是加强家庭关系.

解答 56.A.细节理解题.根据文章"Cooking With Kids creates fun and food for the family.Kate Heyhoe gives simple practical tips on how to bring the family together for mealtime magic"可知,《Cooking With Kids》的作者是Kate Heyhoe.故选A.
57.D.细节理解题.根据文章"Cooking With Kids creates fun and food for the family""I have just helped my four year old granddaughter Jessica to make stuffed eggs""I also want to spend quality time with my sons."可知,《Cooking With Kids》给家庭带来厨房的乐趣,增强与孩子之间的关系.故选D.
58.C.主旨大意题.本文通过几位美食顾问或者作者来评论《和孩子们一起烹饪》(Cooking With Kids)这本书,是想吸引一些家庭的注意,介绍这本烹饪书.故选C.

点评 本文考察学生文学类阅读文章的阅读水平,阅读这类文章时,也应该在整体把握文章结构的前提下,主要注意细节信息.细节题题干都是相应原文的变形(如同义改写、词性转换等),因此要找到答案一定要找到题干在原文中的出处,再把原文和选项相比较.做题时,根据所提问题用寻读、跳读的方法可达到事半功倍的效果

4.After more than 3,000years,a statue of the Egyptian king Amenhotep III has been erected in the city of Luxor after being knocked down by an earthquake.
One of the great figures in the story of ancient Egypt,Amenhotep III was a boy king.He became king of Egypt at the age of only 12years.He ruled at a time when Egyptian civilization was at its very height.
Amenhotep III was given statues in his honor and among them this 13-meter-high statue stood on the bank of the Nile until it was knocked down by an earthquake 3,000years ago.So for 30centuries,it lay in pieces in the field,more than 80pieces.Now the statue has been  restored  and shown to the public.There is another very similar huge statue of Amenhotep III.It was also damaged by that earthquake.And it,too,has been repaired and put back in its place.These two statues stand at the gates of the famous funerary temple in Luxor,which has another two huge seated figures of the kings.
And the background for this is just that tourism is very important to the Egyptian economy after what's been happening recently.Years of disturbance (骚乱)has hit the Egyptian economy in many ways and any improvement of that economy will need to be helped by the tourist industry.The legacy(遗产)of ancient Egypt is so much,so important to that tourist industry.And the images coming from Luxor today show just how delighted and proud the archeologists and the local people are for what they've seen today.

28.What can we learn about Amenhotep III from the passage?C
A.He was deeply loved by Egyptians.
B.He created the brilliant civilization of Egypt.
C.He began to rule Egypt at a young age.
D.He had a lot of statues built for himself.
29.The underlined word in Paragraph 3meansB.
A.put down     B.repaired
C.given back   D.recreated
30.According to Paragraph 3,the two statues of Amenhotep IIID.
A.were the same size and shape
B.were put back inside the funerary temple
C.were knocked down by different earthquakes
D.were both standing before a famous temple in Luxor
31.How may repairing the statues benefit Egypt?A
A.It can promote the economic development of Egypt.
B.It drives the development of archeology in Egypt.
C.It can help to end the serious disturbance in Egypt.
D.It encourages people to build great statues in Egypt.
6.Mrs Bennet,Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen described Mrs Bennet as"a woman of mean understanding,little information,and uncertain temper(脾气)":she topped your list of the least favorite female family heads.With her single-minded devotion to marrying off her daughters,she is one of literature's parents involving themselves in their sons'or daughters'private lives.And at least she pays attention to her daughters.Whatever one might lay at her daughters'door,she defends them.
Helen Graham,The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
The second and final novel by Anne Bront was so shocking that after Anne's death,her sister Charlotte prevented its re-publication.Published for the first time in 1848,it told the story of a woman who escapes her alcoholic husband to protect her young son.In fleeing her husband,Helen was not just challenging social structures,she was breaking the law:at the time,a married woman had no independent legal existence,and by taking her child with her she was likely to be punished for kidnapping(诱拐).Helen's actions didn't just establish her as a good mother; they helped to cause a movement.
Marilla Cuthbert,Anne of Green Gables
The adoptive mother of orphan Anne makes herself known as a softy through the course of the 1908novel:so much so that Margaret Attwood has claimed that Marilla is the true central character:"Her growing love for Anne,and her growing ability to express that love-not Anne's duckling-to-swan act-is the real magic transformation.Anne is the catalyst(催化剂) who allows the strict Marilla to finally express her long-buried softer human emotions."
Mrs Waterbury,The Railway Children
The Railway Children's female family head is"a very real mother,strong but also easily hurt."Presenting an idealized(理想化) vision of childhood,yet the novel contains a tension between appearance and reality-which some have said reflects its author E Nesbit's personal life.Her husband had an ongoing affair with her best friend,who bore him two children that Nesbit raised as her own.Jenny Agutter has said:"Nesbit's life was always unstable.What saved her was her belief that things would work out in the end …Against the background of her own tense and complex family life,she wrote stories about families that were joined perfectly together."

65.The passage mainly discussesB in literature.
C.emotional life                           
D.parent-child communication
66.Which of the following is TRUE about the four characters in the novels mentioned in the passage?A
A.Mrs Bennet is a most controlling person.
B.Helen Graham is a person to give up easily.
C.Marilla Cuthbert is hard to get along with.
D.Mrs Waterbury is poor at holding together a family
67.According to the writers mentioned in the passage,we can infer thatC.
A.Jane Austen was good at writing detective stories
B.Anne Bront wrote three novels altogether all her life
C.E Nesbit was looking forward to having one harmonious family
D.Margaret Attwood was very popular with readers of the early 20th century
68.Which of the following can we recommend if anyone wants to read a novel about the sweetest expression of family love.C
A.Pride and Prejudice.
B.The Railway Children.
C.Anne of Green Gables.
D.The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
3.Below are some choices to getting around London by public transportation
The London Underground,commonly referred to as the‘Tube',is the oldest and most extensive underground system in the world and pervades(遍及)both the life and layout of London.Twelve underground lines,each with a different name and colour,are supplemented by the privately operated Docklands Light Railway (tel:(020)7363 9700)connecting the City of London and the Docklands.The entire network is divided into six concentric zones,which determine the price of tickets.In the city centre (zone one) a single ticket costs£1.50,otherwise single fares are£0.90 (one zone) up to£2.20 (four zones).Carnets of ten zone-one tickets cost£11.Tickets must be passed through the barrier ticket gates in order for the passenger to enter and leave the system (and avoid a£10 penalty(损失)fare).The London Underground runs 05:30-24:30 but should be avoided (where possible) during rush hour-08:00-09:30 and 17:00-18:30 Monday to Friday.
Double-decker buses
London's famous red‘Routemaster'double-decker buses are slowly being replaced by more modern single and double deckers.There are now only two fare zones.Any journey that includes the city centre zone is£1 and any journey outside this zone is 70p.Tickets are bought from the driver or bus conductor upon boarding and there is a£5 fine for travelling without a valid ticket.Carnets of six tickets (for any zone) can be purchased for£3.90.
There are a number of services operating on the Thames.Commuter ferries between the Savoy Pier (Embankment) and Greenland Pier (Greenwich) are run by Collins River Enterprises (tel:(020)7977 6892; website:www.thamescat.com ).Fares cost between£1.50 and£2.70 for a single and£2.50 and£4.70 return.Riverside Launches (tel:020 7352 5888)operate a commuter service between Chelsea/Cadogan and Embankment for£4 (single) or£8 (return).These commuter services operate between Monday and Friday 06:35-19:44.
Once in London,there are a number of passes available,including the One-day Travelcard for£4 (used after 09:30 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday) and the£6 Weekend Travelcard,which is used on Saturday and Sunday (or public holidays).Weekly,monthly and annual passes must be accompanied by a photocard.Tickets can be purchased at the station-carnets and some passes can be bought at participating newsagents and supermarkets
46.How much money will 8 tourists pay at least if they want to travel by tube in the downtown?B
A.£12,B.£11         C.£32          D.£36.8                        
47.Where can a tourist buy a ticket if he wants to get to the zone one by double-decker bus?C
A in newsagents                        B in supermarkets             
C on the double-decker buses           D in the office of Collins River Enterprises      
48.If you want to take ferries from Chelsea to Greenland Pier and then return to Embankment,how much will you pay for the tickets at most?D
A.£7          B.£9.4            C.£6.5          D.£8.7                        
49.It can be learned from the passage thatD.
A.All London underground lines belong to the state.
B.Double-decker buses are becoming more and more popular
C.people can take ferries everyday in London.
D.tourists have to use Weekly,monthly and annual passes together with photocar.
8.Forget Twitter and Facebook,Google and the Kindle.Television is still the most influential medium around.Indeed,for many of the poorest regions(地区)of the world,it remains the next big thing--finally becomes globally available.And that is a good thing,because the TV revolution is changing lives for the better.
Across the developing world,around 45% of families had a TV in 1995; by 2005 the number had climbed above 60%.That is some way behind the U.S.,where are more TVs than people,and where people now easily get access to the Internet.Five million more families in sub-Saharan Africa will get a TV over the next five years.In 2005,after the fall of the Taliban(塔利班),which had outlawed TV,1 in 5 Afghans had one.The global total is another 150 million by 2013--pushing the numbers to well beyond two thirds of families.
Television's most powerful effect will be on the lives of women.In India,researchers Robert Jensen and Emily Oster found that when TVs reached village s,women were more likely to go to the market without their husbands'approval and less likely to want a boy rather than a girl.They were more likely to make decisions over child health care.TV is also a powerful medium for adult education.In the Indian state of Gujarat,Chitrageet is a popular show that plays Bollywood songs with words in Gujarati on the screen.Within six months,viewers had made a small but significant(有意义的) improvement in their reading skills.
Too much TV has been associated with violence,overweight and loneliness.However,TV is having a positive influence on the lives of billions worldwide.

40.The underlined word"outlawed"in paragraph 2 probably means"B".
   A.allowed          B.banned          C.offered            D.refused
41.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.Americans used to get access to the Internet easily.
B.The world's TV sets will total 150 million by 2013.
C.45% of families in the de veloping countries had a TV in 2005.
D.Over two thirds of families in the world will have a TV by 2013.
42.The author intends toA.
A.stress the advantages of TV to people's lives 
B.persuade women to become more independent 
C.encourage people to improve their reading skills 
D.introduce the readers some websites such as Google
43.What would be the best title for the passage?C
A.TV Will Rule the World                 
B.TV Will Disturb the World 
C.TV Will Better the World                
D.TV Will Remain in World.

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