As a society we might want to rethink the time and money spent on education,so that these resources can benefit a greater percentage of the population.Ideally,both high schools and colleges can prepare individuals for the ever-changing roles.

High school degrees offer far less in the way of preparation for work than they might,or than many other nations currently offer,creating a growing skills gap in our economy.We encourage students to go on to college whether they are prepared or not,or have a clear sense of purpose or interest,and now have the highest college dropout rate in the world.

We might look to other countries for models of how high schools can offer better training,as well as the development of a work ethic(美德)and the intellectual skills needed for continued learning and development.

Meanwhile,the liberal arts(人文学科)become more important than ever.In a knowledge economy where professional roles change rapidly and many college students are preparing for positions that may not even exist yet,the skill needed is one that prepares them for change and continued learning.

Learning to express ideas well in both writing and speech,knowing how to find information,and knowing how to do research are all solid background skills for a wide variety of roles,and such training is more important than any particular major in a liberal arts college.We need to continue to value broad preparation in thinking skills that will serve for a lifetime.

Students also need to learn to work independently and to make responsible decisions.The lengthening path to adulthood appears exacerbated(恶化)by parental involvement in the college years.Given the rising investment in college education,parental concern is not surprising,but learning where and when to intervene will help students take more ownership of the outcomes of these increasingly costly educations.

1.What kind of education does the author think is ideal?

A.It benefits the great majority of the general population.

B.It prepares students to meet the future needs of society.

C.It encourages students to learn throughout their lives.

D.It ensures that students’ expectations are successfully fulfilled.

2.What is the feature of a knowledge economy?

A.People have to receive higher education to qualify for a professional position.

B.Students majoring in liberal arts usually have difficulty seeking a job.

C.New positions are constantly created that require people to keep learning.

D.Colleges find it hard to teach students how to cope with the changing economy.

3.According to the author,a liberal arts college should focus on ?

A.solid background knowledge in a particular field

B.practical skills urgently needed in current society

C.basic skills needed for change and lifelong learning

D.useful thinking skills for advanced academic research

4.What suggestion does the author offer to parents?

A.Rethinking the value of higher education.

B.Investing wisely in their children’s education.

C.Helping their children to bring their talent into full play.

D.Avoiding too much intervention in their children’s education.


A man found a cocoon(茧)of a butterfly.He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as________ it struggled to its body through that little hole.Then it seemed to stop making any________.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.Then the man decided to help the butterfly,so he took a pair of scissors and cut off the________bit of the cocoon.The butterfly then emerged ________ .But it had a big body and small,shriveled(皱缩的) wings.The man ________ to watch the butterfly because he expected that,at any moment,the wings would ________ and expand to be able to________the body,which would contract in time.________ happened! In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a big body and shriveled wings.It never was able to fly.

What the man in his ________ and hurry did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the________ required for the butterfly.To ________ the tiny opening were nature’s way of forcing liquid from the body of the butterfly into its wings,so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its ________ from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life.If nature allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles,we would not be as strong as what we could have been.And we could never________

1.A.find B.pull C.drag D.force

2.A.progress B.sense C.change D.fun

3.A.vacant B.left C.additional D.remaining

4.A.closely B.easily C.steadily D.quietly

5.A.paused B.turned C.continued D.urged

6.A.enlarge B.lengthen C.stick D.twist

7.A.wrap B.press C.support D.shelter

8.A.Everything B.All C.Neither D.Something

9.A.regret B.comfort C.favor D.pride

10.A.struggle B.energy C.experience D.help

11.A.look through B.get through C.1ive through D.pull through

12.A.dream B.victory C.purpose D.freedom

13.A.fly B.jump C.walk D.stand

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