

A man found a cocoon(茧)of a butterfly.He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as________ it struggled to its body through that little hole.Then it seemed to stop making any________.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.Then the man decided to help the butterfly,so he took a pair of scissors and cut off the________bit of the cocoon.The butterfly then emerged ________ .But it had a big body and small,shriveled(皱缩的) wings.The man ________ to watch the butterfly because he expected that,at any moment,the wings would ________ and expand to be able to________the body,which would contract in time.________ happened! In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a big body and shriveled wings.It never was able to fly.

What the man in his ________ and hurry did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the________ required for the butterfly.To ________ the tiny opening were nature’s way of forcing liquid from the body of the butterfly into its wings,so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its ________ from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life.If nature allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles,we would not be as strong as what we could have been.And we could never________

1.A.find B.pull C.drag D.force

2.A.progress B.sense C.change D.fun

3.A.vacant B.left C.additional D.remaining

4.A.closely B.easily C.steadily D.quietly

5.A.paused B.turned C.continued D.urged

6.A.enlarge B.lengthen C.stick D.twist

7.A.wrap B.press C.support D.shelter

8.A.Everything B.All C.Neither D.Something

9.A.regret B.comfort C.favor D.pride

10.A.struggle B.energy C.experience D.help

11.A.look through B.get through C.1ive through D.pull through

12.A.dream B.victory C.purpose D.freedom

13.A.fly B.jump C.walk D.stand



Though the Web is becoming increasingly popular, the TV never fails to attract people.Do you know which television network is the largest in America? It is not ABC, CBS, or Fox.Nor is it one of the cable net-works such as CNN, which carries only news and news stories.It is not ESPN, the all-sports cable net-work, or even MTV, which is famous for its music videos.Rather it is PBS, Public Broadcasting System, a non-profit public broadcasting TV service.PBS has 349 member television stations in the U.S.and some member stations by cable in Canada.

PBS only attracts a minority of all TV viewers, about 2 percent.The industry leader, NBC, however, attracts 11 percent of viewers.But the growth of public television in the past two decades has been dramatic.This is especially noteworthy (值科关注) when one considers that public television stations must often survive on very limited budgets, on viewers' donations, and on private foundations and some governmental funding.

The level of quality of PBS programs, whether in national and international news, entertainment, or education, is excellent.Almost a whole generation of children throughout the world is familiar with Sesame Street and the characters of The Muppet Show.PBS is especially well known for the quality of its many educational TV programs.Over 95 percent of all public television stations have tale-courses.These courses are accepted and supported by more than 1,800 colleges and universities throughout the US.Each year, over a quarter of a million students take courses this way.

1.According to this article, PBS received part of its funding from___.

A.the audience

B.public schools

C.advertising agencies

D.other television stations

2.What is PBS most famous for?

A.Cable services.

B.Generous donations.


D.Live news broadcasts.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about public television stations ?

A.The majority of their viewers are minority people.

B.Ninety-five percent of their programs are tele-courses.

C.They are shrinking in number because they make no profits.

D.Their courses are accepted by many universities in America.

4.Which of the following has the highest percentage of viewers?




Parties and social gatherings no longer excite us the same way they once did. This is not due to a lack of desire to socialize, but the smartphone.

At parties, more people are on their smartphones than on their drinks. According to a recent International Data Corporation study, well over half of all Americans have a smartphone and reach for it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day. In addition, too much of society is using smartphones while driving and as a result getting into car crashes. 34 percent of teens admit to text while driving, and they confirm that text messaging is their number one driving interruption. People's attachment to their smartphones is unbelievably becoming more important than the lives of themselves and others.

Just as drivers dismiss the importance of focusing while on the road, many people also fail to recognize the significance of human interaction. When with their friends, some people pointlessly check or send text messages in the presence of a friend, which sends a message to that friend the person I am texting is more important than you. In addition, relying on our smartphone to make friends does not give us the same advantage as being able to make new friendships in the real world. Face-to-face conversations will give us much stronger communication skills in the long run.

As many people risk their lives and the lives of people around them just to send a text or mindlessly check their massages, smartphones are in many ways more dangerous to people. The quality of this technology is de-advancing societal achievements and weakening the value of communication. Not only is the smartphone affecting our desire to interact (交流) face-to-face but it is also lowering society's ability to communicate.

1.The purpose of this text is to ______.

A. call for an end to use the smartphone while driving

B. appeal to us to pay attention to communication skills

C. express concern about the overuse of the smartphone

D. advise us to be cautious about the addiction to the smartphone

2.The second paragraph is developed by ______.

A. giving examples

B. listing figures

C. comparing facts

D. analyzing the effects

3.The author advocates us to make new friends ______.

A. by using smartphones

B. in a face-to-face way

C. in different ways

D. under a free circumstance

4.Over dependence on the smartphone leads to the fact that ______.

A. parties and gatherings limit their social circle

B. people are more and more narrow-minded

C. people's communication skills are weakened

D. face-to-face communication becomes less important

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