
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


               After I mastered my first (协奏曲) at age 14 ,my parents decided to get me a nice violin. I tried out dozens of instruments before I found my match: a German violin. It was beautiful,but what I liked best about it was its voice. Confident and strong,it was everything I longed to be.

               I'm not sure how much that violin cost,but my parents made me promise never to let it out of my sight. They didn't understand that dragging a large violin case ran counter to my daily middle school task of being invisible (看不见的) .I was a strange,absent-minded kid. When I spoke up in class,my comments brought confused silence from teachers and wild laughter "from students. Like a deer in a wolf pack,I tried to be quiet and still. 

               In contrast,my new violin was aimobi shockingly loud. Together,we could drown out the rest oi my middle school orchestra — which was encouraged,since the other kids made sounds like cats 5 crying. For one glorious hour every day,I was showered with attention. Everyone wanted to hear what I had to say.

                Between classes,I bent under the combined weight of my violin case and a backpack filled with books. My posture suffered ,but my confidence grew. With my violin by my side,I found my voice. More and more,I contributed to class discussions and even made a couple of friends.

                Today,I'm just an amateur violinist with a regular day job. As I sit in my community orchestra,sometimes I feel jealous(嫉妒的) my fellow musicians’ instruments with their elegant voices. I may not be the best violinist around,but at least I'm still the loudest.

21. The underlined part “ran counter to” in Paragraph 2 probably means.

   A. was similar to

   B. went along with

   C. was the opposite of

   D. had something in common with

22. We know from Paragraph 2 that the author.

   A. did not fit in at school

   B. was an excellent student

   C. was strong and confident

   D. did not attend classes regularly

23. What kind of feeling is expressed in Paragraphs?

   A. Disappointment. B. Anger.

   C. Pride.          D. Regret.

24. What can we infer from the text?

   A. The violin changed the author in some way.

   B. The author hated the loud voice of his violin.

   C. The violin always made the author embarrassed.

   D. The author was the best violinist in his community orchestra.


      In school,I was terrible at spelling. I remember

1. (ask) to spell the fourth day of the week.


      “You seem 2. (forget) a few letters,”commented the teacher.

        I began to say the letters again, “W-H-E-N-S-D-A-Y”.

       “No,” she smiled. “The name Wednesday comes from Norse mythology. The day 3.(name) after the god Odin,also called Woden. So think of it as ‘ Woden's day’. In Old English,it was Wodnesdaeg,and in Middle English,it became Wednesdai. And now,it is Wednesday."

       “Why don't we pronounce all the letters?” I asked.

       “Well,the pronunciation seems 4.(simplify) but not the spelling. Perhaps in the future,the spelling will change too,but for now,plan5. (write) it like this (Wednesday) ,w she added.

       “Can’t we just call it Humpday?” asked a student in the back of the class.

       “I don't remember seeing that word in the dictionary, ” replied the teacher. “A word must 6. (accept) formally in dictionaries before we can confidently use it in our writing."

       “How does a word become accepted?”

       “As more people begin to use a word,it starts to appear more frequently in writing — newspapers, magazines and books — and in speech — conversation,newscasts,and lectures. The more frequently a word occurs,the more likely it is 7.(record) into a dictionary,” she explained.

       “So does that mean that we should start using ‘Humpday’ so that we can get it accepted?” asked the student.

        The teacher smiled, “You can try,but you’11 still need to be able 8. (spell) Wednesday correctly on your next spelling test.”

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