

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


               After I mastered my first (协奏曲) at age 14 ,my parents decided to get me a nice violin. I tried out dozens of instruments before I found my match: a German violin. It was beautiful,but what I liked best about it was its voice. Confident and strong,it was everything I longed to be.

               I'm not sure how much that violin cost,but my parents made me promise never to let it out of my sight. They didn't understand that dragging a large violin case ran counter to my daily middle school task of being invisible (看不见的) .I was a strange,absent-minded kid. When I spoke up in class,my comments brought confused silence from teachers and wild laughter "from students. Like a deer in a wolf pack,I tried to be quiet and still. 

               In contrast,my new violin was aimobi shockingly loud. Together,we could drown out the rest oi my middle school orchestra — which was encouraged,since the other kids made sounds like cats 5 crying. For one glorious hour every day,I was showered with attention. Everyone wanted to hear what I had to say.

                Between classes,I bent under the combined weight of my violin case and a backpack filled with books. My posture suffered ,but my confidence grew. With my violin by my side,I found my voice. More and more,I contributed to class discussions and even made a couple of friends.

                Today,I'm just an amateur violinist with a regular day job. As I sit in my community orchestra,sometimes I feel jealous(嫉妒的) my fellow musicians’ instruments with their elegant voices. I may not be the best violinist around,but at least I'm still the loudest.

21. The underlined part “ran counter to” in Paragraph 2 probably means.

   A. was similar to

   B. went along with

   C. was the opposite of

   D. had something in common with

22. We know from Paragraph 2 that the author.

   A. did not fit in at school

   B. was an excellent student

   C. was strong and confident

   D. did not attend classes regularly

23. What kind of feeling is expressed in Paragraphs?

   A. Disappointment. B. Anger.

   C. Pride.          D. Regret.

24. What can we infer from the text?

   A. The violin changed the author in some way.

   B. The author hated the loud voice of his violin.

   C. The violin always made the author embarrassed.

   D. The author was the best violinist in his community orchestra.

21. C 22. A 23. C 24. A



21. C. 词义猜测题。由划线部分前的drag-  ging a large violin case 和之后的 being ; invisible可知,拖着一个巨大的小提琴箱: 与“我”在学校里不愿被注意到背道而驰,由此推断,ran counter to意为“与…不同,背道而驰”。

22. A. 推理判断题。由第二段中的When I spoke up in class,my comments brought ; confused silence from teachers and wild :laughter from students. Like a deer in a i wolf pack,I tried to be quiet and still 可知,作者在学校里格格不入。

23. C. 推理判断题a由第三段中的For one glorious hour every day,I was show-ered with attention. Everyone wanted to  hear what I had to say可知,作者在拉小、 提琴时,总是受到大家的关注,每个人都想听他要说什么,由此可以推断作者感到非常自豪。

24. A. 推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的 my confidence grew 和 I found my voice s 以及 I contributed to class discussions;and even made a couple of friends 可知,小提琴在某种程度上改变了作者。


第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                             ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

            The most frequent arguments for travel broadening the mind are that you get to interact(互动) with many different 41,ways of life and new experiences. In general this should be the case. 42,how much it broadens your mind depends as much on how you travel as where. 43 you go to Thailand and spend most of your time in a hotel,what you,re seping isn't 44 Thai culture. But if you take time to 45 its temples or stay with a family and immerse ( yourself in their 46 ,you might begin to get a good 47 of it. If you 48 anything out of your comfort zone,then you won't make the most of your 49 ,wherever you go. Of course travel 50 the mind if you’ re open to it and equip yourself with the knowledge you need for where you’ re headed; and after all,expanding our horizons is 51 to our growth and progress as human beings.

            We're told that broadening the mind comes from challenging yourself,52 , learning and that this can in part be achieved by travelling. But is broadening the mind the only 53 reason for travelling? What if you 54 want to enjoy some much needed rest and 55 ?

             How much distance you cover doesn't show how adventurous you are. You can go halfway round the world, but if you just spend all your time 56 shopping malls,you can 57experience the real workings of the culture you’ve landed in. It's up to you whether or not you come back from another country with a 58 perspective on things. Travel doesn’t automatically broaden the mind. If you’ re a narrow-minded bore at home,the 59 are that travel just makes you a narrow-minded bore 60 a plane ticket. And what of those who don't,can't or won’t travel? Are they forever (注定) to an “unbroadened”

view on life? I'm sure they would beg to differ.

41. A. experts   B. cultures   C. objects . D. situations

42. A. For example   B. Above all   C. At times   D. Of course

43. A. If   B. Although   C. Since   D. Because

44. A. correctly   B. generally   C. really   D. seriously

45. A. construct   B. paint   C. introduce   D. visit

46. A. work   B. life   C. conversation   D. concept

47. A. idea   B. command   C. result   D. photo

48. A. attempt   B. challenge   C. avoid   D. overcome

49. A. journey   B. freedom   C. advantage   D. break

50. A. occupies   B. crosses   C. amazes   D. broadens

51. A. suitable   B. vital   C. similar   D. harmless

52. A. determining   B. planning   C. exploring   D. preparing

53. A. worthwhile   B. private   C. normal   D. obvious

54. A. eventually   B. slightly   C. exactly   D. simply

55. A. health   B. relaxation  C. sport   D. thinking

56. A. picking out   B. Finding out  C. wandering round   D. passing by

57. A. hardly   B. possibly   C. expectedly   D. undoubtedly

58. A. narrow   B. social   C. different   D. common

59. A. problems   B. occasions   C. facts   D. chances

60. A. for   B. with   C. beyond   D. except



             Japanese fans who watched their national team be defeated by the Ivory Coast on Saturday showed it is possible to lose graciously(优雅地), when they stayed behind after the match to help clean up.

             Despite seeing Japan,s Blue Samurais lose 2-1 against the Ivory Coast's national team at the Arena Pernambuco in Recife,the Japanese audience armed with plastic bags searched their side of the stadium and gathered up dropped litter. While gathering waste after a sporting event is customary in Japan,the audience's actions came as a shock to football fans from other countries.

             This isn't the first time the Japanese have taken trash outside the stadium. The 1998 FIFA World Cup held in France was the first ever World Cup that Japan had qualified for. After their first group game against Argentina,the Japanese fans gave the world a lesson in politeness and respect by actually cleaning the football stadium seats. They picked up all the trash around them whether it was theirs or not. They then walked out and threw the trash in the garbage cans before leaving.

            The all-around cleanliness of Japanese large cities comes as a culture shock to people coming from other big cities in the world. This tidiness is not due to millions of dollars spent on street cleaners and “Let's clean-up our city” campaigns. It's not due to effective public works or community service. It's due to one simple thing: They don't throw their rubbish on the. floor. This unique and rare concept allows for both huge cities and the countryside to stay neat and tidy.

            To reinforce (加强) this behavior,the common signs in Japan ask people to take their litter home with them. Then,to reinforce the sign,they usually have no garbage cans in the parks. So when faced with the choice-of throwing their garbage on the ground or keeping it with them,they keep it. They don't need a “Don’t Litter” or “Keep Japan Beautifur,sign. They have been doing it their whole lives and are used to taking their garbage with them.

28. The story in Paragraph 3 mainly shows that.

   A. Japanese people are used to carrying their own trash

   B. Japanese fans have a habit of cleaning up the stadium

   C. Japanese fans often clean stadium seats before the game

   D. the Japanese are very interested in watching football games

29. What can we say about Japanese big cities’cleanliness?

   A. It has become common practice.

   B. It is the result of community service.

   C. It costs millions of dollars every year.

   D. It exists because of public campaigns.

30. Which of the following do the Japanese accept as normal?

   A. Punishing the behavior of littering.

   B. Many signs reading “Don’t Litter”.

   C. Lots of garbage cans in the parks.

   D. Taking litter away with them.

31. The author’s attitude to the Japanese audience might be that of .

   A. criticism   B. unconcern

   C. respect     D. doubt

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