We know the effect calories have on your body. For each pound of weight that your body carries,it takes about 12 calories per pound per day to keep it alive. If you weigh 150 pounds, you therefore need about 1 , 800 calories per day to keep yourself alive and maintain that same weight.

If you were to eat more than 1 , 800 calories per day,the surplus(剩余) turns into fat. It takes about 3,600 excess(过量的) calories to make a pound of fat.

  Let's say that you were to eat,on average, 2,000 calories per day. That extra 200 calories per day is going to turn into fat. However, you will eventually hit a point of equilibrium(平衡, 均衡) because as you gain weight, you need more calories to maintain that weight. So,a person eating an average of 2,000 calories per day will hit equilibrium at (2,000/12) 166. 67 pounds.

  So let's say that you eat,on average, 2 , 000 calories per day and reach equilibrium at 166 pounds. Then you go on a crash diet where you eat only 1 , 000 calories per day for 60 days. You lose 16 pounds and reach your target weight of 150 pounds. But then you go right back to eating 2 , 000 calories per day again. The graph below shows your eating pattern before, during and after the diet:

Note that the graph assumes that you,like most people, eat a random(无计划的) number of calories per day. Some days you are "good" and eat less,and some days you are "bad" and eat more,but the assumption is that it averages out to 2, 000 calories per day over the long run.

This graph shows what happens to your weight before ,during and after the diet :


 The diet really takes the weight off. But the weight comes right back when you return to your "normal" eating pattern. The weight appears to come back so quickly because when you are at your lightest,you tend to gain more weight each day. The lighter you are,the fewer calo?ries you need. If you only need 1,500 calories per day and you're eating 2,000,you're going to gain weight faster than if you need 1,800 and you're eating 2,000.

There are only two ways to keep the weight off :

Change your overall eating pattern so that you take in,on average,fewer calories than be?fore you go on the diet.

Start exercising so that you "burn" the extra calories you take in.

The best course of action is a combination of these two choices.

(   ) 5. The problem that the writer tries to deal with is        .

   A. how to lose weight fast while changing the diet

   B. why the weight comes back so quickly once one stops dieting

   C. how to reach the point of equilibrium

   D. what your target weight is

(   ) 6. What can we learn from the two graphs?

   A. It is hard to keep one's normal weight.

   B. The better way for you to lose weight is keeping your dieting.

   C. You will gain weight faster than before dieting.

   D. It is not necessary for you to lose weight by dieting.

(   ) 7. According to the passage,if you weighed 100 pounds and you were to eat on average 1400 calories per day,a year later,you would be        .

   A. 100 pounds

   B. 166. 67 pounds

   C. 97 pounds

   D. 116. 67 pounds

(   ) 8. What is the best way to keep the weight off according to the passage?

   A. Keep your diet and never stop.

   B. Return your overall eating pattern and exercise more.

   C. Take in fewer calories than before your diet and exercise more.

   D. Go on your diet and start exercising to burn the extra calories.

  You are what you eat and fats are a main food for Asia's fast-food generation. Dr. Chwang, director of the Department of Food Nutrition,says children are consuming more meat and soft drinks. This is a thorough departure from the traditional diet of vegetables and rice and little meat. "They like big pieces of fried meat with a soft drink. So although they may eat the same volume of food,their calorie intake(卡路里摄入量) has increased. Now about 40 to 45 percent of their calories come from fat”,says Chwang.

 Although on the whole Asians tend towards thinness,culture―namely Asians' hospitality (好客) 一is the reason for the fatness of today's generation, according to Chwang. " Asian people love food," she says. "Eating and drinking are important social and family functions.” In the past,however, big meals were only hosted on special occasions as people were more careful with money. In today's climate of wealth and remarkable consumption, 10-course meals are no longer reserved for significant occasions.

 More than anyone else,Children are on the receiving end of their parents' improved cir?cumstances. "In the past,people had four or more children―now,they have one or two,so they tend to spoil them," says Chwang. "The easiest way is to give them quality food. Parents think feeding them well is showing their love. They feel bad when their children look thin.”

 When describing the physical condition of most overweight Asian children, Chwang says, "There is a clear relationship between fatness and indoor play. Children get fat because they don't move,and eventually, they don't want to move because they are fat.”

 Thanks to technology, a growing army of children prefer video games to old outdoor sports. " What do children do when watching TV or sitting in front of the computer playing video games? They eat chocolate and drink Coke," says Chwang. 

(   ) 1. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word "consuming"? 

   A. taking in   B. wasting

   C.  choosing   D. eating

(   ) 2. According to this passage, the " quality food" fed by some parents is actually

   A. healthful food   B. qualified food   C. agreeable food   D. high-calorie food 

(   ) 3. Some parents feel bad when their children look thin,because        .

   A.their children don't love eating and drinking

   B.their children don't have a good physical condition

   C.they feel that they don't take good care of their children

   D.they feel that they are no healthy enough to afford " qualified food" 

(   ) 4. The purpose of writing this article is to        .

   A.compare the traditional diet with today's diet of Asian children

   B.find reasons for increased food consumption of Asian people

   C.explain why many Asian children are overweight nowadays

   D.prove the relationship between fatness and indoor play

It was the end of my first day as a waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone away,and my feet1      The loaded plates I carried 2      to be heavier and heavier. Tired and discouraged,I didn't seem able to do anything 3      . As I made out a check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream 4      a dozen times,I was ready to stop. Then the father 5      at me as he handed me my tip. "Well done," he said, "you've 6      us really well.”Suddenly my tiredness 7      I smiled back,and later, when the man?ager asked me how I'd like my first day,I said, " 8      !" Those few words of praise had 9      everything. Praise is like 10      to the human spirit;we cannot flower and grow without it. And 11      ,while most of us are only too 12      to apply(应用) to others the cold wind of criticism(批评) ,we are 13      to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. Why― when one word of praise can bring such 14      

It's strange how chary(吝啬) we are about praising. Perhaps it's because 15      of us know how to accept it. It's 16      rewarding(值得做的) to give praise in areas in which

17      generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets admired for a glorious picture,

a cook for a 18      meal. But do you ever tell your laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are 19      just right? In fact,to give praise 20      nothing but a moment's thought and a moment's effort.

(   ) 1.A. refused   B. broke   C. hurt   D. slipped

(   ) 2.A. remained   B. seemed   C. became   D. appeared

(   ) 3.A. new   B. special   C. wrong   D. right

(   ) 4.A. order   B. price   C. material   D. boxes

(   ) 5.A. stared   B. smiled   C. glanced   D. nodded

(   ) 6.A. called on   B. looked after   C. passed by   D. thought of

(   ) 7.A. reduced   B. continued   C. disappeared   D. developed

(   ) 8.A. Tiring   B. Well   C. Fine   D. Terrible

(   ) 9.A. made   B. changed   C. found   D. improved

(   ) 10.A. wind   B. warmth   C. snowstorm   D. sunlight

(   ) 11.A. but   B. thus   C. therefore   D. yet

(   ) 12.A. ready   B. doubtful   C. satisfied   D. disappointed

(   ) 13.A. unable   B. unwilling   C. likely   D. anxious

(   ) 14.A. attention   B. choice   C. pleasure   D. difficulty

(   ) 15.A. few   B. many   C. some   D. none

(   ) 16.A. finally   B. especially   C. silly   D. fortunately

(   ) 17.A. effort   B. attempt   C. deed   D. feeling

(   ) 18.A. daily   B. light   C. perfect   D. poor

(   ) 19.A. done   B. sold   C. chosen   D. given

(   ) 20.A. adds   B. leaves   C. offers   D. costs

 某国际性英语刊物有一个介绍各国风俗习惯的专栏,请为该专栏写一篇120词左右的短文,简单介绍中国农历新年(春节) 。短文应包括以下几点:

1. 春节对中国人的重要性;

2. 春节的日期;

3. 春节期间的主要庆祝活动(至少4种) 。

the lunar calendar农历;burn firecrackers炸鞭炮;have a feast吃大餐;lucky money压岁钱"ion dance舞狮

(写作支招) 写作定性




二) 难点突破

1. 可用词汇

exciting,unforgetable,meaningful,cheerful,fun ( ny)   , interesting,relaxing,tiring;on New Year's Eve,have a get-together, at diner,drink to one's health, pay a visit to sb. , say "Happy New Year" to sb.,play mahjong,hang lanterns

2. 结构模仿

节日的重要性(the importance of the festival) :用形容同、副词增加语言的表现力。The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of win?ter and to the coming of spring.

节日日期(when) :用从句使结构紧凑。

Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before

Easter, usually in February.

节日活动(the typical activity or feast) :用分词结构等简洁表达形式。

As we call it the Golden weekend, travel is very popular in festivals. We can make good

use of the time,spending 3 or 4 days in having a happy trip in the mainland.

3. 参考句型

sth. falls on + date节日诞生在某一日be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

it is/was + on the New Year's Eve that sb. do sth.是在除夕夜某人做某事when sb. do sth. sth. else happens当某人做某事时,另一件事发生了there's no doubt that ...毫无疑问.. 

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