H.完形填空[2015 •陕西五校高三一模]

My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Carolina to spend a week with my husband in Florida. We were 9 about the trip because we hadn't seen him for five months, and 10  her dad terribly.

As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally 11 . Because we did not get our boarding passes until we 12 at the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together and were 13 by the aisle(过道).I asked two passengers in my row if they would switch places with Kallie and me, 14 we could be together. They 15 , saying they thought they should stay in their assigned seats.

Meanwhile, a mother and her three children were in a 16 several rows ahead of us. There had been a mistake in their boarding passes, and 17 the whole family had been split up. The passengers in her row 18 refused to move elsewhere. She was very 19 about the younger boy sit?ting with strangers. She was in tears, yet nobody 20 to help her.

There were a troop of Boy Scouts(童子军)on 21 Suddenly the Scout leader stood up and said, "Madam, I think we can help you." He then 22 five minutes rear?ranging his group so that adequate space was 23 for the family. The boys followed his directions cheerfully and with?out     24    , and the mother's relief was obvious.

  Kallie, however, was beginning to panic at the 25 of not being next to me. I told her that there wasn't anything I could do.26 , the man sitting next to the Scoutmaster, 27 to me and asked, "Would you and your daughter like our seats?" 28 to himself and the Scoutmaster. We traded seats and continued our trip, very much relieved to be together and watch the scenery from Kallie's window seat.

9.A. worried                                 B. excited
C.  anxious                               D. eager

10.A. loved                               B. considered
C.  imagined                             D. missed

11.A. full                                    B. crowded

C.   empty                          D. overweight

12. A. reached                               B. arrived
C.   landed                           D. knocked

13.A. divided                              B. blocked
C.  separated                        D. connected

14.A. in case                               B.  even if
C.  as if                                D.  so that

15. A. prevented                           B. refused
C.  agreed                            D. promised

16.A. panic                                    B. hurry
C.  rush                                   D. seat

17.A. however                           B. otherwise
C.   therefore                        D. instead

18.A.too                                  B. even
C.  ever                                 D. also

19. A. concerned                          B. curious
C.  particular                          D. content

20. A. suggested                            B. offered
C.  provided                          D. supplied

21.A. duty                                 B. watch
C.  board                                 D. spot

22.A. took                                 B. cost
C.  paid                                D. spent

23. A. convenient                        B. available

C.  probable                       D. comfortable

24. A. permission                          B. excuse

C.  apology                         D. complaint

25. A. thought                             B. end
C.  feeling                              D. sense

26. A. Immediately                      B. Puzzlingly
C. Clearly                             D. Amazingly

27. A. turned up                         B.  turned around
C.  turned out                   D.  turned away

28. A. sticking                              B. keeping
C.  waving                            D. referring

B [2015 .山东威海一中高三模拟] Coral reefs(珊潮ft) are not just beautiful to look at,but also very useful. They shelter nearly 25 % of ocean life and provide food for billions of people. However, like many other species,this amazing ecosystem(生态系统)is in danger of dy?ing out !

There are two main reasons for the destruction—the ris?ing carbon dioxide levels caused by global warming as well as human influences like bottom operation. While not much can be done about the former, the loss caused by the latter can be reduced.

Bottom operation involves dropping nets to the ocean bed and then dragging them up when filled with fish. This action damages the ocean floor, causing the coral branches to sepa?rate from the reefs. While that is very discouraging, the good news is that if these branches are found quickly, they can be saved. At present,that work is being performed by volunteer divers. But the method has only limited success because they cannot stay long underwater, nor reach depths of over 200 metres where some of the deep-sea coral grows.

However,this is not the case for coralbots―the robots that can constantly seek out broken branches. A team of 'cor-albots', each individually working to simple rules will piece together damaged bits of coral, allowing them to regrow. They are programmed to be able to distinguish between other things and the coral. The robots work together in groups,sim?ilar to bees. If one coralbot is damaged then the others will still be able to complete the task.

Dr Lea-Anne Henry said,"The project of using coralbots offers us the possibility to restore (修复)the function of reefs. It is in the final stage of testing. Once ready? the re?searchers hope to build hundreds of them and use them effec?tively in the waters off Scotland and then hopefully in the o-ceans across the world."

5.     Which of the following is a cause of the clanger that coral reefs are facing?


A.     The appearance of new creatures.

B.     The seriously polluted sea water.

C.     The activities of volunteer clivers.

D.     Human activities like bottom operation.

6.     Compared with volunteer divers,coralbots__________ .


A.     can stay longer underwater

B.     must work as bees do

C.     can distinguish what is coral

D.     can never be damaged

7.     What does the underlined word "them" in the last para?graph refer to?

A. Coralbots.                            B.  Broken branches.

C. Working bees.                      D.  Bits of coral.

8.     We can infer from the passage that ____________ ,


A.     bottom operation has affected most underwater crea?tures

B.     broken branches of coral can regrow if saved in time

C.     hundreds of the coralbots have worked well in the oceans

D.     with the coralbots all damaged coral reefs can be re?stored


A [2.015 "绥化市三校高三联考]

While success is surely sweeter than failure, it seems failure is a far better teacher, and organizations that fail mis?erably often flourish (繁荣)more in the long run, according to a new study by Vinit Desai, assistant professor of manage?ment at the University of Colorado Denver Business School. Researchers have found that people missing their goals per?form much better in the long run. That is because they gain more knowledge from their failures than their successes and the lessons are more likely to stay longer in their minds.

"We found that the knowledge gained from success was often fleeting while knowledge from failure stuck around for years," said professor Desai, who led the study. "But compa?nies often ignore failure. Managers may fire people or turn over the whole workforce while they should treat the failure as a learning opportunity.,,

Professor Desai compared the flights of the space shuttle Atlantis and the Challenger. During the Atlantis' flight last year, a piece of insulation(绝缘体)broke off and damaged the left solid rocket booster (火箭助推器)but didn't influ?ence the programme. There was little investigation. The Challenger was launched next and another piece of insulation broke off. This time the shuttle and its seven-person crew were destroyed. The disaster led to a major investigation re?sulting in 29 changes to prevent future disasters.

The difference in response in the two cases came down to this : Atlantis was considered a success and the Challenger a failure.

"Despite crowded skies, airlines are extremely reliable," he said. " The number of failures is extremely small. And past researches have shown that older airlines, those with more experience in failure, have a lower number of acci?dents. "

Professor Desai doesn't recommend finding out failure in order to learn. Instead, he advises organizations to analyse small failures to collect useful information rather than wait for major failures.

1. Why did experts pay little attention to the problem of At?lantis?

 A.     Because it worked perfectly.

B.     Because the right booster was still OK.

C.     Because nothing serious happened then.

D.     Because fewer people died in the flight.

2.Fewer accidents happen to older airlines in that . 

A. their planes couldn't fly high in the sky

 B.      they gained much from experience in failure

C.      their planes were often checked by the experts

D.     they were unpopular among passengers

 3.The passage is written mainly to_____________ .

 A.     show failure is a better teacher than success

B.     explain why the Challenger failed

C.     introduce something about Professor Desai

D.     tell managers how to achieve success

4.Which writing strategy is NOT used in developing the passage?

 A.     Giving definitions.

B.     Making comparisons.

C.     Analysing causes.

D.     Providing different examples.

I have been applying, interviewing, etc. since July with no prospects (前景).I have been told mostly that I am overqualified, or they need fulltime, etc. I have been getting pretty down and discouraged. I was actually ask?ing myself why someone can't be kind enough to take me on as an

This past Tuesday evening it was 6 outside and going to be 9 pm as I was waiting at a bus stop. Just as the bus 7 a young woman approached me. She had a T-shirt, capri pants, and slippers on. She also was wearing several hospital bracelets.

I 8  my purse and took out $ 5. 00 so she could get something to eat.  I then took off my jacket and 9    and gave them to her. I said, "These are a little

big but they should keep 10 warm. She looked at me and said,"Aren't you going to be cold?"I told her my being cold for 15 minutes 11 I got to my place was worth it if I knew she would be a little warmer. She sobbed and thanked me with a hug. I just told her to 12 .

Then I got on the bus―that's 13 the miracle of spreading  14 happened. I stepped up to pay the 15 and the bus driver said, "Madam, I saw what you just did and your fare is 16 me, even though technically we aren't supposed to let you get on the bus without shoes. He said with a wink.

A lady who was dressed in a very  17 business suit called me over to her seat.  She said, "I want to know the  18 of the person who just did the most 19   thing I have ever seen.  I told her my name and she said, "What can I do for you to   20   what I just witnessed?" I  21   said a paying job would be nice. The next day she called me and said that she had a 22  administrative assistant position     23     in her company and wanted me to meet with the manager. It 24    that the lady was the head of Human Resources. I start Monday morning at 9 am! Thank you all for inspiring me to keep passing the kindness on! I never expected to get so much back in return!

5.A. engineer     B. entertainer

C.employee      D. employer

6.A. burning hot       B. pouring

C.snowing   D.  freezing cold

7.A. pulled up   B.   picked up

C.broke down     D.  dropped off

8.A. brought out       B.  cut in

C.dug in     D. reached

9.A. gloves B. sweater

C.blouse     D.  tennis shoes

10.A. her     B. him

C.you      D. me

11.A. until   B. before

C.after      D. since

12.A. pass it on   B.  go ahead

C.cheer up  D.  come on

13.A. where   B. why

C.when       D. how

14.A. luck    B. kindness

C.generosity       D. mercy

15.A. ticket  B. fare

C.money     D. check

16.A. to       B. for

C.on  D. with

17.A. informal    B. casual

C.professional    D. practical

18.A. job     B. address

C.religion     D. name

19.A. inspiring    B. courageous

C.amazing        D. grateful

20.A. praise B. repay

C.appreciate       D. admire

21.A. seriously    B. eagerly

C.hopefully D. jokingly

22.A. part-time    B. tough

C.simple     D. novel

23.A, empty B. open

C.offer       D. break

24.A. came about   B.  occurred to me

C.turned out      D.  worked out

Few politicians have been as respected in life or honoured in death as former South African President Nelson Mandela. Since the anti-apartheid (反对种族隔离)hero and South Africa's first black president died at 95 in his Johannesburg home on Dec. 5, people around the world, no matter how different their backgrounds and political beliefs are, have been memorializing him in different languages and in different ways.

Mandela was not perfect, and the country he leaves behind still faces many problems. But despite his short?comings ,he leaves the world a heritage to treasure, said a Beijing News editorial on Saturday.

At one time,South Africawas the crudest corner of the world, having serious apartheid. At that time black and white people's living an equal life in the coun?try was an unachievable dream. Both the introduction of democracy(民主)and the avoidance of what would have in all likelihood been Africa's bloodiest civil war were regarded as missions impossible.

It was Mandela who led South Africans to put an end to apartheid, realize social harmony and build a dream nation. There may still be disagreements from time to time, but people seek to resolve their problems and differences through civilized means.

This is the most valuable heritage of Mandela, who endured 27 years of hardships in prison and walked out with new reflections and thoughts with which to guide all races to own their equal rights and interests. His perseverance and tolerance won him supporters both at home and abroad and moved even his enemies.

The reason why South Africa has realized a stable change and avoided hatred and killing between different races is the establishment of a foundation of mutual trust and recognition of the need for social order, rhe co-existence of different human races under the principle of equality and their resorting to peaceful, democratic and legal means to resolve differences are part of Mandela's memorable contribution.

Since 1999, Mandela lived a quiet and retired life. He resigned at the peak of his political life and avoided repeating the mistakes of many political figures of his time. He performed a politician's mission in an almost perfect way.

1. What can we know about the situation from the un?derlined sentence in the third paragraph?

A.It seemed difficult to realize democracy and avoid the civil war at that time.

B.Democracy could not be realized unless peoplewon the civil war.

C.The bloodiest civil war prevented the introduction of democracy toSouth Africa.

D.The introduction of democracy avoided the civil war inSouth Africa.

2.Which of the following about Mandela's contribution to his country is NOT true?

A.Mandela led his people to put an end to apartheid.

B.Mandela inspired his people to deal with problems and differences in civilized ways.

C.Mandela taught his people to realize the impor?tance of social order.

D.Mandela created a dream nation for his people without any disagreements.

3.According to the last paragraph, the writer's attitude towards Mandela's retirement is .

A. critical   B. supportive

C. indifferent  D. doubtful

4.What words can best describe Nelson Mandela ac?cording to the passage?

A.Quiet and wise.

B.Hard-working and wealthy.

C.Perseverant and selfless.

D.Brave and aggressive.

Ⅲ.语法填空[2015 •黑龙江哈尔滨高三期末]


   Last Monday, my father would be on a 10._________(busy) trip for five days. 

Having gotten my promise of being great at home and taking care of my mother, he rest

assured and put his luggage into the trunk of his car. 11._____(see) my father's 

driving away, my mother and I waved our hands and said goodbye to him. For a moment, I

began to miss my father, 12.___(wish) that he would be safe and well the next days. I

thought everything would go well, as this was not the first time that my father 13.__

____ (be)away for several days. Yet:, 14._____(fortunate), my mother caught a cold 

the next morning. Looking at her pale face, I 15._____(experience) high levels of 


   However, I told myself that I had to calm down and look after my mum, 16.______I

promised to my dad. The moment I got my mum to sleep, I put cold towel on her forehead

, found pills in the medicine box, and made some noodles for her. Luckily, she woke up

 and felt 17.____ (good) after taking the pills and the noodles. 18._____ her fever 

was gone relieved and satisfied me a lot. In the next four days, I took her body 

temperature twice a day, ensuring that she was completely well.To our delight, my dad 

went backhome  safely and  healthily on Saturday. On hearing 19._____ I had done to

my mum, he, as well as my bmum, beamed at me and gave me a big thumb. Hearing their 

praises and seeing bright smiles on their faces, I really felt o-verjoyed and thrilled.

  Conceivably, taking care of my parents was, indeed and definitely, my mission and 


Plan on travelling around theUSAthis summer? If you need help in arranging the trip,or want ideas about where to go and what to do, there are a number of out?standing websites that can make your American dream come true.

http : //byways, org

The National Scenic Byways Programme covers 150 memorable roads. Some are natural routes , such as Route 1 along the Californian coast. Others focus on his-tory(such as Route 6) or man-made attractions (the Las Vegas Strip). For each, you are provided with a map, told the route's length and how long it is allowed, and given detailed suggestions on sights and stop-offs.

www. oyster, com

This is the best website for reviews of hotels in US cities and resorts. The reviews are impressively thorough― covering locations, rooms, cleanliness, food and so on. Importantly, these are not promotional photos by the ho?tels, but more honest and revealing ones taken by in?spectors. Search facilities are excellent. From the 243 hotels reviewed in New York, you can narrow down what you are looking for by locations, facilities and styles,or just pick out a selection of the best.

www. lOlusholidays. co.uk

This is the latest offering that features 101 holiday ideas to theUSA. It's an impressively diverse selection, ranging from touring in the footsteps of Martin Luther King to a golfing break in Arizona and a cycling and wine-tasting trip in California's Napa Valley. Narrow down what you are looking for―by price, region, theme and who will be travelling―and then just the photos of the relevant holidays remain on view. It's a really clever design.

www. mousesavers. com

Walt Disney World in California can make dreams come true,but the price is not affordable for the majority of people.

So turn to long established Mousesavers. com,dedi?cated to giving big discounts on tickets,hotels and dining at Walt Disney World. The website also offers general money-saving tips, suggestions for cheap and free stuff and brief coverage of other Florida and California theme parks.

5.If you are going to theUSAfor the man-made attrac-

tions, you can drive along 

A. Route 1         B. Route 6

C.the Las Vegas Strip  D.  the Californian coast

6. Why are the photos of the hotels in US cities and re?sorts real in www. oyster, com?

A. Because they were taken by customers who once lived there.

B. Because there are comments of customers on each photo.

C. Because there are qualifications of the authority.

D. Because they are taken by inspectors of the web?site.

7.What can be inferred from the text?

A. www. mousesavers. com is a newly established website.

B. Discounted tickets of Walt Disney World are not available for everyone.

C. California's Napa  Valley is famous for its wine.

D. The National Scenic Byways Programme covers all the roads in theUSA.

8. Where does the text probably come from?

A.A news report.       B. A tourist brochure.

C.A culture journal.      D.  A health column.

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