A few days ago, my sister Liz and I talked about Dad, and we decided to get him a little something for Father's Day. We talked about the times when we were up and how Mom and Dad used to play the ‘good cop, bad cop’ thing on us. Dad has been a person of few words since we were . He raised us more by than anything else. When he spoke, though we listened, he was always mysterious and difficult to understand. There was always a(n) meaning that I never got, but Liz always to decipher(破解) him. By the time I got to high school, I had wanted a skateboard and I I was too old to ask money from my parents, so I worked at a burger joint (美式汉堡店). One day, I was really angry about annoying burgers. I came home huffing and puffing(气喘吁吁). Dad saw me and asked me what was the . I told him that I was fed up with annoying burgers. He said that we all have to start somewhere, that we may not know it now, but the skills we learn even in a burger joint might come in handy __ __in life, ‘Who knows, you might end up having to run a or even own one when you grow up,’ said Dad. He me down and I kept what he said in mind, even though I really didn’t agree with it.

A couple of years later, when I got to college, I worked in a restaurant. During one of the really days that we had, we were short on kitchen staff. Our customers were getting impatient and the were getting delayed. We were sure any minute something terrible would out. I couldn’t stand the any more, so I rolled up my sleeves, got myself a hair net and helped out in the hot kitchen. We caught up with the orders . The owner saw what I did and called me over around time. He said that he was very . He raised my salary and made me the assistant manager even though I could only go part-time. That was I realized that what my dad said to me all those years before was absolutely true.

I’ve never forgotten what my dad said that day. And whenever I have to do something that requires new skills, no matter how insignificant or it seems, I have a new perspective(看法) that it might really help me later on or even right now and I just don’t know it. Experience is everything and it a lot when you take lessons from it. That’s my life’s philosophy.

1.A. getting B. going C. growing D. coming

2.A. schoolboys B. kids C. adults D. graduates

3.A. instruction B. example C. order D. inspiration

4.A. obvious B. clear C. reasonable D. hidden

5.A. failed B. refused C. tried D. managed

6.A. imagined B. promised C. believed D. suggested

7.A. experience B. matter C. event D. accident

8.A. later B. sooner C. latter D. late

9.A. restaurant B. hospital C. school D. plant

10.A. calmed B. wrote C. 1et D. put

11.A. exciting B. worrying C. busy D. happy

12.A. meetings B. parties C. menus D. orders

13.A. break B. show C. go D. set

14.A. quarrel B. 1aziness C. relaxation D. tension

15.A. eventually B. regularly C. obviously D. thankfully

16.A. breakfast B. 1unch C. opening D. closing

17.A. influenced B. interested C. inspired D. impressed

18.A. when B. why C. whether D. where

19.A. important B. impressive C. interesting D. small

20.A. works B. counts C. shows D. studies



Welcome to Arundel Castle which is situated in West Sussex, England. The castle has a history of nearly 1000 years and has welcomed visitors traveling from all over the world. Arundel Castle also plays a starring role in many films.

The Gardens

The White Garden is planted with soft white Iceberg Roses, and Snow White Lilies.

The Rose Garden is newly planted with lovely old-fashioned English roses that are at their very best in June and July.

The Organic Kitchen Garden produces a wide range of seasonal fruit and vegetables, pears, cherries and apples.

The Castle Shop

In the Castle Shop, you will discover a wide and interesting range of gift ideas for everyone. It offers gifts and souvenirs designed to appeal to all tastes and pockets. Foods, china, books, and stationery (文具)are all available. Many are sold in this Castle Shop only.

At Arundel Castle we pride ourselves on supporting local suppliers and actively encourage environmentally friendly products.

The Arundel Festival 2014

Saturday 16th to Monday 25th August

The annual Arundel Festival gets bigger and better every year. It is one of the most amazing, diverse and easily accessible arts festivals in the UK, offering a mix of visual arts, music, theatre and street entertainment.


Coaches and mini-buses can drop off at the main Castle entrance in Mill Road and park in the main town car park that is opposite the Castle entrance. Please inform us when making your booking of how many parking permits are required.

1.When visiting the castle, you can____________.

A. get old-fashioned English roses as gifts

B. buy eco-friendly products in the Castle Shop

C. get seasonal fruit and vegetables for free

D. see how the local gifts are being made

2. How long does the Arundel Festival last this year?

A. 10 days B. One week C. 16 days D. One month

3. Where can you park the coach?

A. In Mill Road

B. Inside the Castle

C. In the main town car park

D. At the main Castle entrance

Recently a study, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University, suggests that nearly a third of adults, 31%, are not getting enough exercise. That rates of exercise have declined is hardly a new discovery. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, technology and economic growth have helped to create a world in which taking exercise is more and more an option rather than a necessity. But only recently have enough good data been collected from enough places to carry out the sort of analysis Dr Hallal and his colleagues have engaged in.

There are common themes in different places. Unsurprisingly, people in rich countries are less active than those in poor ones, and old people are less active than young ones. Less obviously, women tend to exercise less than men—34% are inactive, compared with 28% of men. But there are exceptions. The women of Croatia, Finland, Iraq and Luxembourg, for example, move more than their male countrymen.

Malta wins the race for most slothful country, with 72% of adults getting too little exercise, and Swaziland and Saudi Arabia are in close behind, with 69%. In Bangladesh, just 5% of adults fail to exercise enough. Surprisingly, six Americans in ten are active enough according to Dr Hallal’s study, compared with fewer than four in ten British.

These high rates of inactivity are worrying. Human beings seem to have evolved(进化) to benefit from exercise while deliberately avoiding it whenever they can. In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it. But that is no longer the case. Actually lack of enough activity these days has nearly the same effect on life span(寿命) as smoking.

1.We may learn from Paragraph 1 that_________.

A. the decline of exercise rates is newly discovered

B. the study suggests 31% of female adults get too little exercise

C. the good enough data has been collected from only one country

D. the industrial revolution has changed the way people live to some degree

2. According to the study, women of Luxembourg_________.

A. have little time to exercise

B. hate to get regular exercise

C. take more exercise to lose weight

D. exercise more than men in their country

3.The underlined word “slothful” in Paragraph 3 most probably means_________.

A. powerful B. rich C. lazy D. unpopular

4. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Worldwide Lack of Enough Exercise

B. New Health Discovery

C. Evolvement of Human Beings

D. Benefits of Taking Exercise

If you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station, you don't need to feel surprised.They are a flash mob (快闪族), which is a group of people who come together suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, and then quickly break up.They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communication network.At a predetermined time, they gather and perform some distractions(消遣) such as waving their hands and exchanging books, Then, they quickly break up before the police can arrive.Using mobile phones, the flash mob can change its location if the first one has been replaced for any reason.

Bill Lasik, senior editor of Harper’s Magazine, organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003 and the first successful flash mob came together on June 3, 2003 - after the first attempt was foiled at Macy's department store.Lasik claimed that the activity was designed to make fun of hipsters (起时髦的人), and call attention to the cultural atmosphere.

Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people.Such an activity might seem amusing and untrue, but it also might frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place.Undoubtedly, flash mobs can serve as good political tools in any direction.They also have great economic potential, such as using flash mobs to advertise a product.

The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular.People use it to do many things.For example, in 2009, Michael Jackson's fans took part in a flash mob to remember him.Hundreds of his fans gathered singing and dancing Michael's famous song "Beat It" together.Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.

1.The undefined word "foiled" in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by .

A. forgotten B. prevented

C. announced D. confirmed

2.What can you learn about the flash mob from the passage?

A. The flash mob usually breaks up quickly for lacking enough time.

B. Once the place for the activity is determined, it can't be changed.

C. The flash mob can be made use of in many fields just for fun.

D. It gives people the chance to come together to do something unusual.

3.The main purpose of the passage is ______

A. to entertain B. to encourage

C. to inform D. to persuade

4.The writer's attitude towards the flash mob is

A. negative B. favorable

C. objective D. doubtful

Helen Thomas, the pioneering White House reporter known for putting presidents on the hot seat, died at 92.

To those who regularly watch presidential press conferences, Helen Thomas is a familiar figure.Usually dressed in red and always seated in the front row, she is always the first or second reporter the president calls upon.It is an honor she has earned.Besides, it affords her the perfect opportunity to do what she does best ---- challenge the president and other public officials to tell the plain truth.She said, "We reporters' priority(首要事情) is the people's right to know ---- without fear or favor.We are the people's servants."

Helen Thomas was born in Kentucky in 1920.All the nine Thomas children were brought up to value education, and all were expected to make something of themselves through working hard.She made up her mind while still in high school to become a reporter after writing for the student newspaper.After receiving her bachelor's degree in 1942, Thomas headed straight for Washington, D.C.in search of a newspaper job.Before long, she landed one at Washington Daily News.Her duty included fetching coffee and doughnuts for the paper's reporters and editors.The eager young woman found the atmosphere exciting and was convinced she had made the right career choice.

Her big break came when she was sent to Florida to report on the vacation of President-elect John F.Kennedy and his family.Once President Kennedy took office, Thomas changed her focus from the president's family to his policies.She began attending the daily press briefings at the White House as well as presidential press conferences.Thomas has covered every president since Kennedy.Over the years, Thomas found her job "thrilling and inspiring," but never boring.And she took very seriously her duty to "keep an eye on the president" and keep American people informed.

1.What can we learn about Helen Thomas from the passage?

A. Her career took off after covering the Kennedys.

B. Her first job was to deliver doughnuts to a news agency.

C. She was born to a large family in Kentucky in 1942.

D. She decided to be a reporter while in college.

2.Paragraph 3 is written to show Helen Thomas

A. is a good decision maker for her career

B. appreciates education and hard work

C. wants to be famous by writing reports

D. has great support from her family

3.What does Helen Thomas think other work?

A. Unbearable. B. Exciting.

C. Challenging. D.Unforgettable.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A reporter sticking to the facts.

B.A reporter challenging President Kennedy.

C.A reporter from an ordinary family.

D.A reporter for Washington Daily News.


People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and that's actually quite true. 1. After all, making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them.The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.

● Dress appropriately

2. That means dressing up or putting on nice, clean, situation-appropriate clothes for social situations.It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much, either.

● Be aware of your body language

Words express very little of what you say.Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level. 3. Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comfortable, important and special.Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious.Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others.

● Respect the opinions of others

Not everyone will have the same opinion with you, and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great conversation. Respect other people's right to have their own opinion.Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them. 4.

● 5.

People love talking about themselves, but generally, you want to be careful of taking over the conversation.By listening carefully to what others are saying, you are not only making them feel important, but you can gather cues you need to keep the conversation going and bridge to new topics.

A.Be a careful listener.

B.Show an interest in every person you meet.

C.Smile especially when first meeting someone.

D.Make sure you look nice whenever you meet someone new.

E.Meeting new people and starting conversations is often challenging.

F.Others will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.

G.Don't force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them.


Drama (戏剧) and the performing arts are excellent methods of building confidence in children and adults alike. Learning through drama allows children to __ __ their creativity and have fun while leaving their ___ ___ and worries behind. Drama also works by supporting the growth of imagination and other skills.

Entertainment has become rather passive (被动的) with ___ ___,television and video games becoming more popular. These screen-based methods have had a ____ ____ effect on communication. They prevent children communicating with others. ____ ___ ,drama puts the children enthusiastic about communication back into entertainment. Children have the opportunity to ____ ____ with others in a more meaningful way ____ ____ drama encourages speech development,awareness of body language and allows children to become more ___ ___ aware.

Play and drama are closely linked. When children play a game, they are using their __ ___ and so are moving away from reality to ____ ___ their own story. Drama is a vehicle ___ ___ which children can express themselves more freely to make education fun.

Children gain __ ___ by understanding that there is no final answer in drama and that their opinion and contribution are valued. They are able to ____ __to many issues and situations such as poverty, recycling and global warming. Drama and ___ __have a strong link as drama can ___ ____ children to take an active interest in other subjects such as geography, history and English and so they can ____ ____ a more rounded education.

As a drama teacher, I have witnessed a child at his first class holding on to his parent's arm— ____ __to let go. Then to see the same child running into my class with a smile is an ____ ____ sight. Drama installs confidence in children by allowing them to improvise(即兴创作) and experiment. Everyone is given the opportunity to shine ___ ____ drama. Besides learning the history of the theatre, drama ___ ___ dance, music, and directing,etc. These classes are especially designed to be of great fun.

1.A. express B. expose C. experience D. explore

2.A. depression B. happiness C. shyness D. sadness

3.A. cinema B. radio C. media D. drama

4.A. positive B. negative C. sensitive D. subjective

5.A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Meanwhile

6.A. compare B. discuss C. connect D. compete

7.A. though B. as C. if D. before

8.A. mentally B. physically C. emotionally D. socially

9.A. determination B. consideration C. communication D. imagination

10.A. create B. tell C. read D. believe

11.A. through B. beyond C. across D. for

12.A. success B. inspiration C. admiration D. confidence

13.A. stick B. turn C. respond D. reply

14.A. language B. education C. profession D. entertainment

15.A. persuade B. require C. encourage D. train

16.A. obtain B. continue C. provide D. give

17.A. tired B. unwilling C. sorry D. pleased

18.A. ordinary B. excellent C. odd D. imaginary

19.A. over B. above C. after D. within

20.A. possesses B. applies C. covers D. links

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