
【题目】 My son was playing with a bottle of bubbles. Dip the loop in the bottle, pull it out, and blow it to make bubbles. He understood the principle but was vainly _______ to blow bubbles. He would dip and dip and blow and blow, but alas, no _______. He _______ me the bottle and loop and asked me, “Daddy, can you make bubbles?”

I hadn’t blown bubbles in years. I am a _______ by education, fairly well-trained in surfactant (活性剂) technology. However, all that knowledge is completely _______. I was having no more _______ than my son. I dipped and puffed, _______ no bubbles.

After several _______ attempts, I changed strategies. _______ puffing on the loop of soapy water, I just gently breathed on it. My son ________ with delight as a big beautiful bubble formed and ________ away. I explained to him, “Son, you can’t blow hard. You must ever so ________ breathe on the loop to make bubbles.” He ________ his urgent desire to make big bubbles by blowing hard and followed my advice. Big bubbles!

There are some things that you can get with ________, but other things only ________ from the gentleness of a soft breath.





5A.out of dateB.of no useC.in doubtD.in trouble








13A.freedB.fueledC.containedspan style="width:54.74pt; display:inline-block; -aw-tabstop-align:left; -aw-tabstop-pos:311.45pt">D.reduced






















考查动词词义辨析。句意:他理解原理,试着吹泡泡,却是徒劳。A. trying尝试;B. managing完成;C. expecting预料;D. acting行动。根据关键词“vainly”可知,是试着去做。故选A


考查名词词义辨析。句意:他蘸了又蘸,吹了又吹,但还是没有泡泡。A. changes变化;B. bubbles泡泡;C. results结果;D. drops水珠。由上文My son was playing with a bottle of bubbles.可知,作者的儿子在吹泡泡,此处指没有吹出泡泡。故选B


考查动词词义辨析。句意:他将瓶子和环状的泡泡棒递给我,问道:“爸爸,你能帮我吹泡泡吗?”A. lent借出;B. handed递给;C. threw扔;D. cast瞧。根据下文“asked me, “Daddy, can you make bubbles?””可知,是儿子将瓶子和环状的泡泡棒递给了作者。故选B


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是一个受过教育的化学家,在活性剂技术方面受过良好的训练。A. researcher研究员;B. professional专家;C. chemist化学家;D. parent父母。根据下文“fairly well-trained in surfactant (活性剂) technology.”可知,作者是一个化学家。故选C


考查介词短语辨析。句意:然而,所有的知识(对吹泡泡来说)完全没用。A. out of date过时的;B. of no use无用;C. in doubt有疑问;D. in trouble有麻烦。根据下文“I dipped and puffed, ___7___ no bubbles.”可知,作者所学的化学知识对吹泡泡来说并没有什么用。故选B


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没有比我儿子更成功。A. trial试验;B. confidence自信;C. patience耐心;D. success成功。根据下文“no bubbles”可知,作者没有吹出泡泡,没有比儿子更成功。故选D


考查副词词义辨析。句意:我蘸了(气泡水),然后吹气,仍然,没有泡泡。A. even甚至;B. thus于是;因此;C. somehow以某种方式;D. still仍。由上文知,儿子没有吹出泡泡。根据语境可知是作者仍然没有吹出泡泡。故选D


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在几次没有成果的尝试之后,我改变了策略。A. fruitless没有成果的;B. tough艰苦的;C. unwilling不情愿的;D. difficult困难的。根据下文“I changed strategies”可知,作者的尝试都没有成功。故选A


考查介词词义辨析。句意:没有在带有肥皂水的环状泡泡棒上吹气,我只是轻轻地呼了口气。A. Despite尽管;B. Without没有;C. On······之上;D. Except除了。根据下文“I just gently breathed on it”可知,作者没有吹气。故选B


考查动词词义辨析。句意:当一个又大又美丽的泡泡形成并飘走的时候,我的儿子开心的尖叫起来。A. screamed尖叫;B. nodded点头;C. rushed急速行进;D. flew飞。由上文可知,作者父子试了很多次,吹泡泡都失败了,根据常识和关键词“with delight”得出,当作者的儿子看到作者吹出泡泡的时候,是开心的尖叫起来。故选A


考查动词词义辨析。句意:当一个又大又美丽的泡泡形成并飘走的时候,我的儿子开心的尖叫起来。A. escaped逃跑;B. floated飘然移动;C. burst爆裂;D. bounced弹回。根据常识可知,吹出的泡泡会在空中飘动。故选B


考查副词词义辨析。句意:我向他解释道,“儿子,你不必用力地吹,你必须非常轻轻地在环形的泡泡棒上呼气才能吹出泡泡。”A. silently默默地;B. slightly略微;C. eagerly渴望地;D. gently轻轻地。根据上文“gently breathed”可知,此处作者告诉儿子要轻轻地吹。故选D


考查动词词义辨析。句意:他控制住了自己通过使劲吹的来制造大泡泡的急切的欲望,听从了我的建议。A. freed免除;B. fueled······加燃料C. contained控制;D. reduced减少。根据下文“followed my advice”可知,作者的儿子控制了自己通过使劲吹的来制造大泡泡的急切的欲望。故选C


考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一些东西你可以用力量得到,但其他东西只产生于温柔的呼吸。A. brain大脑;B. action行动;C. force力量;D. science科学。由上文 blow it to make bubbles.可知,之前作者父子用力吹都没有吹出泡泡。故选C


考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一些东西你可以用力量得到,但其他东西只产生于温柔的呼吸。A. survive存活;B. separate分开;C. jumped跳;D. arise产生;出现。由上文Big bubbles!可知,作者父子吹泡泡失败之后,发现轻轻地吹才能得到泡泡。故选D


【题目】 Only 48% of school age children in the United States get 9 hours of sleep most weeknights, according to a new research being presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP) 2019 National Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans. An abstract of the study, "Sounding the Alarm on the Importance of Sleep” , will be presented on Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.

“Long-term sleep loss is a serious public health problem among children,” said abstract author Hoi See Tsao, MD, FAAP. "Insufficient sleep among adolescent, for example, is associated with physical and mental health consequences including increased risk of depression and obesity and negative effects on mood, attention and academic performance.”

Dr. Tsao said, "Our research shows that children who get enough sleep are more likely to flourish(健康成长)in comparison to children with insufficient sleep."

Researchers analyzed responses from parents and caregivers of 49,050 children ranging in age from 6-17 years old in the combined 2016-2017 National Survey of Children's Health. They answered questions on how many hours of sleep a randomly selected child in their household slept on an average weeknight. For the study, sufficient sleep was defined as sleeping greater than or equal to 9 hours on an average weeknight.

The researchers found that sufficient sleep, was positively associated with several individual flourishing markers, as well as the combined childhood flourishing measure. The researchers also identified risk factors associated with insufficient sleep, which included lower levels of parental or caregiver education, the presence of mental health conditions and so on.

Dr. Tsao said the study strengthened the importance of increasing efforts to help children get the recommended amount of sleep for their age. “Interventions like these may help children demonstrate more measures of childhood flourishing, enhance their development and give them brighter futures, " she said.

1What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The harm of long-term lack of sleep.

B.The cause of long-term lack of sleep.

C.The way to improve sleep quality.

D.The advice against sleep loss.

2Who were questioned in the study according to the passage?

A.Children and parents.B.Researchers and caregivers.

C.Parents and researchers.D.Parents and caregivers.

3What can we know from the last paragraph?

A.Dr.Tsao denies the efforts

B.Dr. Tsao thinks highly the study.

C.New interventions can help children sleep

D.New interventions are of little importance.

4Where can we most probably read this test? .

A.In a science report.B.In a personal diary

C.In a travel magazine.D.In a geography textbook.

【题目】 The study, published today in the journal PLOS Biology shows that the average body size and number of sharks and other marine predators—vital to maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems—fell significantly near cities with more than 10,000 people and associated fishing boats.

The minimum distance from people and fishing which had no measurable effect was 1,250 kilometers. This is far further than previous studies have suggested and probably reflects the increased distances fishing boats can now travel. As a result, sharks were only observed at 12% of sites monitored.

Lead author Dr. Tom Letessier said, 'Human activity is now the biggest influence on sharks' distribution. Just 13% of the world's oceans can be considered 'wilderness' but sharks and other predators are much more common and significantly larger at distances greater than 1,250 kilometers from people. This suggests that large marine predators are generally unable to thrive near to people and is another clear example of the impact of human overuse on our seas. '

To collect their data, the team analyzed videos taken at 1,041 sites across the Indian and Pacific Oceans, selected to test the biggest possible range of conditions and habitats. Sharks and other free-swimming predators were studied using cameras attached cannisters(炮筒)filled with bait. In total, the team recorded 23,200 animals representing 109 species. These included 841 individual sharks from 19 different species.

Dr. Letessier added, 'Our study also found that shallower water environment, of depths less than 500 meters, were vital for marine predator diversity. We therefore need to identify sites that are both shallow and remote and protect them. However, there are still numerous shallow hot spots near human markets that are not appropriately protected, and this must change. '

1According to the study, what happened to sharks and other marine predators?

A.They became less important for keeping healthy ocean ecosystems.

B.They only lived near cities with 10,000 people.

C.They loved swimming after fishing boats.

D.Their average body size and number decreased sharply.

2Which of the following statements may Dr. Tom Letessier agree with?

A.Large marine predators can grow well near people.

B.People shouldn't disturb the sea and sea animals.

C.Sharks’ distribution was mainly affected by human activity.

D.Other ecological factors have no impact on sharks’ distribution.

3What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 4?

A.Introduce a new topic for readers.

B.Introduce the study means used by the team.

C.Summarize the previous paragraphs.

D.Collect data about sharks and other predators.

4What can we infer about the perfect environment for marine predator diversity?

A.It should be deeper than 500 meters.

B.It should be spots that are hot enough.

C.It should be shallower and away from humans.

D.It should be spots changed from human markets.

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