

Winner of the Noble Prize for Literature and one of the America’s leading novelists, Sinclair Lewis was born in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, in 1885. The author graduated from Yale University, and worked as reporter, editor, and free-lane writer before devoting his full time to writing. His literary reputation was made with the publication of Main Street in 1920. Later successes include Babbitt (1922), Arrow smith (1924), Elmer Gantry (1927) and Dog worth (1929). Both Babbitt and Arrow smith are available in Signet edition. Mr. Lewis died in Rome, Italy in 1951.


To our readers: We welcome your request for our free catalog of Signet and Mentor books. If you dealer does not have the books you want, you may order them by mail, enclosing the list price plus 50 cent a copy to cover mailing in North America while in other districts $1.5 a copy. The New American Library of World Literature, Inc, P.O. Box 2310, Grand Central Station, New York 17, New York. You can check more information on our website here http//www.loa.org.

【1】Which of the following statements is true about the author of Main Street?

A. He was awarded the Nobel Prize when he was 35.

B. He did several different jobs before becoming a full time writer.

C. His later works were more successful than his early ones.

D. He wrote a novel every other year in his literary life.

【2】What can we know about the novel Main Street span>from the above passage?

A. It has been one of the most widely accepted historical novels.

B. It is somewhat the real life presentation of its author Sinclair Lewis.

C. It presents a realistic look of the life scene of America at that time.

D. It has a great impact in the process of the twenty-first century literature.

【3】 How much more should a Chinese reader pay if he orders five copies of the same Signet books than a Canadian reader?

A. $7.5. B. $5. C. $2.5. D. $10.






试题分析:文章介绍了因Main Street.或诺贝尔文学奖的美国小说家Sinclair Lewis以及这部名著。

【1】B推理判断题。根据The author graduated from Yale University, and worked as reporter, editor, and free-lane writer before devoting his full time to writing.可知B项正确,故选B.

【2】C推理判断题。根据The most remarkable realistic novel, without any exception, that has been produced by an American author about the American Scene.”可知这部小说是现实主义小说,反映了美国的社会现实,故选C.

【3】B推理判断题。根据enclosing the list price plus 50 cent a copy to cover mailing in North America while in other districts $1.5 a copy.可知加拿大读者购买每本要加50美分,其他地区读者要加1.5美元,所以如果买5本,中国读者比加拿大读者要多花5美元。故选B.


【题目】Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But don't worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people.

Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one is Sichuan last year. Thousands of people died in it. So it's important to know what to do when one hits. Here are some tips on how to stay safely in an earthquake.

If you are indoors during an earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you.

If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be away from trees, signs, buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you.

If you are in a shop and far from the door, don't try to run to outside and rush for exits(出口). Everyone will be doing that and you’ll find it hard getting out. Don't get into a lift during an earthquake. Just hide under some strong covers near you.

When an earthquake has ended, be careful because after-shocks may still happen. These are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure it's safe to get up.

If you are at home and you smell gas, open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous.

1Most earthquakes are too ________ to hurt people.

A. strong B. weak

C. dangerous D. heavy

2If you are outdoors, it would be safe to ________.

A. go to a playground B. stay under a tree

C. stand by the window D. stand under the streetlights

3If you're in a shop and far from the door, you'dbetter __________.

A. rush to the door right away B. run after the people quickly

C. rush to a lift to get down D. hide yourself under a cover near you

4If you are at home and you smell gas, you should________

A. Stay under the desk until you make sure it's safe to get up.

B. Open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can.

C. Hide under some strong covers near you.

D. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you.

5This passage tells us __________.

A. how dangerous the earthquake is

B. how to be safe in an earthquake

C. we shouldn’t be afraid of the earthquake

D. how does the earthquake come into being

【题目】Model Railroading

Would you like to know a fun way to learn about math? Well, you can do that with model railroading. Yes, it’s true. You can learn about many school topics without using a school book. Besides that, there are many other benefits that model railroading brings us as well. In this article, we will discuss just a few of those benefits of model railroading.

Patience and problem solving skills

When you build a model railroad, you have to plan your railroad out. You have to decide where the tracks (轨道) will go, where to put buildings, where to put streets and any other things you would like to add to your model railroad. Also, you have to think about any problems you may have with the design you choose. How will you make railroad crossings? How will you design hills, mountains, and rivers? Deciding on what to do with your model railroad takes a lot of thought and patience, but it is not as difficult as you may think.

Building skills

With model railroading, you learn how to put together plastic models of buildings. Also, you can learn how to build a table for your design, or make scenery for the geography of your design. Your model railroad runs on electricity, so you learn about electronics as well. These are skills that not only help you build a model railroad; these skills will help you all throughout life.

Fun for family and friends

Different from many video games, model railroading is a social hobby that lets you communicate with family and friends. This is because you have to communicate with family and friends as you build and run your model railroad. By spending time with the people in your life you love and care about, you learn to become closer and care more for each other. This is one of the best parts of model railroading as a hobby. Of course, the best part about model railroading is running the trains. Watching the trains run around the track and make all the sounds and do all the things that real trains do gives people hours of enjoyment. Also, there is great satisfaction in the fact that you, your family, and your friends built the model railroad.

I hope you can learn to enjoy model railroading and experience all the benefits you just read about and many others. Happy railroading!

1In order to build a model railroad, you have to be ________.

A. skillful and confident

B. an electrical engineer

C. thoughtful and patient

D. an expert in geography

2What is the best part of model railroading?

A. Running the trains.

B. Planning out the railroad.

C. Putting streets and buildings.

D. Learning electronics and wiring.

3According to the author, model railroading is a social hobby, because ________.

A. it encourages us to complete it on our own

B. it improves the problem solving skills and creativity

C. it brings us hours of enjoyment and great satisfaction

D. it offers us chances to communicate with family and friends

4Where can you probably find the article?

A. In an official report.

B. In a youth magazine.

C. In a medical textbook.

D. In a tourist guidebook.

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