

Is there link between humans and climate change or not? This question was first studied in the early 1900s. Since then, many scientists have thought that our actions do make a difference. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol explained our role in the Earth’s changing atmosphere and set international limits for gas emissions(排放) from 2008 to 2012. Some countries have decided to continue these reductions until 2020. More recently, the Paris Agreement, stuck by nearly 200 countries, also aims to limit global warming. But just now how much warmer it will get depends on how deeply countries cut carbon emissions.

【1】 It can be concluded from paragraph 1 that _______.

A. the problem of global warming will have been quite solved by 2020

B. gas emissions have been effectively reduced in developed countries

C. the Paris Agreements is more influential than the Kyoto Protocol

D. humans have made continuous efforts to slow down global warming

【2】 If nations could only keep the initial promises of the Paris Agreement, what would happen by the year 2100?

A. The human population would increase by one third.

B. Little over 50% of all species would still exist.

C. Nations would not need to tighten their emissions targets.

D. The Agreement’s minimum goal would not be reached.

【3】 If those island nations not far above sea level are to survive, the maximum temperature rise, since the start of the industrial age, should be_______.

A. 0.8℃ B. 1.5℃

C. 2℃ D. 3.5℃







【1】推理判断题。根据文章第一段六句Since then, many scientists have thought that our actions do make a difference. In 1997, the Kyoto ......stuck by nearly 200 countries, also aims to limit global warming.可知自从20世纪早期开始人类就一直在努力减少温室气体的排放,希望能减缓全球变暖的趋势。故D项正确。

【2】推理判断题。根据文章第二段This is how much temperatures would rise by 2100 even if nations live up to the initial Paris promises to reduce carbon emissions…可知如果各国的气体排放能够符合巴黎协议的要求,到2100年气温会比现在高三度。而根据第三段To meet this minimum goal可知最小的目标是上升两度。也就是说即使各国的气体排放能够符合巴黎协议的要求,也达不到最小的目标。故D正确。

【3】细节理解题。根据第四段1.5℃中的This is the most ambitious goal for temperature rise set by the Paris Agreement, after a push by low-lying island nations like Kiribati, which say limiting temperature rise to 1.5℃ could save them from sinking.可知对于那些低海拔的国家来说温度上升不超过1.5度,就可以避免他们被淹没。故B正确。



“A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website” is the definition of “selfie” in the Oxford English Dictionary. In fact, it wasn't even in the dictionary until August of 2013. It earned its place there because people are now so obsessed with (对……痴迷) selfies we take them when we try on a new hat, play with our pets or when we meet a friend whom we haven't seen in a while.

But is there any scientific explanation for this obsession? Well, you should probably ask James Kilner, a neuroscientist (神经系统科学家) at University College London.

Through our lifetime we become experts at recognizing and interpreting other people's faces and facial expressions. In contrast, according to Kilner, we have a very poor understanding of our own faces since we have little experience of looking at them we just feel them most of the time.

This has been proved in previous studies, according to the BBC.

Kilner found that most people chose the more attractive picture. This suggests that we tend to think of ourselves as betterlooking than we actually are. To further test how we actually perceive our own faces, Kilner carried out another study. He showed people different versions of their own portrait the original, one that had been edited to look less attractive and one that was made more attractive and asked them to pick the version which they hought looked most like them. They chose the more attractive version.

But what does it say about selfies? Well, isn't that obvious? Selfies give us the power to create a photograph by taking it from various angles, with different poses, using filters (滤色镜) and so on that better matches our expectations with our actual faces.

“You suddenly have control in a way that you don't have in nonvirtual (非虚拟的) interactions,” Kilner told the Canadabased CTV News. Selfies allow you “to keep taking pictures until you manage to take one you're happy with”, he explained.

【1】What is the passage mainly about?

A.The definition and fun of taking selfies.

B.A study of why people love taking selfies.

C.How taking selfies influences people's daily lives.

D.How to interpret people's facial expressions in their selfies.

【2】The underlined word “perceive” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “________”.

A.interpret B.beautify

C.choose D.explain

【3】According to Kilner, people like taking selfies probably because they think ________.

A.it is a good chance to learn more about their actual faces

B.it is a way to respond to others' facial expressions correctly

C.it enables them to interact with their friends in social media

D.it allows them to satisfy their expectations with their appearances

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