


参考词汇:垃圾分类 garbage sorting


【答案】Dear friends,

Our school produces a lot of rubbish every day, such as leftover food, waste paper and plastic bottles, which brings a wide range of environmental problems as well as the waste of resources. Therefore, it's time we took immediate measures to change the situation.

First of all, it is necessary for us to raise awareness of environmental protection and develop the good habit of garbage sorting. What's more, we should voluntarily differentiate recyclable rubbish from non-recyclables in our daily life.

In a word, if everyone does his/her bit responsibly in garbage sorting, our school will become better and better. It will also contribute to sustainable development. So, take action right now!

The Students' Union

Jun. 12th 2020













第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)

rubbish, a wide range of, took immediate measures to, raise awareness, develop the good habit of, differentiate…from…, recyclable, non-recyclables ,in a word, contribute to


1. Our school produces a lot of rubbish every day…

2. …which brings a wide range of environmental problems as well as the waste of resources

3. it's time we took immediate measures to change the situation

4. it is necessary for us to raise awareness of environmental protection and develop the good habit of garbage sorting

5. we should voluntarily differentiate recyclable rubbish from non-recyclables in our daily life

6. In a word, if everyone does his/her bit responsibly in garbage sorting

7. It will also contribute to sustainable development.



1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second And then, Finally, In the end, At last

2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not onlybut (also), including,

3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand,On the other hand Some,while others,as for, sothat

4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result




【题目】 There were far fewer cars on the streets and crowds were not seen in the shopping malls in Central China's Wuhan on Jan. 24—the Eve of the Chinese New Year. The scene was quite different from the occasion in the previous years because of the novel coronavirus, which had resulted in 41 deaths in China by the end of New Year's Eve. Mostly in Wuhan, according to the National Health Commission.

Chen Li, a doctor in a Wuhan hospital, spent the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve at home to quarantine herself for having had contact with infected patients, but luckily she has no signs of symptoms for the time being. Chen's husband is at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. “We haven't seen each other for over a week," said Chen. On Saturday morning, she put on protective clothing again and returned to work.

Wuhan is following Beijing's SARS treatment model in 2003 to build a makeshift hospital with 1,000 beds for receiving infected patients. It will be completed and put into use prior to Feb. 3, less than 10 days away. "It's going to be another all-nighter. We need to speed up the work said Lyu Jun, a young truck driver at the construction site. This is his first Spring Festival away from home.

For ordinary people, this year's Lunar New Year’s Eve lacks some gatherings. Yin Yeqiong. from Hunan Province, refunded her tickets back home after much debate. “I had it in my mind to still go home, but finally decided to stay in Wuhan," she said. “Our stay will help reduce panic in other places.

Doctors, nurses and experts from across the nation have been selected to join the battle, and manufacturers have restarted their plants to produce medical consumables that have been running short in many places.

“This is going to be an unforgettable Spring Festival," said Chen Ying, a writer. "Because I feel that at this moment, there are so many families that I do not know, in every corner of this city, praying for our home.”

1What does the underlined word "quarantine" mean in Paragraph 2?


2Why did Yin Yeqiong decide to stay in Wuhan?

A.She couldn't afford the ticket back home.

B.She was eager to work as a volunteer.

C.She didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

D.She was not allowed to go back to her home.

3What can we learn from the text?

A.The Spring Festival in China this year is the same as before.

B.Chen Li and her husband are fighting against the novel coronavirus in Wuhan.

C.Lyu Jun and his coworkers will help complete the hospital in Beijing.

D.There is no need to worry because we have plenty of medical consumables.

4What does the text intend to tell us?

A.The Chinese are fighting against the epidemic together.

B.The epidemic is not so serious that we can enjoy our normal life.

C.Coronavirus, a highly infectious disease. is spreading around China.

D.Not until the makeshift hospital is completed will the doctors find the cure.

【题目】 The squirrel, Bella, had a rough start to life. At the age of four weeks old, an owl (猫头鹰) had _________and badly wounded her.

Bella stood no _________ of surviving her wounds in the wild. _________ , Ruby Harrison took her home. Ruby not only gave Bella a home, but a _______ with three other adopted squirrels. They grew strong, but Ruby didn't domesticate (驯养) any of the squirrels. "They are part of the _______ rather than a pet," she said.

It was time to say goodbye in April 2009. Ruby saw them _________ into the trees and never expected to see them often. Then, initially, the other three came back for a ___________once and stopped coming by, but Bella was _________ . She seemed to have a strong _________ with the Harrisons that kept her visiting almost daily.

In the past ten years since her release, it's not just Ruby herself who gets Bella's __________. "Bella sits right at the front door to look in for someone's __________." Ruby described, "My husband rushes out of the door to be ________and happily runs back inside to the big bowl of nuts for her.”

More amazingly, this spring came with a(n) __________. Bella came round again with her ________family, with her three babies__________someone to notice.















15A.afraid ofB.forcingC.waiting forD.applying for


Much is unknown about how Covid-19, a new coronavirus, spreads. Current knowledge is largely based on what is known about similar coronaviruses. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with MERS, SARS, and now with Covid-19.

Most often, spread from person-to-person happens among close contacts (about 6 feet). Person-to-person spread is thought to occur mainly via respiratory droplets (呼吸飞沫) produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory pathogens (病原体) spread. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It's currently unclear if a person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.

It's important to note that how easily a virus spreads person-to-person can vary. Some viruses are highly contagious (传染性) (like measles), while other viruses are less so. There is much more to learn about the transmissibility severity, and other features associated with Covid-19.













【题目】 Not long ago, few little girls imagined they could grow up to become astronauts. For years in the United States, only men had that opportunity. In 1983, that changed. Sally Ride made history by becoming the first American woman to travel to space.

On Monday, Ride died at the age of 61, “Sally was a national hero and a powerful role model,” President Barack Obama said in a statement. “She inspired generations of young girls to reach for the stars.”

Ride became interested in space when she was a kid. “If you asked me when I was 12 whether I wanted to be an astronaut, I’m sure I wou1d have said yes,” she said in a 2010 interview . “But I didn’t even think about that as a possible career.”

After studying physics in college and graduate school, Ride got her chance. She was accepted into NASA’s astronaut training program in 1978, and then chosen to be the first American female in space. In 1983, she blasted into space aboard the Challenger shuttle. “There is no amusement park ride on the Earth that even comes so close,” she said.

Ride returned to space on the Challenger a second time in 1984. Between the two missions, she spent a total of 343 hours in orbit. After that, she remained involved with the space program and also worked to share her passion for science with kids. She co-authored six science books for children , and started her own science education company.

Ride knew that she held a unique place in history. “I realized how important it was for a woman to break that barrier and open the door for other women to be able to do the same exciting things that the men had been doing,” she said.

Since Ride’s historic trip, more than 40 other American women have traveled to space.

They all had Ride to thank for opening the door to the final frontier.

1Sally Ride was regarded as a national hero because she _____________.

A.had great courage and determination to face challenges

B.set an example to women to take up their careers

C.became the first American female in space

D.was interested in space programme when she was young

2By saying “There is no amusement park ride on the Earth that even comes so close”, Ride really meant _______________.

A.she preferred a ride in an amusement park on the Earth

B.the trip to space was like that in an amusement park

C.she came close to an amusement park on the Earth

D.the trip to space was far more interesting than any ride on the Earth

3The correct order of the following events that happened to Sally Ride is ____________.

a. accepted into an astronaut training program

b. spent a total of 343 hours in orbit

c. co-authored six science books for children

d. traveled to space aboard the Challenger

e. studied physics in co11ege and graduate school


4The passage is most probably taken out of ____________.

A.a novelB.a reportC.a diaryD.an essay

【题目】 Brain fitness has basic principles: variety and curiosity. 1 If you can do the crossword puzzle in your sleep, it’s time for you to move on to new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain. Curiosity about the world around you, how it works and how you can understand it will keep your brain working fast and efficiently. Use the ideas below to help improve your mental fitness.

1. Learn a New Skill

2 Your memory comes into play, you learn new movements and you associate things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to cook and building an airplane out of toothpicks all will challenge your brain and give you something to think about.

2. Tell Good Stories

Stories are a way that we strengthen memories, interpret events and share moments. 3 Some basic storytelling techniques will go a long way in keeping people’s interest both in you and in what you have to say.

3. 4

Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats. Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, and seeds. Eat more of these foods and less saturated fats (饱和脂肪).

4. Read Something Different

Books are portable, free from libraries and filled with infinite interesting characters, information and facts. Branch out from familiar reading topics. If you usually read history books, try a contemporary novel. Read foreign authors, the classics and random books. 5

A.Eat for Your Health

B.Eat for Your Brain

C.Not only will your brain get a workout by reading different time periods, cultures and peoples, you will also have interesting stories to tell about your reading.

D.Practice telling your stories, both new and old, so that they are interesting and fun.

E.When anything you do becomes your second nature, you need to make a change.

F.Learning a new skill works multiple areas of the brain.

G.There are formal courses, websites and books with programs on how to train your brain to work better and faster.

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