
All of us can give others a hand as long as we are willing to do so. Actually, there are some people doing kind things all the time. Spreading kindness, one good deed at a time, is Karla Gibson’s mission. “I wish everyone could join me. There are so many 1 things going on in the world; I mean every day,” said Karla.
Karla had the 2 and sense of duty in December of 2013. The single mother of three said she tended to get down around the holidays, so she 3 to do something to cheer others up. She started a Facebook page and 4 her good deeds each day, from feeding the homeless to giving Easter gifts to the incarcerated (囚犯). She hoped to 5 others.
“We have to do something. Our 6 can make a difference in someone’s day. You 7 know when someone might be having their worst day, and then something like buying them a coffee can change their whole attitude,” Karla 8 .
Karla’s greatest 9 so far had to do with coffee. On September 27th, Karla’s birthday, she went to her local Starbucks and gave the 10 $127 to pay for other people’s drinks. She sat at the end of the drive-thru holding a 11 that read, “Have a great day.” She ended up 12 about 23 customers. “It was really fun. It was 13 one of the best birthdays ever,” she said. Her kindness that day didn’t go 14 . One couple was so grateful that they surprised her with flowers and balloons to show their 15.
Karla’s acts of kindness have become a 16 affair. Her two sons are always 17 others. “Sometimes I’ll ask Kyle, ‘So, did you do anything extra nice today?’ and he’s like ‘Somebody 18 something in the hallway and I picked it up’ or ‘I held the door for someone’, that kind of thing,” said Karla.
It’s because of Mom that the boys think it’s 19 to give a hand to others. “I think it’s a great idea of hers. It’s always nice to help someone out 20 they really need it,” said Karla’s 15-year-old son Chad.
(1)A.good B.bad C.new D.casual
(2)A.commitment B.appointment C.preference D.success
(3)A.managed B.agreed C.hesitated D.decided
(4)A.did B.mentioned C.shared D.missed
(5)A.greet B.inspire C.introduce D.
(6)A.kindness B.happiness C.stories D.sadness
(7)A.still B.often C.never D.even
(8)A.whispered B.explained C.reported D.replied
(9)A.surprise B.challenge C.concern D.moment
(10)A.cashier B.customer C.beggar D.secretary
(11)A.mark B.sign C.symbol D.flag
(12)A.paying for B.picking up C.paying off D.picking out
(13)A.occasionally B.usually C.probably D.hardly
(14)A.unoccupied B.unnoticed C.unorganized D.unquestioned
(15)A.wisdom B.existence C.generosity D.appreciation
(16)A.society B.love C.holiday D.family
(17)A.encouraging B.inviting C.helping D.affecting
(18)A.dropped B.bought C.found D.fell
(19)A.strange B.lucky C.cool D.funny
(20)A.after B.though C.unless D.when


【解析】文章给我们讲述了Karla经常帮助别人并影响家人和号召更多人用善举帮助别人的故事。(1)B考查形容词。A.good好的;B.bad坏的;C.new新的;D.casual随便的。此处指每天世界上有许多不好的事发生。暗含我们要献爱心帮助他们,故选B.(2)A考查名词。A.commitment承诺,保证;B.appointment任命,约会;C.preference偏爱; D. success成功。句意:在2013年的12月,Karla就有承诺和责任心。根据上下文选A. (3)D 考查动词。A.managed管理;B.agreed同意;C.hesitated犹豫;D.decided决定。此处指这个单亲母亲决定做些事让别人高兴。根据句意选D.(4)C考查动词。A.did做;B.mentioned提到;C.shared分享;D.missed错过。此处指她开始在网页上每天分享她的好事。根据句意选C.(5)B考查动词。A.greet迎接;B.inspire激发;C.introduce介绍;D.remember记得。此处指她希望通过自己的行为来激发别人。故选B.(6)A考查名词。A.kindness仁慈;B. happiness幸福;C.stories故事;D.sadness悲哀。句意:我们必须做一些事。我们的善举对某些人会有影响。根据句意选A.(7)C考查副词。A.still仍然;B.often经常;C.never从未;D.even甚至。句意:你从不知道当有人心情不好时,给他买一杯咖啡能改变他的态度,Karla解释到。故选C. (8)B考查动词。A.whispered低语;B.explained解释;C.reported报道;D.replied回答。此处指Karla解释这个道理。根据句意选B. (9)D考查名词。A.surprise惊奇;B.challenge挑战;C. concern关心;D.moment时刻。此处指Karla到目前为止最伟大的时刻都和咖啡有关。通过下文的列举也可知,故选D.(10)A考查名词。A.cashier收银员;B.customer顾客;C.beggar乞丐;D.secretary秘书。此处指她给收银员$127为别人的饮料付款,故选A. (11)B考查名词。A. mark标志;B. sign符号;C. symbol象征;D. flag旗帜。此处指写着“Havea great day.”标志的牌子,故选B.(12)A考查动词短语。A.paying for为……付款;B. picking up 拾起;C. paying off偿清;D. picking out挑出。此处指她为23个顾客付了款。故选A.(13)C考查副词。A.occasionally偶尔;B. usually通常;C.probably或许;D.hardly几乎不。此处指或许这是过的最好的一次生日。根据句意选C.(14)B考查形容词。A.unoccupied空闲的;B.unnoticed被忽视的;C.unorganized无组织的;D.unquestioned无争议的。此处指她那天的善举没有被忽视,一对夫妇用鲜花和气球回报她。故选B.(15)D考查名词。A.wisdom智慧;B.existence存在;C.generosity慷慨;D.appreciation感激。此处指一对夫妇对她非常感激,用鲜花和气球表达感激之情。根据句意选D.(16)D考查名词。A.society社会;B. love爱;C.holiday假日;D.family家庭。此处指Karla的善举变成了家庭事务,全家人都受到了她影响。故选D.(17)C考查形容词。A.encouraging令人鼓舞的;B. inviting有魅力的;C.helping给于帮助的; D. affecting感人的。此处指她的两个儿子受她影响,也经常帮助别人。故选C.(18)A考查动词。A.dropped下降;B.bought 买;C.found发现;D.fell掉下。此处指有人掉了东西,Kyle帮忙捡起来。故选A. (19)C考查形容词。A.strange奇怪的;B. lucky幸运的;C.cool酷的;D.funny滑稽的。此处指由于母亲的影响儿子认为帮助别人是很酷的一件事。故选C.(20)D 考查连词。A.after在……后;B. though虽然,尽管;C. unless除非;D. when当……时。句意:当别人真正需要时能帮助他们是很好的。根据句意选D.


【题目】Here is your best chance to travel around the UK in 2018: More than 200 B&Bs(bed & breakfast)across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are selected to offer you amazing services for your stay at their lowest prices! Don’t miss it. Just collect the vouchers(活动券)in our B&B Daily printed from 01/04/2018 to 07/04/2018 and book the stays for your travel following the terms and conditions below:

The offer includes a room for the night and a breakfast the next morning.

The offer is of two kinds: £20 per room, per night, valid(有效的)during stay period of 02/04/2018—31/05/2018 and then again 01/09/2018—31/10/2018;£35 per room, per night, valid during stay period of 01/06/2018—31/08/2018.

The offer is valid for a basic twin or double room only.

The stay must be booked directly with the chosen B&Bs before 28/04/2018.

Each voucher can only be used by the holder to book one room for one night.

If voucher holders book either the £20 or £35 per room per night, any additional services such as lunch, evening meal or activities may require an extra charge. But these are not required in order to take up the offer. Please check directly with your chosen B&Bs to see what extra services are available.

Vouchers may not be used together with any other offer.

The voucher holders must pay for the stay in full at the time of booking. Additional £10 may be paid to confirm the booking and will be returned on arrival.

The B&Bs reserve the right to refuse voucher holders’ bookings for people under the age of 18.

1The voucher can be used for a stay at the chosen B&B on ______.

A. 26/04/2018 B. 04/02/2018 C. 06/01/2018 D. 09/01/2018

2How much should be paid for a three-night stay in October 2018 at a chosen B&B?

A. £70. B. £60. C. £35. D. £30.

3By taking up the offer, the voucher holders can choose to ______ .

A. book the stays through B&B Daily

B. use the B&B offer together with other offers

C. have lunch or evening meal without paying extra money

D. book either a basic twin or double room at the chosen B&Bs

Many parents would like to teach their children English at home, but don't know how to start. It doesn't matter if your own English is not perfect. The most important thing is that you give your children lots of encouragement and praise. They will need some time to learn the language.
Make it a rule
Try to do certain activities at the same time every day. For example, you could read an English story with your children before bedtime. Repetition (重复) is important — children often need to hear words many times before they say them themselves.
Playing games
Cards are a great way to teach words and there are many different games which you can play with cards, such as Memory and Happy Families.
Using everyday situations
The advantage of teaching English at home is that you can use everyday situations to practice the language naturally. For example:
Talk about clothes when your child is getting dressed ("Let's put on your blue socks", etc.).
When you go to the supermarket, give your child a list of things to find.
Using songs
Songs are a really good way to learn new words. Songs with actions are especially good for very young children because they are able to join in.
A. Fifteen minutes is enough for very young children.
B. Children learn naturally when they are having fun.
C. Teach food words when you are cooking or going shopping.
D. The actions often show the meaning of the words in the song.
E. With younger children, there is no need to teach grammar rules.
F. Don't worry if your child doesn't start speaking English immediately.
G. Children feel more comfortable and confident when they know what to expect.

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