
9.Adults are happy to tell their children that crusts (面包皮) will give them curly hair,carrots will help them see in the dark,and spinach will make them strong.Even though adults know it's not totally true,they think it's good for their children's health,a study had found.
In a study about 31 percent of adults said they once told their children the curly hair tale,and 36 percent said they'd been told the same thing by their mother or father.Among the over-50s,almost half said they'd been promised curly hair if they ate their crusts.A quarter of the 2,000 adults questioned in the study told their children carrots would help them see in the dark.This could be true to some extent because of the high levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene in root vegetables.
Another favorite among parents is that milk will make one strong.A third surveyed said their parents told them this,and about 29 percent said they told their children the same thing.But while there is plenty of evidence to suggest milk is good for people's health,there are also a lot of scientific papers saying it isn't.
Thanks to Popeye,spinach is also fed to children,along with the idea that it will make them strong.While there is also some truth in this one,scientists now believe it is not the iron,but the inorganic nitrates (无机硝酸盐) that improve physical power.
One in seven of the surveyed admitted telling their little ones that runner beans will make them run faster,which is nothing more than wordplay and has no basis in science.Almost one in five adults were subjected to the same tale in childhood.
Just over one in 10 parents told their children green food would turn them into a superhero,and a quarter admitted hiding vegetables in meals.
Lyndsay Jones,spokesman for Persil Washing Up Liquid,said,"It's clear that the most persuasive stories about food are passed on from generation to generation.Our research shows that the ideas continue,and we tell our kids the same things our parents told us,even if they're not always entirely true."
Crusts may not make your hair curly,but there's plenty of research that says crusts contain more of the goodness than the rest of a loaf.Hopefully,as a result of our Cook with Kids promise,more parents will be encouraged to spend time with their children in the kitchen and teach them the truth about food.

32.We can know from Paragraph 3 thatC.
A.milk is beneficial to children's physical strength
B.a third people are forced to drink milk by their parents
C.there is doubt whether milk is helpful to people's health 
D.about 29 percent people wish their children good health
33.Which of the following does Lyndsay Jones agree?D
A.Most persuasive stories about food are false.
B.Adults are willing to teach their children as their parents did.
C.Stories about food shouldn't be passed on from generation to generation.
D.Parents can't make sure if some stories about food are totally true.
34.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.parents are expected to tell children the truth about food
B.scientists think the iron in spinach helps children grow strong
C.runner beans can really make children run fast
D.crusts are said to contain less nutrition than a loaf
35.How is the passage mainly developed?C
A.By making comparisons.
B.By following time order                                   
C.By giving examples.
D.By analyzing causes.

分析 本文是一篇社会文化类阅读,属于科普文,文章主要讲述了有关食物的故事被一代一代的流传下来,即使有些说法是不科学的,但归根结底是为了孩子们的身体健康.

解答 32.C.细节理解题.根据But while there is plenty of evidence to suggest milk is good for people's health,there are also a lot of scientific papers saying it isn't.可知,人们对牛奶能否强身健体有质疑,所以答案是C.
33.D.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段we tell our kids the same things our parents told us,even if they're not always entirely true."可知,家长们并不确定这些有关食物的故事是否都正确,所以答案是D.
34.B.细节理解题.根据最后一段more parents will be encouraged to spend time with their children in the kitchen and teach them the truth about food.可知,希望家长们给孩子讲解有关食物的正确知识,所以答案是B.

点评 做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

17.Amazon is breaking into physical retail in a new way.The online retail giant revealed a new kind of physical store concept in a video published on Monday.
The store,called Amazon Go,doesn't work like a typical Walmart or supermarket.Instead,it's designed so that shoppers will use an app,also called Amazon Go,to automatically add the products that they plan to buy to a digital shopping cart by scanning a QR code(二维码).They can then walk out of the building without waiting in a checkout line because Amazon will charge their Amazon account and send them a receipt.
The first Amazon Go store is located in Seattle,where Amazon is headquartered.For years,there have been rumors the e-commerce company would expand its dominance from digital to physical shopping.Amazon began experimenting with physical bookstores a year ago,but Amazon Go may mark its boldest bet on physical ones yet.By removing much of the staff needed to operate a store,Amazon keeps costs lower than traditional competitors.It's also in a strong position to bring together data on its customers'shopping habits online and offline to make better suggestions in all situations.
However,Amazon's move deeper into physical retail shops comes in a sensitive political climate.The company could be perceived as being a threat to some of the 3.4million Americans who work as cashiers,according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.On the campaign trail,Donald Trump repeatedly criticized Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos for"getting away with murder tax-wise"and having"a huge antitrust(反垄断) problem."Will the President& shy; elect add"job killer"to the list of criticisms?
Amazon's effort to launch a new kind of retail store predates(在…之前) the rise of Donald Trump."Four years ago we asked ourselves:what if we could create a shopping experience with no lines and no checkout?Could we push the boundaries of computer vision and machine learning to create a store where customers could simply take what they want and go?"The company says on an informational page about Amazon Go.For now,Amazon is starting slow.The Amazon Go is only open to Amazon employees in our Beta program,and is scheduled to open to the public in early 2017.

24.In Amazon Go,people canC.
A.buy products by paying cash
B.buy carts without scanning a QR code
C.have no bother to check out and queue
D.use an app to wait in a checkout line
25.What can we infer from the third paragraph?B
A.Amazon has dominated the physical bookstores.
B.Amazon can contribute to reducing the cost of staff.
C.Amazon manages to take the place of physical shopping.
D.Amazon can ignore each customer's advice in all situations.
26.The reason why Donald Trump repeatedly criticized Amazon Go is that Amazon GoC.
A.would result in a political crisis
B.would threaten the career of cashiers
C.may result in a huge antitrust
D.is No.1job killer in the list of criticisms
27.The main purpose of writing the passage isA.
A.to introduce the Amazon Go store
B.to explain how Amazon Go works
C.to arouse people's interest in Amazon
D.to indicate Trump's attitude to Amazon.
14.World Book Day falls on April 23 every year.It was set up by the United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) in 1995 to encourage people,especially teenagers,to discover the pleasure of reading.It is also the day to honor great writers,for example,William Shakespeare,born or dead on that day.
Many countries celebrate World Book Day.Take UK as an example.On that day,millions of school children can buy books of special price,a much lower price than usual,in any bookstore.It has been done every year since 1998.World Book Day is also celebrated in China.Our Former Premier Wen Jiabao,a bookworm,who does lots of reading every day,has called on people to do more reading.He suggested that young people should spend more time reading."Books cannot change the world,but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading,"he said.
Why do people like reading?One big advantage is that reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent.Also,reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology.Besides,reading gives us information about other cultures and places of the world.When we read,we may find many things that are unfamiliar to us.We would have to use our brain to think about them or do more reading to find out the answers.The more we read,the more we know.What's more,reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.
"Reading makes a full man"(Bacon,1597).Books,magazines,newspapers and other kinds of materials can help us to know more about the outside world and perfect us.So it is necessary for us to spend time on reading every day.

24.World Book Day was set up in order to encourage people toB.
A.buy more books
B.do more reading
C.learn foreign languages
D.know more about science
25.In the UK,what will school children do on World Book Day?C 
A.They will give away some books to those poor families'children.
B.They will go to the library in order to read as many books as possible.
C.They will buy books of much lower price than usual in any bookstore.
D.They will organize some activities in memory of William Shakespeare.
26.How many advantages of reading are mentioned in the passage?C
27.The underlined words"a bookworm"in Paragraph 2 probably meanA.
A.a person who loves reading
B.a person who likes reading
C.a person who loves collecting
D.a person who likes buying books.
1.Here are five things you can do to prepare to pass the TOEFL reading section:
Read textbooks.Academic textbooks that contain study and summary questions at the end of each chapter are an ideal practice tool for the TOEFL reading section.(36)C If possible,have someone who is fluent in English look over your work to check for accuracy.
(37)A Paraphrasing (改述) is a way of summarizing what you have read while maintaining the key points and information.Read magazines,books,textbooks,newspapers,or even blogs that are written in English,and then paraphrase what you have read in your own words.
Practice pronouns.Pronouns can cause a great deal of confusion when trying to determine who did what to whom,even for native English speakers.(38)G And it will also increase your confidence.
Purchase an English-language dictionary and a thesaurus (分类词典).(39)E Once you understand the definition of the word,looking that word up in a thesaurus to find other similar words will increase your vocabulary even more.
Use online practice tests and testing tips.Visit the TOEFL website at www.ets.org/toefl to download a useful test guide for the TOEFL,or to find practice reading tests.
Practicing for the TOEFL reading section will increase your vocabulary and develop your comprehension skills.(40)F

A.Learn to paraphrase.
B.These tools are extremely useful in language learning.
C.Read each section and then answer the related questions.
D.The TOEFL reading section aims to estimate your ability to read and comprehend.
E.looking up new words in a dictionary is a great way to improve your English vocabulary.
F.This will help you pass the test and prove valuable throughout your time studying abroad.
G.A solid grasp on pronoun usage and plenty of practice will help you solve this problem quickly.
18.Everything was put neatly into my suitcase.I'm a flight attendant.I'm so organized,my half of the closet could be a display at The Container Store.My husband's half of the closet?Just thinking about it make my headache.I carried my suitcase downstairs.Bill was in the kitchen cooking.Looking at the messy kitchen,I shouted,"Why do you have to be so messy?"Bill looked hurt,"What?"I sighed and left for the airport.
On my last flight,an elderly couple had the seats in my section.They held hands during takeoff.Later I caught them looking into each other's eyes.Something about that look was familiar.Then I realized:it was the look Bill and I had worn in our wedding photographs.I couldn't resist asking them about the secret of their long-lasting marriage."Have fun together,"the man said,"and never take each other for granted."
His words circled in my head long after we landed.Bill wasn't perfect.But then,was I?I kept complaining about his messiness and forgot his kindness,his ability to see the bright side of every situation-qualities that ran so much deeper,the reasons I had married him in the first place.
I took out my cell phone and called Bill."I miss you already."I said."I miss you too,Kim,"he said.As soon as my flights were over,I rushed home.Bill met me at the door."I have a surprise for you."he said and led me into the kitchen.I glanced around the room.He really had worked hard.In spite of the fingerprints on that microwave floor,I could see our reflection in it:my husband and I,our smiles glowing with love for each other,just like in our wedding photos.

24.Why did Kim get so angry with her husband?C
A.She found his weaknesses one morning.
B.She didn't love him any more.
C.He left things in an untidy stale.
D.He turned a deaf ear to her complaints.
25.What's special about the old couple?C
A.They never quarreled with each other.
B.They often made fun of each other.
C.They kept their lives so fresh.
D.They took each other for granted.
26.Kim changed her attitude towards her husband afterB.
A.she realized Bill wasn't perfect
B.she got inspired by the old couple
C.her husband had cleaned up the kitchen
D.they had their wedding photos taken
27.The best title of the passage might beA.
A.Love You,Lover Your Mess
B.Love is Blind,Love is messy
C.The Wedding Photos
D.A Loving Old Couple.
19.The answer to protecting and saving marine(海洋)wildlife can start with cutting back on something Americans use every day---plastic drinking straws(吸管).Actor Adrien Grenier,best known for playing Vincent Chase in 2015 movie Entourage,has launched a campaign to reduce the amount of single-use plastic usage in this country in order to protect and save marine wildlife and the environment.Plastic drinking straws are among many single-use plastic products contributing to the shocking loss of marine life,but they're a great place to start because they're something Americans are using by the hundreds of millions without any awareness that they're so damaging.
According to Ecocycle,an international environmental organization,Americans use more than 500 million straws daily,which are enough to fill 127 school buses each day,and they can't be recycled.That means plastic straws end up in landfills or oceans,where fish and other marine wildlife mistake the small bits for food and swallow them.After seeing a photo of a whale beached on the shore with a belly full of plastic,Grenier felt the inspiration to launch the Lonely Whale Foundation,hoping to inspire and educate others on the challenges facing marine life.
Along with stopping the use of straws,Grenier hopes to educate consumers on the dangers of other single-use plastic items such as grocery bags and water bottles.While many Americans use these plastic products in their daily life,there are more sustainable alternatives that can help protect the environment.Ecocycle recommends the use of straws made from stainless steel,glass,and even bamboo instead of plastic.You can buy a number of these environmentally friendly straws online and in stores.

24.What initially contributed to the start of Grenier's campaign?B
A.Plastic straws in landfills
B.A picture of a dead whale
C.The severe damage done to the sea
D.The disappearance of some species under the sea
25.What is the primary purpose of the Lonely Whale Foundation?D
A.To advocate a green lifestyle
B.To promote Grenier's latest movie
C.To save precious natural resources
D.To encourage people to protect ocean life
26.Ecocycle advises people to use straws that areD.
A.easy to recycle
B.convenient to use
C.special to marine life
D.harmless to the environment.

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