
Brain fitness has basic principles:variety and curiosity.When anything you do becomes second nature,you need to make a change.If you can do the crossword puzzle in your sleep,it's time for you to move on to a new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain.Curiosity about the world around you,how it works and how you can understand it will keep your brain working fast and efficiently.(36)FPlay games
Brain fitness programs and games are a wonderful way to tease and challenge your brain.Suduko,crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain's speed and memory.These games rely on logic,word skills,math and more.(37)AYou'll get benefit more by doing these games a little bit every day--spend 15 minutes or so,not hours.
Think deeply
Thinking deeply is perhaps the single greatest thing you can do for your mind or body health.(38)GBy creating a different mental state,you engage your brain in new and interesting ways while increasing your brain fitness.
Eat for your brain
Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats.Focus on fish oils from wild salmon,nuts such as walnuts,seeds such as flax seed and olive oil.(39)CRemove transfats(反式脂肪)completely from your diet.
(40)EStories are a way that we solidify memories,interpret events and share moments.Practice telling your stories,both new and old,so that they are interesting,attractive and fun.Some basic storytelling techniques will go a long way in keeping people's interest both in you and in what you have to say.

A.These games are also fun.
B.Learn something from a story.
C.Eat more of these foods and less fats.
D.Eat as much as you can.
E.Tell good stories.
F.Use the ideas below to help obtain your seek for mental fitness.
G.It not only relaxes you,but gives your brain a workout.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了四种锻炼方法让你的大脑更健康.

解答 36.F.推理判断题.根据上文的句子"it's time for you to move on to a new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain."可知下文介绍一些帮助训练脑部的方法,故选F.
37.A.推理判断题.根据上文的句子"These games rely on logic,word skills,math and more."介绍这些游戏的好处,可知,下面进一步说明这些游戏也是有趣的.故选A.
38.G.推理判断题.根据上文的句子"Thinking deeply is perhaps the single greatest thing you can do for your mind or body health."可知这是介绍深层思考的好处,接下来是:这不仅让你放松,也让你的大脑锻炼.故选G.
39.C.推理判断题.根据上文的句子"Focus on fish oils from wild salmon,nuts such as walnuts,seeds such as flax seed and olive oil."介绍一些健康食品,可知这里是,多吃这些食物,少一些脂肪.故选C.
40.E.推理判断题.根据下文的句子"Stories are a way that we solidify memories,interpret events and share moments."可知这段主要介绍讲故事,说明小标题是:讲好的故事.故选E.

点评 七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子.解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词),选出最符合语境的句子.

5.The Future of Technology
William,a businessman,arrives in a foreign airport.He doesn't show his passport.Instead,a machine in the wall reads the computer chip(芯片)in his arm.Th is contains information about him:his name,age,and I.D number.He exits the airport,and a car door opens when it"sees"him.The car takes him to his hotel.His room"knows"he has entered the building and it"reads"his body.He is cold,so the room becomes warmer.William then watches a business presentation on a video wall.When he takes a bath,the presentation"follows him and continues on the bathroom wall.Finally,the room plays music to help him sleep.It turns off the m usic when it"sees"him sleeping.
William doesn't exist,and none of this is real.But it might be soon."In five to ten years,computing and communications are going to be free and everywhere,in your walls,in your car,on your body,'says Victor Zue,leader of Project Oxygen.
Project Oxygen has one big idea:to create better relationships between machines and people.The dream is that computer will learn to understand what people want.
So,what changes will there be at work?Firstly,the building will know where everyone is,all the time.You want to talk to someone?Type the person's name on the nearest computer.It will show you a map of the building and exactly where this person is.You then call this person,who picks up the nearest telephone,also shown on the computer.If he or she is busy with a client(客户)or in a meeting,the computer will tell you.
     Is all this really possible?Visit the Siebel Center,Illinois and see for yourself:computers in the doors and walls,cameras everywhere,the technology of the future,but here today.
40.William doesn't'show his passport becauseC.
A.he is not required to show his passport
B.he doesn't need a passport in that airport
C.his information can be read by a machine
D.only a man from foreign country needs to show his passport
41.The computer chip in William's arm contains his information exceptD.
A.his name             B.his age
C.his I.D.number        D.his job
42.The dream of Project Oxygen is that computers willC
A.show you where the person is you are calling
B.let you pick up the nearest telephone
C.learn to understand what people want
D.show you a map of every building
43.In the Siebel Center,Illinois,B.
A.computers are everywhere
B.the technology of the future is there today
C.there are cameras in the doors and walls
D.the future technology will be there in 5-10 years.
9.Recently I had a conversation with a friend who has a long-term goal that will take several years to achieve.He seemed overwhelmed by the size of the goal and was getting discouraged.It let me remember the story of the clock that had been running and running.
One day,the clock began to think about how many times it had to stick each year.It counted the seconds up and found it would have to stick 31,536,000 times a year.The clock was overwhelmed.It said to itself,"I can't do it.That's too much."So it stops sticking.Then someone told it that it didn't need to do it all at once,but one tick each time.The clock then realized that was okay and started ticking happily again.
When we set our goals,it's good to think about the final results.But getting to a goal is doing a little bit every day,not doing it all at once.So next time you find yourself to overwhelmed by your goal,remember the clock and the number of ticks-do a little bit every day and you will reach your goal.
On the other hand,if you always focus on achieving your goals,you will only train yourself to go from one goal to the next without coming up for air.You need to introduce a littlebalance into your life.Do some activities that have nothing to do with your goals,like finding a new park to walk through,discovering a new route to run,or picking a great novel to read.Give yourself time to relax and don't miss out on the pleasure of life.
28.What was the problem of the author's friend?C
A.He had no life goals.
B.He set a wrong goal.
C.He worried too much about his goal.
D.His goal was too big to achieve by himself.
29.According to the author,when we try to achieve a goalB.
A.The result doesn't matter as long as we make efforts.
B.We shouldn't focus on it all the time.
C.We will give up if it is too big.
D.It's necessary to take advice.
30.The underlined word"balance"in the last paragraph refers toC.
A.A short-term goal                       
B.The pleasure of reaching a goal
C.Activities that free you from a goal        
D.Ways that help you reach your goal soon
31.What can be used as the best title for the passage?D
A.A little bit every day                      
B.The story of the clock
C.Introduce balance into life                 
D.How to achieve a life goal.
10.One night last February,a seventeen-year-old Duffy drove home along a winding road,he saw a strange light thrown against the tree."I knew it wasn't the moon",he said."I drive this road all  (61)thetime and I notice little things out of place."
Duffy stopped his car and got out(62)to examine (examine).Below him far down in the deep valley lay a broken car with its headlights on.Thirty minutes earlier,a man had driven off the edge of the road,which has no guardrail(护栏).His car fell and rolled end over end,(63)landing(land) on its top more than two hundred feet below.
Duffy rushed to call for help,then returned and got down to reach the driver(64)who/that   was badly injured.Snow covered the valley(65)and  the temperature was below freezing.After struggling back up the cliff,Duffy took off his jacket and shirt and wrapped the man in time,along(66)with the blankets from his car.
Life-saving  (67)deeds(deed) are starting to become usual action for Duffy,the oldest of seven children.When he was 12,he saved his ten-year-old brother from drowning.Two years ago,his three-year-old sister (68)ate(eat)rat poison,and Duffy(69)instantly (instant)cleaned out her mouth,make her drink milk to protect her stomach and called doctors.
"We personal belief is that it is(70)significant(significance)for us to teach the children good values,and it looks like we have got some reward for it."His father says.

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