
10.One night last February,a seventeen-year-old Duffy drove home along a winding road,he saw a strange light thrown against the tree."I knew it wasn't the moon",he said."I drive this road all  (61)thetime and I notice little things out of place."
Duffy stopped his car and got out(62)to examine (examine).Below him far down in the deep valley lay a broken car with its headlights on.Thirty minutes earlier,a man had driven off the edge of the road,which has no guardrail(护栏).His car fell and rolled end over end,(63)landing(land) on its top more than two hundred feet below.
Duffy rushed to call for help,then returned and got down to reach the driver(64)who/that   was badly injured.Snow covered the valley(65)and  the temperature was below freezing.After struggling back up the cliff,Duffy took off his jacket and shirt and wrapped the man in time,along(66)with the blankets from his car.
Life-saving  (67)deeds(deed) are starting to become usual action for Duffy,the oldest of seven children.When he was 12,he saved his ten-year-old brother from drowning.Two years ago,his three-year-old sister (68)ate(eat)rat poison,and Duffy(69)instantly (instant)cleaned out her mouth,make her drink milk to protect her stomach and called doctors.
"We personal belief is that it is(70)significant(significance)for us to teach the children good values,and it looks like we have got some reward for it."His father says.

分析 本文主要讲述Duffy在一天晚上驾车回家时,发现一束奇怪的灯光照射着树,便停车检查,看到一辆车摔到峡谷里,他便将自己的衣服连同毯子盖住受伤者.Duffy还曾救过自己溺水的弟弟和中毒的妹妹.

解答 61.the 考查固定搭配.all the time意为"(在该段时间内)一直",是固定搭配.
62.to examine 考查动词不定式.此处动词不定式表示目的,作目的状语.
63.landing  考查现在分词.car与land之间是主谓关系,用现在分词短语作状语.
64.who/that 考查定语从句.分析句子结构可知这是一个定语从句,先行词the driver在从句中作主语,用关系代词who/that.
65.and 考查连词.前后两个单句之间是并列关系,用连词and.
66.with 考查固定搭配.along with意为"连同…一起",是固定搭配.
67.deeds 考查名词复数.谓语动词are是复数,主语也应是复数形式deeds.
68.ate  考查动词时态.根据句中时间状语Two years ago,要用一般过去时态.
69.instantly 考查副词. clean是动词,要用副词修饰.
70.significant 考查形容词.be动词后接形容词作表语.

点评 在一篇200词左右的语篇(短文或对话)中留出10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词.要做好语法填空题,理解短文是解题的前提,扎实的词汇、句型和语法知识是基础,英语国家的背景知识是必要的补充.考生须灵活运用语法知识,如单词词性、单词时态、名词单复数、连接词、代词、冠词等判断各空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

Brain fitness has basic principles:variety and curiosity.When anything you do becomes second nature,you need to make a change.If you can do the crossword puzzle in your sleep,it's time for you to move on to a new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain.Curiosity about the world around you,how it works and how you can understand it will keep your brain working fast and efficiently.(36)FPlay games
Brain fitness programs and games are a wonderful way to tease and challenge your brain.Suduko,crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain's speed and memory.These games rely on logic,word skills,math and more.(37)AYou'll get benefit more by doing these games a little bit every day--spend 15 minutes or so,not hours.
Think deeply
Thinking deeply is perhaps the single greatest thing you can do for your mind or body health.(38)GBy creating a different mental state,you engage your brain in new and interesting ways while increasing your brain fitness.
Eat for your brain
Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats.Focus on fish oils from wild salmon,nuts such as walnuts,seeds such as flax seed and olive oil.(39)CRemove transfats(反式脂肪)completely from your diet.
(40)EStories are a way that we solidify memories,interpret events and share moments.Practice telling your stories,both new and old,so that they are interesting,attractive and fun.Some basic storytelling techniques will go a long way in keeping people's interest both in you and in what you have to say.

A.These games are also fun.
B.Learn something from a story.
C.Eat more of these foods and less fats.
D.Eat as much as you can.
E.Tell good stories.
F.Use the ideas below to help obtain your seek for mental fitness.
G.It not only relaxes you,but gives your brain a workout.
5.Culture can affect not just language and customs,but also how people experience the world on surprisingly basic levels.
Researchers,with the help of brain scans,have uncovered shocking differences in perception (感知) between Westerners and Asians,what they see when they look at a city street,for example,or even how they perceive a simple line in a square,according to findings published in a leading science journal.
In western countries,culture makes people think of themselves as highly independent entities (实体).When looking at scenes,Westerners tend to focus more on central objects than on their surroundings.East Asian cultures,however,emphasize inter-dependence.When Easterners look at a scene,they tend to focus on surroundings as well as the object.
Using an experiment involving two tasks,Dr Hedden asked subjects to look at a line simply to estimate its length,a task that is played to American strengths.In another,they estimated the line's length relative to the size of a square,an easier task for the Asians.
The level of brain activity,by tracking blood flow,was then measured by Brain Scanners.The experiment found that although there was no difference in performance,and the tasks were very easy,the levels of activity in the subjects'brains were different.For the Americans,areas linked to attention lit up more,when they worked on the task they tended to find more difficult--estimating the line's size relative to the square.For the Asians,the attention areas lit up more during the harder task also--estimating the line's length without comparing it to the square.The findings are a reflection of more than ten years of previous experimental research into east-west differences.
In one study,for instance,researchers offered people a choice among five pens; four red and one green.Easterners were more likely to choose a red pen while Westerners were more likely to choose the green one.
Culture is not affecting how you see the world,but how you choose to understand and internalize (使内化) it.But such habits can be changed.Some psychological studies suggest that when an Easterner goes to the West or vice versa,habits of thought and perception also begin to change.Such research gives us clues on how our brain works and is hopeful for us to develop programs to improve our memory,memory techniques and enhance and accelerate our learning skills.

63.According to the passage,Chinese people are most likely toC.
A.more emphasize independent thinking
B.always focus more on their surroundings
C.focus more on the context as well as the object
D.think of Westerners as highly independent entities
64.We know from the passage that people's brains will be more active whenD.
A.the task is much easier
B.the blood flow is tracked
C.people begin to choose colors
D.the task is more difficult
65.What do the findings of the experiments mentioned in the passage indicate?B
A.They indicate that culture has a great impact on the way people talk and behave.
B.They show that Easterners and Westerners have great differences in perceiving the world.
C.They suggest that people's habits of thought and perception can be changed in different cultures.
D.They make it clear that Easterners and Westerners lay emphasis on different things.
66.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.Easterners prefer collectivism to individualism
B.East Asian cultures lay more emphasis on independence
C.It took over ten years to find out how to improve our brainpower
D.Americans will change their habits of perception when they're in Britain.
15.Optimism May Help People Live Longer
People who have an optimistic view on life are more likely to live longer,a US study said Wednesday.
The study,published in the American Journal of Epidemiology,analyzed data from 2004to 2012from 70,000women enrolled in the Nurses'Health Study,a long-running US study tracking women's health via surveys every two years.
The researchers looked at participants'levels of optimism and other factors that might play a role in how optimism may affect mortality risk,such as race,high blood pressure,diet,and physical activity.
It found the most optimistic women,or the top 25%,had a nearly 30 percent lower risk of dying from any of the diseases analyzed in the study compared with the least optimistic women,or the bottom 25%.
The most optimistic women had a 16 percent lower risk of dying from cancer;38 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease;39 percent lower risk of dying from stroke;38 percent lower risk of dying from respiratory disease;and 52 percent lower risk of dying from infection.
Previous studies have linked optimism with reduced risk of early death from cardiovascular(心脑血管的)problems,but this was the first to find a link between optimism and reduced risk from other major causes.
"While most medical and public health efforts today focus on reducing risk factors for diseases,evidence has been mounting that enhancing psychological resilience (弹性,复原力) may also make a difference,"said Eric Kim,research fellow at the Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health and co-lead author of the study.
"Our new findings suggest that we should make efforts to boost optimism,which has been shown to be associated with healthier behaviors and healthier ways of coping with life challenges."
The study also found that healthy behaviors only partially explain the link between optimism and reduced mortality risk.One other possibility is that higher optimism directly affects our biological systems,Kim said.
Co-lead author and postdoctoral research fellow Kaitlin Hagan said optimism can be varied with relatively uncomplicated and low-cost interventions (干预),even things as simple as having people write down and think about the best possible outcomes for various areas of their lives,such as careers or friendships.
"Encouraging use of these interventions could be an innovative way to enhance health in the future,"Hagan said.

63.According to the recent study,optimism canB.
A.help women live longer than men
B.enable people to stay healthy
C.cure people of high blood pressure
D.make woman stay young and nice
64.From the recent study,the optimistic womenB.
A.took the risk of dying from infection
B.were less likely to die from some disease
C.had a 39% lower risk of suffering from cancer
D.were less likely to suffer from low emotions
65.The underlined word"mounting"in paragraph 7might be best placed byA.
A.increasing     B.appearing       C.doubling     D.showing
66.Both Kim and Hagan believed thatC.
A.simple but high-cost interventions should be tried out
B.higher optimism indirectly influences our body
C.optimism should be encouraged and developed
D.optimism can help people meet all kinds of challenges.
2.When I brush my teeth each morning,I see my tongue,and feel slightly amazed that it's going to be insured(投保) for£1 million.I had never really paid much attention to it until I became a baby-food tester.Now,my tongue---or rather,its ability to determine tiny changes in flavor---is the primary tool of my job.The company I work for believes I'm so valuable in terms of getting the balance of tastes in baby food just right that it's worth getting insured.
I'm what you call a"supertaster"---one of a small percentage of the population born with twice as many taste buds(味蕾) as the rest.Babies are typically born with more than 10,000taste buds,but in later life they decrease to as few as 5,000.At 24I should really be at the height of my tasting power.
At first,baby food tasted strange to me---it took a while to get used to eating a meal that had been reduced to a paste(糨糊).Also,I have to make a real effort to think like a baby---to imagine that each time I put a spoonful of pie in my mouth,I am six months old again.I still avoid tasting baby fish pie after breakfast.
I am more aware of the need to protect my tongue these days,particularly before a tasting session,and to avoid any strong tastes or smells,such as coffee and perfume.I also drink plenty of water during the day to clean my palate(味觉).
It's not really something that affects my personal life.Outside work it's a joy to be able to taste everything so deeply.One consequence is that eating is a much richer experience for me than for most people.If I take one bite of a salad,I can tell immediately what's in the dressing.I like the challenge of guessing what's in anything I eat,and the satisfaction of rarely getting it wrong.

24.The reason why the author is being insured is thatA.
A.few people have his tasting power
B.he manages valuable assets for his company
C.baby-food testers'taste buds are easily injured
D.he makes well-balanced meals for babies
25.The author is a good baby-food tester because heB.
A.is good at making baby food
B.has more taste buds
C.knows a lot about nutrition
D.is young
26.How does the author protect his tongue?D
①By avoiding strong tastes.
②By brushing his teeth every day.
③By staying away from strong smells.
④By drinking plenty of water.
27.What does the author mean by saying that"eating is a much richer experience for me than for most people"?C
A.He can learn a lot about food by tasting it.
B.He can easily tell which of two foods is better.
C.He is more sensitive to flavor than other people.
D.He spends much of his time eating every day.
2.Art is influenced (56)bythe customs and faith of a people.Styles in Western art have changed many times.During The Middle Ages,the main aim was to represent (57)religious (religion) themes.A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols.(58)Butit was evident that ideas were changing when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.During the Renaissance,People began to concentrate (59)less (little) on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude (60)to/towardlife.They tried to paint people and nature as they really were.This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428.By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time.
In the late 19th century,Europe changed a great deal.(61)Naturally (nature) these changes also led to new painting styles.The Impressionists were the first painters (62)to work (work) outdoors.They were eager to show how light and shadow (63)fell (fall) on objects at different times of day.
At first,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they accepted as the beginning of(64)whatwe call"modern art".These styles are so different.Who can predict what painting styles there(65)will (be) in the future?

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