


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Dear Li Ming,

   With the final exam comes,you must be worrying for your English again. As we all know that,there are three stages in the study of subject — preview,studying in class and review,among which review is the most important thing. Firstly,make a review plan. Secondly,carry on the review plan regularly. Don’t give in. I follow my review plan strict and have made progress in my studies. Of course,there is more than one way to review. So long as you reviewed regularly,I'm sure you can find more ways to improve you English. If you have some question about English,you may ask me. I'11 be glad to helping you.

Best regards,

Li Hua

71. ... final exam comes ...   comes—?coming 

72. ... worrying for your ...    for—?about 

73. ... all know that...    去掉 that 

74. ... study of subject...    subject 前加a 

75. Don’t give in.    in —?up 

76. ... review plan strict...   strict—?strictly 

77. ... you reviewed regularly ...   reviewed —? review 

78. ... improve you English,   you—?your 

79. ... some question about...   question —? questions 

80. ... glad to helping you.   helping—?help 


   We often overlook and completely forget how dangerous the game of baseball can be for the players on the field,and even for the fans,who gather very closely as baseballs and bats fly around at the park at terrifying speeds.

   Unfortunately,we were hit with a troubling reminder on Friday night at Fenway Park,Boston as one fan reportedly suffered life-threatening injuries after being struck in the face by the (击球端) of a broken bat. The scary incident happened because a player hit the ball hard,causing his bat to break at the handle. The broken barrel flew into the stands to the left of home plate (the place that the player has to stand next to in order to hit the ball,and the last place they have to touch to score a point) where it reportedly struck the fan. According to Boston police,the fan was taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,where shes currently receiving treatment for her injuries.

   A security guard who witnessed the accident said the woman,who was sitting with her husband and son at the time,suffered serious injuries. Her son sitting near her was terribly frightened. A number of fans witnessed the accident,including Alex Merlas of Brookline. “Brett Lawrie hit the ball and the bat broke in half near the end of the bat,” Metlas said. “It hit the fan on the top of her forehead and there was a lot of bleeding. I don't think Ive ever seen that much blood."

   That game was delayed temporarily so the fan could be transported to an ambulance waiting at one of the gates inside the ballpark. Fans were left shocked and shaken as the stadium crew cleaned up the scene. Players could be seen discussing it as well,as all who witnessed it were obviously affected. Those who were watching the accident wished the woman fan and her family the very best.

24. The first paragraph of the text is used to .

   A. attract readers’ attention to the topic

   B. introduce the meaning of the topic

   C. make a comment about the topic

   D. provide background to the topic

25. What hit the woman fan?

   A. The handle. B. The baseball.

   C. The whole bat. D. The broken barrel.

26. The underlined part “Brett Lawrie” in Paragraph 3 is the name of.

   A. an eye witness   B. a security guard

   C. a sports reporter   D. a baseball player

27. The game stopped for a short time in order to.

   A. make sure the players were not affected

   B. take the woman to the ambulance

   C. calm audiences down

   D. look into the accident

   Visualization is closely related to positive thinking. It is used by athletes,musicians,actors,speakers,and others to improve their performance in stressful situations. How does it work? Listen to long-distance runner Vicki Huber:

   Right before a big race,I'11 picture myself running,and I will try and put all of the other competitors in the race into my mind. Then I will try and imagine every possible situation I might find myself in ... behind someone,being pushed,different positions on the track,laps to go,and,of course,the final part. And I always picture myself winning the race,no matter what happens during the event.

   Of course,Huber doesn't win every race she runs,but research has shown that the kind of mental imaging she describes can significantly increase athletic performance. It has also shown that visualization can help speakers control their stage fright.

   The key to visualization is creating a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech. Picture yourself in your classroom rising to speak. See yourself at the lectern (放演讲稿的讲桌) ,self-assured,making eye contact(接触) with your audience and delivering your introduction in a firm,clear voice. Feel your confidence growing as your listeners get more and more caught up in what you are saying. Imagine your sense of achievement as you conclude the speech knowing you have done your very best.

   As you create these images in your mind's eye,be realistic but stay focused on the positive aspects of your speech. Don't allow negative images to affect the positive ones. Acknowledge your nervousness,but picture yourself overcoming it to give an effective presentation. If one part of the speech always seems to give you trouble,visualize yourself getting through it without any problems. And be specific. The clearer your mental pictures,the more successful you are likely to be.

   As with your physical rehearsal(排练) of the speech,this kind of mental rehearsal should be repeated several times in the days before you speak. It doesn't guarantee that every speech will turn out exactly the way you imagine it — and it certainly is no replacement for thorough preparation. But it is a proven way to help control your nerves and to make a successful presentation.

28. Huber's visualization of her races.

   A. is detailed and thorough

   B. is used during the event

   C. is based on real pictures

   D. is created with other runners

29. The fourth paragraph is mainly developed .

   A. by space   B. by comparison

   C. by process   D. by importance

30. According to the text,if you run into difficulty when preparing a speech,you should .

   A. ignore the negative aspects

   B. do the mental imaging later

   C. imagine finishing it smoothly

   D. create clearer mental pictures

31. What do we learn about mental rehearsal?

   A. It usually produces the desired results.

   B. It may be a good way to calm you down.

   C. It is more important than physical rehearsal.

   D. It is a good chance to show your imagination.

   In Africaj wild baboons(狒狒) like banding together to find food and protect each other. They may not be the smartest species,but like all animals,survival instincts are programmed into their DNA. They know that being together makes them safer.

   Now think about your school. Sure,no one is trying to eat you alive,but you too are a social animal. And youre one who has been thrown into a fierce environment. From day one,you sense that theres safety in numbers. And once you follow that animal instinct to form packs,you feel more secure. “When I first walked into -my new high school last year,I was so nervous,”says Mike,rarJjTBliS=f 15,a high school student in New York City.“Everyone sat and walked together,in twos or threes — sometimes as a ‘group of five or more people. I didn’ t understand how I would ever belong.

  Mike isnt alone. In a survey,63 percent of teens told us they feel pressure to fit in or be popular,and 91 percent said their schools are divided into groups.

   It is believed that to be popular is to be liked. But all popular people arent necessarily liked. They just make rules. Popular groups arent the only ones making rules. Zoe,a freshman from New York,says that even her close crew,which calls itself the “booknerds” (书呆子) ,” has unspoken guidelines. When Zoe wears makeup or a dress,her friends act like she's betrayed them: “They’ 11 say ,‘ Oh,she's painting her nails. She's a popular girl now., They’ re joking,but theyre not,if you know what I mean. It makes me upset."

   “Because of the way the teen brain works,differences are seen as threatening,” says researcher Alexandra Robbins. “But usually these differences are things that make a person successful in adulthood."

   Take,for example,Adam Levine of the band Maroon 5. In high school,he was a “nerdy,awkward kid crazy about music.w Now he's successful and famous. Then there,s Taylor Swift: Instead of trying to fit in with the cool kids who rejected her,she put her energy into songwriting.

25. When Mike first came to his high school,he.

   A. was excited to make new friends

   B. was proud of his new pretty school

   C. was pretty nervous about his coming exams

   D. was worried about finding new companions

26. Which of the following would the author most probably agree with?

   A. Most of us like popular people.

   B. Only popular groups make rules.

   C. Being popular is important to students.

   D. There are always some rules in a group.

27. Seeing Zoe wearing makeup or a dress,her friends.

   A. praise her   B. appear unhappy

   C. are proud of her   D. are envious of her

28. Which of the following is TRUE about Taylor Swift as a student?

   A. She was very popular.

   B. She had many friends.

   C. She was devoted to her hobby.

   D. She was one of the coolest kids.

  Mind control Imagine looking at something and being able to move it just by using your brain!That is exactly what the new technology called BrainGate can do 一 with the help of a robotic arm,anyway.

   BrainGate is. the idea of Professor John Donoghue and his team of researchers at the Brown Institute for Brain Science,USA. BrainGate is attached directly to the brain. First of all,gold wires are put into the part of the brain that controls movement. These are then connected to a small computer chip(芯片) . When the person thinks about different movements,this creates electrical signals,which are picked up by the chip. After this,the signals that are created by the brain are sent back to a computer,which changes the signals into movements. Finally,the computer uses the robotic arm to carry out these movements. BrainGate can already be used to write an e-mail or play computer games,just by brain power.

   The technology has already cost millions of dollars to develop and when it is available for use,it will probably cost thousands of dollars per person. There are still many challenges ahead for Donoghue nd his team. They are currently planning a mini wireless version,which will allow people to be connected to the computer at all times. Donoghue also dreams of using this technology to help disabled people who can't move their arms or legs. He plans to connect BrainGate directly to their own paralysed limbs(瘫痪的胳膊或腿) .This will mean that the person can control their own body again,without relying on a robotic arm.

   This research is attracting the military's (军方的) attention as well. However,it is easy to understand why scientists might be concerned about how thought-controlled machines could be used by the military.

32. What does the underlined word “These” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. Wires. B. Brains.

   C. Thoughts. D. Movements.

33. According to the text,what is one of BrainGate's disadvantages?

   A. It is too expensive.

   B. It needs improvement.

   C. It is difficult to control.

   D. It produces few movements.

34. How will Donoghue help disabled people?

   A. By making BrainGate smaller.

   B. By developing a wireless version.

   C. By attaching BrainGate to their bad limbs.

   D. By replacing their limbs with robotic ones.

35. What does the military think of thought-controlled machines?

   A. They could be useful.

   B. They could lead to disasters.

   C. They would be in mass production.

   D. They would face fierce competition.

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