This afternoon I went to the bookstore near my house£¬only find it was closed£®Just then£¬I noticed a schoolboy walking in front of me£®When he passed by a white wall£¬he left two footprints on it£®An old man£¬who saw that had happened£¬shouted at him angry£®The boy felt afraid or ran away quickly£®A few minutes later£¬another boys passed by the white wall and saw the footprints£®He thought for a moment and took out of a pencil from his schoolbag£®While I was wondered£¬I saw the boy painting the panda on the wall£®And the footprints become the panda's black eyes£®What a smart boy I was!
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎĽ²ÊöµÄÊǽñÌìÏÂÎ磬×÷ÕßÔÚÈ¥ÊéµêµÄ·ÉÏÅöµ½µÄÒ»¼þÊÂÇ飻ÓÐÒ»¸öСѧÉúÔÚ°×É«µÄǽÉÏÁôÏÂÁËÁ½¸ö½ÅÓ¡£¬ÓÉÓÚÊܵ½ÁËһλÀÏÈ˵ĺdz⣬¾ÍÏŵØÀ뿪ÁË£»²»¾Ã£¬ÓÖ¹ýÀ´ÁËÒ»¸öÄк¢£¬Ëû·¢ÏÖÁËǽÉϵĽÅÓ¡ºó£¬¾ÍÓÃǦ±ÊÔÚǽÉÏ»ÁËÒ»Ö»½«½ÅÓ¡×÷ΪÑÛ¾¦µÄÐÜ裬×÷Õß³ÆÔÞËûÊÇÒ»¸ö´ÏÃ÷µÄº¢×Ó£®
½â´ð This afternoon I went to the bookstore near my house£¬only¡Äfind it was closed£®
Just then£¬I noticed a schoolboy walking in front of me£®When he passed by a white
wall£¬he left two footprints on it£®An old man£¬who saw that had happened£¬shouted
at him angry£®The boy felt afraid or ran away quickly£®A few minutes later£¬another
boys passed by the white wall and saw the footprints£®He thought for a moment and took
out of a pencil from his schoolbag£®While I was wondered£¬I saw the boy painting the panda
on the wall£®And the footprints become the panda's black eyes£®What a smart boy I was!
71£®onlyºó¼Óto ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê²»¶¨Ê½ ´Ë´¦ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷½á¹û×´Ó±íʾµÄÊÇÒâÏë²»µ½µÄ½á¹û£¬Ó¦Ê¹Óö¯´Ê²»¶¨Ê½ÐÎʽ£»¹ÊÔÚonlyºó¼Óto£®
72£®that¸ÄΪwhat ¿¼²éÁ¬½Ó´ú´Ê ´Ë´¦ÓÃÀ´Òýµ¼±öÓï´Ó¾ä£¬ÓÉÓڸôӾäȱÉÙÖ÷ÓÒâΪ£ºËù¡µÄ£¨ÊÂÇ飩£»¶øÁ¬´ÊthatÔÚ±öÓï´Ó¾äÖÐÖ»ÆðÁ¬½Ó×÷Ó㬲»×÷Èκγɷ֣»¹ÊÓÃwhat£®
73£®angry¸ÄΪangrily ¿¼²é¸±´Ê ´Ë´¦ÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊζ¯´Êshouted£¬¹Ê¸±´Êangrily£®
74£®or¸ÄΪand ¿¼²é¾äÒâÀí½âÒÔ¼°Á¬´Ê ±¾¾äµÄÒâ˼ÊÇ£ºÄǸöÄк¢¸Ðµ½º¦Å£¬±ãѸËÙÅÜ¿ªÁË£»´Ë´¦±íʾµÄÊdzнӹØϵ£¬¶ø·ÇÑ¡Ôñ¹Øϵ£»¹ÊÓÃand£®
75£®boys¸ÄΪboy ¿¼²éÃû´ÊµÄµ¥¸´Êý ¸ù¾ÝÐÎÈÝ´Êanother¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦Ö¸µÄÊÇÁíÒ»¸öÄк¢£»¹ÊÓõ¥ÊýÃû´Êboy£®
76£®È¥µôof ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´îÅä take out ofÒâΪ£º´Ó¡È¡³ö£»take out È¡³ö£¬Äóö£»´Ë´¦Ö¸µÄÊÇÄóöһ֧Ǧ±Ê£»¹ÊÈ¥µôa֮ǰµÄof£®
77£®wondered¸ÄΪwondering ¿¼²é¾äÒâÀí½âʱ̬ ´Ë´¦Ö¸µÄÊǽñÌìÏÂÎç·¢ÉúµÄÊÂÇ飬ÒâΪ£ºµ±ÎÒÕýÔÚÏë×ŵÄʱºò£¬ËùÒÔ´Ë´¦Ó¦Ê¹ÓùýÈ¥½øÐÐʱ£¬¹ÊÓÃwondering£®
88£®the¸ÄΪa ¿¼²é²»¶¨¹Ú´Ê ´Ë´¦ÓÃÔÚµ¥ÊýÃû´Êpanda֮ǰ£¬±íʾ·ºÖ¸Ò»Ö»ÐÜ裻¹ÊÓÃa£®
79£®become¸ÄΪbecame ¿¼²éʱ̬ ´Ë´¦ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷νÓÃèÊöµÄÊǽñÌìÏÂÎçµÄÊÂÇ飬ËùÒÔӦʹÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ£»¹ÊÓÃbecame£®
80£®I¸ÄΪhe ¿¼²éÈ˳ƴú´ÊµÄÒ»ÖÂÐÔ ´Ë´¦ÔÚ¸Ð̾¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Óָ´úµÄÊÇÄǸöÔÚǽÉÏ»ÐÜèµÄÄк¢£»¹ÊÓÃhe£®
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Which of the following answers is wrong£¿£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | adjusts£» adjust | B£® | adapts£» adapt | ||
C£® | accommodates£» accommodate | D£® | admits£» admit |
David was a small boy in ragged clothes£®I had often £¨38£©Bwhat kind of home life David had£¬and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so£¨39£©Dfor the cold winter months£¬without a coat£¬boots£¬or gloves£®But something made David £¨40£©CI can still remember he was always £¨41£©Ca smile and willing to help£®He always£¨42£©Dafter school to straighten chairs and mop the floor£®We never talked much He£¨43£©Ajust smile and ask what else he could do£¬then thank me for letting him stay and slowly£¨44£©Dhome
Weeks passed and the £¨45£©Bovre the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of£¨46£©Abefore the holiday break£®I smiled in £¨47£©Aas the last of them hurried out the door£®Turning around I saw David£¨48£©Cstanding by my desk£®
"I have something for you"he said £¨49£©Dfrom behind his back a small box£®£¨50£©Bit to me£¬he said anxiously£®"Open it"I took the box from him£¬thanked him and slowly unwrapped it£®I lift the lid and to my£¨51£©Dsaw nothing I looked at David¡®s smiling face add back into the box and said"The box is nice£¬David£¬but it's£¨52£©B"
"Oh no it isn't"said David"It's full of love£¬my mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn't see or touch unless you know it's there"
Tears filled my eyes£¨53£©AIooked at the proud dirty race that I had rarely given£¨54£©Cto£®After that Christmas£¬David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning£¨55£©Bthe little empty box set on my desk
36£®A£®anxious | B£®courageous | C£®serious | D£®cautious |
37£®A£®warning | B£®ringing | C£®calling | D£®yelling |
38£®A£®scolded | B£®wondered | C£®realized | D£®learned |
39£®A£®modestly | B£®naturally | C£®inaccurately | D£®inappropriately |
40£®A£®popular | B£®upset | C£®special | D£®funny |
41£®A£®expressing | B£®delivering | C£®wearing | D£®sharing |
42£®A£®practised | B£®wandered | C£®studied | D£®stayed |
43£®A£®would | B£®should | C£®might | D£®could |
44£®A£®aim at | B£®turn to | C£®put off | D£®head for |
45£®A£®argument | B£®excitement | C£®movement | D£®program |
46£®A£®school | B£®year | C£®education | D£®program |
47£®A£®relief | B£®return | C£®vain | D£®control |
48£®A£®weakly | B£®sadly | C£®quietly | D£®helplessly |
49£®A£®searched | B£®found | C£®raised | D£®pulled |
50£®A£®Holding | B£®Handing | C£®Sending | D£®Leaving |
51£®A£®delight | B£®expectation | C£®appreciation | D£®surprise |
52£®A£®cheap | B£®empty | C£®useless | D£®improper |
53£®A£®as | B£®until | C£®because | D£®though |
54£®A£®advice | B£®support | C£®attention | D£®command |
55£®A£®from | B£®behind | C£®over | D£®towards |