
【题目】 Sare Niccoli, the 17-year-old daughter of a rich textile owner was freed by her kidnappers(绑匪)after 118 days. She said she ______ most of the time in a tent in the woods ______ one foot tied to a tree. ______ was freed late on Friday ______ her family paid a ______ of $1.8 million, the largest ransom(赎金) ever paid in Italy.

“I was ______ well,” the girl told the ______ during the interview, “Biscuits, cakes, often hot food and ______ stewed beef.” She said her nearly four months in trouble was spent in a tent pitched(set up) in a ______ area.

“I never ______ their faces and when they ______, they changed their voices in nasal tones(speaking through nose passage) on ______,” she said. “They kept ______ that the only thing they wanted was the money and that they didn’t want to have anything to do with me or my family.”

The high ______ student, who was seized by three face-covered and armed men on July 2, 1983 from her family’s country villa(别墅) in Tuscany, said she still had no idea ______ on earth she had been held.



3A.SheB.Her friendC.Her fatherD.Her mother





8A.a bitB.at timesC.somewhatD.containing


10A.watchedB.rememberedC.sawD.looked at



13A.repeatingB.doingC.talkingD.asking for




















本文为记叙文。一位富有的纺织厂老板的17岁女儿Sare Niccoli被绑架118天后,在她的家人支付了180万美元赎金之后被释放。

1考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说她大部分时间都呆在森林里的帐篷里,一只脚被绑在树上。A. got得到;B. had有;C. took拿;D. spent度过。根据上文Sare Niccoli, the 17-year-old daughter of a rich textile owner was freed by her kidnappers(绑匪)after 118 days.可知,Sare Niccoli被绑架,因此推断她大部分时间都是在森林里的帐篷里度过的,一只脚被绑在树上。故选D

2考查基础语法。句意:她说她大部分时间都呆在森林里的帐篷里,一只脚被绑在树上。分析句子可知,with one foot tied to a tree意为“一只脚绑在树上” 此处用“with+名词+过去分词”复合结构,做伴随状语,故选C

3考查代词辨析。句意:周五晚些时候,她的家人支付了总计180万美元赎金,这是意大利有史以来支付的最高赎金,之后她被释放。A. She她;B. Her friend她的朋友;C. Her father他的父亲;D. Her mother她的母亲。Sare Niccoli被绑架了,缴纳赎金以后,她被释放了。故选A

4考查连词词义辨析。句意:周五晚些时候,她的家人支付了总计180万美元赎金,这是意大利有史以来支付的最高赎金,之后她被释放。A. so因此;B. after……之后;C. unless除非;D. if如果。她在家人支付了赎金之后被释放,故选B

5考查固定短语辨析。句意:周五晚些时候,她的家人支付了总计180万美元赎金,这是意大利有史以来支付的最高赎金,之后她被释放。a total of为固定短语,意为“总数,总计”,符合题意,总计180万美元赎金。故选C

6考查动词词义辨析。句意:女孩在采访中告诉记者,“我受到了很好的招待,有饼干、蛋糕、经常热的食物,有时还有炖牛肉。”A. treated对待,款待;B. understood理解;C. considered考虑;D. tested测试。根据Biscuits, cakes, often hot food and ___8___ stewed beef.可知在绑架期间女孩受到了很好的对待,故选A

7考查名词词义辨析。句意:女孩在采访中告诉记者,“我受到了很好的招待,有饼干、蛋糕、经常热的食物,有时还有炖牛肉。”A. family家人;B. reporters记者;C. police警察;D. friends朋友。根据during the interview可知,女孩在接受采访,因此“reporters(记者)”符合题意,故选B

8考查副词短语。句意:女孩在采访中告诉记者,“我受到了很好的对待,有饼干、蛋糕、经常热的食物,有时还有炖牛肉。”A. a bit一点;B. at times有时;C. somewhat稍微;D. containing包含。分析句子成分可知,此处用作状语,表频度,意为“有时”。故选B

9考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说她在树木繁茂的地方搭起的帐篷里度过了近四个月的困难时期。A. dangerous危险的;B. wooded树木繁茂的;C. kidnapping绑架;D. farm农场。根据第一段第二句She said she ___1___ most of the time in a tent in the woods可知,她住在树林里的帐篷里,那里是树木繁茂的,故选B

10考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有见过他们的脸,当他们说话的时候,他们故意用鼻音说话。A. watched观察;B. remembered记得;C. saw看见;D. looked at看着。女孩被绑架了了,这里表示女孩从来没有见过他们的脸,故选C

11考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有见过他们的脸,当他们说话的时候,他们故意用鼻音说话。A. cried哭喊;B. sang唱;C. spoke说话;D. laughed大笑。根据下文they changed their voices in nasal tones(speaking through nose passage) on 12 可推断,绑匪为了不被人称,当他们说话的时候,他们故意使用鼻音。故选C

12考查固定短语辨析。句意:我从来没有见过他们的脸,当他们说话的时候,他们故意用鼻音说话。A. (on) purpose故意;B. (on) average平均;C. (on) holiday在度假;D. (on) time准时。为了不被识别出来,他们故意用鼻音。故选A

13考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们一直重复说,他们唯一想要的就是钱。A. repeating重复;B. doing做;C. talking讲话;D. asking for请求。that后是绑匪的要求,因此推断他们一再重复,他们唯一想要的就是钱。故选A

14考查名词词义辨析。句意:198372日,这名高中学生在她位于托斯卡纳的乡村别墅被三名蒙面武装分子劫持。A. society社会;B. family家庭;C. class课堂;D. school学校。由上文Sare Niccoli, the 17-year-old daughter…可知女孩17岁,故可知她是高中生,故选D

15考查连词辨析。句意:她说她仍然不知道自己究竟被关押在哪里。A. which哪一个;B. what什么;C. why为什么;D. where在哪里。根据下文on earth she had been held可知,她不知道自己被关押在哪里。故选D


【题目】 In 2003, Mary Marggraff was a 47-year-old California mother, devoted to school committees and car pool schedules. But after losing her trusty notebook and buying a new one, she had an inspiration.

“It was blank," says Marggraff, now 64. “What else could I fill it with?" Soon she was thinking about her childhood love of flying, and next thing she knew, she determined to register in flight school. “In my first class, all the students were single men half my age. I felt like a housemother attending a fraternity (兄弟会),but I loved it too much to walk away." she says.

Marggraff earned her first pilot's license in 2005. Six years and four additional licenses later, her addiction to being in the air changed into something grander: a desire to go to space. To move closer to her starry dreams, Marggraff got a part-time job as a mission support representative at Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson's commercial space line. In that role, she attended space related gatherings where she educated people about the future of universe voyages. Though space tourism isn't quite a reality yet, Marggraff has already begun space training in expectation of being on one of Virgin's early flights. "I've completed acceleration force exercises, she says, "which require getting inside a machine, spinning around at 2,500 miles per hour, and trying not to black out."

Marggraff^ training has meant more than getting her wings --- it's expanded her sense of what the future may hold. "It turns out I'm capable of much more than I imagined," she says. "I used to think it'd be a miracle if I got my first license. Now I've completed nearly 1,000 hours of flight! I'm rotten in the kitchen and I burn anything I iron, but if you need someone to land a plane, call me."

1Why did Marggraff register in flight school?

A.To break away from car pool schedules.

B.To fill her new blank notebook.

C.To prove women are equal to men in flying.

D.To pursue her childhood dream of flying.

2What did Marggraff do after earning 5 licenses?

A.She got into space on one of Virgin's early flights.

B.She instructed people in how to make universe voyages.

C.She received space training in preparation for space tourism.

D.She tried in vain to overcome faintness from high speed.

3What does Marggraff benefit from her space training besides getting a license?

A.It proves her a miracle.B.It increases her self-confidence.

C.It wins her a qualification.D.It improves her imagination.

4Which of the following words can best describe Marggraff?

A.Aggressive and hopeful.B.Creative and fragile.

C.Energetic and sensitive.D.Considerate and persistent.

【题目】 It was winter but people were everywhere in London at the weekend. They were in T-shirts or sandals (凉鞋). Monday was another warm day, without a cloud in the sky, and in the late afternoon the light took on a magical, honey-coloured color. It brought to mind one of those summer evenings you experienced in childhood, when you’d be in the park all day and your parents let you stay out until bedtime, and you felt like you were doing something deliciously naughty just by being there.

It wasn’t early summer: it was February. And the entire developed world has been attacking the global ecosystem (全球生态系统) for many years, and that’s how we go into this pickle.

We should try to hold on to this fact that this is not supposed to be happening. Less than a month ago, there was a video of extreme ( ) cold weather coming out of Chicago. Water poured from cups immediately froze on its way to the ground. OK, that was on the other side of the world, and its temperature was- 11 then.

On Monday, though, the temperature hit 20.3 in Ceredigion, West Wales: the highest February temperature ever recorded in Britain and the first time the temperature had reached 20 in winter.

This isn’t good, is it? The 10 hottest years on record have all happened within the past 20 years, the five hottest were the last five. Yet the beaches and the beer gardens fill up, while the papers describe the weather as wonderful. There were those who gave in to the heat wave a little too easily. They let themselves forget it was winter and found themselves, when the sun went down and the temperature dropped, suddenly shaking and unprepared for the cold. It feels uncomfortably like a symbol.

1What does the author want to do in the first paragraph?

A.To introduce a beautiful summer.

B.To encourage kids to play outside.

C.To share his daily activities with us.

D.To describe the scene of a warm winter.

2What does the underlined word pickle in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Daily activity.B.Unusual place.

C.Difficult situation.D.Quick development.

3Why is Chicago’s weather mentioned?

A.To compare it with that of London.

B.To attract more people to Chicago.

C.To show it is well-known for an online video.

D.To encourage more people to post videos online.

4What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The author hoped people stayed indoors.

B.The author worries about global warming.

C.The papers misled the public in weather reports.

D.The papers asked the public to prepare for the cold.

【题目】 Known as the "Oriental Hawaii," Sanya is considered as one of the best diving resorts(胜地) in the South Pacific Ocean. The followings are the top five places for diving in the city.

Wuzhizhou Island

Wuzhizhou Island, known as Chin's Maldives, is regarded as the best place in Hainan province for underwater diving. It is one of the few islands in the world without rocks or pebbles, covering an area of 1.48 square kilometers and is in an irregular butterfly shape.

Yalong Bay

The underwater world atYalong Bay is one of the earliest diving bases in Sanya. It is thought as one of the best scenic spots in China to carry out undersea tourism. Colorful hard coral, tropical fish, and other marine life in the nearby waters also add to the beauty and attraction of the bay.

Dadonghai Bay

Dadonghai Bay, with hills on three sides, is a crescent-shaped(新月形的) bay. The area enjoys agreeable weather all year round, with the water temperature keeping about 20 even in winter. Though the water here is not as clear as that in Yalong Bay and Wuzhizhou Island, this diving spot is easier to get to.

Xidao Island

Xidao Island, also known as Daimao Island, is shaped like a turtle living in the tropical area. The island enjoys pleasant surroundings of sandy beaches, rocky caves, and palm trees. It also takes pride in crystal clear waters with marine life and extensive coral reefs to explore.

Fenjiezhou Island

Fenjiezhou lsland, a national 5A scenic area, is also called the Sleeping Beauty Island for what it looks like from afar. The island is proud of extremely clean beaches and rich marine ecological resources. It is the only site in the country that allows visitors to dive with dolphins.

1What can divers do at the resort of Wuzhizhou Island?

A.Play with butterflies.B.Enjoy diving comfortably.

C.Explore rocky caves.D.Do underwater research.

2Which of the following is most suitable for diving throughout the year?

A.Yalong Bay.B.Dadonghai Bay.

C.Xidao Island.D.Fenjiezhou Island.

3What is unique about Fenjiezhou Island in China?

A.A national 5A scenic area.B.The Sleeping Beauty Island.

C.Rich marine resources.D.Diving with dolphins.

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