
【题目】 It was winter but people were everywhere in London at the weekend. They were in T-shirts or sandals (凉鞋). Monday was another warm day, without a cloud in the sky, and in the late afternoon the light took on a magical, honey-coloured color. It brought to mind one of those summer evenings you experienced in childhood, when you’d be in the park all day and your parents let you stay out until bedtime, and you felt like you were doing something deliciously naughty just by being there.

It wasn’t early summer: it was February. And the entire developed world has been attacking the global ecosystem (全球生态系统) for many years, and that’s how we go into this pickle.

We should try to hold on to this fact that this is not supposed to be happening. Less than a month ago, there was a video of extreme ( ) cold weather coming out of Chicago. Water poured from cups immediately froze on its way to the ground. OK, that was on the other side of the world, and its temperature was- 11 then.

On Monday, though, the temperature hit 20.3 in Ceredigion, West Wales: the highest February temperature ever recorded in Britain and the first time the temperature had reached 20 in winter.

This isn’t good, is it? The 10 hottest years on record have all happened within the past 20 years, the five hottest were the last five. Yet the beaches and the beer gardens fill up, while the papers describe the weather as wonderful. There were those who gave in to the heat wave a little too easily. They let themselves forget it was winter and found themselves, when the sun went down and the temperature dropped, suddenly shaking and unprepared for the cold. It feels uncomfortably like a symbol.

1What does the author want to do in the first paragraph?

A.To introduce a beautiful summer.

B.To encourage kids to play outside.

C.To share his daily activities with us.

D.To describe the scene of a warm winter.

2What does the underlined word pickle in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Daily activity.B.Unusual place.

C.Difficult situation.D.Quick development.

3Why is Chicago’s weather mentioned?

A.To compare it with that of London.

B.To attract more people to Chicago.

C.To show it is well-known for an online video.

D.To encourage more people to post videos online.

4What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The author hoped people stayed indoors.

B.The author worries about global warming.

C.The papers misled the public in weather reports.

D.The papers asked the public to prepare for the cold.








1推理判断题。根据第一段It was winter but people were everywhere in London at the weekend. They were in T-shirts or sandals (凉鞋). Monday was another warm day, without a cloud in the sky, and in the late afternoon the light took on a magical, honey-coloured color….可知,第一段描述了温暖的冬天的情景:周末伦敦到处都是人。他们穿着t恤或凉鞋。星期一又是一个温暖的日子,天空万里无云,傍晚时分,阳光呈现出一种神奇的蜂蜜色。故作者第一段就是为了描述温暖的冬天的情景。故选D

2词义猜测题。第一段描述了温暖的冬天的一个情景。根据第二段中的And the entire developed world has been attacking the global ecosystem (全球生态系统) for many years, and that’s how we go into this pickle.可知,整个发达国家多年来一直在攻击全球生态系统,使得生态系统遭到破坏。所以生态系统遭到破坏会使得人类陷入“困境”。故划线词的意思是“困境”的意思。A. Daily activity日常活动; B. Unusual place.不同寻常的地方; D. Quick development快速的发展 均不符合语境。故选C

3推理判断题。根据第三段中的Less than a month ago, there was a video of extreme ( ) cold weather coming out of Chicago.可知,芝加哥出现了极度寒冷的天气。这和第一段中描述的伦敦暖冬形成鲜明的对比,以此突出生态系统遭到破坏产生的结果。结合选项,A选项(和伦敦的天气作比较)符合以上推测。故选A

4推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The 10 hottest years on record have all happened within the past 20 years, the five hottest were the last five. Yet the beaches and the beer gardens fill up, while the papers describe the weather as wonderful. There were those who gave in to the heat wave a little too easily. They let themselves forget it was winter and found themselves, when the sun went down and the temperature dropped, suddenly shaking and unprepared for the cold. It feels uncomfortably like a symbol.”可知,有记录以来最热的10年都发生在过去20年里,而报纸上却把天气描述得棒极了。有些人忘记了这是冬天,他们对于太阳落山,气温下降带来的寒冷毫无准备。作者认为,这种天气的突然变化给人一种不舒服的感觉,这就像一个象征。通过这一段,作者实际上是在表明全球生态系统遭到破坏,从而导致全球变暖,极端天气出现并不是一件好事,反而是一种不好的象征。从而判断出了作者对此很担心。故选B



【题目】 The Australian state of New South Wales rolled out “high definition detection cameras" on Sunday, designed to catch drivers using cell phones behind the wheel.

Andrew Constance, New South Wales' minister for roads, said the "world-fist" technology would target illegal cell phone use through "fixed and mobile cameras". The cameras will use artificial intelligence to review images and detect illegal use of cell phones, according to Transport for NSW.

Images identified as being likely to contain a driver illegally using a cell phone would then be verified by traffic police. Those images would be securely stored and managed.

Over the next three years, 45 portable cameras would be set up across the state, in unknown locations, and without warning signs, CNN branch Sky News Australia reported.

For the first three months, drivers caught out by the technology would receive a warning letter, Transport for New South Wales said in a statement, after which the drivers would face a fine of up to $344, or $457 in a school zone, and loss of points on their drivers' license.

“The NSW Government is serious about reducing our state's road deaths and launching mobile phone detection cameras is another way we will do this." Con stance said in a statement.

Officials said that a trial of the technology earlier in the year had caught more than 100,000 drivers illegally using a phone behind the wheel. Some 329 people died this year on New South Wales' roads, Reuters news agency reported, compared with 354 people for 2018, according to official statistics.

1Why does the NSW Government set up detection cameras?

A.To get some real-time information about the traffic.

B.To monitor people crossing the street casually.

C.To catch drivers using cell phones illegally.

D.To improve the work efficiency of the police.

2What docs the underlined word "verified” in Paragraph 3 mean?



3What can we infer from the passage?

A.Locations of the cameras will be informed in advance.

B.Illegal driving in school zones is punished more severely.

C.Illegal drivers will be fined once cameras are set up.

D.Cameras are the first attempt for the government to cut road deaths.

4What's the officials, attitude towards the trial of the technology?



【题目】 Sare Niccoli, the 17-year-old daughter of a rich textile owner was freed by her kidnappers(绑匪)after 118 days. She said she ______ most of the time in a tent in the woods ______ one foot tied to a tree. ______ was freed late on Friday ______ her family paid a ______ of $1.8 million, the largest ransom(赎金) ever paid in Italy.

“I was ______ well,” the girl told the ______ during the interview, “Biscuits, cakes, often hot food and ______ stewed beef.” She said her nearly four months in trouble was spent in a tent pitched(set up) in a ______ area.

“I never ______ their faces and when they ______, they changed their voices in nasal tones(speaking through nose passage) on ______,” she said. “They kept ______ that the only thing they wanted was the money and that they didn’t want to have anything to do with me or my family.”

The high ______ student, who was seized by three face-covered and armed men on July 2, 1983 from her family’s country villa(别墅) in Tuscany, said she still had no idea ______ on earth she had been held.



3A.SheB.Her friendC.Her fatherD.Her mother





8A.a bitB.at timesC.somewhatD.containing


10A.watchedB.rememberedC.sawD.looked at



13A.repeatingB.doingC.talkingD.asking for



【题目】 People often talk about how difficult it is to keep a healthy lifestyle while on vacation. A cruise (船)is the perfect example--too much food and too little exercise.1Then I realized that’s of taking such vacations, we would all be better off taking vacations that encourage healthy behavior. Things like hiking and cycling are not only healthy, but they're cheap! 2we couldn't afford to do such else!

Gerhard Strauss-Blasche and colleagues examined the links between vacation environment and recovery. 3 They filled out questionnaires within two weeks of returning from a short vacation. Post-vacation recovery was assessed by quantifying how closely subjects agreed with the statement "In comparison with the two weeks before vacation, I now feel mentally fitter, feel more balanced and relaxed, can concentrate better during work, feel physically fitter, and do my work more easily.”

4?Physical activity during the trip was positively associated with post-vacation recovery scores. In other words, the more physically active people were during their vacation, the more likely they were to feel relaxed upon their return. 5.In fact, I wouldn't take this study too seriously. But I don't think it's surprising that people who engage in(参加)healthy behaviors during a vacation might feel better upon their return. So instead of looking at your vacation as a potential block to your healthy lifestyle, why not look at it as a chance to improve your healthy behaviors?

A.I thought a lot about this issue

B.So what did the researchers find

C.Now of course this is only one study

D.The study included 191 German males and females

E.That's why my wife Daun and I first started taking cycling vacations

F.Limited evidence supports the idea that healthy vacations leave you feeling better

G.Why would people choose to eat unhealthy food and perform very little physical activity

【题目】I watch her and her mother decorate her college dormitory room. Everything is in place, _______ and arranged. I closely watch that which I would have in the past ______. I know that this time is _______. As half of her room has been nicely decorated, I begin to _______ that her room at home is no longer hers. It is now ours, our room for her when she _______.

I _______ myself thinking of when I held her in my arm for the first time in hospital. One day old, so _______, so beautiful, so totally dependent on her new _______. All thoughts went through my mind as I _______ her eyes, her nose and her mouth. Time passes _______.

She looks up now, catching me _______ at her, causing her to say to her mother. “Mom, Dad’s looking at me funny.”

The last few days, I touch her arm, her face — _______ that when my wife and I return home, she will not be ______ us. I have so much to say, but no _______ with which to say it.

She says, “It’ll be all right, Dad. I’ll be home from _______ soon.” I tell her she will have a great year but I say little else. I only hold on to our good-bye hug a little longer, a little _______.

My wife’ eyes follow her ______ she leaves us. Mine do not. I know that what she is welcoming is exciting and _______. I remember what the world looked like to me when everything was _______

When I walk to the car with my wife at my side, my eyes are wet, my heart is painful, and I realize that my life is _______ forever.

1A. cleaned B. painted C. removed D. organized

2A. noticed B. ignored C. remembered D. frightened

3A. funny B. different C. pleasant D. strange

4A. accept B. expect C. wonder D. guess

5A. lives B. visits C. separates D. graduates

6A. force B. leave C. find D. let

7A. small B. big C. encouraging D. strong

8A. friends B. parents C. classmates D. teachers

9A. recorded B. replaced C. designed D. examined

10A. slowly B. quickly C. slightly D. gradually

11A. laughing B. staring C. glaring D. seeing

12A. hoping B. imaging C. knowing D. doubting

13A. for B. with C. within D. along

14A. mood B. feeling C. chance D. words

15A. office B. school C. farm D. company

16A. gentler B. softer C. tighter D. warmly

17A. before B. as C. since D. while

18A. mysterious B. adventurous C. wonderful D. hard

19A. old B. new C. small D. little

20A. destroyed B. beginning C. ended D. changing

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