19.Getting caught in a traffic jam can be one of the most depressing things about traveling around a busy city.Now engineers in China have come up with a solution that could reduce traffic."Batie",an elevated bus that is 4.8meters high and 7.8meters wide,allowing it to travel over vehicles (such as cars,buses,or trucks) with a height of less than 2meters.holds passengers on its upper level and lets traffic pass under it,made its first test run on Aug 2in Qinhuangdao,Hebei province.
It can cut down on traffic greatly and therefore reduce the country's increasingly worrying air pollution,the developers of the TEB told The Week.
It is also expected to save costs compared with other public transportation (交通运输) like the subway."Able to carry 1,200people at a time,the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth that of a subway"Bai Zhiming,the engineer in charge of the TEB project,said in a video interview with CCTV News.
While it has been said that the bus could be a solution to world's traffic problems,it has also caused criticism (批评) and doubt.
Yao Tao,head of the Nanjing Institute of City and Transport Planning,listed some other possible problems,including the fact that present traffic facilities (设施) and rules would have to be changed.
"Safety is the most important thing,"Liu Daizong,China transport program director at the World Resources Institute,told CNN."How would cars drive and turn under the bus?If there were an accident,how would you move passengers and vehicles out from underneath?"
28.The underlined word"elevated"in the second paragraph probably means"B".
29.Compared with other public transportation like the subway,the Batie is expected toD.
A.be faced with most safety problems
B.be most environmentally friendly
C.carry the most passengers
D.save more costs
30.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.A new bus makes its first test run.
B.A new bus solves traffic problems.
C.Experts share opinions on a new bus.
D.Advantages and disadvantages of a new bus.
31.Where can you most probably read this material?C
A.In a science book
B.In a magazine
C.On the Internet
D.In a newspaper.
分析 本文报道了制堵神器--空中巴士第一次在秦皇岛进行了通车,以及它所带来的争议.
解答 28.B.词义推断题.由本句后面的allowing it to travel over vehicles (such as cars,buses,or trucks) with a height of less than 2meters.可知这个巴士是在空中的,因此是被抬升的巴士,lifted,故选B.
29.D.细节理解题.由第四段the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth that of a subway可知在承载人数相同的时候,空中巴士成本比地铁低,故选D.
30.A.主旨归纳题.本文是一篇新闻报道,由第二段made its first test run on Aug 2in Qinhuangdao,Hebei province可知主要报道的事件是空中巴士的第一次通车,故选A.
31.C.细节理解题.由最后的图片中next page 可看出这是在网页上浏览看到的文章,故选C.
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