
19.Getting caught in a traffic jam can be one of the most depressing things about traveling around a busy city.Now engineers in China have come up with a solution that could reduce traffic.
"Batie",an elevated bus that is 4.8meters high and 7.8meters wide,allowing it to travel over vehicles (such as cars,buses,or trucks) with a height of less than 2meters.holds passengers on its upper level and lets traffic pass under it,made its first test run on Aug 2in Qinhuangdao,Hebei province.
It can cut down on traffic greatly and therefore reduce the country's increasingly worrying air pollution,the developers of the TEB told The Week.
It is also expected to save costs compared with other public transportation (交通运输) like the subway."Able to carry 1,200people at a time,the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth that of a subway"Bai Zhiming,the engineer in charge of the TEB project,said in a video interview with CCTV News.
While it has been said that the bus could be a solution to world's traffic problems,it has also caused criticism (批评) and doubt.
Yao Tao,head of the Nanjing Institute of City and Transport Planning,listed some other possible problems,including the fact that present traffic facilities (设施) and rules would have to be changed.
"Safety is the most important thing,"Liu Daizong,China transport program director at the World Resources Institute,told CNN."How would cars drive and turn under the bus?If there were an accident,how would you move passengers and vehicles out from underneath?"

28.The underlined word"elevated"in the second paragraph probably means"B".
29.Compared with other public transportation like the subway,the Batie is expected toD.
A.be faced with most safety problems
B.be most environmentally friendly
C.carry the most passengers
D.save more costs
30.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.A new bus makes its first test run.
B.A new bus solves traffic problems.
C.Experts share opinions on a new bus.
D.Advantages and disadvantages of a new bus.
31.Where can you most probably read this material?C
A.In a science book
B.In a magazine
C.On the Internet
D.In a newspaper.

分析 本文报道了制堵神器--空中巴士第一次在秦皇岛进行了通车,以及它所带来的争议.

解答 28.B.词义推断题.由本句后面的allowing it to travel over vehicles (such as cars,buses,or trucks) with a height of less than 2meters.可知这个巴士是在空中的,因此是被抬升的巴士,lifted,故选B.
29.D.细节理解题.由第四段the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth that of a subway可知在承载人数相同的时候,空中巴士成本比地铁低,故选D.
30.A.主旨归纳题.本文是一篇新闻报道,由第二段made its first test run on Aug 2in Qinhuangdao,Hebei province可知主要报道的事件是空中巴士的第一次通车,故选A.
31.C.细节理解题.由最后的图片中next page 可看出这是在网页上浏览看到的文章,故选C.

点评 本类文章时代气息浓郁,但专业词语较多,增加了阅读难度.考生平时可以有意识地从报刊杂志上找一些较难的阅读材料来阅读,以培养自己迎难而上的心理素质.

7.As the labor market becomes more attractive,more companies are sending their employees to school.Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is the latest company to use tuition assistance for employees--which for decades has been a part of many business'benefits packages--as part of a renewed effort to bring in and cultivate talent.And while the impact of such programs has yet to be fully assessed,many see it as a positive--although gradual-movement.
"For workers,it gives them a better opportunity for development,"says Colleen Flaherty      Manchester,a professor."For firms,they are able to recruit the type of employees who have value education and are less likely to turn over,and thus have a higher level of retention(保留)."
In all,56percent of US organizations offer undergraduate educational assistance while 52percent offer graduate assistance.
Largely driving the trend are Millennials,who happen to be the fastest-growing people in the US workforce today and to whom the idea of tuition support from employers is especially appealing.Nearly 60percent of Millennials surveyed said they would choose a job with strong professional-development potential over one with regular pay raises.Employers are absolutely adapting to Millennials in the workplace.They recognize that they need more experience,more knowledge,more mentoring to be successful.And they're asking for it.
Of more than 140,000Starbucks employees,only about 4,000have signed up for the company's College Achievement Plan.What the long-term effects such programs might have for companies'retention and turnover rates remain unclear.But,the pluses of these programs are more important than the minuses.We're going to see a lot more of this in the future.

32.Using tuition assistance for employeesB
A.has existed for scores of years
B.is a trend that formed recently
C.has attracted a large number of talents
D.is well received by employees
33.What can we learn from what Colleen Flaherty said?D
A.It is merely beneficial to employees.
B.It turns out to be tough for firms to find suitable employees.
C.Valuing education has become a trend for all companies.
D.It is a win-win event for employees and employers.
34.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4refer to?A
A.Educational support.
B.More chances to be successful.
C.Regular pay raises.
D.Professional-development potential.
35.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the programs?D
A.Employees will benefit more from the programs than companies.
B.The impact of the programs remains to be estimated.
C.The programs can guarantee the employees a good job.
D.It's less likely that employees will remain in the same company after receiving the programs.
Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult(61)itwas to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She wished that this year she could(62)easily( easy ) buy a special one (63)to please( please ) him,just like her mother,who was always delighted to receive her gift.
Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not (64)apleasant experience:people stepped on your feet or (65)pushed( push ) you with their elbows ( 肘部 ),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.
Jane paused in front of a counter (66)wheresome attractive ties were on display."They are real silk,"the assistant tried to attract her."Worth double the price."But Jane knew from past experience that her (67)choice( choose ) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.
Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered.She found some good quality pipes on sale.She did not hesitate for long:although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while,she knew that this was a present which was bound to please (68)him.
When Jane got home,with her small but well-chosen present in her bag,her parents were already (69)at table having supper.Her mother was excited."Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,"Jane (70)was informed( inform ).
4.Batteries,as you may have figured out by now,have a few problems,actually.They don't hold nearly enough power.They're very expensive.And above all,they're explosive.That's a real problem for Samsung.
   Isn't anyone going to try to invent a better battery?Fortunately,a Tufts University professor named Mike Zimmerman,is breathtakingly close to cracking the powerful-cheap-safe battery problem.
    Inside every lithium-ion battery on earth,there's a positive electrode (阳极) and a negatively charged one.They're separated by a thin sheet.The rest is filled up with a liquid called the electrolyte(电解质).
    When you charge the battery,positively charged ions(离子)flow through that liquid from the negative side to the positive side.Then,as you use the battery to power your gadget,they flow back again.
    The key here is that electrolyte juice.It's easily lighted.What Zimmerman has done is pretty amazing:He's created a battery that gets rid of the liquid.In its place:A special plastic film,solid and not flammable(易燃的).Yet it allows the free flow of the ions,just as the electrolyte does.Zimmerman's plastic doesn't catch fire even if you try to light it with a lighter.
    We call them lithium ion batteries because they do not,in fact,use actual lithium metal.That's too bad,because lithium metal batteries can store at least twice as much power!The only reason why we don't use lithium-metal batteries is that they're even more dangerous than lithium ion.
    But if there's no flammable liquid,there's no risk of fire.So Zimmerman's batteries do use actual lithium metal,and therefore hold twice as much charge.Imagine:Three days of life on every phone charge instead of one and a half.Four hundred miles in an electric car instead of 200.And so on.It's a big,big deal.

41.Why do Zimmerman's invention use actual lithium metal?B
A.Lithium metal are not easy to light.
B.Zimmerman's batteries include no liquid.
C.Lithum-metal batteries are safer than lithium-ion.
D.Ordinary batteries use the safe lithium metal.
42.What can we know about Zimmerman's batteries?A
A.They are safe and hold large power.
B.They are risky but store much power.
C.They are unsafe but hold much charge.
D.They are unsafe but convenient.
43.What can we know from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7?D
A.We can make a big deal with Zimmerman.
B.Zimmerman's batteries sound nice but unrealistic.
C.Zimmerman wants to make a deal with producers.
D.Zimmerman's batteries will make a difference to our life.
44.How is the passage mainly developed?C
A.By giving descriptions.
B.By listing examples.
C.By making comparisons.
D.By following time order.
45.What does the passage mainly present?D
A.An introduction to Tufts professor.
B.Information on using the old type of batteries.
C.The author's interview with Tufts professor.
D.Tufts professor's invention of a non-exploding battery.
5.TV commentary(实况报道,现场解说)
Today our program is about the 2008Olympic mascots (吉祥物)-Beibei,Jingjing,Huanhuan,Yingying,and Nini.If you put their names together,they say"Beijing welcomes you!"in Chinese.They are symbols for the Games.They carry within themselves Chinese best wishes for the success of the Games.Here learn about them one by one.
HUANHUAN The child of fire stands for (代表) the red Olympic ring (环).He is in the center,the big brother of the five.He carries the Olympic spirit (精神).He is the most warm-hearted and outgoing of the five.He can do well in all ball games.
YINGYING The antelope (藏羚羊) stands for the yellow ring.Yingying is smart and moves quickly.Like all the antelopes,he is strong in track and field events (田径比赛).The antelope is one of the first put under protection (保护) in China.Choosing the antelope shows that China wants a Green Olympic.
Do you want to know more about the other three mascots?Please come back after the four short advertisement.

6."Beijing welcomes you!"means"C".
A.It carries the Olympic spirit           B.It stands for a Green Olympic
C.Welcome to Beijing                     D.It is a symbol for the Games
7.Which is the most warm-hearted brother of the five mascots?C
A.Beibei       B.Jingjing       C.Huanghuan        D.Yingying
8.Yingying stands for theA Olympic ring.
A.yellow       B.black         C.red               D.green
9.Where can we see Yingying?B
A.In water sports.
B.In track and field events.
C.In ball games.
D.At weight sports.
10.How many mascots for the 2008Olympic has the report explained in detail (详细地) in the TV commentary?B
A.Six.   B.Two.  C.Four.  D.Five.

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