
4.Batteries,as you may have figured out by now,have a few problems,actually.They don't hold nearly enough power.They're very expensive.And above all,they're explosive.That's a real problem for Samsung.
   Isn't anyone going to try to invent a better battery?Fortunately,a Tufts University professor named Mike Zimmerman,is breathtakingly close to cracking the powerful-cheap-safe battery problem.
    Inside every lithium-ion battery on earth,there's a positive electrode (阳极) and a negatively charged one.They're separated by a thin sheet.The rest is filled up with a liquid called the electrolyte(电解质).
    When you charge the battery,positively charged ions(离子)flow through that liquid from the negative side to the positive side.Then,as you use the battery to power your gadget,they flow back again.
    The key here is that electrolyte juice.It's easily lighted.What Zimmerman has done is pretty amazing:He's created a battery that gets rid of the liquid.In its place:A special plastic film,solid and not flammable(易燃的).Yet it allows the free flow of the ions,just as the electrolyte does.Zimmerman's plastic doesn't catch fire even if you try to light it with a lighter.
    We call them lithium ion batteries because they do not,in fact,use actual lithium metal.That's too bad,because lithium metal batteries can store at least twice as much power!The only reason why we don't use lithium-metal batteries is that they're even more dangerous than lithium ion.
    But if there's no flammable liquid,there's no risk of fire.So Zimmerman's batteries do use actual lithium metal,and therefore hold twice as much charge.Imagine:Three days of life on every phone charge instead of one and a half.Four hundred miles in an electric car instead of 200.And so on.It's a big,big deal.

41.Why do Zimmerman's invention use actual lithium metal?B
A.Lithium metal are not easy to light.
B.Zimmerman's batteries include no liquid.
C.Lithum-metal batteries are safer than lithium-ion.
D.Ordinary batteries use the safe lithium metal.
42.What can we know about Zimmerman's batteries?A
A.They are safe and hold large power.
B.They are risky but store much power.
C.They are unsafe but hold much charge.
D.They are unsafe but convenient.
43.What can we know from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7?D
A.We can make a big deal with Zimmerman.
B.Zimmerman's batteries sound nice but unrealistic.
C.Zimmerman wants to make a deal with producers.
D.Zimmerman's batteries will make a difference to our life.
44.How is the passage mainly developed?C
A.By giving descriptions.
B.By listing examples.
C.By making comparisons.
D.By following time order.
45.What does the passage mainly present?D
A.An introduction to Tufts professor.
B.Information on using the old type of batteries.
C.The author's interview with Tufts professor.
D.Tufts professor's invention of a non-exploding battery.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了教授发明的非爆炸性电池,不仅安全还持有最大功率.

解答 41.B.细节理解题.根据文章He's created a battery that gets rid of the liquid.In its place:A special plastic film,solid and not flammable可知齐默尔曼的发明使用实际的锂金属做电池是因为他的电池不含液体;故选B.
42.A.细节理解题.根据最后一段But if there's no flammable liquid,there's no risk of fire.So Zimmerman's batteries do use actual lithium metal,and therefore hold twice as much charge可知齐默尔曼的电池他们是安全和持有大功率;故选A.
43.D.句意理解题.根据文章And so on.It's a big,big deal.可知Zimmerman的电池将使我们的生活有很大改变;故选D.
44.C.细节理解题.根据最后一段But if there's no flammable liquid,there's no risk of fire.So Zimmerman's batteries do use actual lithium metal,and therefore hold twice as much charge可知文章主要是通过比较的方式说明主题的;故选C.
45.D.主旨大意题.根据文章He's created a battery that gets rid of the liquid.In its place:A special plastic film,solid and not flammable可知文章主要介绍了教授发明的非爆炸性电池;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

15.The sharing economy,represented by companies like Airbnb or Uber,is the latest fashion craze.But many supporters have overlooked the reality that this new business model is largely based on escaping regulations and breaking the law.
Airbnb is an Internet-based service that allows people to rent out spare rooms to strangers for short stays.Uber is an Internet taxi service that allows thousands of people to answer ride requests with their own cars.There are hundreds of other such services.
The good thing about the sharing economy is that it promotes the use of underused resources.Millions of people have houses or apartments with empty rooms,and Airbnb allows them to profit from these rooms while allowing guests a place to stay at prices that are often far less than those charged by hotels.Uber offers prices that are competitive with standard taxi prices and their drivers are often much quicker and more trustworthy.
But the downside of the sharing economy has gotten much less attention.Most cities and states both tax and regulate hotels,and the tourists who stay in hotels are usually an important source of tax income.But many of Airbnb's customers are not paying the taxes required under the law.
Airbnb can also raise issues of safety for its customers and trouble for hosts'neighbors.Hotels are regularly inspected to ensure that they are not fire traps and that they don't form other risks for visitors.Airbnb hosts face no such inspections.
Since Airbnb is allowing people to escape taxes and regulations,the company is simply promoting thefts.Others in the economy will lose by bearing an additional tax burden or being forced to live next to an apartment unit with a never-ending series of noisy visitors.
The same story may apply with Uber.Uber is currently in disputes over whether its cars meet the safety and insurance requirements imposed on standard taxis.Also,if Uber and related services flood the market,they could harm all taxi drivers'ability to earn a minimum wage.
This downside of the sharing needs to be taken seriously,but that doesn't mean the current tax and regulatory structure is perfect.

32.What is the positive thing about the sharing economy?D
A.It is a global trend.
B.It is beyond regulations.
C.It brings in modest profits.
D.It takes advantage of spare resources.
33.What is the problem with Airbnb customers according to the passage?A
A.They can be noisy to hosts'neighbours.
B.They are likely to commit thefts.
C.They are allowed not to pay taxes.
D.They are not regularly inspected.
34.What is the argument over Uber according to the passage?B
A.Whether it provides reliable services.
B.Whether it guarantees customers'safety.
C.Whether it lowers customers'expenses.
D.Whether it can compete with standard taxis.
35.What will be talked about in the following paragraphs?D
A.Existing regulations and laws.
B.Further development of Airbnb and Uber.
C.Necessary improvements of current laws.
D.More downsides of Airbnb and Uber.
12.Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States.It has been regarded as the beginning of the holiday shopping season.Although it's not an official holiday,millions of employers give their employees the day off,and many people use that day to get a jump-start on their holiday shopping.A similar day in Canada and
Great Britain is called"Boxing Day".
Black Friday has become somewhat of a marketing sensation in recent years.Since 2005,it has been the busiest shopping day of the year.To lure shoppers,retailers (零售商)routinely open their doors as early as 4a.m.and offer special sales and promotions to the shoppers that arrive early.Some of the special deals offered by stores are only available in limited quantities.That is why some shoppers intent on getting the best deals often camp out in front of stores overnight so that they'll be the first in line when the doors open.
But why Black Friday?Historians believe the name started in Philadelphia in the mid-1960s.Bus drivers and police used"Black Friday"to describe the heavy traffic that would block city streets the day after Thanksgiving as shoppers headed to the stores.
Businesses,however,didn't like the negative tone associated with the"Black Friday"name.In the early 1980s,a more positive explanation of the name began to circulate.According to this alternative explanation,Black Friday is the day when retailers finally begin to turn a profit for the year.In accounting terms (会计行业),operating at a loss is called being"in the red"because accountants traditionally used red ink to show negative amounts.Positive amounts were usually shown in black ink.Thus,being"in the black"is a good thing because it means stores are operating at a profit.
Recently,for those who are too busy to shop on Black Friday or who just don't want to fight the crowds,the Monday following Black Friday has become known as Cyber Monday (网络星期一) for the many online deals.

28.On Black Friday,the AmericansC.
A.don't have to go to work as usual 
B.look exactly like the Canadians
C.are usually busy doing shopping 
D.stay at home and relax themselves
29.The underlined word"lure"(in Paragraph 2)probably meansB.
A.protect B.attract C.persuade D.remind
30.How do the retailers understand Black Friday?D
A.It is totally different from Boxing Day.
B.They usually lose some money on the day.
C.It never keeps them very busy.
D.It probably brings them more money.
31.The author writes this passage in order toC.
A.state the development of Cyber Monday
B.tell the difference between red and black
C.introduce Black Friday to the readers
D.explain the meaning of Boxing Day.
19.Getting caught in a traffic jam can be one of the most depressing things about traveling around a busy city.Now engineers in China have come up with a solution that could reduce traffic.
"Batie",an elevated bus that is 4.8meters high and 7.8meters wide,allowing it to travel over vehicles (such as cars,buses,or trucks) with a height of less than 2meters.holds passengers on its upper level and lets traffic pass under it,made its first test run on Aug 2in Qinhuangdao,Hebei province.
It can cut down on traffic greatly and therefore reduce the country's increasingly worrying air pollution,the developers of the TEB told The Week.
It is also expected to save costs compared with other public transportation (交通运输) like the subway."Able to carry 1,200people at a time,the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth that of a subway"Bai Zhiming,the engineer in charge of the TEB project,said in a video interview with CCTV News.
While it has been said that the bus could be a solution to world's traffic problems,it has also caused criticism (批评) and doubt.
Yao Tao,head of the Nanjing Institute of City and Transport Planning,listed some other possible problems,including the fact that present traffic facilities (设施) and rules would have to be changed.
"Safety is the most important thing,"Liu Daizong,China transport program director at the World Resources Institute,told CNN."How would cars drive and turn under the bus?If there were an accident,how would you move passengers and vehicles out from underneath?"

28.The underlined word"elevated"in the second paragraph probably means"B".
29.Compared with other public transportation like the subway,the Batie is expected toD.
A.be faced with most safety problems
B.be most environmentally friendly
C.carry the most passengers
D.save more costs
30.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.A new bus makes its first test run.
B.A new bus solves traffic problems.
C.Experts share opinions on a new bus.
D.Advantages and disadvantages of a new bus.
31.Where can you most probably read this material?C
A.In a science book
B.In a magazine
C.On the Internet
D.In a newspaper.

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