
Net Library is a library that lends out digital books. It treats a digital book like a paperback copy. It charges libraries per book per copy and gives publishers a cut of the total income.

From the consumer’s point of view, this means that if more than five people want the latest Danielle Steel romance novel, other people who request that book will get a message saying the title is unable to get.

Many publishers seem to have embraced its model. More than 350 publishers gave the company rights to hand out their digital works, and McGraw-Hill Corporation and Houghton Mifflin Corporation have put money into the company. The California public libraries and about 1,800 others across the US are trying out the Net Library service.

Some librarians criticize the Net Library model. Stanford University librarian Michael Keller argues that the company is creating an unnatural fear of digital works, which is contrary to the ideas of the Internet.

Keller and some other librarians argue for the e-book vision set forth by Brary. Brary is starting a service that lets us users read books for free.

But it will charge about 25 cents a page when a person tries to point out material or copy and taste it into a different file or tries to download a copy onto a computer.

Christopher Warnock, chief executive of Brary, believes most consumers won’t want to buy entire books, only the parts that interest them.

“There is not really a lot of good owning an electronic file and having to store it and manage it. It doesn’t make sense,” he said.

1.How do publishers get money from the Net Library?

A.They get money from selling their books to the Net Library

B.They get money from the readers.

C.They get money by cutting the cost of the books.

D.They share the money with Net Library.

2.The underlined word “embraced” in the third paragraph means

A. tried out something hard

B. held something tightly

C. disliked something badly

D. taken something willingly

3.What does the last paragraph mean?

A. Net Library is not a good way for the consumers.

B. There is no need for consumers to have a whole book.

C. Brary is not a good library for the consumers.

D. It’s reasonable to charge the consumers money for copying some pages.


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。

Health is the most important thing in the world. Nothing is more important than health. If we take away our money, houses, or even our clothes, we can still survive. 1. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

How can we keep healthy? In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies, which are junk food. 2. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits which are full of vitamins.

3. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What’ s more, I think friends are an important part of one’s health. 4. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. It’s good to stay with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. 5.

A. I only eat little meat.

B. On the other hand, doing exercise is very important.

C. Some people appear fat because they often eat too much.

D. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

E. But if our health is taken away, it is certain that we would die.

F. There are some people who like staying alone, but they keep healthy.

G. Many studies show that people who have a wide range of social contact get sick less than those who don’t.

My friend Jim was a well-known radio host, who worked at a radio station all his life. All his colleagues knew him about one characteristic: If he’s on-air, he is always wearing a suit and a tie. They laughed at him, saying, “No one ever sees you. Why do you dress like that?” But he always turned that into a joke.

One day Jim was invited to appear on the TV. There was a show for the oldest radio employees. For the first time his fans, who only knew Jim by his voice, would see him. Before the recording of the show, the director came to Jim and asked, “Usually you arrive on time, but today you are 10 minutes late. It’s not terrible, but I still want to know why.”

“You see,” Jim answered, “at the last moment when I was already dressed up, I noticed that I didn't have new socks. For the first time I was invited to the television, and I thought that simply wearing clean socks was not enough. So I needed to go to the store for new socks.”

The director was surprised. He asked, “Why do you need new socks? You could have come without the socks because we will be filming you only over the waist.”

“ You see, to be perfect, I need to feel myself perfect in everything, starting with the shirt and finishing with the pen in my pocket,” Jim said. “And if my socks have holes in them or my shoes are dirty, I’m not spotless anymore. And it may make me less confident.”

1.From Para. 1 we can learn that when Jim is on-air, he______.

A. likes telling jokes

B. behaves strangely

C. always wears the same clothes

D. is careful about his dress

2.Jim was late for the TV show because______.

A. he went to buy new socks

B. he didn’t like to be filmed

C. he had to clean his clothes

D. he was too nervous

3.For Jim, being perfect in everything ______.

A. brings him success

B. makes him popular

C. gives him confidence

D. is difficult but necessary


I have two sons. They are as different as night and day. My youngest is sweet, loveable, easy-going, and finds joy in everything. My oldest we’ve nicknamed the “Evil Genius” is ambitious, self-confident, and suffers no fools. Whenever we mentioned Santa my husband and I were rewarded with major eye rolling and deep sighs from my oldest. At first we both tried to ignore it.

We both knew that our eldest had figured out the big secret. But I’d be damned(指责) if he was going to ruin it for his six-year-old brother who had plenty of Santa-loving years ahead of him. I looked at my husband in the eye and said, “I’ll handle this.” to which he responded “Okay just be careful because I’m not sure he knows - he might just be acting like it.” But I knew. And I had it in my mind that he was about to break his younger brothers spirit and break the news to him. I was afraid he was going to take the Christmas spirit away from my sweet innocent youngest and stamp all over it. I had to protect him. I needed to control this now before it got out of control. I rushed into the play room where my oldest was playing alone. I looked him dead in the eyes and said: “Well you know Santa isn’t real, right?” And as I stared at my eight-year-old son for what seemed like a long time of silence, his eyes started to fill with tears. And a tear dropped down his cheek when he screamed out, “He’s not?” “Um well it’s not that he’s not real (shut up you idiot- stop saying he’s not real), but he doesn’t really make and deliver all the toys. Dad and I get some of them for you. So he’s real. He’s just got a little help from us.”

The Evil Genius wasn’t buying it. He just sat there looking at me with an expression of doubt. You know when you make a terrible mistake but you can’t stop yourself from making it worse? That was me because I just had to know. I had to know why he had seemed to be over Santa. So I asked him why he rolled his eyes and sighed every time his father and I mentioned Santa, to which he replied that kids at school had been saying Santa wasn't real but that he still thought he was.

1.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Two different sons

B. Santa secret given away

C. Protecting one, ruining the other

D. Making a mistake worse

2.What did the writer conclude when “Evil Genius” rolled his eyes and sighed?

A. “Evil Genius” had discovered Santa was not real.

B. “Evil Genius” had broken the secret to his younger brother.

C. “Evil Genius” had passed his Santa-loving years.

D. “Evil Genius” had been influenced by his classmates.

3.What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?

A. “Evil Genius” refused to buy toys.

B. “Evil Genius” didn’t believe his mother’s words.

C. “Evil Genius” wanted to keep silent.

D. “Evil Genius” would not give away the secret.

4.What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. Lies can never change facts.

B. Honesty is the best policy.

C. No one is perfect.

D. We should think twice before we act.

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