
Sally Donovan is cooking when a paper plane flies across the kitchen and lands at her feet. She picks it up, unfolds it and finds a child’s sketch (素描) of a tear-stained face with a speech bubble saying: “I’m sorry I was naughty—I’m a bad person.”

Sally, 42, draws a big smiley face on the back of the paper with “I love you, Rose, and we’re always going to look after you.” Then she folds it up and launches the plane back into the living room where her nine-year-old daughter is watching TV with brother Jamie, 13 and dad Rod, 40.

Jamie often makes pictures for his parents too—like the one showing a swift river with them on one side and him trapped on the other side.

It’s one of the many unusual ways that Sally and Rob have learned to communicate emotionally with their abused children in an astonishing eight-year journey of hope, healing and love.

Jamie was just four and half—sister Rose one when they were adopted by the Donovans in 2005. The youngsters had been taken from their natural mother and placed in foster care after a series of cruelty and neglect. They were left alone, hungry, and witnessed home violence on a regular basis.

Sally and Rob spent three years trying for a baby before deciding to adopt, and were well aware of the youngsters' poor background. But they were still unprepared for raising a child permanently scared by abuse or the lack of support on offer.

But now Sally has written a brilliant and heart-touching account of their family struggle in a book called “No Matter What”. Sally said: “These kids come to you with a story that what happened to them was their fault—because they are bad and unlovable. To show them they are loveable and none of it was their fault takes a lot of time. They both still say “I’m bad”. Jamie is less stuck on it now but whenever life deals him a knock, he will fall back into ‘that happened because I am stupid, I’m rubbish, I’m bad’.”

Sally’s book is humorous, heart-touching and so wildly honest that academics, charity bosses, parents and adoptees are praising it as a major contribution to child welfare work.

1.Sally and Rob adopted the two children mainly because ____.

A. they knew the children’s background very well

B. they wanted to help the children out of trouble

C. they couldn’t have children of their own

D. they couldn’t bear the cruelty done to the children

2.Why did the two adopted children still say “I’m bad” ?

A. They know clearly they are not lovable enough.

B. They often put the situation in an embarrassment.

C. What they suffered rooted deep in their minds.

D. They are honest of what they have done.

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Rose was a baby when adopted by Sally and Rob.

B. Sally has written a book about how to adopt children.

C. Jamie still blames himself for whatever happens to him.

D. There is still a long way to go for helping the children out.


Recently, a scientist did some experiments.He left a group of 4-year-olds in a room with a bell and a candy.If they rang the bell, he would come back and they could eat the candy.If, however, they didn't ring the bell and waited for him to come back on his own, they could then have two candies.

In videos of the experiment, he can see the children kicking, hiding their eyes--trying to exercise self-control so they can wait and get two candies.The results are different.Some broke down and rang the bell within a minute.Others lasted 15 minutes.

The children who waited longer went on to get higher SAT scores.They got into better colleges and had better adult success.The children who rang the bell quickest were more likely to have received worse teacher and parental evaluations 10 years later and were more likely to have drug problems at age 32.

The experiments are worth noting because people spend a lot of time thinking about how to improve education, how to become rich.But when the result is not good, they will come back to ask "how do we get people to get the sort of self-control that leads to success?" This is to enter the world of human nature.

So these experiments along with everyday experience, tell us that self-control is most important.Young people who can sit through sometimes boring classes to get a degree can work hard in order to learn a language well.They can avoid drugs and alcohol.For people without self-control skills, however, school is a series of failed ordeals(煎熬).No wonder they drop out and their later life is a group of foolish ideas, such as drug use, stealing and so on.

1.The scientist did some experiments to .

A. test children's self control and later success

B. test children's intelligence of ringing the bell

C. find good ways of training children to learn

D. prove that children's education is important

2.How long did the scientist's experiments last according to the text?

A. Just 15 minutes. B. Within 10 years.

C. Less than 14 years. D.More than 28 years.

3.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Ways of self-control training

B. Experiments on children's ringing the bell

C. Higher score, better achievements

D. Self-control is the key to success


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1.The Smiths,a retired couple,would probably call ________ for several quiet starry nights.

A.762?3473 B.1?877?344?7117

C.(866) 388?2877 D.1?800?760?6934

2.The Johnsons (aged 9—68),adventure lovers,are more likely to check ________ for more






3.What kind of activities do the five tours all provide?

A.Outdoor activities.

B.Adventurous activities.

C.Educational activities.

D.Free activities.

4.Where can the passage be probably found?

A.In a tour brochure. B.In science fiction.

C.In a textbook. D.In a TV guide.



My six-year-old daughter Amara and I ducked into a shop to hide from the rain. I hadn't _________ on a trip to this place. But I figured we'd see what they had _________ we were there. I took my daughter’s hand and _________ around. Suddenly there was a pull on my hand and my _________ was being directed to the shoe section. I let go of her hand and she _________ out to touch a pair of shiny black shoes.

“Buy me?”

“Oh, Sweetie, they are tap shoes. You aren't learning tap dance.”

“Buy me?” she _________ .

“Well, let’s try them on.”

She sat on the floor and _________ her rain boots, and easily slid the new shoes on. A perfect _________ . When she stood up she heard “click”. She took a step. Click, Click. Slowly recognition dawned, as she made the _________ between the shoes and her moving feet. Click , Click , Click.

“Buy me?” with a _________ look in her eyes.

“Okay, take them off and put them in the bag.”

The sun had come back out as we stepped out from our little side _________ . When we were near the car, Amara reached for the bag. I gave it to her wondering what _________ she was looking for. The shoes, of course.

I helped her wear the shoes. Our next stop was the grocery store and these shoes were made to make noise, _________ on my little girl’s feet. This could be _________ . Click, Click, Click — people turned to look. Click, Click, Click. I could feel the _________ stares of the proper people who would never allow their daughters to wear tap shoes to the grocery store. I held up my head with _________ .The “click, click, click” was _________ to my ears.

When Amara was a baby, we were told she would never walk or talk. It has_________ a lot of hard work and patience but she asked for the shoes and the “click, click, click” _________ she can walk. It doesn't matter _________ others think. They don't walk in your shoes.

1.A. offered B. promised C. planned D. changed

2.A. if B. since C. although D. unless

3.A. wandered B. showed C. turned D. played

4.A. thought B. brain C. focus D. attention

5.A. handed B. reached C. took D. picked

6.A. repeated B. announced C. claimed D. responded

7.A. wore B. sought C. attached D.removed

8.A. touch B. sign C. fit D. move

9.A. connection B. choice C. determination D. study

10.A. respectful B. hopeful C. painful D. delightful

11.A. watch B. path C. view D. trip

12.A. admiration B. miracle C. treasure D. fortune

13.A. especially B. generally C. directly D. approximately

14.A. humorous B. interesting C. ridiculous D. amazing

15.A. disappointing B. challenging C. inspiring D. disapproving

16.A. shame B. hesitation C. pride D. sorrow

17.A. music B. noise C. credit D. gratitude

18.A. called B. taken C. spent D. lent

19.A. realizes B. feels C. says D. appears

20.A. why B. which C. how D. what


According to statistics published by the University of Scranton, about 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions—and the most popular resolution is losing weight. Of those who make resolutions, a mere 8 percent achieve them.

___1.__ Are we just setting ourselves up for failure? Learn how to make realistic resolutions and how to overcome the roadblocks along the way.

Setting a resolution to lose pounds isn’t a goal that’s achievable now. It may be a good long-term goal. ___2.__ Registered dietitian Elisa Zied says “… to be real when you make a resolution. It’s okay to shoot for the stars like making a resolution, but why not set a smaller goal and train smart?”

The same concept applies to weight loss. __3.___ These goals should help develop healthy habits that will finally help achieve your long-term resolution.

Notice that these goals are simple and achievable. “Instead of going from zero to 60, from never going to the gym to going four to five times a week, why not start with three days a week, get consistent and build from there,” Zied says. Set yourself up for success and map out your course by making appointments with yourself to be active. __4.___

You also need to be aware of your current exercise and eating habits to make achievable goals. Keeping a diary of your food and exercise habits can help. Record everything you eat and drink for three to five days and review it. __5.___For example, if you notice a tendency to snack on unhealthy fare, set a goal to eat a fruit or vegetable with each snack. Building on these smaller goals over time can help you achieve your long-term goal.

A. So why do so many of us fail to achieve our goals?

B. Once you notice your not-so-good habits, start fixing them.

C. Set between one and three weekly goals that you want to achieve.

D. Resolutions usually involve a commitment to sticking to your goals.

E. However, in order to reach it, you need to take baby steps to get it down.

F. If you treat your goals like set appointment, you’re more likely to achieve them.

G. Losing weight, as well as getting a better job, is among the most popular resolutions for adults.

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