
People are ________ the use of alternative energy sources because the rate ________ we are now assuming fuels like gas and oil is shocking and they may run out one day.

A. wrestling with; by which

B. pushing for; at which

C. catching up on; at which

D. accounting for; on which



If I had to explain my learning style, I would have to say that I’m a read and follow along kind of learner. When I read something that I really want to _________ , I often have an audio (音频) recording play along with it. It can help my memory absorb what I’m _________ . It’s also helpful from an audial standpoint since my hearing has been less than acute _________ a childhood illness. I always find that my listening abilities improve _________ I have a visual reference at the beginning. When I’m _________ to take away one or the other after the initial go-through, I _________ that I can actually remember the learning materials better. So that mixing of the visual and the audial _________ me to memorize things right away.

Another _________ I can mix this audial with the visual is by reading the material out _________ . I find my own_________ to be the perfect substitute for an audio recording if one is not _________ . As I’ve said before, my hearing can often be _________ by my literacy (读写能力) and vision. Reading to myself aloud helps me _________ because, like having an audio recording, it improves my reading and listening.

While I’m _________ , we have a lot of read-alongs, particularly in my English and literature classes. I always _________ these because my teacher and classmates all contribute to my _________ learning style of mixing listening with visual acuteness. Many teachers I’ve talked to agree that this form of study really _________ . I’ve also seen many of my classmates following my _________ and asking for materials with audio recordings to assist in their reading and _________ . So I think people _________ that this is the best way to learn various types of materials.

1.A.connect B.remember C.recognize D.know

2.A.listening B.speaking C.reading D.writing

3.A.in spite of B.because of C.in addition to D.according to

4.A.when B.unless C.until D.though

5.A.excited B.willing C.relieved D.able

6.A.find B.believe C.hope D.admit

7.A.forces B.allows C.requires D.encourages

8.A.explanation B.discussion C.way D.plan

9.A.clearly B.naturally C.loudly D.carefully

10.A.words B.methods C.tone D.voice

11.A.useful B.skillful C.possible D.available

12.A.controlled B.assisted C.damaged D.examined

13.A.communicate B.improve C.analyze D.learn

14.A.in class B.at home C.alone D.away

15.A.develop B.prepare C.share D.enjoy

16.A.preferred B.expected C.important D.practical

17.A.helps B.matters C.guarantees D.instruction

18.A.arrangement B.instruction C.rule D.example

19.A.imagination B.progress C.memorization D.challenge

20.A.predict B.wish C.prove D.agree

Grant Wood’s American Gothic caused a stir(轰动)in 1930 when it was exhibited for the first time at the Art Institute of Chicago and awarded a prize of 300 dollars. Newspapers across the country carried the story, and the painting of a farmer and a younger woman posed before a white house brought the artist instant fame.

In 1930, Grant Wood, an American painter with European training, noticed a small white house built in the small southern Iowa town of Eldon. Wood was so fascinated by it that he decided to paint the house along with the kind of people he thought should live in that house. In the painting, the farmer is modeled on his dentist. Dr. Byron McKeeby. His younger sister Nan served as a model for the woman (imagined to be the farmer’s wife or daughter). Wood wanted to give a description of the traditional roles of men and women as the man is holding a pitchfork (干草叉) symbolizing hard labor. Each element was painted separately; the models sat separately and never stood in front of the house. The Gothic style of the house inspired the painting’s title.

American Gothic remains one of the most famous paintings in the history of American art. The painting has become part of American popular culture. Some believe that Wood used it to satirize(讽刺) the narrow-mindedness that has been said to characterize Midwestern culture. The painting may also be read as a praise of the moral virtue or rural America or even as a mixture of praise and satire. American Gothic is one of the few images to reach the status of cultural symbol, along with Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

1.What can we learn about American Gothic?

A.It won a prize of £300.

B.The two characters in it posed before the White House.

C.It was the first painting by Grant Wood.

D.It was on show at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1930.

2.From the passage we can infer Iowa is in __________.

A.the southern town of Eldon

B.the Midwest of the United States

C.a European country

D.the city of Chicago

3.Grant Wood chose the two models __________.

A.to describe traditional roles of men and women

B.to praise the moral virtue of rural America

C.to make his dentist and his sister famous

D.to carry the story across the country

4.The title of the painting is based on __________.

A.the name of a small town

B.the man and the woman

C.the Gothic style of the house

D.the pitchfork symbolizing hard labor



Third Culture Kids

As more cities and companies become increasing international, there is a growing number of children that are creating their own sub-culture. Often _________ to as TCKs (Third Culture Kids) or Global Nomads, these students have a(n) _________ impact on the global community.

So who are these Third Culture Kids? They are not a new phenomenon. As one looks _________ history, there is a realization that certain groups of people have led highly _________ lives, a key _________in describing TCKs. They often _________ their parents into another country and spend a significant part of his or her development years outside the parents’ culture. They are _________ to new cultures and to other people in the community who _________ move constantly. Their numbers _________ into the hundreds of thousands and are increasing. Ease of _________ and constant relocation of people through multinational companies and global business links contribute to this _________ .

The question “Who am I?” is frequently asked by TCKs. They have_________ a host of cultural identities, and have built relationships to all the cultures, ________ not having full ownership of any. Although elements from each culture are absorbed into TCK’s life experience, the sense of _________ is in relationship to others of a similar background.

As you enter into the world of TCKs, one might suspect they are no _________ . But it is _________, after spending only a short time with them, that they bring a deep knowledge from inside and a special ability to compare _________ and local issues. They represent many countries and cultures. They are the future cross-culturalists and _________ future politicians, diplomats, government employees and educators.

They certainly experience a different lifestyle compared to their mono-cultural peers but we can benefit from their global and _________ lives. So, whatever one chooses to label the international students as ---TCKs, Global Nomads, or Global Souls ---we will gain unbelievable _________.

1.A. submitted B. appealed C. subscribed D. referred

2.A. tremendous B. temporary C. immediate D. initial

3.A. down on B. forward to C. up to D. back on

4.A. adventurous B. mobile C. civilized D. primitive

5.A. factor B. reason C. cause D. figure

6.A. accompany B. divide C. drive D. invite

7.A. connected B. exposed C. addicted D. committed

8.A. frequently B. also C. rarely D. altogether

9.A. extend B. burst C. break D. change

10.A. communication B. travel C. interaction D. export

11.A. tradition B. trend C. option D. shift

12.A. revealed B. discovered C. accumulated D. accelerated

13.A. as B. while C. when D. so

14.A. achievement B. belonging C. possessing D. responsibility

15.A. exception B. denying C. doubtful D. different

16.A. universal B. vital C. clear D. essential

17.A. international B. updated C. complicated D. specific

18.A. luckily B. hopefully C. necessarily D. generally

19.A. professional B. spiritual C. material D. colorful

20.A. awards B. rewards C. popularity D. Success

I could still remember that hot afternoon when my mother ordered me to walk to the public library, and borrow at least one book for the summer. In this way, she hoped to defeat my strange problem — inability to read.

In the library, I found my way into the “Children's Room.” I sat down on the floor and pulled a few books off the shelf. The cover of a book caught my eye. It presented a picture of a beagle. I had recently had a beagle, the first and only animal friend I ever had as a child. He was my secret sharer, but one morning, he was gone, given away to someone who had the space and the money to care for him. I never forgot my beagle.

There on the book's cover was a beagle which looked similar to my dog. I ran my fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover. My eyes ran across the title, Amos, the Beagle with a Plan. Unknowingly, I had read the title. Without opening the book, I borrowed it from the library for the summer.

Under the shade of a bush, I started to read about Amos. I read very, very slowly with difficulty. Though pages were turned slowly, I got the main idea of the story about a dog who, like mine, had been separated from his family and who finally found his way back home. That dog was my dog, and I was the little boy in the book. At the end of the story, my mind continued the final scene of reunion, on and on, until my own lost dog and I were, in my mind, running together.

My mother's call returned me to the real world. I suddenly realized something: I had read a book, and I had loved reading that book. Everyone knew I could not read. But I had read it. Books could be so wonderful. I was going to read them.

I never told my mother about my wonderful experience that summer, but she saw a slow but remarkable improvement in my classroom performance during the next year. And years later, she was proud that her son had read thousands of books, was awarded a PhD in the literature, and published his own books, articles, poetry and fiction. The power of the words has held.

1.The author's mother told him to borrow a book in order to ___________.

A. help cure him of his reading problem

B. encourage him to do more walking

C. let him spend a meaningful summer

D. make him learn more about animals

2.The author managed to read the book through because .

A. he was forced by his mother to read it

B. the book told the story of his pet dog

C. the book reminded him of his own story with his dog

D. the happy ending of the story attracted him

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The author's mother read the same book.

B. The author has become a successful writer.

C. The author has had happy summers ever since.

D. The author's mother rewarded him with books.

4.Which one can be the best title of the passage?

A. The Charm of a Book B. Mum's Strict Order

C. Reunion with My Beagle D. My Passion for Reading

Sally Donovan is cooking when a paper plane flies across the kitchen and lands at her feet. She picks it up, unfolds it and finds a child’s sketch (素描) of a tear-stained face with a speech bubble saying: “I’m sorry I was naughty—I’m a bad person.”

Sally, 42, draws a big smiley face on the back of the paper with “I love you, Rose, and we’re always going to look after you.” Then she folds it up and launches the plane back into the living room where her nine-year-old daughter is watching TV with brother Jamie, 13 and dad Rod, 40.

Jamie often makes pictures for his parents too—like the one showing a swift river with them on one side and him trapped on the other side.

It’s one of the many unusual ways that Sally and Rob have learned to communicate emotionally with their abused children in an astonishing eight-year journey of hope, healing and love.

Jamie was just four and half—sister Rose one when they were adopted by the Donovans in 2005. The youngsters had been taken from their natural mother and placed in foster care after a series of cruelty and neglect. They were left alone, hungry, and witnessed home violence on a regular basis.

Sally and Rob spent three years trying for a baby before deciding to adopt, and were well aware of the youngsters' poor background. But they were still unprepared for raising a child permanently scared by abuse or the lack of support on offer.

But now Sally has written a brilliant and heart-touching account of their family struggle in a book called “No Matter What”. Sally said: “These kids come to you with a story that what happened to them was their fault—because they are bad and unlovable. To show them they are loveable and none of it was their fault takes a lot of time. They both still say “I’m bad”. Jamie is less stuck on it now but whenever life deals him a knock, he will fall back into ‘that happened because I am stupid, I’m rubbish, I’m bad’.”

Sally’s book is humorous, heart-touching and so wildly honest that academics, charity bosses, parents and adoptees are praising it as a major contribution to child welfare work.

1.Sally and Rob adopted the two children mainly because ____.

A. they knew the children’s background very well

B. they wanted to help the children out of trouble

C. they couldn’t have children of their own

D. they couldn’t bear the cruelty done to the children

2.Why did the two adopted children still say “I’m bad” ?

A. They know clearly they are not lovable enough.

B. They often put the situation in an embarrassment.

C. What they suffered rooted deep in their minds.

D. They are honest of what they have done.

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Rose was a baby when adopted by Sally and Rob.

B. Sally has written a book about how to adopt children.

C. Jamie still blames himself for whatever happens to him.

D. There is still a long way to go for helping the children out.

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