
【题目】–Your car requires _____, Jeff.

–Sure.You know it is also what I want to have _____ for long.

A. being repaired;to be repaired

B. repairing;it repaired

C. repairing;repaired

D. to be repaired;it repaired


【解析】考查动词用法。句意:你的车需要修理,杰夫。是的,你知道,我现在想做的就是去修理它。 require 表示“需要”时,其后可接动名词(用主动表被动)或不定式(用被动形式表被动)。例如:The room requires cleaning [to be cleaned].房间需要打扫了。第二空have sth done,故选C项。


【题目】阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。

What do you do when you need to look something up? Go to the library? Open an encyclopedia(百科全书)? Click onto the Internet? These days, most people go straight to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. But how reliable is it?

There’s no denying the popularity and usefulness of Wikipedia. It attracts as many as 78 million visitors every month, and the site is available in more than 270 different languages. It’s one of the most comprehensive resources available, which includes almost all details, facts and information that may be concerned. It’s got much more information than an ordinary encyclopedia. The site is updated on a daily basis by thousands of people around the world. Anyone with an Internet connection can log on and edit the contents or add a new page. And you don’t need any formal training.

Of course, there are some controls. Wikipedia has a team of more than 1,500 administrators who check for false information. And main targets for harmful comments(such as politicians) are off-limits to public editing. But with more than 16 million articles to keep an eye on, it isn’t easy. So, while Wikipedia benefits from being constantly updated with information from all over the world, it’s also open to “vandals”(恣意破坏公共财物者).

Some of the damage is easy to notice. One person drew devil horns and a moustache on Microsoft chairman Bill Gate’s photo, while another edited Greek philosopher Plato’s biography to say he was a “Hawaiian weather man who is widely believed to have been a student of ‘Barney the purple Dinosaur’.

But other things are harder to spot. The most common form of vandalism (恣意破坏公共财物罪)involves adding tiny items of false information into the biography of a famous person. Unbelievably, some of this misinformation has appeared in newspapers, with The Daily Mail, The Guardian and The Independent all having fallen victim to the dirty tricks. For example, in an article about British comedian Sir Norman Wisdom, one newspaper claimed that he co-wrote Dame Vera Lynn’s wartime hit There’ll be bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover. He did no such thing. And in other article, it was reported that TV Theme tune composer Ronnie Hazlehurst had written the S Club 7’s hit Reach again, not true.

So, if you’re going to use any information from Wikipedia, make sure you double-check it first.

【1】We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. because of its popularity, 78 million people from 270 countries visit Wikipedia monthly.

B. updated by people around the world, the site is more likely to be damaged by hackers.

C. anyone who has access to the Internet can edit any contents of Wikipedia as they like.

D. the primary job of the administrators is to make sure true information is conveyed.

【2】 What’s the writer’s attitude to Wikipedia?

A. Critical. B. Doubtful.

C. Objective. D. Positive.

【3】Paragraph 5 mainly tells us ______.

A. it is really difficult to find out tiny items of false information.

B. no matter how famous the papers are, they can also be cheated.

C. you can never be careful enough while searching for information.

D. it was Sir Norman Wisdom who wrote the S Club 7’s hit Reach.

【4】What’s the best title for the text?

A. How to look something up in Wikipedia?

B. Wikipedia has advantages and disadvantages

C. Why Wikipedia is so popular?

D. Wikipedia is reliable to use

【题目】Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I’ve ever had: Be bold and brave and mighty forces will come to your aid.

Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On the other hand, whenever I had plunged into deep water, forced by courage or circumstance, I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.

Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you can eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They are potential powers we possess: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas even physical strength greater than most of us realize.

Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself confronting(面对) a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,” said Tim. “I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet— and stopped him cold.”

Boldness a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme—is not one that can be acquired overnight. But it can be taught to children and developed in adults. Confidence builds up. Surely, there will be setbacks and disappointments in life; Boldness in itself is no guarantee of success. But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.

So, always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities—and you’ll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.

【1】Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past?

A. He faced huge risks.

B. Fear prevented him from trying.

C. He lacked mighty forces.

D. Failure blocked his way to success.

【2】What is the implied meaning of the underlined part?

A. Act slightly above your abilities.

B. Swallow more than you can digest.

C. Develop more mysterious powers.

D. Learn to make creative decisions.

【3】What was especially important for Tim’s successful defense in the football game?

A. His physical strength. B. His basic skill.

C. His spiritual force. D. His real fear.

【4】What can be learned from Paragraph 5?

A. Boldness can be gained little by little.

B. Confidence grows more rapidly in adults.

C. Trying without success is meaningless.

D. Repeated failure creates a better life.

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