
¡¾1¡¿The President thanked the mothers for their sons and daughters ____£¨±£ÎÀ£©their country heart and soul£®

¡¾2¡¿Snowden said he did not think his son had ____£¨·¸×a crime, even though he said Edward Snowden broke U£®S£®laws£®

¡¾3¡¿In order to attract more customers some airlines offer free check-in____£¨ÐÐÀ£®

¡¾4¡¿The committee has proposed new ____£¨¹æÕ£©to control the hours of its employees£®

¡¾5¡¿When ____£¨»Ø±¨£©with a quicker sale he made the extra effort to impress the buyers with his products£®

¡¾6¡¿What ____£¨µ£ÐÄ£©teachers and employers deeply is that students are not well prepared for university courses£®

¡¾7¡¿A tight ____£¨ÈÕ³Ì±í£©means we can¡¯t delay any longer£®

¡¾8¡¿Now we are trying to build a country where the people can live in peace and ____£¨ºÍг£©with ourselves and those around us£®

¡¾9¡¿Though there are some people protesting against the plan, they are in the ____£¨ÉÙÊý£©£®

¡¾10¡¿There are many approaches to ____£¨µ÷Õû£©their way of working and thinking according to changing situations£®








¡¾7¡¿schedule / timetable





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¡¾8¡¿¿¼²éÃû´Ê¡£ In harmony with Óë¡£¡£ºÍгÏà´¦£»





How to get motivated

You must think positively no matter how big a challenge is. If you think positively you will feel better and will be able to overcome challenges in life. Furthermore, meet an optimistic person and you will notice how motivated he is towards life. ¡¾1¡¿ On the other hand, negative thinking will only cause more depression in your life.

¡¾2¡¿ Don¡¯t be jealous of those who are successful around you. Instead, take inspiration from their success stories. This will make you motivated to get what you want. Moreover, you can also read books that are written by inspirational and successful personalities.

There is a famous quote that reads, ¡°A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.¡± If your mind is healthy you will think positively. ¡¾3¡¿ Whether you are working out in the gym or going for a long walk, make sure that you include an exercise plan in your daily routine.

¡¾4¡¿ Therefore, it is important to break your routine and do something different. Either you go on a vacation or learn a new skill, it is important to break the monotony(ǧƪһÂÉ) in your daily life.

Human beings are extraordinary individuals who are able to complete the hardest tasks and achieve the impossible. It is important to get out of your comfort zone and try something different. ¡¾5¡¿ .

A. Therefore, it is important to exercise.

B. Keeping yourself motivated is not a difficult task.

C. You might lose motivation by doing the same things over and over again.

D. One of the best ways to motivate oneself is to get inspired by others¡¯ success.

E. Remember, positive thinking gives you motivation to achieve what you want.

F. By doing so you will get motivated and your attitudes towards life will be positive.

G. Do things that make you happy and find inspiration in possibly everything you see.


Smoggy weather has become common in China. But these days, air pollution levels in the northeastern city of Harbin surpassed the previous record levels.

The city was essentially shut down after PM2.5, fine particulate£¨Î¢Á£µÄ£© pollution that is considered dangerous, reached levels of 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter-¡¾1¡¿. And therefore schools, motorways and an airport were closed on Tuesday as visibility in some areas of the city dropped to less than 10 meters.

¡¾2¡¿. It stated that there is ¡° sufficient evidence¡± that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer. ¡¾3¡¿. Moreover, it¡¯s said that exposure has increased significantly particularly in ¡°rapidly industrial countries with large populations¡±.

On the Chinese social media site Weibo, many users complained about the pollution and shared their concerns. ¡¾4¡¿. Nowadays, there is a sarcastic£¨·í´ÌµÄ£© play on the expression ¡°serve the people¡±, as the two have a similar pronunciation.

¡°¡¾5¡¿. There won¡¯t be a sudden outbreak of symptoms, but normally three to five days after the smoggy weather occurs, there is a peak in the number of people seeing doctors,¡± a doctor said.

A. The impact of air pollution on people will be gradual.

B. Smog has been regarded as the biggest killer nowadays in China.

C. Just days previously, the WHO classified air pollution as a carcinogen£¨Ö°©Î.

D. The faster smog comes, the faster it goes away.

E. References to ¡°feed people with smog¡± have become popular on Weibo.

F. 40 times the safety level reminded by the World Health Organization.

G. And meanwhile, the risk of bladder£¨°òë×£©cancer is also closely connected with it.



Travel Exercise Tips

Walk around town£®_¡¾1¡¿__ But by walking around you'll get a better and true feel for the area via the shops and local businesses£®You will also see more of the city, as well as discover interesting side streets to explore£®

Plan ahead£®Book a hotel that has a gym or pool you can use£®Look for a fitness club that allows guest visitors£®Cities such as Los Angeles even have running tours that offer guided runs£®__¡¾2¡¿___ Investigate the local area for a state park or natural that needs to be explored with camera in hand.

Pack a jump rope£®Yes, a simple little rope can get your heart rate (ÐÄÂÊ) rising quickly while putting a smile on your face£®Most of the people have found much pleasure in skipping rope especially when very young£®__¡¾3¡¿___Jump ropes are light, portable and don't take up much room in your bag£®You can also share your companions£¨Âð飩by setting a competition of who can jump the most times in a row without stopping.

Put together a quick workout£®Look around your hotel room for items that may be used to add resistance as in strength training£®___¡¾4¡¿__ The creativity involved (ÓйØÁªµÄ) can almost be rewarding as the workout itself.

__¡¾5¡¿___ Make an effort to find time on the road during which you can do a workout£®Remember that the government recommends accumulating (»ýÀÛ) 30 minutes of activity a day£®With the above tips, it shouldn't be too hard.

A£®But it is still fun as an adult.

B£®True, a taxi or the subway can be faster.

C£®Most gyms offer group exercise classes such yoga.

D£®With such guidance you can know the neighborhood is safe.

E£®Travelling is fun, but don't forget to take your fitness with you.

F£®Muscles can be used to always working in the same way£®

G£®They may be bottles of water, backpack with few books in it, a door frame or a set of stairs.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
