
【题目】假如你是中学生李华,在上个月的英语演讲比赛准备过程中,认识了外教Mr. Smith, 并得到他的帮助。现在你给他写封信表达谢意。要点如下:






Dear Mr. Smith,








Yours ,

Li Hua

【答案】Dear Mr Smith,

I’m LiHua, a student from Yu Cai Middle School, whom you helped in my preparation for the English Speech Contest last month. So I’m writing to express my gratitude.

Your classes are unforgettable, where not only could I learn more knowledge on speech but I had a lot of fun. You were always listening to my speech carefully no matter how many mistakes I made. Above all, you helped me to correct these mistakes with patience. But for your kind help, I couldn’t have got the first prize.

What a great influence you had on me. I’m determined to work hard at my study in order to be a useful person who can make a contribution to our country and society.


Li Hua



高级词汇:express my gratitude, unforgettable,more。。。 than。。。, patience, be determined to do , make a contribution to


I’m LiHua, a student from Yu Cai Middle School, whom you helped in my preparation for the English Speech Contest last month. (定语从句)

Your classes are unforgettable, where not only could I learn more knowledge on speech but I had a lot of fun.(定语从句)

You were always listening to my speech carefully no matter how many mistakes I made. (让步状语)


But for your kind help, I couldn’t have got the first prize. (虚拟语气)

What a great influence you had on me.(感叹句)


The US will have a new president this fall. Voters will decide between the Democratic candidate (候选人), Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump of the Republicans.
But the voting is not a must for each person in the US. So quite a lot of people choose not to vote, especially the young generation. According to Fox News, one-in-five young voters between the ages of 18 and 35 said clearly that they wouldn't vote for either of the two candidates. Just 12 percent of voters aged 35-54, and only nine percent of voters aged 55 and older said the same thing.
This is not only because young people don't like Clinton or Trump, according to the Fortune magazine. The truth is that they are traditionally less likely to vote than their parents.
“Young people are not at an age in their life when they think politics or government has anything to do with them,” said Rodd Freitag, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, US. “But for the older age groups, they have a home, they pay taxes (税), they care about schools and the community.”
Many believe that the civic (公民的) education of an American youth is another reason why they don't vote.
Students usually just do community services like cleaning the neighborhoods. This means they haven't learned how to link real life problems to politics through voting, according to Christopher Beem, a politics professor at the Pennsylvania State University.
He said the country needs to help young people learn how to take part in politics and get them to see that they can make a difference.
(1)What percentage of young voters wouldn't go to vote?
A.9 percent.
B.12 percent.
C.20 percent.
D.55 percent.
(2)According to Rodd Freitag, young people are less likely to vote because ________.
A.they don't like either of the candidates
B.their parents don't like to vote
C.they don't think it is a part of their life
D.they have no work and care little about living problems
(3)Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.US Young Not Voting
B.US Young and Their President
C.Young People's Power
D.Voting for the New US President

A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspapers.“last week, ”said he, “my umbrella was stolen from a London church.As it was a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising, but didn't get it back.”
“How did you write your advertisement?” asked one of the listeners, a merchant.
“Here it is,” said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper.The other man took it and read, “Lost from the City Church last Sunday evening, a black silk umbrella.The gentleman who finds it will receive ten shillings on leaving it at No.10 Broad Street.”
“Now, ”Said the merchant, “I often advertise, and find that it pays me well . But the way in which an advertisement is expressed is of extreme importance.Let us try for your umbrella again, and if it fails, I'll buy you a new one.”
The merchant then took a slip of paper out of his pocket and wrote:“If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesn't wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No.10 Broad Street.He is well known.”
This appeared in the paper, and on the following morning, the man was astonished when he opened the front door.In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors that had been thrown, and his own was among them.Many of them had notes fastened to them saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the loser not to say anything about the matter.
(1)The man once thought advertising was ________.
A.of little use
B.of some use
(2)Why did the merchant say “I often advertise and find that it pays me well”?
A.He knew how to advertise.
B.He had more money for advertising.
C.He found it easy to advertise
D.He had a friend in the newspaper where he advertised.
(3)Who had probably taken the umbrella?
A.The merchant.
B.The man himself.
C.Someone we don't know.
D.The merchant's friend.
(4)What's the main idea of the passage?
A.a useless advertisement
B.how to make an effective advertisement
C.how the man lost and found his umbrella
D.what the merchant did for the umbrella owner

【题目】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。Finding Your Hidden Talents

What sorts of things do you like to read about, watch or do? What are your favorite shows on television? Which column of the newspaper and magazines do you like to read? To know what you are interested in is the first step towards finding your hidden talents.
● Try out different things.
If y ou want to find out your dexterity (灵巧) in each of the things that interest you, then try them out. Locate a safe environment, where you can try out different things without anybody's interference (干扰).
●Find your passion(激情)
. However, there will be only a thing or two, which you are passionate about. What is the one thing that you love to do the most, with most enthusiasm (热情)? Get the answer to the question and you will come to know what exactly you are passionate about.
●Improve yourself
After you come to know about the areas of your interest, it is the time to improve yourself. Read lots of books and learn from people. One of the best ways to learn something is to teach.. This will help increase your depth of knowledge. In this process, you will be able to discover all your hidden talents.
●Know your limits
In the process of finding your strengths or talents, you should not ignore your weaknesses as well. . Know what makes you struggle. You will then come to know about your talents as well as the areas that you need to work on.
A. Find your interests.
B. Know your strengths.
C. Therefore, teach what you have learnt.
D. You may be a person of various interests.
E. Carry out experiments and explore things.
F. It needs observation and analysis (分析)of one's own self.
G. Find out the things which you are not good at.

Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel.
Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority.”
Blue interrupted, “You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life.”
Yellow chuckled(咯咯地笑). “The sun is yellow, as well as the moon and the stars. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile.”
Red could bear it no longer. “I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood-life's blood! I am the color of danger and bravery. I bring fire into the blood. I am the color of passion and love.”
Purple stood at his full height. “I am the color of royalty(皇室) and power. I am the sign of authority (权力) and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey.”
Finally Indigo(靛蓝) spoke with determination, “Think of me and I am the color of silence. I represent thought and reflection. You need me for balance and contrast(对比), for prayer and inner peace.”
The colors went on boasting(吹嘘), each showing off his or her own advantages. Suddenly there came a flash of bright lightening. Thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down. The colors were scared to death.
In the midst of the quarrelling, rain began to speak, “You foolish colors. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me.”
Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.
From then on, when it rains, colors will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color.
Whenever a rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.
(1)Why did the colors quarrel?
A.Because they often fought for some reasons.
B.Because they were not liked by each other.
C.Because they all claimed to be the best.
D.Because they all wanted to rule other colors.
(2)To show their power, the kings would prefer to ________.
(3)We can know that ________.
A.the colors lived in peace at last
B.rain was the ruler of the colors
C.the colors kept quarrelling all the time
D.thunder was angry with the boasting
(4)The rainbow across the sky reminds us that ________.
A.the rain bow is the sign of the rain
B.each color is unique and different
C.everything should be put in right order
D.joining hands makes perfect

【题目】Haad Farang (Haad Sai Yao),KohMuk

This small but striking bay in Thailand has waters free from riptides(激流),making it safe for families to play water in the sun.As its nickname implies—Farang is Thai for foreigners—you'll find a large concentration of backpackers here.Still,with only a couple of simple food shops,it's a far cry from the noises of Chaweng beach on Koh Samui or Kamala on Phuket,which makes it to be one of the top tourist destinations.

Rent a sea kayak(皮划艇)(100 baht,which is around£2 an hour) and go around the comer to Tham Morakot (the Emerald Cave),a winding cave that opens up to a.bay walled by thick leaves and often visited by groups of monkeys.It is very inspiring,but to fully appreciate it,be sure to prepare a light to avoid knocking into cave walls and other kayaks.To avoid being crowded,make the trip in the late afternoon.

Where to eat

The Ko Yao Viewpoint Hotel is the best place for tourists.Drink the sweet cocktails in favour of an icy Chang beer and sit in the last rays of the day.

Where to stay

Cheaper hotels of comparable quality are set slightly back in the forest,but if you want beachfront access it's worth choosing one of the basic hotels at Koh Mook Charlie Beach Resort (bungalows from£32).

Getting there

Fly from Bangkok to Trang with Air Asia (from£30),then take a one-hour Tigerline ship from Hat Yao Pier (£19).Besides,a five-hour ship from Phuket at Rassada Pier(£41) goes directly to the island and will drop passengers at Haad Farang.

For more information and service,please click here.

1What is most likely to attract many people to Haad Farang?

A. Its riptides. B. Its scenery.

C. Its simple food shops. D. Its quiet environment.

2What can we infer about the Tham Morakot?

A. It has winding rivers suitable for boating.

B. There live groups of monkeys inside it.

C. Tourists need to take care when swimming here.

D. There are fewer people in the late afternoon.

3Which of the following is the advantage of the hotels back in the forest?

A. They are near the sea. B. They are not expensive.

C. It's very quiet there. D. It's of high quality there.

4Where is the text most probably taken from?

A. Travel magazines. B. Newspapers.

C. Internet. D. Travel Agency notes.

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