
【题目】The city has its pleasures, but Christine wished _____ for the quiet of country life.




考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个城市有它的乐趣,但是克丽丝汀却希望享受宁静的乡村生活。A. even 即使;B. thus 因此;C. either 两者中任何一个;D. instead相反。结合前文The city has its pleasures(这个城市有它的乐趣)和后文the quiet of country life(宁静的乡村生活)可知,克里斯汀希望的是与城市喧嚣相反的宁静的乡村生活,instead“相反”符合语境。故选D项。


【题目】 Even if you don't know much about Russian author Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), you may be familiar with his famous poem The Song of the Stormy Petrel since its ending note “Let it break in all its fury!" has been encouraging generations of people for years now.

Gorky was a highly influential author. More than any other writer, he laid the foundations for the famous literary style known as socialist realism. In this kind of writing, the author uses literary techniques to create the impression of reality in his or her writings.

March 16 this year marked the 152th anniversary of Gorky's birth.

He was born into an ordinary life but soon became an orphan, before being raised by his grandmother in poverty. As he grew older, he would take a job and then quickly move on to another. He tried many jobs, but the one that he seemed to love the most was being a journalist.

It was in this job that he gained a particular impression of the world — that it was horribly inequitable in its treatment of the poor. It was a world, therefore, that had to go. Gorky was naturally attracted to the political movement of Marxian social democracy.He knew many revolutionaries including the most important one of all, Vladimir Lenin(1870-1924). The two became friends in 1903 and The Song of the Stormy Petrel was one of Lenin's favorite works by Gorky.

Asa writer, Gorky naturally valued literature. But lie also valued life experience, of which he had plenty. The key to being a modem person, he thought, was to acquire a critical attitude: “Keep reading books, but remember that a book's only a book, and you should learn to think for yourself,” he once said.

1What can we learn about Gorky's childhood?

A.He lived an extraordinary life.B.He tried few jobs.

C.He led a hard life.D.He grew up by himself

2What docs the underlined word "inequitable" in paragraph 5 refer to?



3Which of the following is TRUE about Gorky?

A.He valued critical thinking.B.He was of little influence.

C.He was easy to bow before difficulties.D.He discounted life experience.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.Gorky and his family.B.The hardship Gorky experienced.

C.Gorky's famous works.D.Gorky's influence in literature and his life.

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