






【答案】Dear Tony,

Many thanks for your concern! Though Gaokao has been postponed due to the overwhelming COVID-19 ,it is approaching day by day.

Currently, I' m under unbearable pressure with endless tests to sit. I sometimes suffer test anxiety , which does upset me a lot. But what can't beat me can only serve to make me stronger. I' m positive that with adequate preparations, I' m getting closer and closer to my dream-to be a doctor to relieve pains of patients, which will motivate me to study harder.

Best wishes!


Li Hua



第一步: 审题

体裁: 应用文


结构: 总分法



1. 感谢关心;


第二步: 列提纲 (重点词组)

thanks fordue tounder pressure

第三步: 连词成句

Many thanks for your concern!

Though Gaokao has been postponed due to the overwhelming COVID-19 ,it is approaching day by day.

Currently, I' m under unbearable pressure with endless tests to sit.

But what can't beat me can only serve to make me stronger.

I' m positive that with adequate preparations, I' m getting closer and closer to my dream-to be a doctor to relieve pains of patients, which will motivate me to study harder.


第四步: 连句成篇 (衔接词)

1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/SecondAnd then, Finally, In the end, At last

2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, including,

3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although + clause(从句), In spite of + n/doing,On the one hand, On the other hand, while, as for

4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result


第五步: 润色修改


【题目】 The rapid growth in skyscrapers worldwide has led to a high demand for window washers since most of these buildings feature large glass panes (窗格) to highlight their breathtaking views.

Though the job offers a handsome salary, dangling alongside multi-story structures is dangerous, and accidents are not uncommon. However, if Israel-based company Skyline Technologies has its way, the dangerous chore may soon be taken care of by Ozmo, an intelligent window cleaning robot.

"As a society, we've become too comfortable watching people hanging off the sides of 30-story buildings," says Yaron Schwarez, co-founder and CEO of Skyline Robotics. "No salary could justify allowing people to put their lives in the hands of a system of ropes."

Much like humans, Ozmo is placed on platforms suspended from the buildings and uses its arms and brushes to clean the dirt on the glass panes. A 3D map of the building's surface programmed into its system allows the robot to skillfully handle obstacles as it moves up and down the structure. Computer vision and touch sensors enable it to move out of the way in case of unexpected events, such as the sudden opening of a window.

Unlike current window washers, the robot cleaner does not require soap to clean the glass. Instead, it uses distilled water (蒸馏水) and a process called dirt absorption to do the job. Schwarez explains, "We use pure water to absorb and remove the salts, the minerals, the oils, and the dirt from the building. We are environmentally-friendly."

Ozmo is also expected to be much more efficient than humans. While it currently takes three cleaners 480 hours each to clean the windows of a 40-story glass building, the robot will single-handedly complete the task in just 80 hours. However, unlike other robots, Ozmo will not replace human workers. It will only make their jobs safer by lifting them to the role of supervisors, who will be remotely controlling the operation from below.

Whether Ozmo, which is still undergoing testing, does as good a job as human remains to be seen.

1Which of the following can best replace the phrase "has its way" in paragraph 2?



2What can we learn about Ozmo from the passage?

A.It requires chemicals to clean.

B.It has trouble crossing obstacles.

C.It operates with great efficiency.

D.It works without human helpers.

3What is the author's attitude towards the future application of Ozmo?





4What is the best tile for the text?

A.Ozmo: a Double-edged Sword.

B.Ozmo: a Smart Window Cleaner.

C.Window Washing: a Dangerous Job.

D.Window Washing: a Blessing in Disguise.

【题目】Babies’ Look Changing

Researchers show that the early social behavior called look changing is linked to babies’ ability to learn new language sounds. 1. It is when a baby makes eye contact and then looks at the same object that the other person is looking at.

Rechel Brooks, one of the researchers, made a report, showing that babies’ look changing serves as a building block(基础)for more complicated language and social skills. 2.

In this experiment, nine 5-month-old babies from English-speaking families attended foreign language tutoring sessions. Over four weeks, the tutors talked and played with toys while speaking Spanish.

At the beginning and end of the four-week period, researchers counted how often the babies changed their look. 3. There they tested how much Spanish language sounds.

4. The more look changing the babies participate in during their tutoring sessions, the greater their brain response were to the Spanish language sounds.

“Our findings show young babies’ social engagement contributes to their own language learning – they’re not just passive listeners of language,” Brooks said. “They’re paying attention and showing parents they’re ready to learn when they’re looking back and forth.” 5.

The researchers hope their findings help people develop strategies for teaching young children.

A.That’s when the most learning happens

B.These skills are what preschool children can gain

C.The results were really amazing

D.We can’t imagine how look changing helps them learn so much

E.However, others may regard look changing as something useless

F.Look changing is one of the earliest social skills that babies show

G.After the experiment ended, the researchers brought the babies back to the lab

【题目】 A few years ago,I boarded a plane to Disney World with my 8-year -old kid Lucas.

Even before boarding,I was filled with_______. Lucas is an autistic (自闭症) boy.Traveling outside his comfort zone can sometimes be_______for Lucas. I was worried other passengers might not understand_______Lucas communicated with the world.

Worse sill,we were seated next to a man who_______to be hard boiled.As the plane_______ ,so did my boy's excitement level and my own worry.I could even_________ the unpleasant remarks this man might have for my excited son.

As Lucas began to play with an app on his iPad,he screamed with joy and _______his hands as loudly as he could.I began to_______,trying to quiet my son so that he wouldn't_______the other passengers. I noticed the hard-boiled man paying attention from the________ of my eye. He leaned closer to me and I even got________to begin a verbal fight.

However,the man________ said,“You know ,you don't have to keep him quiet for me. You can let him have fun.”It was the________thing I expected,and I didn't know what to say________“thank you”.

The kindness of that man will always be a(n)________to me that there are always people who want to enter our world and understand my wonderful boy.





5A.broke downB.touched downC.took offD.pulled out









14A.or ratherB.other thanC.rather thanD.more than


【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Voice for the Planet

It's the voice you notice first. In person, David Attenborough speaks in the same awestruck hush he has used in dozens of nature documentaries, a crisp half whisper 1 is often imitated but seldom matched. Sitting in his home in the Richmond neighbourhood of west London for one in a series of conversations, I feel obliged to drink 2 second cup of tea when he offers. It somehow seems wrong to say no.

In his native U. K. Attenborough is held in the kind of respect usually 3 (reserve) for royalty. Over decades - first as a television executive, then as a wildlife filmmaker and recently as a kind of elder statesman for the planet -- he has achieved near saintly(圣人的)status. He was knighted(封为骑士)by the Queen in 1985 and 4 (usually refer) to as Sir David.

Attenborough pioneered a style of wildlife film-making that brought viewers to remote landscapes and gave them a close perspective on the wonders of nature. In the autumn of his life, Attenborough has largely moved away from 5 these films are made but lends his storytelling abilities to wildlife documentaries in collaboration with filmmakers his storytelling abilities to wildlife documentaries in collaboration with filmmakers he has mentored. His most famous work, the 2006 BBC series Planet Earth, set a benchmark in the use of high-definition cameras and had a budget equal to 6 of a Hollywood movie. Among its highlights 7 (be) the first footage of a snow leopard, the impossibly rare Asian wildcat that hunts high in the Himalayas. More than a decade 8 it was first released, Planet Earth remains among the all-time best-selling nonfiction DVDs.

Now Attenborough is putting his voice and the weight of authority he has accumulated to greater moral purpose. In recent months he has stood 9 powerful audiences at the 2018 U. N. climate talks in Katowice, Poland, and the 2019 World Economic Forum at Davos, in Switzerland, to urge them into action on climate change. These kinds of event are not his chosen habitat, Attenborough tells TIME. "I would much prefer not to be a sign- 10 (carry) conservationist. My life is the natural world. But I can't not carry a placard(标语牌)if I see what's happening."

【题目】 Once I had a student called Jamal. He would squirm (扭来扭去)in his chair during independent work, and he would never stay still for more than three or four minutes. Students like Jamal can confuse brand new teachers because they’re not quite sure how to support young people like him. I took a direct approach. I negotiated with Jamal. If he could give me focused work, then he could do it from anywhere in the classroom: from our classroom rug, from behind my desk, or from inside his classroom locker, which turned out to be his favorite place.

Jamal’s least favorite subject was writing, and he never wanted to read what he had written out loud in class, but we were still making progress. One day, I decided to host a mock (模拟的)2008 presidential election in my classroom. My third graders had to research and write a speech for their chosen candidate: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John McCain. The favorite candidates were obvious, but one student chose John McCain. It was Jamal. Jamal finally decided to read something that he had written out loud in class, and sure enough, Jamal stunned all of us with his brilliance. Just like Jamal’s dad, John McCain was a veteran, and just like Jamal’s dad protected him, Jamal believed that John McCain would protect the entire country. He wasn’t my candidate of choice, but it didn’t matter, because the entire class erupted into applause for our brave friend Jamal who finally showed up as his most confident self for the first time that year.

A lack of confidence pulls us down from the bottom and weighs us down from the top, crushing us between a flurry of can’ts and won’ts. Without confidence, we get stuck, and when we get stuck, we can’t even get started. Instead of getting mired in what can get in our way, confidence invites us to perform with certainty.

1Which of the following best describes Jamal?

A.Naughty and stubbornB.Determined but shy

C.Smart but unfocusedD.Confident and generous

2Why did Jamal choose John McCain in the mock 2008 presidential election?

A.Because John was the least popular among the three choices.

B.Because John had written something about him before.

C.Because John shared some similarities with Jamal’s father.

D.Because John was a soldier who could protect the country.

3What does the underlined word “stun” mean?


4What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To introduce the change of the authors student.

B.To show how to deal with problem students.

C.To stress the importance of encouragement.

D.To encourage us to be confident.

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