

On a Friday night, a poor young artist was playing with his violin at a street corner with a large piece of paper on the ground. Before long, he was surrounding with people, who were all attracted by the word on that paper. It said, “Last night, a gentleman put an important thing into my hat with mistake. Please come to claim them soon.” Seeing this, people wondered why it could be. Some time later, a man came and take back his lottery which won a prize of $ 500,000. When asked why he didn’t keep it for himself, artist said, “While I don’t have much money, I live happy. However, if I lose honest, I won’t be happy forever.”


【1】play with --- 去掉with

【2】surrounding --- surrounded

【3】word --- words

【4】with (mistake) --- by

【5】them --- it

【6】why --- what

【7】take --- took

【8】artist --- 前加上 the

【9】happy --- happily

【10】honest --- honesty



【1】play with --- 去掉with 考查动词短语。短语play the violin弹奏小提琴,本句中的动词play表示演奏,是一个及无语动词,介词with是多余的。

【2】 surrounding --- surrounded 考查语态。主语he和动词surround构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词表示被动。句意:不久之后,他就被人们包围,人们被写在纸上的话所吸引。

【3】word --- words 考查名词复数形式。名词word意为说的话的时候通常使用复数形式。句意:不久之后,他就被人们包围,人们被写在纸上的话所吸引。

【4】 with (mistake) --- by 考查介词固定搭配。句意:昨天晚上有一个绅士错误地在我的帽子里放了一个很重要的东西。介词短语by mistake错误地,这是一个固定搭配。

【5】them --- it 考查代词。根据前句中an important thing可知这是单数名词,所以使用it指代单数名词,them指代复数名词。

【6】 why --- what 考查宾语从句连词。本题宾语从句中系动词be的后面缺少表扬,所以使用连接代词what引导这个宾语从句,并在句中作表语,why是连接副词,在句中只能做状语,不能做表语。

【7】take --- took 考查时态。本文叙述的是过去发生的事情,所以使用一般过去时,而且本句中took和came是并列结构,都使用动词的过去式。

【8】 artist --- 前加上 the 考查定冠词。在英语中,通常使用定冠词the表示特指上文提到的同一事物,本句中the artist特指第一句中的a poor young artist

【9】happy --- happily 考查副词。在英语中通常使用副词做状语修饰形容词、副词或动词,所以本句中使用副词happily修饰动词live。

【10】honest --- honesty 考查名词。动词lose是及物动词,后面要接名词做宾语,形容词honest的名词修饰是honesty。



Anxious about being alone? Don’t be. 【1】 , some researchers suggest it is wise for us to overcome the anxiety that seems to accompany loneliness, as there are lots of benefits of being alone.

We miss joy and pleasure less.

2 . This kind of fear causes us to give up much fun. For example, people have activities that they want to do—see a movie or a show that’s coming to town for one night only—but they lack friends to go with them, and so they miss it, 3 .

4 .

In a previous study, researchers found that those who spend a lot of time with close friends may be less associated with others, causing others feel they are cold and proud. So learning to be alone means leaning to get along well with strangers.

We become better people.

Some experts think being alone can provide us a good environment for us to reflecting on our actions and thinking about future personal improvements. 5 .The process allows us to look back upon the past, and return to the world with more insight and energy.

A. For many, the idea of going to a concert or out to dinner alone is terrified.

B. However, doing an activity alone isn’t any less enjoyable than taking a friend

C. The followings are the advantages of doing so

D. We’re kinder to strangers

E. Spending some time to do these things can make us happier and more independent

F. We can have fun with other friends

G. Although being alone isn’t our most comfortable state

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