

A tender woman, or an independent one, which one would you prefer? A recent research shows that most people would choose the latter.

This type of woman is called a nühanzi (“tough woman”). Experts believe these characteristics have social and psychological roots among young females in China. Su Hao’s friends all call her a tough woman, because she can finish tough tasks usually carried out by men. For example, she carries 10-litre water to her dormitory on the 5th floor. “I depend on no one but myself,” she says.

According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, tough women have become rather common in society. Of the 21,265 respondents, 78.5 percent said they are familiar with a tough woman. About 50 percent said they like women with tough characteristics, while less than 29 percent expressed the opposite view.

Why are tough women gaining popularity? Shen Meng, a psychological consultant, believes the fierce competition in society is contributing to this trend. “Women are often in a disadvantaged position compared to men,” Shen says. “In order to survive, they have to be independent, strong and tough.” Liu Xiaolin, professor of psychology at Wuhan Mental Health Center, believes tough women are brought up this way. They are often on close relationship with their fathers, who teach their daughters to be brave and decisive,” he says. As a result, these women are more likely to be psychologically healthy and more tolerant to stress, according to Liu.

Though Liu believes that this is a good trend, Hu Shenzhi, a psychologist at the Guangdong Sunflower Counseling Center, says the popularity of tough woman indicates an unclear line between gender identities, which can lead to relationship problems. “Some women with characteristics that differ from the traditional female image may have a difficult time finding Mr Right,” he says. “Even if they get married, their manly characteristics might cause family conflicts.

【1】Which of the followings doesn’t belong to the characteristics of a tough woman?

A. She is independent of others in daily life.

B. She can solve problems usually for men.

C. She is more tolerant to stress.

D. She is soft and tender to others.

【2】How many respondents like tough women?

A. about 21,265. B. about 16,700

C. about 10,600. D. about 6,200

【3】Why are there more tough women nowadays?

A. Because tough women are more lovely.

B. Because of the fierce competition in society.

C. Because girls often love fathers more.

D. Because more women want to be independent.

【4】What problems may tough women have in their life?

A. They may have difficulty with marriage.

B. They often suffer gender confusion.

C. It’s difficult for them to be friends.

D. They have different characteristics from traditional female images.








【1】D推理判断题。根据第二段第三句Su Hao’s friends all call her a tough woman, because she can finish tough tasks usually carried out by men.可知女汉子的特点——独立、耐得住压力以及解决问题的能力,D选项不符合这些特点,故选D。

【2】C细节理解题。本文第三段后两句Of the 21,265 respondents, 78.5 percent said they are familiar with a tough woman. About 50 percent said they like women with tough characteristics, while less than 29 percent expressed the opposite view.可知在21265个采访中,50%的人表示他们喜欢女汉子的特质。故选C。

【3】B细节理解题。从本文第四段前两句 Why are tough women gaining popularity? Shen Meng, a psychological consultant, believes the fierce competition in society is contributing to this trend.得知,激烈的社会竞争是导致当今女汉子增多的原因。故选B。

【4】A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句he says. “Even if they get married, their manly characteristics might cause family conflicts.可知,她们可能在婚姻中会出现问题。故A正确。


【题目】How can you find out what is going on inside a person’s body without opening the patient s body up? Regular X-rays can show a lot. CAT scans can show even more. They can give a complete view of body organs.

What is a CAT scan? CAT stands for a kind of machine. It is a special X-ray machine that gets a 360-degree picture of a small area of a patient’s body.

Doctors use X-rays to study and determine diseases and injuries within the body. X-rays can find a foreign object inside the body or take pictures of some inside organs to be X-rayed.

A CAT scanner,however,uses a group of X-rays to give a cross-sectional (横截面) view of a specific part of the body. A fine group of X-rays is scanned across the body and around the patient from many different directions. A computer studies the information from each direction and produces a clear cross-sectional picture on a screen. This picture is then photo-graphed for later use. Several cross sections, taken one after another,can give clear “photos” of the entire body or of any body organs. The latest CAT scanners can even give clear pictures of active,moving organs,just as a fast-action camera can “stop the action”,giving clear pictures of what appears unclear to the eye. And because of the 360-degree pictures, CAT scans show clear and complete views of organs in a manner that was once only shown during operation or examination of a dead patient.

Frequent appearance before X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body. Yet CAT scans actually don’t cause the patient to more radiation than regular X-rays do. CAT scans can also be done without getting something harmful into the patient, so they are less risky than regular X-rays.

CAT scans provide exact, detailed information. They can quickly find such a thing as bleeding inside the brain. They are helping to save lives.

1The underlined words “a foreign object” in Paragraph 3 most probably refer to .

A. a badly injured part inside the body

B. a new thing that is unknown to the doctor

C. a strange cell that has grown in the body

D. a thing that gets inside the body by chance

2What is the special use of the latest CAT scanners?

A. It can take pictures of inside organs.

B. It provides clear photos of moving organs.

C. It won’t cause serious skin bums, cancer or other damage to the body.

D. It helps to find out illness inside a person’s body without opening it up.

3What can we infer from this text?

A. Patients in front of CAT may suffer a bit of radiation,

B. Doctors need no opening-up of the body with CAT scanners.

C. CAT scanners are more expensive than regular X-ray machines.

D. CAT scanners can take photos of either the whole body or a part of it.

4What can be the best title of this text?

A. The newest medical invention

B. A special X-ray machine to save lives

C. How to avoid the damage from X-rays

D. Advantages and disadvantages of CAT scanners


Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself

In all one's life time it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. 【1】

When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach.2 It’s likely that you think it wise for yourself to stay away from the outer world. Actually, to get a thorough understanding of oneself, you may as well keep the following tips in mind.

Gain a correct view of oneself.

You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much, for dreams can never be fully realized. You may be courageous to meet challenges but it should be clear to you where to direct your efforts. 3


Whether you compare yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature. 4 If you earnestly admire yourself you’ll have a real sense of self-appreciation.

5In time of anger, do yourself a favor by releasing it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt by its flames; in time of sadness, do yourself a favor by sharing it with your friends so as to change a bad mood into a cheerful one; in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep.

Get a full control of one’s life

Then one will find one’s life full of color and favor.

A.It has its own value.

B.Do oneself a favor when it’s needed.

C.Do yourself a favor when you resist the attack of illness.

D.But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of.

E.Especially if it is well within your reach, you are just too blind to see it.

F.When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself for your own incompetence.

G.So long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself, there won’t be difficulties you can’t overcome.


To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

【1】Try the following steps:

Calm yourself.【2】You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.

Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way.

【3】Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about you hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain. Instead of focusing on your mounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

【4】If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself.【5】But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.

A.Why should you forgive?

B.How should you start to forgive?

C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

D.Try to see thingsfrom you offender’s angle.

E.For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F.To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.

G.If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.

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